
Hello I am slowly updating this story, after 84 years...yeah the titanic sank a second time... I apologise for my long absence but I'm severely busy with school!

Anyway please enjoy and thank you for all the support!-NOC!~~~


"I've read this before..." I heard Haise say. I blinked at him and looked at the book. I smiled.

"I have too...strange but I don't remember reading the book." I told him as I put a book mark in my own book, the first book of the Horatio Hornblower series.

"Is that series any good?" Haise asked.

"I don't know Sasaki, you might want to read it yourself, everyone's different and they each have different tastes." I said smiling innocently at the double hair coloured male. He sighed before smiling softly at me.

"I suppose you're right." He said.

"I know I am." I stated. He laughed at that.

"Come on, we've got to go back to the squad." I said as I got up from grass we had been sitting in. Haise gave a lazy sounding sigh and I pulled him up to his feet.


"Torso?" I asked as I read over the file given to me. I raised a skeptical brow.

"That was the best name you could come up with?" I thought. My short white hair covered my gold, red speckled eyes. I sat with Akira having tea, she spared me a look as I stirred my coffee. I raised a brow at her.

"W-what?" I asked as I attempted to hide from her eyes. My face started to turn red and I scratched at my cheek, a nervous habit I had developed for some odd reason. She smiled and shook her head.

"It's strange both you and your brother look like dolls, but I think the stitches suit you much more than him." Akira said. I chuckled at that.

"Well, that might be true but doesn't stop me from loving my brother, I'm pretty sure he dyed his hair black... It's quite a sight to see." I said as I finally took a drink of my coffee, I let my eyes wander around the small cafe we had stopped in, I didn't want to go to Akiras regular place, it was a little too filled with people for my liking, plus I like small cafes they're nice.

"I feel like I used to work in a small cafe..." I thought. My head hurt for a few seconds but I ignored it when I felt someone cover my eyes. I instantly recognised the large hands, having held them before.

"Hello Sasaki,"I said. I could practically feel his pout as he pecked my cheek before sitting down next to me. He even drank some of my coffee, not that I minded.

"I sometimes forget that you two are a couple, it's rather strange how quickly you two clicked together." Akira said. I blinked at that and looked at her owlishly, my gold eyes sparkling slightly.

"Haruka, I want you to go and see if you can tap into any of the cameras around Tagami Park." Akira said. I nodded and got up from my seat, I grabbed my white coat and easily put it on, the belt for it swinging slightly before I fully buttoned it up. I grabbed my silver suitcase and waved good bye before leaving to do as I was told.

"Now Haise." Akira started as I was finally getting out of hearing range.


"Nothing..." I muttered. I frowned deeply as I looked at footage of taxis going in and around the park, about halfway to three o'clock in the morning, then it cut to static, as if someone had purposely cut off the video. My frown deepened as I cleaned my watch.

"It's most likely a taxi driver... Possibly one for hospitals." I muttered as I thought aloud. My door then opened to show the green tinted black haired Mutsuki Tooru.

"Tooru? What's wrong?" I asked tilting my head. He chuckled lightly and came up to me. He was holding a piece of paper.

"I was wondering if you could help me with my math, it quite difficult." He said. I smiled and nodded.


We spent an hour on math and then travelled to a park. I smiled as I looked around to see the green leaves of the tree swaying slightly against the light blue sky as the slight warm breeze passed through the small park. Haise then joined us.

"What's the report?" He asked Mutsuki kindly.

"Ah! Yes sir! The neighbourhood has been hearing animal-like growls. One woman was worried and reported that it might've been a ghoul but..." Mutsuki trailed off. I sighed and gave a chuckle.

"It turned out to be an actual dog not a ghoul." I said finishing for the nervous male. Haise had crossed his arms and closed his eyes as he listened.

"I see." He said nodding,"where are the other two?" He had opened his eyes and looked around.

"Well you see..." I began.

"Squad leader Urie and rank three shirazu are doing investigations solo it seems... Looks like they're looking further into this ghoul called torso." Mutsuki said, he had looked down to look at his shoes. I put a hand on his shoulder for comfort. I received a smile of gratitude.

"What?" Haise asked. He started to scratch his face nervously.

"Oh, that's where that little habit came from..." I muttered. Mutsuki chuckled silently at that.

"Can you contact them?" Haise asked.

"They're not answering." Mutsuki said. He had grabbed onto the strap of his messenger bag that he had slung across his chest.

"Let's get the investigation data from the team that's working on Torso." Haise said. I nodded and he began to run.

"Mutsuki, come on!" I called to the dark skinned make, I smiled at him and he started running after us.

"Where's Saiko today?" Haise asked.

"Ummm..I called out to her when I left but she seemed like she'd been up late yesterday." Mutsuki said.

"I'll scold her when we get back." I stated. Haise looked at me surprised. Don't get me wrong, I love the adorable blue haired girl but she needed to stop being so lazy. I gave him a serious look and then smiled.


We were standing before a man with black hair and rather large lips. We had just asked for the data.

"The data? But you guys aren't assigned to torso, are you? I understand how desperate you are, I'm getting a large lead over the Hirako team, but I'm not sure about your decision in taking another teams job." The man said. I felt my eyes twitch.

"Why is it nothing can be done without it turning into a competition?" I muttered quietly.

"It's dangerous for the newbie team to face their target ghoul. And if I don't get a head start over my subordinates..." Haise started.

"We have our own ways of doing things, so give it up." The man said. I sent him a look that meant death of he continued to be mean to Haise.

"But!" Haise said.

"You're the rank one investigator Sasaki aren't you? The boyfriend to Suzuyas little sister investigator rank one Haruka Juuzou? Isn't this happening because you're not able to control your subordinates." The man continued, Mutsuki had to hold me back as I seethed slightly with anger.

"Excuse me!" I said loudly, the man jumped as if he had suddenly saw me," its true that the three subordinates that don't listen are rather thick headed, but bad mouthing another team is rude, we just wanted the data so we could ensure the life of our comrades." Haise put a hand on my shoulder. The man looked slightly guilty he then turned to leave. Haise noticed something and instantly brought me into a hug.

"It's okay Chibi-tan." He said. I poked him harshly in the side.

"I'm maybe short but I'm not that much shorter than you." I said my face resembling a tomato.

"Come on the data might be at the main office." I said to Mutsuki who was worrying over Haise as he was on all fours on the ground using one hand to hold his side.

"That was worse than a Mado kick." I heard him mutter. I smiled sweetly as we walked ,with a Haise who was still in pain, back to head quarters.


"Sasaki..." I growled as I was pinned down by said man. He was giving me a look.

"You're not going to this one." He said. I groaned in frustration.

"I never get to fight anymore." I complained quietly. Haise then gained a very mischievous look on his eyes.

"We can do something else when I get back." He whispered quietly in my ear. I blushed a fire truck red and hid my face in his shirt.

"Haise you jerk don't tease me like that." I said, my voice muffled by his shirt. He kissed my forehead after he moved from the position we were in.

"Who said I was teasing?" He said before he left quickly closing the door and locking it.



... Okay that took a few minutes to process before my face turned an even deeper red and I fell back onto the sofa that had taken place on. I grabbed one of the small pillows and hurried my face in it.

"Sasaki... You jerk..." I muttered. My eyes then started to close as I became tired. I yawned and decided that a nap was over due as my eyes roamed the housing quarters we all lived in. The brown leather furniture was slightly blurred from the use of six people living in the area, the plasma screen TV was a gift form Suzuya, and the assorted tables that differed from the people who had bought them, me and Haise had settled on a french coffee table that was metal and decorated with blue and red mosaic tiles making a very familiar flower in the middle.

"Hmm... Where have I seen that flower before..." I muttered as I fell asleep.