Warnings: This story is Yaoi/Boys Love. To those who don't understand, it's BROMANCE. It also contain foul languages and other issues only meant for adults. There's probably some OOC-ness which really can't be helped but I will try to make them in character as much as I can. The story is set in Modern AU.
Author's Section: Hiya everyone! So I've decided to publish another story of mine since I'm still stuck with the Ice Roses 9th chapter. This had been lingering in my mind for two months really and me thinks it's the right time to share this to everyone. And also, I'm doing an experiment with my writing so if you're a reader of mine, you'll experience this a little bit different compared to Ice Roses. This story will be written in Natsu's POV only (first person). I hope I'll be able to pull it through just fine. Enjoy reading guys!
By the way, this story is also available in Wattpad under the penname TheSorcererOfWinter. If you have an account in that site and happen to came across this story, please kindly vote. It would mean a lot.
(Chapter was edited concerning Loke's name being change to Leo—05-02-2016)
Disclaimer: Hiro Mashima owned Fairy Tail and its characters, never really mine. I'm only using them for the sole purpose of entertainment and nothing else. I do not make profit out of this.
Summary: A peaceful walk with friends became disastrous when Natsu encountered a raven-haired delinquent in town. After losing a fight and have his first kiss got stolen, Natsu's life was never the same anymore. Questions arise. Secrets unfold. Feelings blossom. And he's determined to uncover the truth. Truth that has been laid dormant for so long. But it will resurface once again.
"The Red Rose on My Window"
Chapter 1: First Encounter
By: Johan Winterfrost
Natsu Dragneel is my name and patience happens to not be a part of my body system ever since I was born. And no, I am not planning to buy any kind of medicine to cure my lack of patience because the availability of it in the market is very rare. Thank you very much.
School hours have ended twenty five minutes ago and I stood at the Fairy Tail Academy entrance like a sore thumb waiting for my father's car to come pick me up. It was such a pain in the ass with my legs slowly going numb with all the waiting. Dad usually shows up five minutes before I exited school, unless he was having an important meeting which explains why he's still not here. Shifting the strap of my backpack, I tried to make myself comfortable as I leaned my body against the wall.
"Dad, where the hell are you!?" I mumbled under my breath as I watched a few students walked past me.
As if on cue, Masayume Chasing started playing on my phone, which happened to be my call ringtone. Fishing the gadget out of my pocket, I saw Dad's number flashed on the screen. Immediately, I tapped the answer button.
"Hello Dad."
"Natsu. You still at school?"
"Yeah I am. Are you gonna pick me up soon? Because my legs are already killing me!"
I heard Dad laughed lightly on the other line before answering.
"I'm sorry son, I've just got out of the conference room. Can you wait for another thirty minutes?"
"Thirty minutes?! No Dad. My legs suffered enough for twenty five minutes. I'd walk home if you're still busy."
"No you're not. Take a cab or ride the bus. You're not walking home alone."
"I won't walk home alone. I'll have Lucy and Leo with me. And no, I'm not riding anything other than mom's old car."
A slightly aggravated sigh escaped Dad. Of course he couldn't argue with that. He knew pretty well how terrible I could get whenever I rode any kind of transportation. Well except for the red Honda Civic my dead mother used to own. It's what Dad uses when dropping me off or picking me up to places I needed to go to.
"Okay fine. Are they with you now?"
"Um no, not yet but they'll be here soon- oh! Actually they're here. Yo Lucy! Leo! Over here!"
I waved my other fist at the two people who just emerged from the school gate. A bubbly blonde girl with a side ponytail and a tall orange-haired guy with azure-tinted sunglasses.
"Hi Natsu! Walking home with us?" Lucy, the blonde girl questioned, smiling.
"Yeah! Dad's still at work so I'm walking."
"You sound a little excited." Leo pointed out with a chuckle.
I gave him a toothy grin in response as I held back the phone on my ear.
"Dad we're going. I'll message you when I arrived home, 'Kay?"
"Okay son take care. Oh and before you end the call, can you put Leo on the phone for a moment?"
I furrowed my eyebrows in mild bemusement but obliged and held the phone to Leo.
"Dad wants to talk to you. Dunno why." I said as the spiky haired teen raised one fine eyebrow in question before taking the device in my hand.
"Hello Igneel-san?"
We started walking, with Lucy asking how my day was. Leo was still talking to my dad over the phone and somehow had his other free hand snaked its way over my shoulder, something he frequently does when I'm standing or walking next to him. Our house isn't actually that far from Fairy Tail Academy. In fact, it's only more than half an hour of walk. Only, I don't have that freedom to go home walking alone as per Dad's instruction which is pretty irritating.
I half-listened to Lucy as she ranted about the guy she met up on a date yesterday whilst I tried to make some words out of Dad and Leo's conversation. It was quite hard to catch onto what they are talking about with Lucy's obnoxiously loud voice on my left while Leo meekly answered my dad with 'No Igneel-san' and 'Of course I'll always keep my eyes open' and 'I will be true to my promise, you can always count on me'. It irked me up totally because I couldn't fathom what my father and my best friend are conversing about! Curiosity is a bitch.
"Oh yes Igneel-san don't worry, I'll make sure Natsu returned home safe. Yes yes it was nice talking to you again. Bye!"
Leo handed me back my phone with a smile. "Overprotective father, as always. Poor you."
I refrained myself from rolling my eyes and not stuck a foot to purposely trip him. Being a good friend of mine since middle school, Leo was one of the few people who knew about my dad's overprotective nature. It was kind of suffocating sometimes with him all over me every damn second as if I'm still a five year-old kid needed twenty-four seven attention-not that I hated the attention. I'm glad Dad still had time for me despite his busy career. But really, it's kind of getting annoying.
Since Leo's a year and a half older than me, considerably at the legal age of eighteen, he also has to endure the duty of being my personal bodyguard/babysitter along with some of my other older friends when dad have to stay longer at his work or have business trips that could last for three days or a week. Oh and when I say have to 'endure' means they have no choice because duh, nobody can say no to the one and only Igneel. Believe it or not, Dad has every phone numbers of my friends. I'm surprised it hasn't creeped them out, yet.
"He asked you to watch over me again, didn't he?"
Leo nodded his head as we crossed the pedestrian lane, his arms still coiled around my shoulder.
"He asked me to walk you home and give you company till he arrives."
I gave an indignant snort, tilting my head. "Great. So you're my Nanny for a few hours? Good luck babysitting me." I said in an obvious mocking tone of voice.
Leo softly chuckled on my side, and the hand resting on my shoulder came to mess my salmon pink hair which I quickly swatted away.
"Not the hair Lion!" I growled, scooting over Lucy's other side who's busy typing on her phone, probably having conversation through texts with one of her suitors yet again.
"Why do you have to view it that way Natsu? A Nanny? A boyfriend seems more suitable to me considering I'm so handsome. Isn't that right Lucy?"
Instead of agreeing, the blonde girl rewarded him an aggravated look stating 'shut the fuck up, I'm busy' which is a clear low blow in his ego. I stuck my tongue out at him childishly to irritate him more.
"Show me that tongue again, I'll bite it." Leo said in annoyance.
"Stop flirting idiots! We're in the middle of the road!"
"Says the one who's text-flirting over the phone." I shoot back at Lucy which earned me a light smack on the shoulder.
When we reached the other side of the pedestrian lane and turned left, Lucy's phone started ringing. The way her soft honey brown eyes lit up at the one who's calling confirmed my assumption that yes, she was flirting.
"Hello Aki~?"
She pronounced the caller's name in a way that made me and Leo snickering. Yep! Definitely flirting.
She sent us both a warning glare before speaking with 'Aki' again in her sickly sweet voice.
"Aki why are you calling? Oh Saturday! No I'm free. What time would y-ahhh!"
The sudden shock of being oh so rudely pushed to the side had me almost tripped over my own feet. It all happened so fast. I heard Lucy gave a yelp of surprise as she lost her balance and almost fell sideward. Luckily, Leo was quick enough to catch her before she hit the ground.
"Gosh my phone! Somebody just snatched my phone!"
Leo and I glanced over the two running culprit, one was wearing a black hooded jacket while the other was, well not wearing anything over his upper body.
What the heck! Who the hell runs around town fucking shirtless?!
"Raven Tail!" I heard Leo hissed over clenched teeth while supporting Lucy to stand.
"Give me my phone back you assholes!" Lucy cried out clutching her shoulder. "Leo my phone! I've spent three months working hard just to buy that!"
"Lucy, don't worry about that for now. Are you okay?"
"I'm fine! But my phone got stolen! Do something Leo!"
"We'll call the police. You can buy another one Lucy don't worry."
"No! I want that phone back!"
By now, Lucy was sobbing in Leo's chest. Being a hard working student who lives on her own, Lucy must have spent extra hours in her part time job just to earn money to buy that phone.
I clenched my fist, anger bubbling inside my chest seeing my best friend wept over the loss of something precious to her. Detaching my bag from my shoulder, I tossed it over Leo's feet.
"Take care of my things for a while will ya?"
I rolled my uniform's sleeves up to my elbow, my mint green eyes was fixed over the snatchers silhouettes from the distance.
"Natsu!" Leo's alarmed voice reached my ears. "You are not gonna-"
I never heard the end of his sentence because I already sprinted off. Sorry bud, but I've got to chase some bastards, who made Lucy cry.
As I pushed my legs hard against the pavement, raced past strangers over strangers, I've got my eyes solely focused on one person.
"I know you had Lucy's phone." I whispered through my ragged breathing, my vision dotted red.
To be continued…
Author's Section: Thank you for reading everyone! As always, it would be nice if you share me your thoughts through reviews. All feedback is welcome; comments, suggestions, questions, constructive criticisms or violent reactions, just tell me what you think and I'll see you next chapter. Don't forget to vote in Wattpad!
The Sorcerer Of Winter, Johan Winterfrost (10-13-2014) Edited: (05-02-2016)