First of all, to readers of this story, Strawberry Swings, or even followers of Comfortable Silence from another fandom who happen to be here as well, my sincere apology for not updating any of the aforementioned stories in a while. I have been travelling over Christmas, and I'm currently having a very busy semester as well. I will try my best to do some writing from time to time, but it's hard when there are so many things to deal with in real life. Again, my apology.

If anyone's interested, I was actually in Tokyo for a few days before Christmas, and I did not forget to purchase a few RinxMaki doujin, among many other things, in Akihabara. Given its popularity, it's not surprising to find LoveLive! posters and products everywhere, in Akiba or not.

Chapter title refers to the character song of Shibuya Rin from THE IDOLMASTER: CINDERELLA GIRLS, mainly because I'm really into the anime right now. Rin is extremely cute, and the producer is extremely moe.

Chapter 6: Never say never

'You look terrible.'

Perhaps Maki should not have expected any kinder words, but Eli's sharp gaze reminded her that her senior was always a no-nonsense person. Of course, she knew that the blonde meant well, with her concerned bright blue eyes asking her how she was feeling.

'I'm fine,' Maki replied nonchalantly, sipping her English tea.

The pair was sitting in a nice café within the university that Eli attended. Most people around were college students, though given Maki's mature appearance one could hardly doubt she was not part of the population here.

Even though the three original third-year members of μ's all stayed in Tokyo after their graduation from Otonokizaka, they attended different colleges. Eli was the only one accepted to the University of Tokyo, one of the leading institutions in Asia, studying political science. Nozomi studied biotechnology in the Tokyo Institute of Technology and Nico studied economics in University of Tsukaba. However, none expected the dark-haired girl to pay much attention to her studies anyway, since she was working towards her goal of becoming a professional idol, having already signed contract with an agency and appeared in some commercials. The degree was just a safety net, since she knew well how hard it was to survive in the industry.

At times Maki looked at the trio and wondered how things would be like by the time she, Rin and Hanayo graduated in less than two years. As far as she knew, Eli, Nozomi and Nico still met from time to time despite their own busy schedules, and she had full confidence that Honoka would do everything to keep in touch with Umi and Kotori. Would she be able to keep her friendship with Rin and Hanayo as well? It wasn't easy already when Honoka, Umi and Kotori began to prepare for their college entrance exams, and the thought of their friendship gradually falling apart, honestly, scared her.

'I've known you long enough, Maki,' Eli sighed and stopped stirring her coffee. She had already learnt about the current situation from Honoka, and she was pleasantly surprised when she received Maki's call, asking if they could meet alone. 'How's Rin?'

Maki bit her lips before letting out a long sigh, her fingers playing with her hair as she always did. 'She's staying with Hanayo for the moment. Hanayo's parents tried to talk to her parents, but they kept saying that Rin could only return if she…'

'Stop liking girls?'

Unwillingly, Maki nodded. Those words sounded like a direct insult to herself, and Maki hated this feeling of just sitting there and doing nothing. She wanted to go and reason with the Hoshizoras herself if not for Hanayo's insistent plea. The brown-haired girl did not think Maki, one of the protagonists in this, would be able to change their mind, if not worsening the situation.

'…and I assume Rin doesn't want you to go as well?'

Eli's query hit the spot, and Maki rubbed her forehead impatiently. 'She wants me to stay out of this,' the crimson-haired girl continued the story of how, after two weeks of staying with the Koizumis, Rin still begged her not to go to her parents.

'It's a smart choice, I have to say,' Eli ignored Maki's stare and continued. 'Hanayo's parents have known Rin's for a long time, right? If even they cannot change their minds, why would you be able to?'

'Because…' Maki opened her mouth, but no words came out. 'It's better than doing nothing. Rin can't be kicked out forever.'

'That's true, but at the same time your presence won't solve any issue,' Eli reasoned. 'What about Rin's sisters? What do they think?' (*)

'I've met them before and they know about us,' Maki whispered, feeling that such a thing did not sound appropriate to be discussed so loudly, after all. 'They have talked to Rin and said that they will try to persuade their parents to change their mind, but they still need time to do that.'

'Sounds like that's your only option, then,' Eli said. 'It's better if they handle it than you do.'

Maki pouted. She knew it was logically the right choice, but she still felt uneasy about it. She hated being so useless. Why was it that she could not do something productive in the meantime?

'How did you two do it?' Maki asked weakly, prompting Eli to look at her, confused. 'How did you and Nozomi work things out with your parents?'

A thought of realization hit Eli, and the blonde now knew the real purpose of Maki asking to meet specifically today.

'It's a different upbringing, I guess. My parents are pretty open-minded, and frankly, they told me that they weren't surprised given how much time Nozomi has spent at my place.

'As for Nozomi…her mother is more understanding than her father is. It took the combined effort of herself and her mother to convince him that the sky would not crumble when two girls are in a relationship.'

'A combined effort, huh…' Maki trailed off, running the scenario in her mind. Eli looked at her kouhai's thoughtful expression, and her lips craved into a small smile.

'I know that you're worried about Rin, but she's probably worried about you too.'

Eli's confession shocked the pianist, who shot her eyes upwards to face the college student.

'My guess is that Rin doesn't want you to get too involved because you also haven't told your parents about your relationship yet,' Eli explained. 'She doesn't want what happened to her to happen to you too.'

'How did you…'

'I'm with Nozomi, remember?' Eli grinned. 'That's what the cards say.'

Maki wanted to make a rebuttal, yet she couldn't help but laugh at Eli's fake Nozomi voice, which was plain horrible. Eli joined in the laughter, and Maki felt like she actually relaxed for the first time over the past two weeks.

'Seriously though, I'm not saying that you should come out to your parents just because of that without any preparation,' Eli said, her chin resting on her palm, her elbow laying on the table. 'I just think that just being with Rin right now is enough. She needs you and that's all that matters.'

'I guess you're right,' Maki smiled, caressing the handle of the tea cup. 'Rin is…I just don't want her to be sad anymore.'

'It'll take some time, but she still has you, Hanayo and others,' Eli stated. 'Just spend more time with her, and of course, I'll always be happy to help. I'm sure Nozomi and Nico-chan will be glad to help by any means if you ask them.'

'…thank you, Eli.'

Frankly speaking, Eli was expecting a more tsundere response from the crimson-haired girl, but the seriousness in her purple eyes told her that she really meant it. It only showed how much she cared about Rin in this case, and Eli could only smile from the bottom of her heart and offer a light squeeze of Maki's hand.

End of Chapter 6

* I read from a source that says Rin has two elder sisters, though since I did not follow the series very closely I am not sure if this is true or not. Still, I'll go with it for now. If it turns out to be not true, then you can treat it as that this is part of the setting of this story.

Unfortunately I cannot guarantee anything on when the next update will be. Hopefully soon?