We have come again to the end of another story. The is the last chapter. Reviews are always welcome. If you have enjoyed this story, especially this chapter, leave me a review on the way out and tell me why.

Nell is in danger, but from who? Will she be able to take care of herself until backup arrives?

I only own my own characters which include Stefan Badžo and Mark Anderson in this story.

Anything in italics within single quotes is a quote from my one-shot "Can't Stay Away". Anything in italics and double quotes is thoughts.

Nope…no matter how hard I wish, NCIS LA nor any of the characters on the show are mine. And sadly, they never will be. I'm putting them back in as good condition as they were in when I borrowed them as I promised.



CHAPTER 24: Last Attempt

The team had spent the previous week trying to find Stefan but had come up empty. It was like he had vanished in a puff of smoke. Everyone was frustrated and tense. When tempers began to fray, Hetty stepped in.

"Go home! You're all burnt out. Take the evening off and do something fun. We'll get a fresh start in the morning." Saying that she sent everyone home for a well-deserved night off while reminding everyone to stay vigilant. No one had to be told twice. Sam and Callen were out the door to check out one final lead before separating for the night when Sam going home to spend some time with his family after dropping Callen off at his house. Eric disappeared soon after. Kensi and Deeks were the next ones to leave with Nell leaving right after they did.


Nell and Callen had decided that tonight they would stay at his place so she drove to Callen's and took a long hot shower as soon as she was in the door. She was in Callen's bedroom getting dressed after her shower while waiting for Callen to get home when he called. He told her the lead hadn't panned out and asked if she wanted him to bring takeout for dinner. When she said yes, he told her Sam would drop him off in about 30 minutes, right after he picked up some Thai.

She finished getting dressed and sat down, soon engrossed in a mystery she had wanted to read for ages. She had been reading for about 15 minutes when she heard a noise from the back of the house. She put the book down to listen more carefully unsure of what the sound had been. At first she thought it was the wind whipping the bushes against the outside of the house since the Santa Ana's had been blowing lately, but the more she listened, the more it sounded more like someone trying to pick the lock on the kitchen door. Listening to her gut, she grabbed her gun and made her way silently down the hall to where she could peek into the kitchen without being seen from outside.

Staying low, she saw a shadowy figure trying to get through the door. Slipping silently back down the hallway, she retreated into the bedroom and locked the door. She sent the 'agent in distress' signal from her cell phone and then texted Callen that someone was trying to break in. She let him know she was in the master bedroom with the door locked. She checked the windows, closed the drapes, wedged the piece of wood Callen usually used to keep the door open underneath the door, slid the two small dressers that were along the same wall as the door in front of it side by side, and upended the marble table between the bed and the bathroom. She shut the bathroom door before shimmying under the bed hoping to make it look like someone might be hiding in the bathroom. She was small enough to hide under the bed completely while still being able to see the bedroom door and aim her weapon upon it. She made sure the safety was off before she settled down to wait for someone to try the door, knowing she was as prepared as she could be for whatever was going to happen next.

The waiting was nerve-racking but she knew she had done everything possible to ensure her safety and that of Callen's. Sending the 'agent in distress' signal would ensure that the entire team responded with Callen having backup with him once he arrived at the house. Letting him know she was in the master bedroom would give him and the team the security to take down anyone else that happened to be in or around the house without having to worry about her getting caught in the cross-fire.

Nell was wondering what was taking the team so long to get there when she heard soft footsteps approaching the bedroom door. A few seconds later, she heard the handle being jiggled. Someone then tried unsuccessfully to kick down the door. She was never so happy that Callen had insisted on having a solid-core door with re-enforced hinges installed for their bedroom door.

Whoever was trying to get in finally quit trying to kick the door in. Frustrated by their unsuccessful efforts, whoever it was shot out the lock and tried pushing the door open, but the dressers were also solid wood and heavy. They would slow the intruder down, but Nell knew it was only a matter of time before the room was breached. If no one arrived in time to help, she was determined to make every shot from her gun count. She wasn't about to go down without a fight.

The first person through the door didn't have a chance. His face was turned toward the bathroom door as her shot took him in the chest and downed him on the spot. Suddenly multiple gun shots were heard along with thuds coming from the back of the house, indicating people down. Then she heard Callen's voice calling out for her. She remained where she was until she heard the all clear from the team and then called "I'm in the bedroom Callen. I'm okay. Is everything under control?"

"Yes, Nell. We got them all, even Stefan. It's over." Callen rushed into the room looking around desperately. "Where are you?"

"I'm here" she said as she shimmied back out from under the bed.

He looked at her in surprise. "Very creative hiding place. I actually thought you were in the bathroom."

"The guy on the floor thought so too which was why I was able to shoot him. That's why I was under the bed. I wasn't going to go easily. But I'm glad you're here now." She wrapped her arms around him and hung on for dear life. She was so very relieved to have him here with her and unhurt. "Are you okay? No one got hurt did they?"

"You stole m line...I'm supposed to be the one to ask are you okay?" Callen tilted her head up to him and looked deep into her eyes.

"Yes, I'm good. I can take care of myself you know." She smirked just a little as she said it while waving her hand toward the man dead on the floor. She had been protecting her own life and her home. "Well, Callen's home, but I consider it my home too since I'm with G and it's his home. We did decorate it together. I feel safe here with G and I'm not about to let anyone take that away from me without a fight."

Stefan had chosen to invade her home and one of his team had paid the price for it at her hand. She knew the death she had dealt would trouble her on some level for a long time, but she knew the death was justified and didn't feel guilty about it. She hoped she never became numb to the death she was around every day. If she did, she would know it was time to walk away from her job.

"Don't I know it, little spider. I've known that for a very long time." He looked at her with pride evident on his face before kissing her again. The look on his face as well as the kiss made her feel really good inside. Callen continued "I'm sorry you had to use your gun but I'm glad you're okay."

"Thanks, G. I wish I hadn't had to shoot him, but I wasn't about to go down without a fight." She snuggled further into his embrace before adding "You know, a lot of people don't see me like you do."

"Then it's their loss, isn't it? You're one awesome lady, Nell. Have I told you lately that I love you?"

"No, but I would really like to hear it again right now. I'm glad you're here and no one got hurt but the bad guys. I was really scared, but I wasn't going to give up. I trusted my training just like in the kill house. You taught me that." She stood up on her tiptoes and kissed him before putting her head against his chest to feel his strong heart beat.

She and Callen stood there for a couple of more minutes taking comfort in each other before rejoining the rest of the team.


Sam, Deeks and Kensi made sure that all of Stefan's team was accounted for. As they waited for the ambulances to arrive to take the wounded to the hospital under armed guard, they all breathed sighs of relief that the threat was finally neutralized.

Callen and Nell walked out of the bedroom and joined the rest of the team in the living room. Nell proceeded to get Hetty linked in so they could provide her with all the pertinent information. Three of Stefan's team had been killed, counting the one Nell took out, and the three remaining members, including Stefan were on their way to the hospital. When everyone had given their verbal reports to Hetty, they waited to see what she would say.

"I've already informed the hospital that they are to be patched up before being taken into federal custody. I have some questions for Mr. Badžo but once I'm done, he will be going to a very secure location for a very long time. His lists of crimes will ensure that he never sees the light of day as a free man again." Hetty was glad the operation was over. "All of you, get some sleep and meet here tomorrow. You can complete your after-action reports then. Well done, all of you." With that, Hetty signed off.


Kensi, Deeks and Sam said goodnight to Callen and Nell as they left the house. Callen closed the door then gathered Nell into his arms for another hug which they both needed.

"Let's clean up the bedroom, eat some of the takeout and then call it a night. The rest can wait."

"Sounds like a plan, G. I'm surprised, but I find that I'm hungry."

"So am I Nell, so am I."

They went into the kitchen and grabbed the take-out cartons and a couple of beers before going into the living room and sitting side by side while they devoured their food. As soon as they were finished, they put the leftovers away, locked up and turned off the lights. Proceeding down the hall they set the bedroom to rights as much as possible. Callen would have to repair the door later, but everything else was put back in it's place and the room tidied up. He and Nell then collapsed into bed; both asleep within minutes in each other's arms.





AN: Don't worry, I'll be back soon. I have several stories in various stages of completion. Once they're done, I'll start posting them.