Akemi: I decided to do a love story with Kid Icarus & Tales of Symphonia because I think Pit and Lloyd look good together,

yeah its yaoi but please don't judge me it's just for fun

Characters: (In the Story)

Kid Icarus- Pit, Palutena, and Dark Pit

Tales of Symphonia- Lloyd, Colette, Kratos, Genis Sage (little brother) & Raine Sage(big sister)

So yeah enjoy!

Chapter 1: When Two Worlds Collide

Kid Icarus

Up in Skyworld Palutena was watching over all that is happening making sure the light of humanity, to be balanced

Palutena sighed "Pit I'm bored!"

Pit walked by and said "Lady Palutena remember you have to make sure nothing happens, you are the goddess of light after all"

Palutena laid down on a couch "Yeah but it's boring! I want to see something new..."

Pit sighed "maybe you'll find something, Lady Palutena.."

Palutena walked over to the orb that shows her what's happening in the world "Okay let's see if theirs a world I never checked over before" as she flipped the orb around checking to see if theirs a world she never heard of Palutena saw something she never saw before

Palutena read what the name of the place was called "Sylvarant? I never heard of such a place!" she said with glee

Pit walked over to Palutena "Hm... maybe its a new world? But how do we know someone lives in that world"

Palutena smiled "That's why you're gonna go down there and investigate for me!" she poked his nose

Pit startled "ME!? But Lady Palutena why?"

Palutena replied "Because what if theirs trouble in this world and we need to help it" she winked

Pit sighed "Yeah but..."

Palutena said quickly "Good! Now go and check it out!" She said as she said Pit flying out to Sylvarant

Tales of Symphonia

Down in Sylvarant two swordsman warriors battle each other in training

Kratos said as he hit he's opponent with his sword "Ah! Come on you can do so much better than that kid!"

Lloyd responded while striking his attack at Kratos"ha! Don't worry I'll bring in the final attack when I feel like it"

Kratos sighed and stop training "Honestly! Kid you gotta show a little skill if you want to call yourself worthy"

Lloyd stopped his attack "Excuse me! But who decided to do this Swordsmanship Training!?"

Kratos said "You did, Lloyd"

Lloyd scratched his head "Oh well! I just like having fun I'm still a kid so I want to enjoy being this way, right Colette?"

Colette waved at Kratos and Lloyd "Yup it's best to enjoy yourselves sometimes"

Kratos replied "I guess so but no slacking off anymore Lloyd you knew to do your studies, you are a hero but heroes still need to study too!"

Lloyd made a funny face at Kratos "yeah! Yeah thanks for tell me Mom! I'll be on my way"

Kratos asked "And where do you think your going?"

Lloyd told Kratos "I'm just gonna explore around the forest, don't worry I'll be back in one piece"

Colette said "Okay but be careful, alright?"

Lloyd he ran off and waved at both Kratos and Colette saying "Don't worry I'll be fine after all I did go through battle before" Lloyd said as he disappear in the woods

Later in the Woods

Pit was walking in the woods investigating for Palutena to see if anyone lives here "Its seems no ones here I guess I should report this to Palutena" then he heard a rustle in the bushes

Pit got his bow and separated them as twin daggers, preparing to fight "How's there?"

Everything went Silent

Pit moved towards the bushes slowly, slowly, and then check the bushes quick but no one was there

Pit sighed "It's just my imagination" then someone poked pit in the back

Pit turned around pointing his twin daggers on the boy "Who are you? and what are you doing here?"

Lloyd said "Um...I was just passing by, I saw you here and you look lost"

Pit said "Sorry your right I am lost..."

Lloyd said with a smile "Oh right, my name is Lloyd Irving"

Pit put his weapon down "I'm Pit" they both greeted each other with a hand shake

Lloyd asked Pit "So where are you from Pit? because I'm pretty sure your not from around here" pointing at his angel wings

Pit said "I'm from Skyworld and service Lady Palutena Goddess of Light"

Lloyd's eyes sparkled "REALLY!? That's cool! But I'm the same too!"

Pit looked at Lloyd with a questionable look "What do you mean?"

Lloyd said proudly "I protect a girl named Colette and she's an Angel/Human but I guess it's kinda similar, in its way" he smiled

Pit smiled back "I guess so"

Lloyd asked Pit "Hey! Why don't I show you around since you're lost, how about it" he stuck out his hand to Pit

Pit said "Okay but don't stick your hand out like I'm some girl" he said walking pass him

Lloyd said laughing "Sorry I couldn't help it! You look so helpless I just ...pft!...ha, ha, ha!"

They both started laughing as the walked out of the woods heading to Lloyd's place to meet his friends

And the story is just beginning

Akemi: Yeah It's short but I hope you like it, if not it'll get better soon i promise as I always do

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~Keep On Smiling~