Hi I'm Min, And this will be my first Ninjago and Frozen, Crossover. Please don't hate but do give me advice, This is my first crossover. Enjoy! P.S. Zane is human. please watch both Frozen and at least an episode of Ninjago before reading, cause I don't remember all of Frozen so sorry.
Disclaimer: I don't own either of these.
"Elsa, Wake up!" said Anna as she prodded her older sister.
"Go back to bed Anna." said Elsa who was 8.
"I can't. The sky's awake so I'm awake so we have to play." said Anna.
"Go play by yourself, Anna." said Elsa as she pushed Anna off the bed. Anna sat on the floor before leaping onto the bed.
"Do you wanna build a snowman?" asked Anna knowing her sister would play then. Elsa's eyes snapped wide open and she smiled. Elsa had magic, she could make snow appear anytime, even in the middle of the summer. The two girls raced down the stairs into the empty ballroom.
"Do the magic, Do the magic!" shouted Anna knowing her big sisters secret.
"Alright." said Elsa as she twirled her hands in a circle. A ball of blue light radiated from the circle Elsa's hands made. Soon the air was filled with snow. "Watch this." she said as she stomped the floor. Ice swirled on the floor from where Elsa had stomped. Soon the sisters were ice-skating and building a snow man.
"Hi I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs." said Elsa pretending to be Olaf.
"I love you Olaf!" Anna shouted. Soon Anna was bouncing from pile to pile of snow. "Catch me, Catch me!" said Anna going faster and faster with each pile.
"Anna, slow down!" shouted Elsa. Elsa threw another blast of snow but she slipped on the hem of her dress. She fell down and screamed "ANNA!" As she screamed, a ball of light shout out of her hands. "Anna!" she screamed again as she raced to her little sister who layed on the floor not moving. A strip of hair turned pale blond.
"Mama! Papa!" she screamed "Its going to be ok, Anna. I've got you."
"Elsa. This is getting out of hand." said The king.
"Oh my baby!" cried the queen "Honey, she is so cold." she said to her husband.
a little while later Elsa was moved away from everyone. She hardly saw Anna or anyone for that matter. No one knew but she missed Anna as much as Anna missed her. Her room was covered in frost, and ice.
Outside Anna was singing:
"Elsa? [knocks]
Do you wanna build a snowman?
Come on, let's go and play!
I never see you anymore
Come out the door
It's like you've gone away
We used to be best buddies
And now we're not
I wish you would tell me why!
Do you wanna build a snowman?
It doesn't have to be a snowman...
[8-Year-Old Elsa:] Go away, Anna.
[5-Year-Old Anna:] Okay, bye...
"Hi" said the little boy.
"Welcome, Zane. My daughters Elsa and Anna are inside." said the King
"OK." said Zane as he walked inside. Once inside he saw a little girl about 9 knocking on the door.
"Umm, HI." said Zane heisantly.
"Oh, Hi. I was trying to get my big sister to come out but she won't." said the little girl "I'm Anna."
"My names Zane." Zane said
"Well I should go." said Anna
"Ok." said Zane
HE turned and knocked on the door. "Hello? Princess Elsa?" He said
"HI." said Elsa as she opened the door slightly. But it was wide enough to see that she had Ice powers too. "You have ice powers, too." he said
"Yeah, how do you know about my powers?" she said. Zane opened his hand and showed her his power. He had the power over ice too.
"I can control it, can you?" Zane asked.
"No. I can't." said Elsa " I try but I just can't."
"Want me to teach you?" asked Zane
"I would like that." said Elsa as she let Zane in.
"What do you usually do to control your powers?" asked Zane
"I usually try to Conceal my feelings. Conceal it, Don't feel, its my dads' motto." said Elsa. As soon as she said that, Zane started to laugh.
"What!?" She demanded feeling really stupid.
"Nothing. Its just that, That's not how I learned. You let your powers control your powers. How did you control it when you were little?" asked Zane seeing the room starting to ice over.
"I don't know I wasn't scared then. I wasn't scared that I was going to hurt Anna." said Elsa
"That's why you can't control your powers. Your letting your fear control you. Listen let the fear go and try to make a snow flake." Zane instructed. Elsa did as Zane instructed. She was shocked to see that it worked.
"Princess Elsa, How old are you?" asked Zane
"I'm 12, What about you?" asked Elsa
"I'm 12 also." said Zane. Soon Elsa and Zane played with the magic and snow, they created. They're laughs filled the halls. Anna heard and Knocked on the Door.
"Do you wanna build a snowman?
Or ride our bike around the halls?
I think some company is overdue I've started talking to
The pictures on the walls!
(Hang in there, Joan.)
It gets a little lonely All these empty rooms
Just watching the hours tick by...
(tick-tock tick-tock tick-tock tick-tock)"
"Oh, no!" said Elsa "I forgot about Anna."
"Lets invite her in." said Zane
"She doesn't know. A troll erased all memory's of magic from her, when I gave her the streak of white in her hair." said Elsa.
"Then lets find your dad and show him that you can control it." said Zane
"OK." said Elsa as she and Zane left the room and went to find the king.
AN: I hope this is good. I love both of them. BTW: Did anyone else notice that Elsa could control before she hurt Anna, and she could control it again when she wasn't freaked out about her powers. R&R