Bonnie's POV

12:06 AM

After a long day of playing songs with the rest of the Freddy Fazbear gang, Bonnie was glad that they could finally take a breather. Sadly, the new management had not hired a security guard yet, so there was no game tonight. There hadn't been for some time after the Pizzeria re-opened.

Bonnie gently laid her guitar down, trying to not disturb Chica and Freddy, who were inactive at the moment, and climbed off stage. Her ears buzzed when she heard muffled voices coming from Pirate Cove. It was most likely Foxy and his counterpart, engaged in some sort of conversation. Bonnie approached the curtain and held out her paw, but then quickly lowered it again. It was none of her business, and she didn't want to seem rude by barging into Pirate Cove unannounced.

After all, she was new. At least, her body was. Her face was old.

"At it again are they?" A voice asked from behind. Bonnie turned to see the main man of the establishment standing behind her; Freddy Fazbear himself. His bright eyes glowed in the darkest of the dining area as he smiled warmly at her. That poor fellow. He had not had the same treatment as Bonnie, since his brown, furry, costume was still tattered and torn, with pieces of wiring exposed. There were dark patches, pizza stains no doubt, and he gave off a terrible oder. Hopefully he'd get the refurbishment he deserved soon enough.

"Everything all right, child?" Freddy asked, snapping her out of her train of thought.

Bonnie nodded "Yes, I'm fine" she reassured him.

"You seem troubled, little one"

Bonnie sighed "I just don't like seeing you like this. It's awful" she told him, gently touching his arm.

"Don't worry about me, I'll be receiving a new costume soon. And look how nicely you turned out" he said, lifting his paw and touching her cheek.

Bonnie pulled away quickly, and Freddy's face fell. There was a silence between them, with only the muffled voices from Foxy and his counterpart for comfort.

Freddy opened his mouth to say something. "Let's eat!" a childish voice exclaimed. Freddy regained his smile and turned towards Chica, who was currently climbing off stage.

"I'm starving!" She squeaked, attempting to bite down on the fake cupcake in her hand, but failing miserably. "Darn thing isn't real" she grumbled, putting it on the stage and approaching the two.

"Your memory seems to have failed you again, Chica" Freddy chuckled.

"That's the fifth time you've tried to eat that cupcake" Bonnie chimed in.

"Is it?" Chica asked, a little confused. The chick looked past them at the Pirate Cove curtain and grimaced "Do those two ever stop gossiping?" She wondered.

"They can hear you, Chica" Freddy told her.

"I'm going to get pizza, does anyone want pizza?!" She cried gleefully.

"I'd like some" Bonnie replied with a brief nod.

"I'll be right back!" She told them, walking at a quick pace towards the kitchen and disappearing out of sight.

"Such a hyperactive child" Freddy murmured, his eyes never leaving the kitchen door. "Tell me, Bonnie, how long has it been since your re-design?" He asked, turning towards her. She found it odd that he was acting like what had occurred earlier never happened.

"I'm not sure. I've lost track of the days" she replied.

"Well, yours happened sometime before Foxy got his new friend. I don't think it was long ago" he paused "You have most, maybe even all of the old Bonnie's face, so I wondering... Do you have any of his thoughts? Ideas... Memories... Anything like that?" He questioned.

"I'd rather not say" She replied wearily. She closed her eyelids for a moment, the sound of buzz's, cracking and painful cries ringing in her ears.

"That's alright, child. In your own time"

The smell of fresh pizza wafted through the air "I'm back!" Chica declared, carrying a pizza box. She opened it up, picked up a slice, and stuffed it into her own face. Her lowered beak flapped as she chewed.

"What topping is it?" Bonnie asked.

"Pepperoni" Chica stated simply with her mouth full. She held out the box to Bonnie, and she took a slice. Chica then turned towards Freddy, her arm outstretched.

Freddy shook his head "Thanks, but no thanks"

"Awwww, why not?" Chica questioned.

"Because I have enough pizza stains on me as it is. I don't need my endoskeleton covered in pizza too" he explained.

"I'm going to give my slice to Bonnie" Bonnie murmured quietly. Freddy and Chica fell into silence and gave Bonnie a worried stare.

"Are you sure that's wise?" Freddy asked in a low tone.

"It's what I want. It's what Bonnie wants, so that's that" she replied, turning away and moving towards the backstage door.

"But Freddy, Bonnie isn't-" Chica began, only to get shut down by Freddy.

"Quiet, Chica" he growled "Leave her be"

The light of the moon flooded the backstage area and bathed the tile floor with it's sliver glow "Bonnie...?" She called, poking her large head into the room. When there was no response, she decided to come on anyway.

She glanced around, taking note of the many extra heads sitting on the shelves. There was even a metal endoskeleton sitting in the corner, hunched over. There were even replacement heads for Foxy now, which was a nice change since he was no longer out of order.

As her eyes continued to examine the room, they finally fell upon the old Bonnie's limp body sitting in the far corner. Bonnie approached the costume and knelt down in front of him, holding out her paw and lifting Bonnie's head. What stared back at her was an empty hole with shreds of metal, wiring and an extra set of teeth where his face had once been.

"I brought you pizza" Bonnie told him with a smile.

No response.

"It's pepperoni. Sorry, it was Chica's choice"

No response.

"I'll make sure to get a different topping next time" she told him, putting the slice of pizza into the gapping hole. "Eat up, hon"

The old Bonnie lay still, unmoving and lifeless "Oh, I see. You want to save it for later" she said, taking the pizza slice and placing it in the old Bonnie's hand "That's alright, no need to rush."


Bonnie lifted her other paw and touched his face, stroking his soft, purple fur "I wish you'd talk to me" she sighed sadly.

Bonnie sobbed sadly, burying his face into Freddy's fur "I'm getting replaced! I'm getting replaced!" He wailed.

Freddy pushed Bonnie off of him, causing the rabbit to trip and fall off the stage. Chica gasped and rushed to his aid "Pull yourself together!" Freddy commanded.

Bonnie sniffed "It's over for me"

"You don't know that!" Freddy yelled.

"Yes I do! Foxy read the newspaper clipping, it said there was a new Bonnie arriving soon!"

"Actually..." A voice interrupted them. The band turned there heads and saw Foxy peeking out of the curtain "I just think the new management are getting us all new friends. Other versions of ourselves that share our personalities but are a little different" he suggested his theory.

"Like a... Counterpart?" Freddy questioned.

"If you prefer that term" Foxy replied "Our counterparts would fill in for us every so often. We'd take a break while they would perform for the children. Relieving the stress and the workload on the originals, I suppose"

"See, Bonnie, there's nothing to worry about" Chica told him comfortingly as she helped him up.

"Maybe. At least I hope so" Bonnie murmured, brushing his costume. "How do you know this?" He asked, looking to Foxy for answers.

"I saw another newspaper clipping. It said that I would be getting a new friend, so I assume that's what they meant about you as well"

Bonnie smiled at him "I feel a little better knowing that. Thank you, Foxy"

"No problem" the pirate fox replied, before letting the curtain drop.

Foxy was wrong.