Mother Superior turned to the Nolan's "Are you just going to sit there and let your daughter say these things to me?"
David and Mary Margaret both shook their heads. David was the first to speak up "No we're not. Emma forgot to mention that you're also crabby and you smell like moth balls."
The four broke into raucous laughter while the nun huffed and stormed out of the café. Emma slid back into the booth. Regina suddenly took a hold of Emma's face crashing her lips to the blonde's kissing her with all the gratitude she was feeling. When she pulled back Emma was smiling and giving her a look of pure adoration and dare she hope love.
Before Regina could even stop herself her mouth released what she was feeling "I love you."
Emma's eyes went wide. She took a deep breath "Regina I…"
Chapter 11
Emma quickly looked towards her parents who were staring at her mouths agape. She turned back to Regina who was trying to keep her composure but her eyes were quickly filling with unshed tears. The blonde grabbed her girlfriend's hand pulling her out of the booth and to the back of the diner away from prying eyes and ears.
Regina started to speak "Emma I'm sorry, it just…" before she was cut off by a searing kiss that took her words and breath away.
The blonde pulled back looking into chocolate eyes "Don't you dare apologize, that is unless you didn't mean it."
Her former teacher cupped her cheeks giving Emma a dazzling smile "Of course I meant it. I have loved you since you were a teenage pain in my ass. It was a different kind of love back then but you have made it very difficult to not fall for the amazing woman you have become."
Emma threw her arms around the smaller woman burying her face in brown locks whispering "I love you too…so much."
Both women lost themselves in the feel of the other one while letting happy tears slowly trail down their faces. After spending several minutes wrapped around the other they finally pulled back with brilliant smiles upon their faces.
Wiping away their tears Emma nodded towards the booth "We better get back before my parents send out a search party."
Interlacing their fingers and kissing one last time they made their way back to the booth where a very impatient Mary Margaret was waiting "Well Emma did you tell her you love her too? It's clearly written all over your face that you do. There is no sense in not saying it back…"
The blonde's eyes went wide. David slapped a hand over his wife's mouth to stop her rambling all the while Regina giggled like a school girl.
"Geez Mom, it's a good thing that I did tell her otherwise you would have given me away and made this even more awkward."
Regina leaned over to place a kiss upon her girlfriend's cheek while Mary Margaret pulled her husband's hand away to release a loud "Awwwww!"
The waitress finally came to take their order. The little family enjoyed their meals bonding while telling each other embarrassing stories from their lives. Once they were done the two couples made the trek back to the house.
Once inside David pulled his daughter into the living room while Regina followed Mary Margaret into the kitchen to put on a pot of coffee.
"Hey hunny listen, it seems like you and Regina just took a pretty big step in your relationship and I'm thinking that maybe you two would like to be alone tonight. Am I right? I know if I were you I would want to get her alone and possibly naked A.S.A.P.!"
Braking out into a raucous laughter at the pure shock on his daughter's face. "I'm just kidding hun but seriously I think you should take Regina and go to the cabin tonight. You're childhood bedroom is not the most romantic setting."
Palming her face she replied in an incredulous tone "Oh my god Dad. Are you seriously trying to set it up to get me laid?"
David hugged the woman close "I wouldn't be a good dad if I wasn't. You know I joke a lot but I have never seen you this happy in a relationship before. I see how much Regina means to you. I just want you to be able to soak in this moment without having me and your sometimes overbearing mother around."
Emma hugged him back tight whispering into his collar "Thank you Daddy. She does make me really happy."
"That's all I ever wanted for you baby girl. Now take your hot teacher and get out of here."
Emma gave her father a quick peck on the cheek before pulling away and moving towards the kitchen.
As she entered she saw her mother standing alone taking coffee mugs down from the cabinet.
"Hey Mom where's Regina?"
Mary Margaret jumped and let out a small gasp "Emma! Don't just sneak up on me like that! You could have given me a heart attack."
"Sorry Mom, I didn't mean to scare you. I was just asking where Regina went off to. Dad offered us the lake cabin for the night so I wanted to see if she would want to go."
The older woman smiled "Oh that is such a lovely idea. Your old dad is such the romantic, no matter how hard he tries to hide it. Regina just excused herself to use the restroom."
Emma nodded and squeezed her mother's shoulder as she made her way past to track her girlfriend down.
She found her sitting on her old bed going through her phone. When she noticed Emma the brunette beamed "Hello darling, I was just going through my emails. Come sit with me. I am almost finished."
Emma kissed plump lips before sitting next to her throwing an arm around her shoulders "Babe I want to ask you a quick question." The older woman responded by raising her eyebrow letting her know that she was listening while still looking down at her phone.
"My parents have a cabin out by the lake. Would you like to go spend the night out there, just the two of us?"
Regina locked her phone tossing it onto the nightstand. She then threw her leg over Emma's to straddle the blonde's thighs. Wrapping her arms around the cop's neck she whispered against thin pink lips "And what prey tell will we be doing in this cabin all alone?"
Emma looked into eyes that shown bright with love and very obvious lust and responded "Well we could curl up by the fire and just enjoy each other's company…" she then slowly moved her hands that were placed on Regina's thighs towards the luscious rear pulling their bodies as close as possible "or I was thinking that I could stop waiting and finally fuck you."
Regina released a primal growl attacking the woman beneath her. The two were lost in one another, tongues stroking, teeth nipping, and hips grinding. Finally the older woman jumped from Emma's lap "If we don't stop now I won't be able to control myself. The first time I make love to you I want to hear every tiny moan, whimper, and scream. Let's go before I decide to stay and scar your parents."
Emma chuckled "OK. Pack up a couple of things for an overnight stay and we'll hit the road. The cabin isn't too far from here. It should only take us about 20 minutes to get there."
Regina set about packing a bag for them both in a hurried fashion while Emma went to tell her parents they were leaving.
The ride to the cabin was a quiet one. You could feel the tension radiating off both women. Emma kept her hands tightly wrapped around the steering wheel, too afraid that if she touched Regina she would combust. They pulled off the highway onto a long gravel road. Pulling up to the cabin the blonde parked and quickly jumped out the driver's side grabbing their bag from the back seat.
She met Regina at the front of the car linking their hands as they made their way to the entrance of the cabin. Unlocking the door and flipping on the lights the women entered a picturesque setting straight out of a L.L. Bean catalogue. A fire was already roaring in the living room. Emma set the bag down and pulled Regina towards the source of warmth.
"Dad must have called the neighbor Leroy to get the cabin ready for us."
Acknowledging her girlfriend with a hum she slowly pushed Emma down onto the couch and mounted her.
Regina then purred "While the fire is very nice I would much rather you warm me up."
The two women met in a slow yet passionate kiss. Hands were roaming everywhere, across collarbones, up necks, over breasts and hips.
Emma pulled back taking Regina's beautiful face in her hands.
"I love you so much. Thank you for coming back into my life."
Regina smiled with tear-filled eyes. She leaned forward capturing thin lips in a tender kiss. She then stood from Emma's lap taking her hand pulling the blonde up into an embrace.
"Take me to bed and show me how much you love me."
With Emma leading the way they made it into the master suite where they resumed their kissing slowly peeling layers of clothing from the other's body. They were both down to just their underwear when they pulled away from one another. Lips were licked, and breaths were hitched while taking the other in.
Emma placed her right hand over Regina's heart slowly moving her thumb back and forth while her left rested low on the brunette's hip.
"You are so incredibly beautiful."
Regina took the hand that was resting over her heart and brought it up to her face kissing the palm then moved it to the strap of her bra.
"I want you to see the rest of me."
Taking the cue Emma slipped both straps down then reached around to unclip the bra sliding it all the way off.
Regina smirked at the hunger she saw in her girlfriend's eyes as the blonde took in her perky breasts. She slid her own panties down next silently giggling at the practically drooling blonde.
Sliding her arms around Emma she looked in to green eyes silently asking permission to continue. She nodded her consent nervously biting her lip as Regina shed her of her matching set. They moved onto the bed laying on their sides facing each other letting hands softly explore new territory.
Regina purred "Come here." as she pulled Emma on top of her welcoming her into the cradle of her hips.
They started kissing passionately moaning into each other's mouths. Emma moved further down kissing every inch that she could reach. She made it to the most perfect breasts she had ever seen in her life. Taking a dusky nipple into her mouth heat ran down her spine when she heard the moan that came out of her love's mouth. After paying equal attention to the other breast she moved back up to kiss the plump lips she couldn't get enough of.
"Emma please make love to me. I don't think I can wait another second."
The blonde slowly moved her hand down to where it was needed most, gasping as she felt how ready Regina was for her.
"Baby, you feel so fucking good."
She slid her fingers up and down lightly pinching the hardened clit. She slowly entered her with two fingers unhurriedly pushing and pulling them in and out.
"Oh god Emma. Please don't stop."
Emma had never seen anything as beautiful as Regina in the throes of ecstasy. She wanted to remember every minute detail, she had never wanted to paint an image so much in her life.
She increased her pace wanting to throw this heavenly woman off that proverbial edge. She wanted to see her come and she wanted her to come hard.
Regina's back arched in pleasure when Emma strummed her thumb over her swollen clit. "Oh fuck I'm coming darling! I'm coming!"
Emma felt a spurt of wetness hit her palm and spasming walls around her fingers. She smiled down at the older woman who was calming down from her high.
Recovering quickly, she rolled Emma onto her back kissing her way down past a small patch of blonde curls.
She took several minutes kissing and licking folds and thighs before Emma lightly ran her hands through chestnut hair guiding her to where she wanted Regina the most. At the first swipe of tongue on her pink clit she let out a long, low moan. Regina couldn't get enough of her girlfriend. She started licking and sucking earnestly earning her some downright naughty words and noises from those thin lips. She was ready to see her blonde angel come so she swiftly entered her with two fingers while latching onto her clit and sucking hard.
"Regina!" Emma screamed as she rose off the bed experiencing one of the strongest climaxes of her life.
The former teacher let out a throaty laugh while lightly licking the woman beneath her clean.
Hands still in hair Emma gave a small tug. "Get up here you little minx."
With a smirk she crawled up the toned body stopping when she was able to kiss the lips she loved so much.
The kissing quickly escalated from pecking to passionate with tongues moving against the other. Emma reached down to grab two handfuls of plump ass maneuvering Regina to straddle her with their drenched pussies perfectly aligned. She pushed and pulled with the hands on Regina's ass guiding her to grind and create that perfect friction. Within moments they were moaning loudly as they came blissfully together.
Regina collapsed on top of Emma resting her head in the crook of the blonde's neck.
Once she caught her breath she asked "Why did you draw that purple orchid?"
Emma laughed "Seriously…after all that sex, that is what you're thinking about?"
Circling a nipple with her index finger she replied "Mmmhmm. I think it's far past time that you told me."
"Fine you win…but only because I'm too tired to argue."
She wrapped her arms tightly around the smaller woman. "From the first moment I saw you enter that classroom all those years ago I knew you were going to be someone very special in my life. You walked in like you were queen of your domain and I knew I would be your humble servant if you had only asked. I saw you and all I could think of was purple orchids. They are known as the "true queen" of the flower kingdom and they also symbolize admiration and respect. I admired you right away and after listening to your lecture I respected you for your knowledge and passion for the arts. When you told us that we could draw whatever we desired I knew that I had to draw a purple orchid for you."
Regina lifted her head to look down at Emma with slightly misty eyes.
The blonde ran her index finger from brown brows to the tip of Regina's olive-skinned nose.
"Remember when I told you that I would let you keep the picture if it got me out of an explanation as to why I drew it?"
She nodded as to say she remembered.
Emma smirked "Well I actually drew it with every intention of giving it to you. I was such a little teacher's pet."
Laughing she leaned down placing a soft kiss to smiling lips.
"Mmmmm I would definitely like to make you my pet now."
The cop giggled "I think I already am. Only difference is that I would rather bang you than your chalkboard erasers."
"I would hope so!" laughed Regina.
She moved off of Emma and on to her side pulling the blonde to face her.
Running her hand softly over a pale cheek "Thank you for seeing so much in me back then and thank you for giving me another chance to be a part of your life. I love you so much my darling."
She smiled "And I love you my beautiful, purple orchid."
Thank you all for the love and support for this story. I can't believe how many of you have stuck by it even after months and years without an update. I truly hope the ending made up for the long wait!