I need something to get out of this damn writer's block. So here is this little drabble series. It's pretty much nothing but crack. No real pairings but a lot of IchiGome and then a bunch of multishipping! Hope you guys like this one! I will try to update my other stories as soon as I get out of this rut I'm in.

"Go wreak havoc in the Soul Society."

Kagome actually blinked at the Yokai's words, looking at him curiously as they sat in his mansion in Tokyo, but Lord Sesshomaru continued to read his book, deciding to ignore her in favor of finishing the literature. But he always had a book, in fact it seemed like the older generation always had books and never seemed to stop reading them. What was up with that?


"You heard me. If you're bored, go to the Soul Society and cause mayhem. I'm not here to provide entertainment. I am simply here to make sure you don't do something reckless."

Now she was really confused, wasn't wreaking havoc in Soul Society basically the same thing...? Well shit if she was actually getting permission to do this once in a lifetime thing then she wasn't gonna pass it up!

"If you say so!" She chirped, dashing out of the room. She'd ask one of the other Yokai to send her to the Soul Society. Oh the things she would and could do! They won't see it coming! And not a single person would be able to prevent her from wreaking the havoc Sesshomaru gave her permission to do. She was so excited! The perks of being a time traveling miko AND the student of the great dog demon...who just so happened to have many connections.

Soul Society would have no idea what hit them.

Next chapter can be updated tomorrow if I get some good feedback or if I get bored in class. Please leave a review!