Chapter 1: waking up to a relatively new world

"Watch out! Maddie!" I heard someone scream.


That's all I could feel.

Then all of a sudden.

The pain vanished to be replaced by a very nice warm feeling.

"What about her organs?!" A woman exclaimed.

Organs? Did, did I just get hit by a bus or something? Or did I die and this is just a figment of my dying mind?

"Don't worry we'll just transfer the dead woman's organs into her and replace her other eye." A males voice said. Heh, strange they're all speaking japanese and yet...I can understand them perfectly...

"This is the second case we've had this week doctor." The woman said.

She sounds scared, do I really look that bad? I kinda feel a little sad about that, I believe myself to be very pretty.

"First a boy name Kaneki Ken now miss Kotoko Miyamoto... Who next?" The male voice said again before I felt myself slip again from consciousness.

My last thought was 'kaneki?'.

I opened my eyes to instantly close them in pain as pure white hair fell into them.

"Miss Miyamoto, good to see that your awake." A familiar male voice said. I looked to see an old man wearing a doctors coat and holding a clip board that stopped me from seeing his eye colour.

"It's good to be awake, eto what happened to me though?" I asked.

'My name is Maddie O'Riley! What's going on?!' I thought before memories ran through my mind at a very fast pace.

My eyes instantly gained bags under them.

'T-that was a green haired male Ghoul! What the hell?!' I felt a slight shiver of fear go through my body.

"You and a male, were found in a collapsed building." The doctor told me.

"I-I see." I said smiling lightly as the doctor left the white room. I got up from the bed and noticed my body was very frail, I guess this body wasn't all that into running and karate as I was.

"Easily fixable.." I muttered smiling as I started to explore. I went into the long hall and smelt my way around, I was being very inconspicuous so no one could tell what I was doing. It was when I smelt the best thing I had ever smelled in my life did I feel myself start to go into full Ghoul mode.

'Stay human! Be like Kaneki!' I thought snapping out of it.

I followed the scent and came to a door where I could hear the sound of a machine. I opened the door and saw a very familiar room. I walked up to the hospital bed my heart hammering in my chest.

My eyes widened as I reached the foot of the bed and was able to see the person laying in it. Black haired Kaneki Ken with his one Ghoul eye activated and his silver eye barely open. I felt my stomach grumble but I ignored it.

"... Dude you need to learn to pick out better girls..." I mumbled remember what Rize did to him. I sighed and took a seat next to him. I put a hand on my left eye, the eye that belonged to the Ghoul that tried to kill me, or rather Kotoko. I jumped a little when Kaneki sat up in a flash in his bed.

"Dude I didn't think anyone could move that fast..." I told him as I blinked a little.

Kaneki looked at me and jumped a little upon seeing my odd eyes.

"Is it that bad?" I asked sadly. One eye topaz the other was silver.

"N-no it just surprised me miss, I'm sorry!" Kaneki said. I blinked a little and started to giggle at his reaction.

"Don't worry about it, no harm done, it's a good thing you woke up, I was beginning to think that you were dead." I told him.

"Ehhhhhh?!" Kaneki asked as he started to panic again. I started to laugh really hard.

"That wasn't nice." Kaneki muttered yet he had a smile on his face.

"So, you could tell I was joking, so all is good?" I asked him. Kaneki smiled.

I can get behind #protectkanekiken, no, I will create it in this world!

"What are you thinking?" Kaneki asked upon seeing my smile.

"Nothing, trust me it wouldn't make sense my friend." I told him.

Kaneki gave me a doubtful look as he looked around his room.

"I never got you name." Kaneki said. I blushed deeply.

"Ah-sorry about that, my name is Miyamoto Kotoko, it's very nice to meet you!" I said going full japanese. I became slightly surprised at how easily the name passed my lips.

"It's nice to meet you Kotoko-chan, my name is Ken Kaneki." Kaneki told me.

'I know!' Is what I wanted to tell him, but in the safe side of not sounding like a stalker I decided not to.

"The pleasure is all mine Kaneki-kun." I told him smiling a nice smile.

The nurse decided to check on him at that moment.

"Oh you're awake and you've made a friend, that's good to see." The nurse said giving us both our food.

"Thank you." Me and Kaneki said at the same time. I instantly took a bite of my rice, i clenched my hand lightly. It was terrible, it tasted like what shit smells like. I put my chopsticks down and watched Kaneki do the same.

"Is that all you two are eating?" The nurse asked her voice almost disapproving. I nodded.

"H-hai." Kaneki said.

The nurse sighed and collected the food before exiting the room.

"I guess there is something wrong with the food here then." Kaneki said.

I sighed.

"I doubt it, I was attacked by a ghoul, and that ghoul died and they transplanted the organs from that ghoul into me, I wonder if what I'm thinking is possible." I said. Kaneki looked at me in surprise, my voice was so serious and calculating, then again I was a genius as Maddie, I guess that stayed with me.

"What are you thinking Kotoko-chan?" Kaneki asked.

"That transferring the organs of a ghoul into a human will turn the human into a halfling, both human and a ghoul, let's just hope I'm wrong." I said smiling and rubbing the back of my head as I heard my phone go off.

I checked it.

'Get better.~Misa3'

I felt my eyebrow twitch.

"Did your eyebrow just twitch?" Kaneki asked. I nodded.

"It does that... Hey let's exchange numbers!" I told him. Kaneki nodded and we exchanged numbers, I put myself as 'The awesome Prussia' as profession in his contact information.

"The awesome prussia?" Kaneki asked.

"Don't judge me, there is a method to my madness." I told him my cheeks turning a light pink.

It was when the doctor came in with two pairs of clothes did I notice the sun going down.

"Please, you two are able to leave the hospital." The doctor told us. I nodded and left to find a bathroom. I quickly changed and nodded in approval of this bodies style. Fingerless lace gloves, a white dress shirt, a red bow tie, a black short skirt, fish hook leggings, and black converse.

I left the bathroom and almost ran right into someone.

"Watch it." The person told me coldly.

"Ah sorry!" I told the man.

"You better be." The man said before trudging off. I frowned and started to leave.

"Kotoko-chan!" Kaneki called.

"Hai?" I asked.

"C-can I walk you home?" Kaneki asked huffing for breath and blushing lightly.

I smiled.

"Of course!" I told him. We began walking. I was surprised when Kaneki told me something.

"Hey I live right next door!" He said.

"Ah cool!" I said smiling at Kaneki. I hugged him.

"Thank you." I told him before going inside. I locked the door and took off my shoes before i plopped down on my bed and fell asleep.

'I'm going to have to find a way to get food soon, I can't eat regular human food...' Was my last thought before the darkness took me.

~~find me at the next night~~~

End of chapter 1.