I don't own Inuyasha or Naruto

Four years before the battle between Madara Uchiha and Hashirama Senju

Madara Uchiha was pacing back in forth outside of the delivery room. His wife Ruka Higurashi, twin sister of Midoriko, was having their first child and he was very nervous. Midoriko was in the room helping with the delivery. He kept quiet about his plans from his wife knowing she will disapprove of it and didn't want her to be stress but it seem that her sister had found out. He and Midoriko never could stand one another but they both kept quiet because they both love her sister dearly. If she was to tell Ruka of his plans he would have to kill her before that happens. The Higurashi clan where the last clan of Mikos and Monks and they were known to be powerful enough either destroy or control demons. At first, that's why he decided to marry Ruka but when time past he began to truly fall in love with her. After about forty minutes of pacing (not that he notice or cared) he stopped when heard a soft cry.

"Lord Uchiha." The Midwife said opening the door. "Congratulation, you have a healthy baby girl."

'Girl.' He thought, slightly shocked

He walked into the room and his wife to lying in the bed holding a bundle in her arms and couldn't help but smile down at them. But that smile faded when he saw Midoriko on the other side of the bed glaring at him. He glared back at her for a few seconds then went back looking at his wife and child with a smile.

"Darling, come and look at our beautiful little girl." Ruka smiled

She lifted their daughter up so he could hold her. He hesitated at first but carefully lifted her up. He looked down at his daughter and he was in awe. She defiantly had the features of an Uchiha, with the pale light skin and raven blue tint black hair, but she had her mother's sapphire blue that he loved so much.

"What's her name?" He asked

"I was thinking of Kagome." Ruka said

He looked back down at their daughter, who was cooing up at him with a big smile.

"Kagome Uchiha, its fits her perfectly." He smiled

The battle

Midoriko was running deep in the forest away from battle with four year old Kagome in her arms. Because of the battle with the Fox demon their clan was attacked by the enemies and her sister got killed in the process. She didn't want her niece to be a part of this world or part of the cursed Uchiha clan. She knew if they found out who she was they either kill her or use her as a weapon.

'I won't let that happen!' She shouted in thoughts

She had to hurry, she knew Madara was after her to try in stop her. She was in the clearing right next to a well and made the hand sighs for the jutsu to work. The well started to glow and a portal open.

"Good bye Kagome. I know in this new world you will be safe. I'll try and fine you." She said and dropped Kagome into the portal.


Kagome eyes open and she shot up from her bed gasping. She sighed as she got out of her bed and went to the bathroom to pour cool water on her face. Once she did she looked into the mirror and it showed that her sapphire blue eyes switched to her Sharingan. She had to hide her secret from her adopted family for years and friends from feudal era. The only person that knew who she truly is was Sesshomaru. He found out because she activated her Sharingan so she could save Rin from a demon that tried to eat her. Once he found out he decided to train her secretly to improve her fighting and weapon skills. As an Uchiha she learned fast and was able to keep up with him for a year. In time he had look to her like a little sister he never had.

After she calmed down she took a deep breath and walked over to her adopted families rooms. The big battle with Naraku was coming soon and Kagome had made the decision that if she died in battle she didn't want them to suffer from her death. She activated the power of her Sharingan and erased all their memories of her. That include changing all the pictures they had and all the family videos. She went back to her room that didn't look like hers anymore and went through her empty closet to get her new bag with clothes, supply and hidden weapons. She then changed out of her pajamas and put on a blue top Hakama that had her clans crease on the back and sleeves, fish net sleeved shirt underneath, black leggings, a blue slash wrapped around waist the clans crease on it as well and black Jika-tabi shoes. She strapped on her quiver of arrows and bow on her back, strapped on her hip and leg weapon pouches and placed her twin metal fans tucked in the back of her slash. When she was ready she place her bag over her shoulder and exit through the window and hurried over to the well house. She entre the well house but stop so she can gave one last glace at the shrine house and whispered good bye before jumping in the well.

Tobi, who had let Mardara Uchiha take over, walked over to the old well that his daughter had disappeared in years ago. He had tried and search for the jutsu that Midoriko had used and found nothing but that didn't stopped him from trying.

"I won't stop looking, Kagome. I will fine you and bring you back to me." He said and then place a Tiger Lillie flower on the lips of the well. "Is there something that you needed Itachi?"

Itachi Uchiha came out of the shadows and walked over to Mardara.

"Pain had sent me to retrieve you because Deidara is ready to leave on his mission." Itachi said and then look at the flower. "Do you really think she is still alive?"

"Kagome was very precious to Ruka. Midoriko wouldn't aloud anything to happen to her." Mardara said and gritted his teeth when he said Midoriko's name.

Then he used the Flicker Jutsu and transported back to headquarters, leaving Itachi by himself with the well.

"Alive or not, I hope he doesn't fine you and bring you here in this cursed world of ours. I hope that where ever you are you're happy and free. Goodbye, lady Kagome." He said with a head bow and left as well.

By morning the Inuyasha and the rest of the gang stood by the well waiting for Kagome. But as time went by she never came and Inuyasha was getting impatient. He was about jump in until he smelt the stench of Naraku and the scent of demon blood. Shippo and Kilala smelt it too and the gang decide to find out what was happening. Miroku, Sango and Shippo road on Kilala tigress form in the air while Inuyasha followed them from below. When they were in the air, what they saw was not what they were expecting. Down below was a field of dead demons that worked with Naraku and what was moving right now was Naraku himself and he was fighting off something that was moving too fast for the human eye to see. The moving flash made one last move and pierced the half-breed's heart. When the flashed stopped moving the inu-group eyes widen in shock when they saw that it was Kagome.

"Kagome?" Sango asked

Kagome turned and they gasped when they saw that her normal eyes were red and black.

"Mama… is that…you?" Shippo nervously asked

Kagome smile as she deactivated her Sharingan and they turned back to her normal blue sapphire eyes.

"Yes Shippo its me." She said and sheathed her sword.

"Lady Kagome did you do…all of this." Miruko asked as he looked at the blood shed battle field.

Kagome was always a sweet girl that didn't like fighting or bloodshed so none of them could believe this was the same girl they once knew. Then Kagome went over to pick up Naraku's half of the Shikon Jewel and put them together.

"Yes, I did." She said "I knew the battle will be hard and I didn't anyone to get hurt."

"Kagome what happened to you?" Sango asked

"Nothing happen to me Sango. This is the real me." Kagome said looking at them. "This is the true me. I was never born in this world or the modern time. I lived in a world that controlled by ninjas. So by the time I was able to walk my true father trained and taught me everything I know about being a ninja. When I was four years old a battle happened and my aunt, who is actually Lady Midoriko herself, send me to this world for my safety."

"Do you actually expect us to believe that Midoriko is your aunt? That a bunch of crap. You're not even that strong enough to be related to her." Inuyasha said

"You are walking on thick ice, little brother." Sesshomaru said

Inuyasha and the gang turned to see the powerful dog demon himself with his group walking in the clearing.

"Hello big brother." Kagome bowed her head

Everyone gaped at what she said.

"Sister, you did a good job in destroy the filthy half-breed." Sesshomaru said and then turned to his half-brother with a glare. "You better show her some respect half-brother because she is far powerful than you and your clay-pot of a whore."

"No she not she just a copy!" Inuyasha shouted

"Sit boy!" Kagome shouted and Inuyasha slammed to the ground. "You really are stupid you know that! I just explained that I wasn't from this world so that means that I am related to her what her so ever or her copy." She gave him a glare that Sesshomaru was proud of. "If you ever compare me to her again I won't be that same girl that will just take it. I will kill you."

Then she left with towards the Kaede's village with Sesshomaru and his group. Shippo follow after her along with Sango and Miruko, leaving behind a shock Inuyasha. He saw the look in her eyes and knew that she wasn't the same girl he met a year ago. The way her eyes had darkened proved it.

While everyone was celebrating Kagome went over to the well and sat down on the lip with her legs crisscrossed. She sighed and looked up at the stars that she use to do when she was a child. She thought that once the battle was over she will feel happy and get to live with her friends but she still felt like an outsider. She wanted to go home. Her true home. When she wished the jewel away Midoriko told her why she send her to this world and what her father had done in the past. Kagome didn't know what to believe because she always saw the good side of her father.

"Mama are you okay?"

She looked down and saw Shippo, Rin and Kilala looking up at her with a worry look on their face.

"I'm fine you guys. I just miss my family back home." She said

Shippo hopped on top her legs, Rin sat beside her and Kilala hopped on her shoulder to comfort her.

"Mama, can you sing us a song? Please." He asked

She smiled down at him and nodded. She decided to sing the song her mother used to sing to her.

'Come stop your crying,

It'll be all right

Just take my hand

Hold it tight

I will protect you

From all around you

I will be here don't you cry

For one so small

You seem so strong

My arms will hold you keep you safe and warm

This bond between us can't be broken

I'll be here don't you cry'

She then wrapped her arms around Rin and Shippo bringing them closer to her like her mother use to do. Sesshomaru came by to fine Rin and smiled at the scene before him as he listened.

'Cause you'll be in my heart

Yes, you'll be in my heart

From this day on

Now and forever more

'Come stop your crying,

It'll be all right

Just take my hand

Hold it tight

I will protect you

From all around you

I will be here don't you cry

Cause you'll be in my heart

Yes, you'll be in my heart

From this day on

Now and forever more

Oh, you'll be in my heart

No matter what they say

You'll be here in my heart always

Don't listen to them

Cause what so they know

We need each other

To have, to hold

They'll see in time

I know

When destiny calls you

You must be strong

I may not be with you

But you got to hold on

They'll see in time

I know

We'll show them together!

Cause you'll be in my heart

Yes, you'll be in my heart

From this day on

Now and forever more

Yes, you'll be in my heart

No matter what they say

You'll be here in my heart always

Always, always.'

Shippo and Rin were sleeping soundly next to her and everything was peaceful until Kagome, Sesshomaru and Kilala sensed Kikyo nearby. Kagome grabbed a hold of the children jumped in out of the way when an arrow was shot at her. The clay pot bitch came into view notching another arrow at Kagome.

"I want my soul back you worthless copy." Kikyo hissed

"Like I told Inuyasha I am not your copy so technically you took a soul that wasn't even yours to begin with." Kagome glared as she activate her Sharingan and then look at the children. "Go back to the village and stay there."

Rin ran over to Sesshomaru and he took her took safety knowing very well that Kagome can take care of herself. Shippo and Kilala were about to follow but ran back to Kagome when Inuyasha appeared. Kagome could tell that Inuyasha is here by his unfree will because the way his eyes look at her and she didn't want Shippo to get hurt while she's fighting. So seeing that the well close by she decided to jump in and hope to keep him safe in the modern era while she comes back and deal with the clay whore. When she jumped in her eyes widen when the blue glow light that surrounded her turned bright orange. The same color orange she saw when Midoriko send her. She was going home.