Hey guys I know I have the other stories but I have had the idea for this story for a while now and want to get a chapter or two of it up to see what you readers think about it. I mean it will be my first crossover story and I already plan on using at least one character that is hardly used…though more than likely in a way that people won't expect….still I won't get too far in this story right now until I get some answers to the poll I have for this story. For while I don't mind writing harem stories but I am not sure if that is all I want to do. So, I am simply going to have you readers decide for me in a poll just like I did last time.

Minor characters that truly sure no purpose will more than likely get a name change just because I don't feel like looking up their actual names and because it will change absolutely nothing about the story.

Also I will be using some story ideas from the story called "Prince of the Underworld" only he has the ability to come and pm me telling me to stop using his ideas and I will. All other people telling me are going to be ignored seeing as he is the one who gets to say what his ideas can/can't be used for or in. Still read his story it is pretty good (especially if you play "this is Halloween" at the right time then it is just great).

By the way I don't own the Percy Jackson series or Naruto




There is a poll up for this story please vote to determine the relationship path this story will take the poll will be finished 10/15/14 if there is enough votes and 10/20/14 if there isn't

Chapter 1

In a large open area that had massive gouges and destruction all around. Two people and a massive creature were still fighting causing even more destruction.

"When will you give up boy? Your army is slain and I already have the ten tails formed; just face it I won. Now just surrender and let the ten tails absorb the rest of the Kyuubi and then I can begin my plan for a new era using the remaining people on this planet." Madara ordered Naruto with a wicked smirk.

"Never! They all gave their lives to defeat you and I will not let them down! We already destroyed your undead army, all of the Zetsu clones, and even all of your other pawns. Hell even Sasuke and Obito are dead somewhere in this battlefield. Now all that is left to do is to stop you." Naruto told him with a confident smile.

"Ha, quit being foolish even if they are all gone I still have the almighty Juubi and my all mighty dojutsu. While all you have is the exhausted Kyuubi and your own pitiful skills" Madra told him with a smirk on his face that changed to slight surprise when he noticed Naruto's eyes color got darker and shaded by his hair more than normal.

"That is what you think." Naruto mumbled coldly then went through several hand signs to form what he knew would be one of his last jutsus. "Dead Man's Shinigami" he mumbled out in a tone of voice that made even Madara shiver slightly as a chill went down his spine. Naruto then slammed his palms onto a tail of the beast's tail that just tried to crush him after rolling to the side. Suddenly a large array of seals began to cover the beast starting from its tail until it finally covered its head. The seal also seemed to paralyze the ten tail who was trying to move away from Naruto. Though all of its efforts ended up being useless as the symbols finished covering him making Naruto smirk.

"What are you doing? Juubi get away from him n-" Madara began to ordered but was interrupted by Naruto calling out Seal loud enough to echo around the land. After which Madara could only watch as the body of the Juubi quickly was sucked into a smaller seal that appeared on Naruto's chest where his heart was. "What-what did you just…." Madara asked stunned for several moments but then regained his smirk again. "You just waisted your life boy. That soul sealing jutsu only works while the being it is placed on is living and you won't be for long." He told Naruto knowing Naruto just sacrificed his life. Meaning that without a doubt he won.

"That is where you are wrong bastard. You see that is how it was with the reaper death seal but ever since I became a seal master, I looked at the seal that cursed me for my entire life and began to memorize every single part of it. And with that knowledge I was able to use it to create what is said to be impossible…a permanent seal."

"You are lying that is impossible! It is just a foolish myth." Madara growled out annoyed.

"No it is not. You see all you need is massive amounts of chakra, which I have plenty and to surrender your soul to the Shinigami. Then you are able to seal one thing for all of eternity to your very soul. So, the Juubi is gone for good…but don't think I haven't forgotten about all the sins you have done." Naruto told him with a glare. He then lifted his hands into the air and began to concentrate. "Thanks to how much chakra is in the air let me show you one last surprise before you go to hell with me!" Naruto growled at him with a smirk then began to focus on the world around him like he normally did to gather natural chakra. The chakra both normal and corrupt soon began to collect into a massive ball floating above his head. It rested only a few inches away from his palms and slowly became larger. Though what Naruto didn't notice was the fact that both the light and shadows from around him seemed to be sucked into the ball he created as well until finally he stopped the collection and had a massive ball at least ten yards in diameter above him. His smirk became larger as he looked at Madara with ice cold eyes as he brought his hands down and controlled the ball to move towards Madara. "Now let's die together bastard!" Naruto told him then made one last hand sign and the ball exploded the ball just like a how an explosive seal would activate. He then yelled out Dark World Destruction.

As soon as he released it Madara looked on in terror as the ball expanded and blew up like a tailed beast bomb on steroids. The blast was massive and could be seen from miles away by the closest safe house for civilians who silently watched in aww as the massive black explosion expanded for several moments then disappeared. Though at the battle field there weren't any bodies; just a massive crater. For while Madara tried to survive through sacrificing his eye but when he 'came back' he found the explosion still going on. Thus he could do nothing but feel the chakra burn away his body. When civilians saw the explosion had ended and then heard nothing for several hours, they figured that the war was over in what could only be called a small victory for them. So, they then began to build up a new life with the small amount of people left on the world. They worked hard but didn't have many ninjas anymore so they only could focus on building the village back up by using the various scrolls ninja left and what they already knew how to do. Though there were several gennin that survived as well due to not being allowed to fight in the war. But they were far too inexperienced to recreate the ninja world to what it once was. So, through time the people found the ninja fighting styles and jutsu became so watered down that things they began to invent became much better alternatives. Even the samurai were slowly losing their strength as well due to their master swordsmen being KIA as well in the world war. So, the world of ninja was truly over and a new beginning was just being formed.


Naruto slowly began to wake up only to see what seemed to be an endless amount of darkness around him. "So, this is what hell looks like? Well I guess I probably should get used to it." Naruto mumbled depressed to himself and simply sat down to meditate when all of a sudden the room changed to what seemed like a throne room but it was too dark to be sure.

"No my child you aren't in what you called 'hell'…or won't be for long anyways." A voice told Naruto that seemed to come from all around him.

"Oh, and why is that seeing as I know I died after those jutsus and there is no way a ninja can go anywhere but hell seeing as we all are killers." Naruto questioned.

"No, you aren't dead yet child merely….recovering. Your story won't end here. So, you are going to be sent to a…. new world that you will not be familiar with. It is there that you will begin your new life. Though before I send you off.." the voice told Naruto with several pauses but in the end launched a ball of light at the ninja who couldn't react fast enough to dodge thanks to still being groggy. So, the light hit him and quickly entered through his chest. He then felt it flow through his entire body until he began to glow and then a massive amount of smoke seemed to come out of his skin until he could no longer see his own body.

*cough cough* "What- *cough* -was that?" Naruto asked in a higher pitch that he quickly noticed. "Huh, what happened to my voice!?" Naruto questioned until a mirror formed from what seemed like the shadows next to Naruto showing him something that shocked him even more. "Why do I look like I am eight!?" Naruto asked utterly confused and shocked.

"I…had to de-age you because the….time is different where you are going so your age needed to change to match it. Also, I implanted the most commonly used language of the world you are going to into your mind as a second language that you can now speak fluently. Now prepare for I will be sending you into the…new world soon." The voice told the shocked and now young Naruto. Though Naruto didn't have much time to think about it or respond for soon enough a bright hole was made above his head and sucked the young blond into it. Though he found his eyes closing soon after he entered the hole as the dream world captured his mind again.

+New York City (Near where Percy's family lives)+

"Ugh, my head hurts." Naruto complained soon after he woke up for the second time. Though this time he was in a room that was light up by an open window that leaked sunlight directly to the part of the bed that where his head originally laid. Seeing this Naruto quickly looks at a mirror he found and saw that he still was a small child.

*honk honk*

Naruto heard and quickly rushed to the window to see moving contraptions that he somehow knew were cars on the road. "Man so that was all real…" Naruto mumbles then put a hand over his chest where the seal formed. But much to his relief he felt his heart still beating showing that he was at least truly alive. He then looked around the room he was currently in and noticed a note that was placed on the dresser near the bed.

Dear Naruto,

I forgot to mention the fact that I put the basic knowledge of the new location you are in into your head as well. Also, I have given you access to a common fitness center area that is located all around the world. You simply have to go to one of these buildings and talk to the receptionist. They will let you have access for free no matter what for the rest of your life. I have also made it so that no one there would question why a young kid would be able to do the things you can as well and that they would have many things that will help you get back your normal strength. So, train to your hearts content…though I suggest you wait on practicing jutsu and using weapons again until you reach a camp that I am sure you will find later on. So, besides that know that I have set up a bank account with enough money to allow you to live happily for several years at a local bank as well. Do well in this new location my son and know that both me and your mothers will always love you.

P.S. make sure that you keep your powers hidden from others. I may have made it so that you can train in the gym but I am unable to help in other locations.

P.S.S Make sure you get to know as much as you can about greek mythology….I am sure that it will be useful for you.

See you soon,

Your father Minato Namikaze

"Hmm, so 'father' wants me to be able to live a new life then. Well I guess I might as well use it, though I have no idea how he did this…though it is going to suck to have to go through puberty again…Anyways I wonder why he wants me to learn about this greek mythology so much?" Naruto thought as he began to get used to his new life though still wasn't too sure if the sender was actually his dead father.


Sitting in his throne room alone a single blond-haired man was simply staring at a wall lost in thought. "I know I wanted to give Naruto the chance to live happily but should I have just told him the truth…I mean even with the prophecy I still did a lot more than I needed too. How much more would it be just to tell him everything? …I just hope he can forgive me if he finds out about everything. Though I hope maybe one day we can become a true family…." Minato thought and daydreamed about what it would be like to have a normal family with a small smile on his face.

+time skip (2 years); Naruto+

Naruto has now lived in his home for quite a while and has grown used to his new life. He now spends a lot of time training but also has had a clone be tutored by a homeschool 'teacher' he hired so that he could eventually go into school to get a proper job in this world. But he wasn't about to allow himself to go into unfamiliar territory until he felt he could defend himself decently. Naruto also found himself to enjoy walks around New York City just looking at all the sites. During one of these walks he met Percy Jackson and eventually the rest of his family. He found all of them to be nice besides Percy's step-dad who he quickly began to despise. But other than him Naruto happily became friends with them and made sure to spend some time with Percy. Though when they did hang out Naruto swore that every now and then he could catch Percy's mother looking at him seeming to know that he was in some way different but never said anything. Also, in these two years he also made a friend with a girl named Amy who turns out to be an orphan as well though unlike him she had two girls that hardly looked above eighteen as her adopted parents. Now they weren't best friends by any means seeing as she always seemed to be slightly on edge around him. He saw that both of her parents seemed to react the same way. Though he was used to people being on edge all the time back in Konoha so he happily ignored this abnormality and counted her as a good friend. Though he wasn't able to visit her all the time seeing as her family left on trips often that most of the time lasted quite a while. But eventually they always ended up coming back to their house like nothing ever happened. As he thought about her he couldn't help but think about the first time he met her.


A nine-year-old Naruto was calmly sitting at the base of a tree that was outside of the city. He found that it was much more peaceful to relax outside of the large city. For even while the parks were good, he just couldn't find his inner peace while surrounded by the smells and sounds of the city. He currently was simply resting his back against one of the trees watching the clouds float by when a deer walked out of the forest close to him and started grazing near him.

(AN: while I have no idea what is around NYC in my story there is a forest relatively close by)

Now Naruto's attention was on the deer that calmly ate the grass close to him without seeming worried about him at all. So, he slowly grabbed some granola from a snack bag he brought with him and held it out in his palm. Now the deer of course smelt this and grew curious about the new food but was hesitant about coming closer to a human making it freeze just looking at Naruto who calmly starred back at it. Finally after a minute or so it seems that the deer made a decision and walked over to Naruto and ate the granola out of his hand. It then seemed to be at peace around him enough to lay down next to him. It didn't even seem bothered when Naruto began to pet its soft fur. Naruto was of course curious about why a wild animal would do such a thing but partially explained it by the fact that he was a sage…at least back when he was at a proper age for the training. But after a while he figured that seeing s there was no danger to simply stop worrying about it and instead just enjoy the moment. After a couple of minutes he noticed a girl come out of the forest seeming to be looking for something until her eyes landed on Naruto and the deer. When she saw this, she said nothing but Naruto could see her eyes widen a small amount showing that she seemed surprised but the emotion was quickly hidden. The girl then began walking over to them making the deer wake up and look at her.

"Hi, thank you for finding my deer. You see me and my family watch over a lot of wild animals that are in trouble in a house that is a little bit away from the city. A spot where this gal was calmly wandering around until she escaped through the pen we had her in." the girl told Naruto but he noticed that she seemed to be tense the whole time while taking to him

"No problem, she was just keeping me company while I sat here. By the way my name is Naruto, what is yours?" Naruto asked kindly but kept his guard up just in case.

"Oh..um..my name is Amy and come to think of it why were you just sitting out here? I mean don't most city people prefer it in the city?" Amy asked still seeming a bit nervous around Naruto for some reason.

*haha* "Yea I know I am a bit strange but it is nice just to enjoy nature out here just like my little friend here." Naruto told her while petting the deer's head. "Though if I was being honest, I prefer seeing it when the moon is out a bit more. I mean everything seems to just have more of a…radiance when they are covered in darkness and only visible by the light glow of the moon." Naruto told her momentarily daydreaming about his fondness of spending a good amount of time looking at the night sky.

"I completely understand. I mean the moon probably is my favorite thing to see as well. It is much better than the sun after all." Amy told Naruto sounding proud for a moment to Naruto for some odd reason. "Anyways I will just take this trouble maker home now…nice seeing you Naruto." Amy told him though seemed to force the word nice out as she called over the deer that got up and began to walk towards her. But suddenly it stopped and looked back at Naruto before walking back over to him causing Amy to look surprised yet again while Naruto laughed.

"Well looks like my friend wants me to come with." Naruto told her jokingly and got up. "Come on I will walk with you to the place so she will follow. Seeing as she seems to want to ignore you for some reason." Naruto told her with a smile on his face which she returned after a few moments.


So, after that was agreed upon, they both walked for a little bit in silence before they saw a nice small building that had a fenced in area that already had several animals inside happily grazing. They both then walk to the gate and watched as the deer seemed to understand and walk itself into the pasture. Thus leaving Naruto and Amy alone

"Well I guess I will see you some other time." Naruto told her with a smile at Amy.

"…yeah…by" Amy told him and waved as he left already thinking about the strange feeling she felt around Naruto but didn't worry about it too much. She then walked into the house where two other girls were sitting around a table eating a meal.

+Flash back end

After that Naruto and Amy met several times. During these meetings Amy gradually got used to Naruto and then began to seem to actually enjoy the time they spent together. But whenever they entered the city, she went back to being tense. Something that Naruto found strange but figured it was because of all the people around her. Still he didn't mention it at all figuring that if she wanted to talk to him about it she would bring it up herself.

Though this would be one of their last meetings for a while sadly seeing as Naruto decided to finally go to school. Mainly due to the fact that he hated to see his friend's depression whenever Percy brought up that he was going to a school that would keep him away from everything he cared about. So, in order support his friend Naruto figured he would enroll as well; after all he was planning on joining a school eventually anyways.

"So Amy before you have to leave today I have to tell you something." Naruto told the girl that was walking down the block with her.

"What is it?" She asked curious.

"Umm well I have to tell you that I finally have decided to go to school." Naruto told her rubbing the back of his head nervously.

"Oh, but I thought you enjoyed being home schooled so that you had more free time."

"Yea I do like the freedom it gives me…but I found out that Percy was going to a school where he isn't gonna know anyone. So, I decided to support my friend and go with him." Naruto told her.

"Well that's kind of you to support him." Amy told him with a small smile. "So, we will just have hang out for a bit less."

"Umm…about that…the school actually is a ways away from here. So…I actually won't be able to hang out like this for a while." Naruto told her with a frown. For while he was sad about not being able to spend time with her he also was determined to be there for all of his friends. Though right now he was so distracted that he failed to notice that Amy stopped walking until he was a few feet away from him.

"Oh…that's disa-…I mean it's ok. You need to support the people you care about." She told him but failed to keep the frown off of her face.

"B-but I don't mean to just stop seeing you!" Naruto told her as he walked back to her and gently grabbed her shoulders. "You are an important friend to me as well and I have no plans to ever abandon you." Naruto told her looking directly into her eyes making her gain a small blush due to embarrassment.

"O-oh. T-thank you Naruto. You are a g-good friend as well." Amy told him stuttering a bit making Naruto realize how close he got to her and began to blush as well.

"S-sorry" He told her taking a step back. *cough* "Anyways I wanted to ask if there was any way we could keep in touch when we can't go on these walks? Like an email or letter or something." Naruto suggested.

"Um…yea I think we can set that up. But my family isn't really fans of technology so how about you send letters to our house and I'll read them when we come back to the house. Though you will need to send me the address I can send you messages back to as well of course." She told Naruto making him smile.

"Great; and as soon as I am able to I promise we will start our regular walks and meetings." Naruto told her seeing as he would honestly miss his friend. After all it was hard to find many friends that cared about nature as much as he did. With the truth finally out Naruto felt like a large weight was lifted from his shoulders as they continued to enjoy the rest of their time together until it was finally time for them to go their own ways. So, they both stood in front of the very tree they first met each other.

"…So, I guess this is good bye for now." Naruto told Amy.

"Yea…" She told Naruto honestly feeling a bit sad.

"Well…I'll make sure to write to you as soon as I get my school address." Naruto told her feeling a bit awkward. After all he never really experience a moment like this.

"Yea." Amy told Naruto fidgeting a bit. Then all of a sudden she gave him a quick hug that only lasted a few seconds. "I-I hope you do good in school." Amy told him with an embarrassed blush before beginning on her way home. Though by the time Naruto got over his surprise by her sudden action she was gone.


After leaving Naruto Amy was currently fighting off the blush she had from her embarrassment.

"Oh why did I do that? He is going to think I like him or something b-but I just wanted to show him that I truly cared." Amy thinks seeing as she honestly was thinking and just acted when she gave Naruto a hug. "B-but I do hope that he writes me as soon as he can…I am going to miss our regular meet ups." She thinks as she enters her house.

+Time skip towards end of the year+

(AN: Ya there is going to be a lot of time skips in this beginning chapter seeing as I doubt anyone wants to read about how he got used to the world and everything)

As the year passed Naruto and Percy stayed great friends and basically only talked to each other seeing as the rest of the school seemed to be rich kids that were pretty stuck up. Though they did manage to find one more friend. He was a guy a bit younger than them who was named Grover. Grover was a kid who sadly had to use crutches for his entire life making him slower than most of the other students. A fact that didn't bother either of them as they all happily walked to each class at a pace Grover set. So, overall they all enjoyed school at least while they spent time as a group. Meanwhile the classes themselves left Percy frustrated as his ADHD and dyslexia kept bothering him.

"Gah, I don't know how you can stay on top of all of these classes." Percy complained to Naruto as the trio waited in line to get a spot on a bus for their museum field trip. For while both Grover and Percy were averaging at C's Naruto was somehow able to regularly get A's.

"Ya, honestly man what is your secret?" Grover asked. Naruto's mind quickly went to the fact that Naruto had a hidden clone regularly hiding in the library studying for several hours. So, while he had the same problems Percy had he was able to push through it with his 'cheat'

"Umm, I just am good at studying…hehe." Naruto told them not wanting to expose his secret powers. "Really? Lucky bastard." Percy told Naruto clearly not serious.

"Oy, its not my fault. Both of you refuse my offer to help you study to play games!" Naruto told both of them with a glare making both of the boys sheepishly look away from Naruto. After they did this all of them noticed a few pieces of a sandwich hitting Grover in the back of the head. They all then heard giggles from a seat behind them and saw Nancy and her friends laughing in their seat a bit away from them. A sight that made both Naruto and Percy clench their fists in rage. For this girl and her friends seemed to make it their goal to make life as miserable as possible to both Percy and Grover…course they never picked on Naruto seeing as he made it clear what happened when someone tried. For the one thing he decided to bring back from his 'first' childhood was his pranks. So, anyone who annoyed him would end up the target of a major prank. Course the pranks never could be pinned to anyone but most people knew that it was Naruto who did them. A fact that made the blond feared through the school. Though Naruto partially went back to pranking simply because this world frowned against issues being solved through a good old-fashioned fight. Still even without fighting Naruto was able to build a good enough reputation for most people not to bother Naruto and his friends…at least while he was around…but it seems that Nancy was being braver than usual on this bus trip.

"..it's okay. I like peanut butter." Grover mutters trying to keep his two friends from exploding. Sadly for him it had little success as Percy began to get out of his seat only to be stopped by Grover pulling him back down into his seat by his arm. "Don't do it you already have two strikes." Grover told Percy seriously.

"Fine I won't…but that doesn't mean Naruto won't" Percy tells Grover who looks over to the other side of him only to see that Naruto already threw a paper shuriken at a piece that was flying at Grover making it lose its momentum. He then glared at Nancy who couldn't help but gulp in fear.

"Nancy you may wish to stop pestering my friends. After all I have heard that there is a prankster running around our school and I would hate for you to be the next target." Naruto told her with a smile that made Nancy feel a shiver of fear. Thankfully for her Naruto decided he pushed the point enough and turned back around. Afterall with the threat of becoming Naruto's next target most people wouldn't dare disobey him. For they all clearly remember all of the horrible pranks the 'prank master' somehow managed to pull off. So, needless to say Nancy didn't bother their group anymore for the rest of the trip letting them get back their conversations.

"You know Naruto…you scare even me sometimes." Grover tells Naruto honestly right when they finally made it off of the bus.

"Heh, then I am doing my job right." Naruto tells Grover with a smirk as he got off the bus and stretched his arms above his head. Meanwhile Percy just shook his head at his friend's antics. After they got off the bus it took a couple of minutes for the rest of the students to get off until Mr. Brunner got everyone organized enough to enter the museum. Their group then began a tour that rather quickly lead them to the Greek mythology section. An area that Mr. Brunner rather happily talked about each specific object they walked past. Something that of course was making it rather hard for the students to keep interest in what he was saying but Naruto and a few other students actually were trying to keep listening. Course this time both Percy and Grover tried to keep their focus as well out of respect for their favorite teacher. Though they had to admit that it was rather hard to do while the rest of the class were happily chatting in their own personal groups. Though Mr. Brunner seemed to be ignoring these students in favor of continuing his lecture. But he did of course manage to turn around and stop talking just as Percy growled out "shut up" at the groups talking around him.

"Mr. Jackson can you please explain me what this stele is depicting?" Mr. Brunner asks

"Um yes, it is Kronos eating his children, right?" Percy asked.

"Yes, now why did he do this?"

"Well…he did this because…um...he didn't want his kids to take over so he tried to get rid of them only to fail when…Zeus made him barf them up." Percy told him seeming to struggle to try and remember the full story.

"Yes, good job remembering this Percy." Mr. Brunner told him with a smile that seemed to be sincere.

"Bah. So, what it is not like we will ever need to know this. I mean really how many people actually remember any of these Greek myths." Chelsea muttered quietly to her friends who laughed a bit.

"Excellent question Miss Bobofit. So, Percy do you have any idea why it is important to know about Greek history?" Mr. Brunner asked causing Nancy to get embarrassed about being caught while Mr. Brunner managed to put Percy on the spot again.

"Well…um.." Percy began but was clearly struggling to think of an answer that Mr. Brunner would like.

"Because those who forget history are more likely to repeat it. In this case meaning if you try and solve your problems by shoving them out of the way they will eventually come back to haunt you." Naruto cut in stopping Percy from having to answer which made said boy look at his friend with gratitude showing in his eyes.

"Very wise of you Mr. Uzumaki." Mr. Brunner told him with his smile still present and the tour continued until they finally went outside to eat their lunch. So, all of the class moved outside of the museum where there were several benches. A spot that the class quickly filled in area with various groups of friends splitting up to have their own 'privacy'; well except for one student apparently.

For it seemed that Nancy didn't remember her last attempt at bothering their group. For Nancy quickly walks over to Grover and dumped her entire lunch upon his head with a smile on her face and simply told him "Oops." Now of course this got Grover's friends mad but before either one of them could do anything the water from a nearby fountain suddenly became tendrils and grabbed Nancy before it dropped back into the fountain taking her with it. An action that seemed to surprise everyone but Nancy quickly recovered and began to blame Percy for pushing her. So, before anyone else could say anything otherwise Ms. Dodds showed up behind them and ordered Percy to follow her even though Grover tried to take the blame. So, Percy just looked at Grover calmly and told him not to worry before doing as his teacher told him.

But as soon as Percy was out of sight Grover began to freak out even more for some reason. Grover was so worried in fact that he didn't notice the fact that his second friend was not sitting by him anymore.


As Percy followed Ms. Dodds he couldn't help but wonder why she was bringing him so far away from the group just to punish him. Though his thoughts were soon stopped in favor of looking around the room that they finally stopped in. For the room was quite large and basically empty except for a few artifacts and what looked to be scaffolding on one side of the room.

"Umm, Ms. Dodds I don't think we are supposed to be in here." Percy told his teacher figuring this was some renovation project the museum was doing but when he looked for his teacher, he found out that she suddenly wasn't behind him anymore. He then began to look around the entire room for her until he heard something hit the wooden scaffolding several feet above him. He then looked towards the noise and saw his teacher on top of the scaffolding glaring at him as if he was some sort of prey. "Ms. Dodds how did you-" Percy began asking shocked but she quickly cut him off by asking "Where is it?" in a tone of voice that seemed to be far too primal to be human.

"Where is what?" Percy asked only to watch as his teacher formed what looked to be bat wings and began to fly towards him. Now of course this scared Percy stiff so all he could do was simply stare as this…creature flew at him.

"Tally Ho Percy." A voice suddenly called out to him breaking him from his shock just in time for his reflexes cause him to catch something that was apparently thrown to him. Course when he looked at the pen he was confused by why someone gave it to him. He then looked over to who tossed it to him and saw Mr. Brunner in the doorway.

"Click it Percy!" He told the still confused child who did just that and watched as the pen was replaced with what looked to be a bronze sword appeared in its place. Course he didn't have time to try and figure out what just happened seeing as his 'teacher' was getting close to him. So, he simply followed his instincts and swung the sword at the creature and watched as she turned into a golden dust. After this happened he looked at the sword that was in his hand and found it to be a pen. He then looked around the room and found it to now be completely empty besides him. So, while still confused and shell shocked he walked back out of the museum while he tried to figure out what just happened.

When he got out of the museum he looked around and saw everyone eating except for Nancy who noticed him and quickly walked over to him. "I hope Mrs. Kurr gave you the punishment you deserve." She told him.

"Who?" Percy asked dumbly.

"Our teacher, idiot." She told Percy confusing him even more but before he could ask some questions she left him to do something else leaving him standing there trying to sort through the confusion himself.

"Ah Percy thank you for finding my pen." Percy heard a voice tell him and looked to see Mr. Brunner looking at him and then he looked back to the pen in his hand. Due to already being far too confused Percy didn't question Mr. Brunner about what happened with his pen and instead handed it over without saying a word. Percy then walked over to his friends who looked at him worried though Percy saw Naruto briefly glare at Mr. Brunner before looking back to him. But he didn't question that and instead simply ate what was left of his meal and tried to sort through his thoughts for the rest of the trip.

_Naruto POV_

When Ms. Dodds showed up, I instantly noticed some sort of weird energy around her that seemed to be full of hatred. Now I was used to noticing the fact that all humans here still have a little bit of chakra but I have always found it strange that Ms. Dodds was one of the few people so far that not only had a lot of chakra but also seemed to have it always coated around them. Now of course this always put him on edge around her but he always figured that it was just normal for some people in this new world seeing as Mr. Brunner had a bit of chakra around his lower body as well. Though it was only now that Ms. Dodds chakra was clearly showing foul intent as she brought my friend into the museum. I quickly decided to figure out this mystery. So, while Grover was freaking out beside me I quickly used my speed to get to reach the top of the building before anyone noticed me. I then walked over to a sky light and saw an interesting site.

For when I looked in I saw Ms. Dodds transform into some sort of bat creature and flew towards Percy. Now of course I was going to help him but right before I jumped into the fight Mr. Brunner came and gave Percy a pen that somehow became a sword that Percy used to turn Ms. Dodds into what looked like metal sand.

"I have no idea what is going on here but I am going to find out." I thought as I watched the event unfold and also saw Mr. Brunner quickly moving away from the area while Percy still seemed dazed, but safe. So I quickly used the cloaking jutsu that Jiraiya taught me during my training trip and jumped into the building to follow the man. Though Mr. Brunner didn't stay inside for much longer but instead made it outside which for some reason seemed to calm down Grover when he saw it happen. Though what really was strange was that Mr. Brunner soon started using a bit of the chakra he had to make what looked like a fog move around my entire class. Now I knew that whatever it was couldn't do anything that I would like so I quickly backed off out of the mist's range. The mist then only lasted for a few seconds but when it finally wen ta way everyone looked fine. Though there happened to be a new woman standing around the area that seemed to be watching over all of the students. Course before I could think about this anymore, I saw Percy slowly coming back outside so I went over to where I originally sat before releasing my jutsu making sure that no one noticed.

Course I still watched as Mr. Brunner talked to Percy and saw that he got the boy who seemed dazed to give up that strange pen before sending him back to us. Now this brought even more of my attention to our crippled teacher. "Well it seems I have a prime suspect to use to figure out these strange events." I think glaring at the teacher seeing as I have no idea just what kind of danger he was now in…especially if he had plans for his close friends. But, I couldn't dwell on it right now seeing as Percy soon sat by us and the trip continued like nothing ever happed; well except for Percy now seemed to stay in his almost dazed like state.


Soon enough the trip ended and the students went back to have a normal school year except for the fact that Percy kept asking everyone about Ms. Dodds only to have them look at him strangely. For it seems that the women that suddenly appeared within their group was 'always' their math teacher, though Percy refused to believe that and had some proof that it was a lie seeing as Grover seemed to get nervous whenever he talked about it. Still Naruto decided to say nothing about the events until he had more information. Eventually time passed and it was getting close to the finals forcing Percy to stay in his room trying to study everything while Naruto sat calmly on the other bed in the room.

"Gah, I will never remember all of these names." Percy complains causing Naruto to chuckle.

"Well that is what you get for waiting till the last minute to study." Naruto told his friend who glared at him.

"Shut up Mr. never study."

"You got me there but my grades show I don't need to."

"…luck bastard."

"Percy if you are having so much trouble that even the help I gave you wasn't enough then you may want to try going directly to the source for information." Naruto told him.

"Directly to the source….you mean talk to Mr. Brunner?" Percy asked but saw Naruto looked to be getting ready for bed. So, he simply decided to do just that and quickly went down to said man's classroom hopping that he was still there.

"….still I am worried about Percy sir." Percy heard a voice that sounded like Grover come from said room and quickly decided to listen to their conversation.

"Don't worry about him he has survived and will make it till next year after these tests…that you have to take as well." Mr. Brunner's voice told who he assumed was Grover.

"But what about the deadline we ne-"

"He does not need to worry about matters like that until he finds out more about his heritage."

"But he saw one of the Kindly ones."

"Simply his imagination. Now go get some rest you have a lot to do tomorrow."

"…don't remind me." Grover's voice mumbled and then Percy heard movement and quickly rushed back to his room just before the door opened up to show Grover waking towards his room as well. Though Percy had no idea that Grover didn't get too far before something sharp was placed against his neck and he was forced to walk back into the room.

"Grover what are you-" Mr. Brunner began asking when he saw the boy come back in only to see the blade of a small knife on his throat.

"Naruto why are you doing this to your friend?" Mr. Brunner asked with his eyes narrowed clearly mad at Naruto though the blond paid no mind to this.

"I am done sneaking around for answers. You just said that my friend is going to be in danger thanks to YOUR guy's secret. Now I suggest you tell me what I want before I have to do something that I really don't want to do." Naruto told them while releasing a small amount of KI to show that he was serious (KI=killer intent).

"W-w-what do you mean N-n-naruto?" Grover asked terrified though Mr. Brunner just looked right at the boy's eyes for a moment before mumbling "very well." Course when he said this Naruto relaxed a bit and let Grover go. He then watched as Grover ran over to Mr. Brunner somehow without needing his crutches.
"Sorry Grover but I need the information to keep my friends safe, now talk." Naruto told Grover ignoring the flinch the boy had when he didn't say he was a friend. "Now let's talk" he added looking at Mr. Brunner.

(AN added: I think I had a message saying I changed the bullies name in this…going to leave it in just because its not doing anything but I had the book close by and finally got the name so I changed that as well)

And that is the end of the first chapter. Now I will be working on my other stories as well but I just wanted to try making one of these as well….also please no complaints by how long my updates I will take seeing as I know that many other writers….namely the ones in my watch list take ages to do their stories as well. Though I will try to post more but now of days most of my time is used for studying. I mean in the last week I probably studied for at least twenty hours just for tests….ya college is just that much fun. Anyways Ja Ne.