"Don't ya think that you needs somebody? Don't ya think that you need someone? Everybody needs somebody. You're not the only one." – November Rain by Guns N' Roses

Chapter 7: The Kiss

She laughed, running a hand up my chest. Her eyes seemed greener than usual, and the smile on her face was wider than I had ever seen it.

"I don't want Dom. I want you," she said.

"And I want you." Her smile widened and she snaked her arms around my neck, pressing her mouth on mine. I kissed her back, holding her body closer to mine. She pulled away for a moment, a sly grin on her face.

"I love you."

At her words, I grabbed her body and slammed it against the wall, kissing her more roughly than before. She moaned and ran her hands down my chest...

"Wood." I was being shaken by someone. I opened my eyes, heart sinking in disappointment. I didn't want that dream to end. Because in reality, I'm in a broom cupboard with a very angry looking Izzy.

Maybe if I'm nice, she won't kill me?

"Morning, love. Sleep well?"

I did. I had no nightmares; the only dreams I had were about Izzy. Izzy at a beach, Izzy climbing trees, Izzy singing to Nirvana, Izzy telling me she loved me...

They were stupid and farfetched dreams (maybe apart from the Nirvana one) but they were nice.

Dream-Izzy was a whole lot happier than the Izzy who was glaring down at me.

"Touch me like that again and I will make sure that you never play Quidditch again, okay? I have a boyfriend, Wood, which you sure as hell know."

Oh. I guess she didn't like how I snuggled up to her last night.

"Sure, love. I just didn't want you to catch hypothermia, that's all."

Which was partially the truth. She was shivering.

Ha, but that wasn't the reason I snuggled with her.

"You didn't feel that way when you made me do suicides in the snow."

I smirked. I remember that day. She was an hour late to practice purely to piss me off, and it started snowing. So I made her do bleacher suicides for an hour. I was in a bad mood that day, though. Any other day and I wouldn't have been so harsh. Maybe.

"What can I say, Carter. Times change."

She gave me a filthy look and stalked out of the broom cupboard. This made me slightly irritated. All I did was be nice to her and try to make an effort. Last night was good! We talked about the bands we love and we didn't insult each other once. I have a feeling that she likes me, at least a little bit. Why does she have to throw all my intentions back in my face?

I'm going to have to find a way to truly make things up to her, if I want things to work between us.


It was a bad day to have Transfiguration first up. My back was aching from sleeping on the stone floor all night and I was really tired. At least I'm not too worried about this subject. Mum and Dad don't really care what marks I get as long as they're acceptable. They don't expect straight O's. Which is good, because I'm focusing on Quidditch, and schoolwork comes second to me.

Because only three seventh years including myself made it into NEWT level transfiguration, our class is combined with the four sixth years who passed. My eyes scanned across the classroom. Usually, I wouldn't pay attention to the fact that Izzy takes the same class as me, but I found it was what I was focusing on today. Maybe this class won't be a waste of time.

I sat down a few seats diagonally to Izzy. Maybe we'll be able to pass notes.

McGonagall walked up to the blackboard, and I choked a little. She was wearing vivid purple robes and she had flowers in her hair. What the heck? This is McGonagall we're talking about: prim, proper McGonagall. Was she trying to be hip or something?

It was hard not to laugh. I glanced at Percy and Penelope, both of whom looked as though nothing was unusual in the slightest. I like them both, but how could they not find it funny?

I glanced at Izzy, who was whispering something to Alicia and giggling. Yep, Izzy Carter was giggling.

I decided to write her a note. I assumed that she was giggling about McGonagall, so I decided to mention that.

What's up with McGonagall? I wrote, charming the paper so that it would fly over to Izzy's desk. She picked it up. I half-expected her to throw it away and give me a filthy look, but instead she turned around and smirked, before she scribbled a response.

Sometimes, I wish that I didn't like her, but other times, I wondered why I didn't realise it earlier. She's fun and really hilarious. Our conversations of last night proved it. Why can't that Izzy be around all the time?

I know right? Her parchment read.

She looks ridiculous. I wrote back.

You excited about Nirvana?

If she isn't going, then why is she asking me? It'll just make her more jealous.

I would take her. I really would. But she has a boyfriend. I doubt that he'd want her going to a concert with another guy.

Sure am. What about you?

I don't actually have tickets, Wood. I lied, okay? Seriously though, don't give me any shit about it.

I blinked a few times. She admitted it? Stubborn Izzy Carter admitted that she was lying? That must have taken a lot. Trust me. She's the stubbornest person I've ever met.

You know, I'll take you if I like.

She wouldn't accept it, but I wanted her to know that I really meant it. I don't want her to think of me as the guy she hates.

You always have an ulterior motive, Wood. What is it this time?

I don't always have an ulterior motive.

None. I'll happily take you... but I'm sure that your boyfriend wouldn't like that.

See? No ulterior motive. I would take her if she wasn't dating that Dominic guy.

But I didn't blame her when she didn't respond for the rest of the lesson.


The rest of the week was shitty. I tried to be nice to Izzy but it didn't work. Sometimes, I wonder why I even bother.

But aside from all that, I couldn't wait for the holidays. They start in a few days. It's the last Friday of term, and it's tradition for the seventh years to throw a party. Zach told me that I'm in charge of everything, because I'm the Quidditch captain. It's really annoying, because I have to sort out all the alcohol and food. Luckily, Jennifer Collins and her friends decided to sort that all out. But I was still in charge, which meant that I chose who was allowed in or not. I remember those days when I was younger, when Zach and I always used to try to sneak into the seventh year parties. They always rejected us. So I knew that I would be saying yes to everyone, even though it is a seventh year only party.

Since I was in charge, I went through my CDs to find some good music. Since fifth year, when I was appointed as the captain, I've been allowed at every senior party. And at every party, they play the shittiest music. So I was going to make this party better. I chose some Nirvana, Led Zeppelin, KISS and AC/DC. If Izzy comes, she'll like it.

If Izzy comes.

I'll have to talk to Katie. Maybe she can force Izzy to come to the party. I put my CDs down and walked into the common room. Katie was sitting with Angelina, talking. When Katie saw me, she sat up and ran towards me, kissing me full on the mouth. She's making it realistic, all right.

Zach goes on about how he loves kissing girls. But I never found it as great as he always said it was. Maybe it's because Katie is my fake girlfriend, and I don't have even the slightest amount of attraction towards her. I wonder if the same would be said for Izzy.

She pulled away after a few moments, looking around. "Dammit. Izzy isn't even in here."

I shrugged. "Can I talk to you and Angelina about her?"

"Sure thing," she replied, walking back to where Angelina was sitting. Said girl looked disgusted at our kissing.

"It's convincing," she said, giving me a smile. Although I do like Angelina as a friend, I didn't like how she knew so much about me. She guessed that I had problems. I thought that was a well-kept secret. Only Percy knows. But what I wonder is this: is it obvious to everyone, like Angelina claimed? I don't know.

"So what do you need help with, Oliver?" Katie asked chirpily. She may be a little overbearing, but she had good advice.

"Can you persuade Izzy to come to the party tonight?"

Katie bit her lip. "Er, Oliver, Izzy and I aren't really talking anymore."

I frowned; this was the first I'd heard of it. "Why?"

"Well, after she found out about us... she started ignoring me. She was so annoyed at me. She said that me dating you was a betrayal, since she hates you, but that isn't true at all. She's jealous, which is what we wanted to achieve!"

Izzy doesn't have many friends, and I didn't mean for her to lose a friend over this plan. But, I guess that this does prove something: Izzy likes me.

The thought made me feel a bit better. Hell – a lot better. The only thing between us getting together is Izzy and her case of denial...

Actually, there's a lot more getting in the way. It isn't going to be simple, I know that. She's stubborn and she'll never let go of how I've treated her, no matter how hard I try.

I remember something Lily said to me once. If someone is worth the fight, you'll fight until you can no longer stand.

But is Izzy worth that fight?

"I'm a genius!" Katie suddenly exclaimed. "You'll let us all in, right? At the party, I mean."

"Yeah, of course." I was the one who just asked her if she could persuade Izzy into coming, so the answer was obvious.

"Okay, we'll pretend to Izzy that we're not sure if we'll get in. Knowing Izzy, she'll tag along if she thinks that we'll get rejected. She's like that. Now, Alicia and I will persuade her into getting all dressed up – we'll make her look great, promise," she winked, and I rolled my eyes but smirked. "Then when we play truth or dare, one of us will dare Izzy to snog you, and voila!"

Angelina gave her friend an appraising look. "Just because they kiss, doesn't mean that they'll get together."

"True," Katie admitted. "But Oliver, you'll let her kiss you, right?"

No brainer there. I've had dreams about it, and if the dreams come close to reality... "Yeah. But will she actually snog me, or will she feel as though she's cheating on Dominic if she does?"

"It's truth or dare," Katie said, waving her hand impatiently. "You get dared to do something and you have to. Trust me, Izzy has never turned down a dare. And she never, ever chooses truth. Once, she stayed at my place during the holidays, and we made her strip and-"

"Katie," Angelina interrupted. "Don't share all of Izzy's secrets."

She shifted guiltily. "Sorry."

I shrugged, trying to ignore the mental images of a naked Izzy. Not that are unpleasant images.

"So she'll snog me?"

"She should, if she's as desperate to shag you as we think she is." I choked and Katie started laughing. "Joking. Although I wouldn't rule out the possibility."

I swallowed, once again trying to get rid of the images burned in my mind. "But what if she refuses to snog me?"

"Then just slam her against the ground and snog the living hell out of her," a new voice said. I turned around and spotted Alicia, grinning at us. She sat down next to Angelina. "This party is going to be great! Finally, Izzy will get laid!"

I winced. Again with the mental images! I mean, I don't mind having these images, but I'd rather be alone whilst having them, if you get my drift.

"Don't be stupid, Alicia," Angelina said firmly. "Izzy isn't you."

Alicia gasped. "You're saying I'm a slut?"

"No, I'm saying that... nevermind." Alicia seemed to brush this off. She grabbed Katie's hand, grinning.

"Come on, we've got outfits to plan out!"

Girls. It's four hours until the party; they don't need to get prepared now! Angelina chuckled.

"They're two of a kind. A bit over the top."

I nodded in agreement. Angelina bit her lip, before speaking.

"Alicia just wants you two to shag and then get married. She wants Izzy to be happy, she really does, but..." she sighed. "Oliver, I know that you've gone through some shit, and I know that you aren't going to tell me what. But so has Izzy. She needs someone like you who she can relate to... you two are so alike in some aspects, it's uncanny." She gave me a small smile. "Sometimes I worry for her. She doesn't know what she wants to do with her life. I wonder whether she'll just spend her life fucking her boyfriend and getting drunk." I clenched my fists, the thought of Dominic touching her making me feel sick. "I mean, you've seen her at parties."

I vaguely recalled a party from last year. "You mean the one where she ended up in McGonagall's bed?"

"Exactly," Angelina said grimly, but the corners of her lips were twitching into a smile at the memory. "She needs someone like you. Actually, she needs you. You're so... together. Yet in some ways, you aren't."

Oh yeah, I'm so together. Not. I spent two years in depression counselling. I had to deal with Lily being abused physically and sexually when I was only twelve. I have nightmares about her almost every night. I still cry over her sometimes. I almost killed myself once.

I'm not together in the slightest. But then again, it seems that Izzy isn't either.

"I've been trying," I said quietly. Stop thinking about Lily. "To make an effort with her."

I felt an ache in my chest. I didn't realise how much I really wanted Izzy until now. Maybe I even needed her.

"It isn't going to be easy, but you already know that. She rejects love. That's probably why she's closer to Alicia. I always try to be there for her, whereas Alicia just jokes around. Joking around is easier for her to deal with."

I understood that. I rejected love from anyone for a while after Lily's death. I did it because I didn't trust anyone. Jason, Lily's boyfriend, seemed nice at first. But he screwed her up so much that she killed herself. So can you blame me for not trusting anyone?

"Why, though?"

Angelina shrugged. "I think she's scared that if she puts too much stock in people, she'll just get hurt when they get sick of her. It's all because of her parents. Horrible people, they are. She really likes you, Oliver. You know it, and everyone knows it. Except for her. Prove that she doesn't have to be scared of love. Prove that you really do care."

"I've been trying," I reminded her. I wasn't annoyed. This conversation is just bringing up bad memories.

"No, I mean really show her. If she's upset, hug her. If she's angry, rationalise things. She'll reject it at first, and it'll take a while, but she'll eventually realise that you do care, and she does like you."

There's a difference to just being nice and getting it thrown back in my face. If I'm to really be there for her, in the way that Angelina is referring... it is going to hurt more when she rejects me. And who knows how long it will take for her to recognise her feelings?

But then an image of Izzy in the broom cupboard flashed before my eyes. When she seemed carefree and happy. When she didn't have that angry mask on.

I thought of what Lily said again. And I knew that she was worth the fight.


That night, things were a bit crazy.

Truth or dare hadn't started yet. Most people were just drinking and dancing. It seems that everyone liked the music. None more so than Izzy. She'd actually thanked me for playing good music.

I smirked when I caught sight of her. She and Alicia were dancing around together, screaming out the lyrics to I Wanna Rock and Roll All Nite by KISS. It was really funny.

Izzy looked great tonight. She wasn't all dolled up like Alicia, Angelina and Katie were, but I preferred it to what the other girls were wearing. It showed that you don't have to go all out to be beautiful. She was wearing a green tank top (which fit her very well) and skinny jeans (again, they fit her very well). The only major difference was that her hair was straightened. It was pretty, but I preferred her crazy curls. They speak volumes of her personality.

I was a little tipsy. I'm no stranger to alcohol, and I've developed a high tolerance to it. Still, I liked pushing that tolerance to the limit when I have the opportunity.

Katie walked up to me, smiling. "I'm gonna go. Izzy will be suspicious if I'm here when you two kiss."

I nodded. "Thanks, by the way. For being my fake girlfriend."

"No problem. You'll both be shagging by the end of tonight!"

I think that Angelina had a much more realistic outlook on things. I don't think Izzy knows how lucky she is to have her as a friend.

Katie gave me one last grin before walking off. Once she was gone, about five girls walked up to me, smiling. I stifled an eye roll. Being popular really sucks.

I accepted all their drinks, though. One of the reasons I like drinking is because it makes me forget about my problems. I can just be happy. Well, not happy, but numb.

"Oi!" Alicia's voice called out. "Let's play truth or dare!"

People seemed to like the idea. Alicia winked at me, before grabbing Izzy's wrist and dragging her over to where we usually played. I almost laughed at Izzy's expression: she looked as though she had swallowed a lemon.

I didn't pay attention during the truths and dares. They were boring. All I could focus on was Izzy.

We were sitting across from each other, but she mustn't have realised this. She was laughing at something Fred Weasley said, green eyes shining. I smiled slightly. This is the Izzy that I like. Not that I don't like her stubborn angriness. But I loved seeing her so happy.

When Angelina was chosen for truth or dare, she winked at me. I knew she was going to pick Izzy next.

I started to feel a little nervous, in that sickeningly girly way. My stomach felt all weird. If I was a girl, I would say that I had butterflies.

God, Izzy is making me have so many weird reactions.

Once Angelina's dare was complete, she looked around the crowd in mock thought.

To my surprise (not) her eyes locked on Izzy. "Truth or dare?"

"Dare," Izzy responded automatically. I fought back a smile as I saw Alicia have a fangirl attack from next to her.

"Izzy... I dare you to... snog Wood."

Her indifferent expression quickly changed into one of shock, then confusion, and then anger.

"No," she said clearly, giving me a glare. Zach hissed something in my ear.

"Let's make her feel pressured, shall we?"

Before I understood what he meant, he started cheering. A handful of people followed suit, and she glared at them all, looking as though she was shaking with anger. Uh oh. This will be harder than I initially thought...

"You know you want to," Fred Weasley said, giving her a wink. Izzy's expression became mutinous.

I swallowed hard. I think that I'll have to be the one to do the snogging.

"Fred Weasley, I have a boyfriend! I will kiss Wood when hell freezes over, when Voldemort hands out flowers, when-"

I cut her off by pressing my mouth onto hers. She inhaled sharply at the same time as I did, but she didn't pull away.

Without thinking, I brought a hand to her cheek, my mouth melting into hers. I'd kissed so many girls that I've forgotten how many. But nothing came close to how this kiss felt. It was as though my senses had been sharpened. I could feel her body heat, taste the alcohol on her lips...

She started kissing me back. I couldn't help it; I moaned against her lips. Hell, she was a good kisser. Never had a kiss caused this many reactions at once. I never wanted this to end.

Just as she brought a hand to my cheek, I felt my blood rush down to a familiar place, and I pulled away quickly, my breathing a bit laboured. Her eyes were wide, lips parted and pinker than usual. She looked as though she was in a daze.

I moved away quickly, staring off into space. That was unlike any feeling I've ever had... I guess that Zach was right about kissing. Shame that I had to kiss her, though... it would have been good if she kissed me. But I guess it proved that I did care. I kissed her. I didn't have to. Hopefully she'll make that connection.

I was quiet for the rest of the night, unable to wrap my head around how the kiss made me feel. And how I had kissed Izzy Carter, the girl who I had hated for so long.

I looked at her every now and then. She looked dazed and confused as well. For the rest of the party, I just danced with a few girls who asked to. Even though they weren't the girls I wanted to be with.

It was around one in the morning when I saw a very upset and guilty looking Izzy leave the Room of Requirement. I frowned after her.

If she's upset, hug her.

I didn't need Angelina's advice for me to go after her.

A/N: Hey guys, I know I should be updating more often. I'm really sorry! I had huge writers block for this chapter, though.

Also, I've been thinking that for every chapter in Priorities that was in Oliver's POV, it will be in Izzy's POV here. That way when I'm finished writing this, I'll have thirty one chapters in Oliver's POV and thirty one in Izzy's POV, with two different POV chapters in each fanfic, if that makes sense.

Thank you to Lissie Dianne, wedontkilltheliving, sarahmichellegellarfan1, booktroutlittleriver and TheJesusFreak777 for the reviews. I'd reply individually, but I'm not supposed to be on the internet.