Disclaimer: I own neither Naruto or Inuyasha, nor any of its characters. If I did I wouldn't be writing fan-fiction about them.

(A.N) Before I begin, I would like to clear somethings up. First up, I am aware that the EMS negates a lot of the side effects of Susanoo. That being said, I made it where it still hurts Naruto to use for a reason, to weaken him! I can't have Naruto being too OP, it would make for a boring story. So yes, Naruto is going to have weaknesses, I am sorry if that bothers anyone.

Next up, some were trying to say that only Kaguya Otsutsuki could give people the ability to use Chakra. Now I've had a similar review on another story of mine. So I'll tell you guys what I told them. Kaguya only gave Chakra to her two sons, and not purposely I might add. Those two sons went on to have sons of their own, who had the ability to use Chakra. But in the days of the Sage's two sons, there were a lot of people who could use Chakra. So where did they get the ability from?

That's simple. If you go back and read, it says the Sage gave people the ability to use Chakra when he created Ninshu. Plus all Bijuu have the ability to Transfer their Chakra at will. Which is why Naruto was able to give everyone a Chakra Fox Shroud. But if it still bothers you, than think on this. The Hogosha Keizu was made by channeling the power of the Nine Bijuu through the piece of the Ten Tails that is sealed in the sword.

Basically, the Hogosha Keizu is a smaller weaker Shinju. So I hope that helps clear somethings up.

Now I see the times they change
Leaving doesn't seem so strange
I am hoping I can find
Where to leave my hurt behind
All the shit I seem to take
All alone I seem to break
I have lived the best I can
Does this make me not a man?

(Korn: Alone I Break.)


"Bijuu/True Form Demon Talking."


'Bijuu/True Form Demon Thinking.'

"Flash backs/Dreams"

Jutsu and Japanese words will also be bold. (Look for translations at end of chapter.)

Last Time On Death Wish.

Ayako approached the tree cautiously, not really sure what to expect. What she had not expected was her pendent starting to vibrate, when she neared the tree. Or the symbol on the tree starting to glowing bright red! The people in the village center stared in open wonder, as on a limb of the tree, grew a single fruit. Then the limb bent down to the woman, as if offering her the fruit.

Ayako not knowing what else to do, took a bite of the fruit. Suddenly she felt her body awash in a strange foreign energy, and her world went black!

Death Wish: Know Your Enemy.

'Talk about your first impressions! I hope they don't think I'm their enemy.' Thought Naruto, as he looked around for the group. Only to find them no longer there. 'Now... Where did they run off too?'

It would seem to him, that they had beat a hasty retreat. But why? Was he really that frightening? Or did they simply believe that he would loose? Either way, they couldn't have gotten that far. He was about to start his search for them, when a rustling in a near by bush caught his attention. He almost threw a Kunai at it, but stopped himself.

Instead he walked slowly to the bush, intending to see what was making it rustle. Before he could get there however, something jumped out at him.

"Yip!" It was of all things... a fox! "Yip!"

The fox trotted up to him all the while barking, but Naruto noted, not aggressively. It was more like it was curious about him. It stopped at Naruto's feet and started to sniff him... how vary odd. Most animals, and that included other foxes ran from him once they caught his scent. Naruto knew that his scent changed when he and Kurama merged. He knew that he smelled like a predator. As proven, because every time for about a year. That he would walk by Kiba both him and Akamaru, would flinch.

That fact that this little guy walked right up to him. Either meant that it was really brave... or really stupid! Naruto was inclined to believe the former. As something in the foxes eyes told Naruto that it was a clever little one. Naruto bent down to it's level, and held out his hand minus his fingerless glove, for it to sniff. The fox sniffed his palm a few times, then went to licking it.

This made Naruto start to laugh! It had been so long since an animal had even approached him, that he had forgotten what it was like to have one show him affection. Naruto started to scratch it behind it's ears, causing it to make a contented rumble that sounded almost like purring.

"Well, I'm sorry little guy. But I've got to get going." Said Naruto, as he stood and started to walk in the direction of the groups scent.


Naruto turned around, only to see that the fox was following him. "Whoa, little guy! You're not going to want to follow me, where I'm going is gonna be really dangerous."

He began walking again, but the fox still followed him. Finally getting tired of it, he turned and pointed at the fox.

"Sit!" Surprisingly the fox understood him and sat on his hind legs. "Good, now stay!"

Naruto took a few tentative steps, than turned back just to make sure the fox had stayed. Seeing him still sitting in the same spot, he let out a breath of relief and began walking in earnest once again.


"Oh, for the love of Kami! Do you have a death wish?" Exclaimed Naruto, before pausing to consider the irony of that statement. "You know what? You want to follow me, Fine. It's your funeral!"

Fifteen minutes later, Naruto was still grumbling. But the fox continued to follow him, happily oblivious to Naruto's sour mood. Suddenly Naruto froze in his tracks, his new companion doing like wise.

'Something is going on with the Hogosha Keizu! I need to get back to the village right away!' Thought Naruto. 'But I can't stop following the group, or I might loose them."

He was about to create a Shadow Clone to continue to follow the group. Even though he hated to do so, as Shadow Clones were so easily dispelled. When his fox companion gave another yip. He suddenly had an idea!

"Say, how would you like to be useful?" He asked the fox.


"I was hoping you would say that." He patted his leg getting the fox to come closer. "Roll over."

The fox rolled over in the classic play dead position. He made a few hand signs and touched the fox's stomach. Instantly a seal appeared on it's stomach, before it faded much like his used to do. The seal he used was not a particularly strong one, but than again he had not wanted it to be strong. He needed his Chakra to be able to take over on a moments notice. He wondered too himself if there had ever been an animal Jinchuriki before? It didn't really matter either way.

His Chakra would leak out of the seal in small miniscule amounts. Becoming the Fox's Chakra, and giving the fox more intelligence and more than likely a few other changes aswell. But until that happened, his Chakra could assume temporary control of the fox. Much the way Kurama used to do him, before they became friends.

"I suppose I should give you a name, shouldn't I?" He asked the fox after he had finished.


Naruto chuckled. "No, I'm not going to name you, yip. Hm, let's see. How about, Jinsoku?"


Suddenly the fox's eyes turned blood red. Naruto knew his chakra had temporally taken over.

"Alright, you know what I need you to do." The fox gave a sharp nod of it's head, before it took off in the direction of the group. With that taken care of Naruto preformed the Seal of Confrontation, and Hiraishined to the village. What Naruto was woefully unaware of was someone, or really something had been observing his battle. For as he disappeared, a large wasp like insect flew out of the tree's to return to it's master.

He appeared in the village just in time to catch a young women, who was passing out. He recognized her immediately as Ayako, the bar maid his Shadow Clone had been intimate with. Looking around the group of stunned villagers that was gathered around the Hogosha Keizu, he spotted one he recognized. It was the old man who was the first to bow to him the day he saved the village.

"Kashikoi, what has happened here?" He asked the old man, as he held the young woman bridle style.

"Lord Naruto!" Exclaimed the old man, as he got on his knees in a deep bow. The other villagers doing like wise. "We do not know, we were following your instructions and showing this young lady to the Hogosha Keizu. When it suddenly bore a fruit, than it offered the fruit to her. She took a bite off of it, than started to faint. That was when you showed up my Lord."

While on the outside he remained calm and stoic. On the inside however, his mind was racing. 'The Hogosha Keizu, bore a fruit?! How?'

Looking around he saw the fruit in question laying on the ground with a bite missing from it. Making a few one handed seals he spat a stream of fire at the fruit, incinerating it. "Kashikoi, let it be known. If the Hogosha Keizu bears any more fruit, it is to be destroyed immediately! Just like I did with this one."

"Y-Yes my lord." Said Kashikoi.

Naruto looked around the gathered villagers, and spotted two that he recognized. It was the woman that he had saved from being raped, and her husband. He had to think for a second to remember their names, but he did. "Kotei, Mieko. I need the two of you too follow me, you aswell Kashikoi. There are things we must discuss."

Kotei, and his wife both nodded their heads and followed the Demon Lord. As did the Elder, Kashikoi. The three followed him beyond the edge of the village, until he stop at the edge of a large empty field. They couldn't help but wonder why he had brought them here.

"Here, Kotei. Hold her, and do not drop her!" Said Naruto as he hand the young woman off to the man. Kotei held on to her careful not to drop her, albeit shooting nervous glances at his wife the whole time. Under different circumstances Naruto might have found that amusing, or even reason for humor. But as it stood he had way too much on his mind.

They watched as their lord made some of his hand signs, and said something about Earth Release. Much to their astonishment a large indention appeared in the field. It was large enough that you could almost fit over half the village inside of it.

"W-What are you doing, my lord?" Asked Kashikoi, voice the question that was on all their minds at the moment.

"Preparing a spot for my house." Said Naruto, as if that cleared everything up. With that said, he pulled a scroll from his vest and unfurled it on the ground. Nicking his finger with one of his claws he smeared some blood on one of the seals, which looked like just a bunch of odd markings to his three observers.

"Kai!" He shouted, slamming a hand to the symbol.

The three watched in awe as the symbols traveled from the scroll and into the indention in the field. Suddenly the area was engulfed in smoke. The three couldn't believe what they were seeing, once the smoke cleared the area. For there before them where the indention used to be, was a house larger then they had ever seen.

The house was large enough to fit an army inside of it. It was walled off, with a gate in the front. Above the gate, was a swirl symbol that was also displayed on the back of their lords cloak. They figured the swirl must be his symbol. Not really surprising given his name of, Naruto. All in all it was a house fit for a Lord.

What they didn't know, was that Naruto had created this house the day before he and Hinata were to wed. When he had created it, he had envisioned a house full of his and Hinata's children. The house was meant to be the Compound of the restored Uzumaki Clan. Instead it had remained empty aside from him and Hinata, though Karin did live with them for a time. But even she moved out when she ended up marring of all people, Suigetsu. No one had saw that relationship coming!

He had once offered to tear down the house and make them something smaller, but Hinata had refused. She said she loved it, for the spirit that it was built in. But Naruto often wondered for years, if the true reason she refused. Wasn't in an attempt to hide, just how much not being able to have children of their own bothered her. It was thoughts like that, that still haunted him. That and could he have done something different to end the war? Did he have to merge with Kurama, and seal Sasuke? Was there another way, that he was just to blind to see?

Naruto shook his head to clear it of those thoughts, should of, could of, would ofs would drive you out of your mind if you let them. But still, Naruto would have given his right arm, for events to have played out just a little bit differently.

Naruto took Ayako from Kotei, and lead the group through the gate and to the main house. After removing their foot wear in the entryway, they continued following their lord through the large house. All the while, having trouble believing and comprehending what their eyes were seeing.

Inside the house was things that kept their eyes wide a saucers, like candles as bright as miniature suns, that hung from the ceiling. Or holes in the walls that blew out cool air, strange furniture, and the most realistic portraits they had ever seen!

Some showed a young boy dressed in orange, with blonde hair, who looked alarmingly like their lord. They wonder if he was their lord's son, or maybe younger brother? Others showed a young pretty girl with dark hair and odd, yet at the same time, beautiful pale pupil-less eyes. Other portraits showed their lord with the same girl, only older. In the portraits, he was smiling. It was so strange, they had never seen their lord truly smile before. Even when he did, his smiles were sad, in a hard to explain kind of way.

But in the portrait, he was smiling in a way that was so happy, that it almost transformed his whole face. Whoever this lady was, it was obvious to them that their lord had loved her dearly.

"She was my wife." Said Naruto in a cold stoic voice, having caught them looking at one of the pictures, of he and Hinata. And could guess what they were thinking.

"Y-Yes, lord. S-Sorry!" Stammered the three, have caught the cold tone of his voice, aswell as his use of the past tense.

Naruto let out a breath in an attempt to calm himself. Mentally chiding himself over being short with them. It wasn't their fault that they were ignorant of the tragedy that was his life. Well, tragedy from a certain point of view anyways.

"It is okay." Said Naruto in a kinder softer voice, as he beckoned them to once again continue following him. "Her name was Hinata. She passed on over three hundred years ago, but it still feels like yesterday. That is what happens when an immortal falls in love with a mortal."

"She was human, my lord?" Asked Mieko, shocked that a being as powerful as him would marry a human woman.

"As human as you." Said Naruto, as he lead them up some stairs. He smiled sadly as he thought of his late wife. "She was the most kind and gentle woman I have ever met. Which is a miracle in and of itself, given her family."

"H-Her family, my lord?" Asked Kashikoi.

"A Ninja Clan, who were known for being quite cold hearted at times." Answered Naruto, as he opened a door to a guest bedroom and laid Ayako on a bed. It was not a kind of bed they were used to seeing. For one thing it stood off the floor, a couple of feet off the floor! And another thing it looked like it could fit about four adults comfortably.

As he laid her on the bed, he put his hand to her forehead to check her temperature. He pulled it back right away. She was burning up!

"Keep an eye on her, I'll be right back." Said Naruto, as he rushed into the adjoining bathroom. Turning on the light, he grabbed a wash cloth and ran it under some cold water.

He thanked Kami that he had the foresight to fix the house so that it ran on Seals. A Raiton Seal, to power the house. A Katon Seal, to fuel the stove, and heaters. And a Suiton Seal, for the plumbing. It wasn't a perfect solution, as every so often he would have to go store some more of their respective Chakra into the seals, but it worked out okay.

Taking the now cold wet washcloth and a bucket of cold water, back into the bedroom. He placed the cloth on her for head. Wanting to see whether or not, his suspicion was correct, he activated his Rinnegan. Sure enough, her body was growing a Chakra Circulatory System.

"What is wrong with her, my lord?" Asked Mieko, worried about the woman, who was both sweating and shivering.

Naruto answered without looking up, as he channeled Healing Chakra into his hands, placing one on her forehead and his other above her heart. "When she took a bite of the Fruit, she gained a power similar to, though weaker than my own. Her body is now trying to adjust to that power."

"Do you mean she's turning into a-" Kotei paused, trying to think of a politer word than 'demon.' Naruto saved him the trouble.

"No. She'll still be human, though with power comparable to one." Said Naruto, as he canceled the Mystic Palm Jutsu. He had done all he could do, the rest would be up to her. At least she had stopped shivering. "The closest comparison I could think of, would be a Priestess."

"Kashikoi, Kotei, come with me. Mieko, stay with her, keep the rag wet and on her forehead. It will help keep her temperature down." Said Naruto as he walked to the door, the two other males following behind him. "We'll be two doors down, to the right. Come and get me if there is any change."

"Yes, Lord Naruto." Said Mieko, as she re-wet the rag and placed it back on the young ladies forehead.

Naruto led the two men into a room with a classic style Japanese table, complete with setting cushions. He motioned for the two men to take a seat at the table, and they did so. Before taking a cushion himself he produced a tokkuri full of Sake, as well as three ochokos.

After they all had their ochoko full of Sake, Naruto took a sip and began to ponder where to start with what he wanted to tell them. He still didn't fully understand how this had come about. While it is true that the Hogosha Keizu was made by channeling the power of the Nine through the piece of the Ten Tails that was sealed in the sword, thus making the Hogosha Keizu, similar to the Shinju, though not nearly as powerful. Still none of the other Hogosha Keizu that he had created around Konoha had ever produced a fruit before. So why had this one?

Even more disturbing was the thought that his Shadow Clone might have planed this. But if it had, than how had it kept that information from him? This whole thing was beginning to give him a headache. Besides it was more likely that his Shadow Clone, knew nothing about this and that it was all the tree's doing. But once again... why? What would make this one woman so special?

Giving himself a mental shake, he decided to get on with why he had brought them here.

"The reason I asked you here is to explain why it is important that no one else ever eat of a fruit from the tree. In my home land there was a mighty Tree Spirit called the Shinju..." And so Naruto told them of the Shinju, and of Kaguya Otsutsuki, and of his later fight with her. "And that is why if the Hogosha Keizu ever produces another fruit, it will need to be destroyed immediately. I can not risk the possibility of unleashing a Kaguya unto this world."

The two men had sat in stunned silence through out the whole story. It was hard to imagine a being even more powerful then their Lord. Add to the fact that it took the combined might of Lord Naruto and his friend, whom he had told them was just as strong as him to defeat this being. Even then he said they had barely won.

"My Lord, do you believe the young lady will become like this, Kaguya?" Asked Kashikoi, worried about the implications.

Naruto thought carefully for a moment before he answered. "No. Like I said before, I believe her power will be much weaker than my own. But if an already powerful demon were to eat of the fruit..."

Though Naruto had left the sentence hanging, the shivers that ran up the spines of the two men, told him that they had gotten his point. "Anyways, I'll be sticking around, until she awakens. So if she does turn out like Kaguya, I'll take care of it."

Hours later after the three had done left, he sat in the room keeping a close eye on the young woman. Still he could not help but wonder, what did the tree see in her, that made it trust her with it's fruit? He would fall asleep in his chair pondering this. His dream was not to be a vary happy one.

"Naruto-kun?" Asked a frail and withered Hinata, from her sick bed. Her body was failing her, she didn't have long left in this world. They both knew it, but neither had spoken of it.

"Yes, Hime?" Asked Naruto who sat beside her bed, as he took her hand into his.

"Don't do what you are thinking of." Said Hinata Softly, Looking her husband in the eyes, that she loved so much.

"I'm not thinking of doing anything, love." Replied Naruto.

"Liar." She said with a soft smile. "I know you better than that. You can hide your thoughts from me."

Naruto smile faltered, before being replaced with a frown. "It's not fair! I have the power to bring you back, whole and young again! Just like Obito did with Madara. Why shouldn't I?! I don't want to lose you!"

"I don't want you to lose me either." Said Hinata with tears in her eyes, as she griped Naruto's hand tighter. "But my time in this world is over, I'm ready to rest. I want to see my mother and father again, and Neji-Niisan and my imouto . I want to see all of our friends, and not even you could bring them all back. No, the only way is for me to go to them."

"But where you go, I can't follow you." Said Naruto, letting the first tears he had cried in a long time, roll down his eyes.

"Oh, my love. Nothing in this world is forever, not even the great Bijuu." She said reassuringly. "We well see each other again, one day."

"Yes, but not for a vary long time I'm afraid." He said in almost a whisper.

"Than I'll wait for you, patiently."

"I would have thought, you would have gotten tired of waiting on me when we were kids." He said trying to lighten the mood.

This did cause her to give a slight laugh. "You were really thick headed back then, weren't you?"

Naruto laughed through his tears. "Yes. Yes, I was. In fact I think I was the only one who didn't know how you felt."

This caused to both to laugh softly.

"Kiba-kun used to tease me so bad, about it." She said, which caused another bout of laughter.

"What do you think our children would have been like?" She asked him out of the blue.

They had an unspoken taboo on that subject for a lot of years now, but giving the situation he indulged her. "I don't know, I always pictured a little girl with your hair, and gentle nature. Maybe my whisker marks, and pale blue eyes. She would have been like you, and she would have had me wrapped around her little finger."

"Or maybe a little boy with blond untamable hair?" Asked Hinata, with a sad smile.

Naruto chuckled. "Yeah, and he probably would have been a trouble maker like me. But I would have loved him all the more for it."


"Yes, Hime?"

"I'm scared."

"I-I know, Hime. So am I."

Naruto awoke with a start, to discover he had been crying in his sleep. He remembered that day well, as Hinata had passed away the next. He remembered how she had made him promise to move on, to try and be happy. He had promised, so as to give her piece of mind, but he knew full well that he had no intentions of keeping that particular promise.

Drying his eyes, he looked around the bedroom. Only to notice one glaring fact, he was alone in it! Ayako was missing! Rushing from the room, Naruto went in search of her. It didn't take him long to sniff her out, and he found her staring at a large picture on the wall. It was a picture of him and Hinata on their wedding day. It almost seemed as if she were studying the photo, as if trying to learn some great secrete from it.

"I see, that you are feeling better." Said Naruto from behind her. Ayako gave a startled yelp, as she spun around. Upon seeing who was behind her, she quickly bowed low.

"Y-Yes, my lord." She said as she stood back up. "I'm sorry, for just disappearing like that. But when I was awoken, I saw that you were still sleeping, and did not wish to disturb you."

"That is okay." Said Naruto in monotone. "Come, you must be hungry."

It was at that moment that Ayako's stomach decided to betray her, and gave a loud growl. This cause the poor woman to blush, and stammer an apology.

Naruto merely waved it off, as he lead her to the main dinning area of his house. "It is okay, hunger is a side effect of the change your body has gone through."

"Change, my lord?" She asked with confusion.

"Yes." Answered Naruto, as they entered the dinning room. He summoned a Shadow Clone after showing Ayako to her seat. The clone without prompt, headed toward the kitchen and began fixing them some breakfast. "You're body has under gone a number of changes since eating the fruit. But we will discuss that after we eat."

After eating a breakfast that consisted of Steamed Rice, Miso Soup, and Tamagoyaki(rolled omelet). Naruto pondered how to begin his explanation, finally deciding to just wing it. He began.

"I don't pretend to fully understand how all of this came about. The Hogosha Keizu, should not have produced a fruit, much less offered it to anyone." He started calmly. "But the how and why, are of little importance now. The fact is it did produce a fruit, and it did offer it to you. And now we must deal with the consequences of that."

"W-What consequences, my lord?" Asked Ayako, nervously.

"There exist a vary rare type of energy called Chakra. Chakra can be used in a lot of ways, from creating fire, to healing, or even bringing the dead back to life. Now Chakra is made by mixing the Physical energy, produced by the body. With the Spiritual energy, produced by the mind." As he was explaining this, he summoned Physical energy into his right hand, and Spiritual energy into his left. Before putting his hand together to make his red Chakra. It was truly a mark to just how powerful he was that not only was his Chakra visible, but his Spiritual and Physical energies as well.

"Are you following along so far?" He asked, getting a wide eyed nod from Ayako. "Good. Now all beings produce Spiritual and Physical energy, but most lack the ability to mix them. In fact, I was the only one in this world that could do it."

"Was, my lord?" She asked.

"Yes. Now there is one other, who can produce Chakra." He answered seriously, as he looked her dead in the eyes. "You."

Inside his hidden castle, Naraku was not happy! He had just heard back from one of his Saimyosho, that he had sent to spy on the half demon Inuyasha. What the Saimyosho had to report was most troubling indeed. The existence of a demon who could so easily defeat Sesshomaru, could severally damage his plans. As Sesshomaru was someone that would even give him pause to fight.

On the other hand if he could find away to absorb him, or at the vary least use him. Than it would turn into a boon. Still he didn't have enough information on this Nine-Tailed Fox Demon. One must know his enemies better than he knows himself, if one hopes to be victorious. He would have to get to know the Fox, and find it's weakness, so he could exploit it!

Jinsoku: Means Swift.

(A.N) I know this chapter is far shorter than the last one and does have any action in it, which I apologize for. But I really wanted to take this chapter, to get in some Character Development. As well as give you guys a peek into Naruto's mind. I hope you guys walk away with a better understanding of some of the emotions driving Naruto. If not it will become clearer in future chapters.

Don't worry, in the next chapter we'll catch back up to Inuyasha and the gang. As well as Naraku. I might even try my hand at a lemon soon.

I look forward to hearing from you, and if you have any questions don't be afraid to ask.

P.S The New Cover Art, is How I envision Naruto's house. I'll leave it up for awhile for you all to look at. But if you are reading this after I've already took it down. Then just go to Nurarihyon no Mago Wiki and search Nura House. It's basicly how I see it.

Sincerely: Reddog24485.