
Disclaimer: I do not own either "The Hobbit" or "Avatar: The Last Airbender" but the wonderful lady firebender in the story is my precious.



"Good evening. Are you looking for someone?"

The lone traveller looked up into the face of the kind stranger who had spoken, a middle-aged woman with dark hair and eyes of gold. The traveller blinked at the sight of such unusually-colored eyes but then regained his composure.

"Good evening," he greeted cordially, "I am looking for the home of a certain Master Baggins. I was told that it is not far from here."

"You mean Bilbo Baggins?" the lady asked incredulously.

"The very one," the traveller replied, "would you happen to know where he lives? It's just that I've lost my way twice already and it is proving to be a long night."

"Don't worry, it truly isn't far from here," the lady said kindly and she proceeded to give the traveller clear and detailed instructions to Bag End. He seemed relieved to know that his journey was coming to an end.

"Thank you kindly and I wish you a good evening," the traveller said gratefully, and with somewhat of a courtly bow, he took his leave.

The lady watched him go with interest. She had noticed the hooded figure wandering around several times so she decided to offer to help him. She had sensed that he would not seek assistance on his own. No one ever likes to admit being lost.

Although the lady had not encountered many dwarves in her time, she knew one when she saw one. But there was something different about this particular dwarf. He carried himself with a distinctively regal air.

"Now what would a dwarf of noble blood want with old Bilbo?" she thought curiously, "I suppose I'll find out soon enough."

She would have said that she was on her way to visit Bilbo herself but the dwarf looked like he was in a great hurry and she did not want to delay him.