- [A/N] Hey there! So, if theres one thing I love, it's OC's. I love OC's, and I love writing about them, so I decided, why not write a Homestuck story with some of your OC's! That is, if anyone decides to do this. All you have to do is fill in this form down below! Also, go wild with your OC! Make it detailed! Just no Mary-sues, mmk?




Blood Caste:


Personality (please make it detailed!):

Looks (please make it detailed!):



Crushes (please have more than two, in case of everyone choosing the same person):



What they usually wear:

Are they willing to share a dorm with another OC?:

(Edit: optional) Chum/Trollian Handle:

Quirk (optional):

Any other info?:

- [A/N] If you need any other information, feel free to ask me! I really hope to get some people in this, especially since its OCTOBER AND THIS IS WHERE THE FUN HAPPENS! So fill it out if you wish! We'll have a blast! :D Oh, also send in your applications through PM or Reviews!