Hello everyone, good to be back sorry it took too long to update I was kinda busy in the past weeks. But I'm back, but don't expect I update faster next time.

Anyway, on to the show. Hope all of you enjoy.

Declaimer: I don't own Naruto and TMNT.

Chapter 3

Things Change

New York's city one of the busiest city in the world and the city that never sleep with tall building and skyscrapers shine through the moonlit sky. Underneath the city, deep into the sewer, where our five ninja heroes live.

You can see five ninja students face off to their master teaching them the way of the ninja.

"Remember to be a true ninja you must become one with the shadows. Darkness gives ninja power, while light reveal the ninja presence." Said Master Splinter as he held his walking cane with a lighted candle at tip of his cane.

"Now try to extinguish this flame without revealing yourselves." As he flip the candle with his walking cane without burning out the flame and catch it with his paw.

A shadow figure rushes towards him trying to get the candle from Master Splinter grasp but only to miss and slip to the wall of the room.

"Too noisy, Donatello." Said Master Splinter with a smug smile.

Then another shadow figure rushes to Master Splinter also trying to get the candle from him but only to be trip by Splinter and collide to Donatello.

"Too clumsy Michelangelo." Both Donnie and Mikey groans.

Another shadow figure try to tackle Master Splinter from behind. But he sensed it coming, he duck underneath only for shadow figure to jump over him.

But shadow figure landed gracefully, this time Master Splinter get little serious with this shadow figure, this one is little better than the other two he could be the one who get the candle… not.

Without patience the shadow figure rushes again, patiently Master Splinter waited for the shadow figure to come closer to him as he sat down using his cane to trip the shadow figure towards other two who fails.

"Poor choice Raphael." Master Splinter stood up; unaware someone was above him hidden within the shadow and another one hide within the shadow top corner of the wall.

The shadow figure from the top corner of the wall launch an odd shape trench knife with a metal chain attach to it launching from his wrist to distract the rat.

The one from above take this opportunity he jump out his hiding spot and horizontally slash the candle in two from Master Splinter's paw only landed on his blade leaving the flame still on, he blew the flame out.

The session was over, Master Splinter soon turned on the lights revealing his students and over the years they changed.

Donatello or Donnie or the brain, the 2nd tallest and smartness of the brothers and little bit scrawny of the four, his intelligence increase over the years his IQ is over 600 (It true). He always liked building gadgets in his lab that tend to explode on Naruto's face when he visits his lab. His skin is brownish green or tea green, his eyes are brownish red, he wore purple bandana and his weapon of choice is a Bo staff, which can transform into Naginata by pressing a switch somewhere on his staff.

(I feel like I need re-introduce them with little more detail.)

Michelangelo or Mikey or just THE MIKEY, the youngest, goofiest and slightly shorter than his brothers, he's still immature. He loves pizza, comics, cooking, pranks like Naruto and annoy Raph to an extent. His skin is forest green, his eyes are baby blues same as Naruto, he wore orange bandana and his weapon of choice is a Nunchaku, which can transform into Kusarigama that have hidden blade within the Nunchaku.

Next is Raphael or Raph or the Rebel, the toughest and the hotheaded of the brothers, need angry management and overprotecting to his brothers (secretly). He loves napping, beating someone up, his pet turtle name's Spike who he found two years ago (oh the irony and who's also watching them training at the corner of the room) and challenges Leo and Naruto. His slightly bulkier of the five brothers, on his shell; a lightning bolt-shaped crack/missing-chunk on the right corner of his plastron (He probably got it when he was a baby turtle as it was there during his mutation). His skin is dark green, his eyes are green, he wore red bandana and his weapon of choice is a Sai.

Next is Leonardo or Leo, the leader and 2nd most skillets of the brothers, sometime doubtful of leadership skill. He loves training, sometime watching a T.V show call Space Heroes and spending with his father/Master Splinter. His skin is asparagus green, his eyes are sapphire blue, he wore blue bandana that symbolize of a leader and he weapon of choice is the Katana.

Last and not the least is Naruto Uzumaki or Naruto or the Fox, the wisest and skillets of the brothers. He love pranks, ramen, pizza, gardening, training and his family. Naruto's blonde hair gone little longer he have slightly short pony tail, his whisker still visible, his eyes are cerulean, he wore a white fox mask, orange sleeveless hoodie with upside down black "T" on front of his hoodie, black cargo pants, black and orange sneaker, his have arm guards each of his arms while underneath that are bandage warp around his arms with a kunai launcher (that was invented by Donatello) within the bandage and weapon of choice or weapons, are trench knives that look like Asuma's chakra blades that attach with a metal chain from his kunai launcher (like Scorpion from Mortal Kombat) and a shorts sword strap around his back.

Naruto was supposed to be leader of the group, but he told Master Splinter that Leo should be a better leader then him.

"Good teamwork Leonardo and Naruto." said Master Splinter with smiles on his face towards to his son… all to his sons.

"Teacher's pet." said Raphael with a scowl on his face as he held the bottom half of the candle that Leonardo slashed earlier.

"Ninja's dropout," Leo taunted.

"Ooooooooo!" Naruto, Mikey and Donnie said it together while Raph smashed the candle.

Both Leo and Raph glares each other, Master Splinter intervened using his cane.

"My sons," he sigh and put his hand to his face, "My sons… if you want become true ninja you must work harder."

The young ninja then sat kneeling in front of their master. "Your path in life will not be an easy one," while the rat was giving his lecture, Mikey decided to focus on the more interesting matter like a fly that was buzzing in front of him.

"The outside world will not be a friendly place for you. You four are different in ways that the surface dwellers will never understand. To survive, you must use these skills that I teach you."

Naruto raised his hand. "Uh sensei I'm not really all that different from the surface dwellers."

"Sorry about that Naruto. Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me whenever I over teach." said a sheepish Splinter.

"That's why he does all the shopping." said Donnie.

Splinter then picked up from there, "Ninjitsu powers of stealth and secrecy. You must become 'Kage', shadow warriors."

Mikey then decided to smash the fly.

Master Splinter shot a stern look at Michelangelo, who chuckles nervously.

Then all of a sudden there was a loud rumbling. It echoed all over the lair. "Wh-what is that noise?" asked Splinter.

"Whoa, an earthquake" exclaimed Mikey.

"In New York? Possible," Donatello wondered.

"But not likely" finished Naruto.

All four turtles had their weapons at the ready while Naruto put up his fists in a defensive position. Soon there was a crash and small robots size of average dog with huge jaws and sharp jagged teeth came out of the wall.

"What are those things?" asked Leonardo.

"The New York City cockroaches?" said Mikey hesitantly.

"Well whatever those things are," said Raph.

"They picked the wrong lair to trash," said Naruto. All five attacked, smashing one robot after another. Splinter also held his own ground as he destroyed each and every robot that came his way. But unfortunately, he was being backed into a wall. Leo noticed Splinter's situation and declared, "Come on guys we have to help Master Splinter."

What the others didn't notice was that some of the robots were biting down on to the support beams that held the underground lair in place.

Raph saw his pet turtle was caught in the crossfire, he tries to grab him but the ceiling started to fall top of him. Naruto saw what going on, he quickly save Raphael from the falling ceiling while Master Splinter also saw the ceiling crashing down he quickly grab Spike to safety.

They all gasped the falling ceiling separated the five ninja warriors from their Master and Raph yelled, "Oh no, Master Splinter!" Naruto tried pulling apart at the rock while yelling, "NOOOO!"

Few moments later...

Mikey inspected the robots, "What the shell are these things?" he wondered aloud.

"Whatever they were," said Raph "they're junk now."

Then Leo said, "Guys focus, we have to find Master Splinter. Hey Master Splinter, can you hear me? Donatello, can you…."

"Already on it," said Don "I'm calling him on the Shell Cell, I hope."

On the other side, Splinter rose from his unconsciousness with Spike in hand when he hears ringing going on in his monk's robe, he pull out a shell like cellphone.

"Hmm, which button do you press to answer this thing again?" he wondered aloud.

Leo took the phone and tried to communicate with Splinter.

"Hmm, which button do you press to answer this thing again? Hello?"

"Master Splinter, are you alright?"


"Master Splinter….."

"Stupid device."

"You don't have to press any buttons, you already answered it."

Naruto chuckles despite the situation they were in.

"Ahh, Leonardo whatever those mechanical menaces are they managed to eat through the support structure of our home. We must leave right away. Meet me at the old drainage junction in South Point."

"Oh and Spike is ok Raphael," Raph sigh in relief.

Don pulled out a map and said, "If we take the south conduit, it'll intersect the old drainage tunnel."

Naruto then declared, "We'll meet you there, Sensei."

"What he say? What he say? Did he mention me?" said Mikey his brothers give him a deadpanned expression except Raph who's have annoy expression he shove Mikey away.

"Ow," Mikey wince.

Minute later, Mikey then took one last look around the now destroyed lair and said with a pseudo-sad voice, "Good bye grungy payphone, good bye dented manhole cover, and good bye 'home sweet home'."

"And hello reality, now c'mon," said Naruto.

As they were leaving, Donatello remarked, "You know, I'm surprised that this ceiling hasn't collapsed yet."

Then they ran into exactly that. "Were you saying," said Naruto

"Well we can't go forward and we can't go back," said Raph.

"Then there's only one direction left," said Naruto "is going up."

"Uhh, going up to the surface I'm not sure Naruto," said Leonardo with hesitant tone.

"C'mon mister leader," remarked Raph, "we have no other way to go, so I suggest I lead us up."

"Alright," said Leonardo "We'll go up, but only to go down another manhole. No fooling around, remember what sensei said."

"Blah, blah, blah," said Michelangelo "let's just go up."

"We heard it a thousand times Leo, just follow my lead," said Raph. They went in a single file line: Raph, Leo, Mikey, Naruto, and Don.

Raph pushed the manhole up and immediately leapt out. Leo was a bit more cautious but Mikey said, "Come on Leo move it. I don't want to stare at your butt any longer than I have to."

"Oh like yours is any better Mikey!" shouted Naruto.

"Guys, shush," said Leo as a moved scouter approaching. They immediately hide into the manhole expect Raph he hide into the shadow as the scouter pass by, Raph immediately leapt to a light post then spotted a manhole cover not too far away. But as soon as he was almost there, an armored truck parked right above it.

"Just great," muttered Raph as the people in the truck left, "the ol' turtle luck workin' true to form. Rrarrghhh."

He then kicked the truck on its side. "Way to be stealthy Raph," said Leo.

"Yeah," exclaimed both Naruto and Mikey in terrible Jersey accents, "I don't think they heard you over in Jersey." Both Naruto and Mikey glance each other to grins each other's.

"Give me a hand," said Raph. Mikey then lifted his arms.

"Don't think about it wise guy, rggh… forget you guys I'll push it myself," said Raph.

While Raph was trying to move the truck, voices could be heard coming closer to the door. Raph had no choice but to hide inside the armored truck just as a couple of thugs exited the building with a sack full of money. The thugs threw the sack inside the truck and shut its doors, trapping Raphael inside.

Naruto face palmed while also groan, Donnie and Leo did also the same things while Mikey commented, "Poor choice Raphael."

As the truck left, the turtles and a human step out from the shadow.

"Oh man," said Leo.

"Imagine their surprise when they open the back of that truck." Said Mikey.

"This was just what Master Splinter warned us about." Leo remarked.

"So what we waiting for? Let's go recuse him!" Naruto declare.

"Well then, last one up on the roof hatched from a rotten egg," said Donatello leapt on to the rooftop following the truck. The others jumped up with ease and soon Naruto was in the lead.

"Hey no fair Naruto, you know you can jump better than the rest of us," said Donatello.

"It's called practice Donny, try it sometime," exclaimed Naruto. "And you guys keep forgetting I wasn't hatched from an egg!"

"Well I would," said Don in between jumps, "but neither you nor Master Splinter want to teach us how to!" as they reach where they can see the truck they saw it moving fast to the other direction.

"We can cut them off third and first," Leo instructed.

"If we run like crazy, only guy who could run that fast and have the stamina for it is Naruto," Donatello stated.

"Do we have a choice?" asked Naruto.

"No," Donnie said bluntly.

"So move it! Before we lose them." Naruto immediately leapt from roof to roof with his brothers right behind him.

Back at the sewer.

Master Splinter walked through the tunnel reaching the old drainage junction with Spike on his shoulder.

As Master Splinter reached his destination, he sighed. "The old drainage junction, now where are my sons?"

Suddenly he felt a tremble underneath him, he narrow his eyes down to the ground. Then the ground started to crack.

Then something burst out from the ground only to reveal two of the same robotic menaces that destroy his home.

Splinter was shock somehow the mechanical menaces follow him or something. Then three more burst out from the ground completely surrounding Master Splinter from every corner.

One of the robot bites on his robe, using his tail to whip away the robot to the wall. The robot stood again and ready for round two, Master grab Spike from his shoulder and put him somewhere high so the robot won't get him.

"Stay." Master Splinter commanded the pet turtle, but pet turtle give him a blank expression.

Master Splinter nodded, "Good."

Then he faces his five opponent and ready for trash's some bots.

Back on the surface, the four ninja followed the truck that has their brother in it, the truck stopped in a trash sprawl alley.

All the thugs went inside except one who's left behind to guard the truck. Suddenly the large thug heard something beside the truck he went to investigate but found nothing when he feel someone tapping on his shoulder.

He turned around only see Naruto with a devious grin, "Hi, good evening and good night." Naruto punch him to the face knocking him out.

"Nice work, Naruto" said Leo, Naruto give Leo a thumb up. "Now let's get Raph out of there."

"Man, whatever happen to good old fashion padlocks," said Mikey.

Donnie chuckle, "Where's the fun in that? This one is all mine." He pulled out two screwdrivers from his bag and started work on the lock.

Raphael said something but they couldn't hear him, Mikey started make fun of Raph.

"What that Raphael you have to speak up dude, I… can't… hear… you!" Raphael got frustrate he kick the door hard as he can.

"Okay I hear that."

"I'm trying to work here," said Donnie.

Few moments later…

At last Donnie finally unlock the door, "Hey Raph, will come back bro." When the door open Raph burst out and tackle Mikey.

Both Naruto and Leo roll their eyes, "What a hot head." Said Leo.

They were about to break them apart until Naruto sensed something behind them at the same time Leo and Donatello turn around.

Three of them gone to their defensive position and ready unsheathe their weapons.

"Ah guys you should stop now," said Naruto as he pull his mask down.

"And why not?" asked Raph as he hold against the wall.

Before Naruto answer Mikey beat him to it, "Because we're not alone." Raph let go of Mikey and face several shadow approach them.

"Looks at the freak."

"What's with the dweeby costumes?"

"This isn't Halloween."

The thugs from before but with greater numbers, they surround the human and the turtles. The leader then stepped forward and issued a challenge, "You're going down freak, nobody messes with the Purple Dragons. Especially wearing stupid turtle and some kind fox mask costumes."

"Sorry pal, but you're wrong." Replied Naruto with a smirk. "These aren't costumes."

All four turtles took out their weapons while Naruto's trench knives launch out from under his wrist. All of them charge at the thugs with collective cry, "Kyahh!"

In a stance all the thugs are beaten like dominoes, landed top one other. After they got beaten the leader stood up and run away, "Let's get outer here." His lackeys follow running fast as they can.

"Give me some green," Mikey high-five both Naruto and Raph.

"That was a little easier than I thought." Said Donatello sheepishly.

"I was wishing for more of those guys," said Raph. "I just warmed up."

"Well don't look now, you're wish just come true Raph," exclaimed Naruto as pointing at the rooftop.

Several shadows appeared but unlike those thugs, they appear to be something familiar to them.

"Are those guys' ninjas?" asked Leo as the enemy ninjas dive down to them surrounded them again.

"Get ready guys," said Naruto as he put on his defensive position.

"I'm so gonna enjoy this," said Raph with a grin.

All of them attack. Donatello leapt over five of his opponents and spinning his staff landing them to the ground.

Donnie smile for his small victory but it was cut short, the ninja he took down immediately stood up.

Other side of the battle, Raphael took three of them. They surrounds him with series of attacks, while Raph commenting theirs attacks.

"Nice dragon kick."

"Sweet double phoenix punch."

"Hi, you know this one." Raph spin kicked all of them.

Next battle, Leo clashed swords with his opponent, they pushed each other until Leo got the upper hand the ninja stumble down. Then Leo jump up to the roof, one of the ninjas also jump to the roof and wall run to Leo.

As they clashed swords, the ninja landed on the left side of Leo while another one jump to roof landed on the other side of Leo. Two attacks Leo defend two of them clashing their blades.

Next battle Naruto easily overwhelm six of his opponents, three of them clash swords with Naruto's trench knives.

He deflects all theirs attacks then he swipe kick them making them fall to the ground hard…, then three others ninja throws numbers of shuriken at him, Naruto quickly dodge them as he approach them with great speed he kneel kick one of the ninjas under the chin then quickly turn to the other one to deliver devastating punch to the gut.

Last one was little far off from Naruto's reach, his quickly tad one of his trench knife chain making it pull back inside the device under his wrist. Then Naruto lift his arm then launch the trench knife from his wrist.


The trench knife went through the ninja's shoulder and got pull towards Naruto, "Don't worry, I didn't hit anything important." Said Naruto before his punch him hard on the face.

Next battle Mikey try defend himself from a ninja with tonfa as a weapon then another ninja jump behind him with also tonfa as a weapon, both attack him from both side.

Back to Donatello, two ninjas throw one shuriken from each of them to Donnie. Donatello shield himself from the two shuriken using his staff, as he shield himself one ninja flying kick him making Donatello hit the truck from behind also did Mikey flying toward the truck.

"Don, have we beaten them or they beaten us?" asked Mikey as Donnie about to answers he quickly open the door of the truck and pull Mikey inside and shut the door before they become turtle Swiss cheese from a numbers of shuriken.

"Ask me again when we're winning, Mikey."

"Yeah, that's what I thought..."

Back at the Sewer, Master Splinter is fighting his own battle.

Two of the robots were approaching the rat and jump towards him, Master Splinter swing his walking cane and destroy of the robots.

Then another one jump from behind with a crying screech, because it so noises Master Splinter quickly swing his cane at it and destroy it.

His battle is over seeing all the robots are destroy, he grabbed Spike from his hiding place. The suddenly the ground started crumble underneath them, they both fall into it.

Fortunately both are ok with minor injury; they landed deeper inside the sewer.

"You ok Spike?" asked Splinter to the pet turtle who slowly nodded.

Master Splinter stood up and started walking to find his sons, but suddenly Master Splinter found something amazing.

Back at the surface, the team got their butts handed to them. More and more ninja keep coming.

"Rrgh, how many of these goons do we have to beat 'till they get the hint?" Raph groan.

"Really, they just keep on coming," said Michelangelo.

"Donnie? Waiting plan B here!" Exclaimed Naruto.

"Almost had it," said Don as he was hot-wiring the truck.

As the engine roared to life Donnie yelled, "Alright, next stop: anywhere but here!"

Leonardo had to hold Raph back as he said, "Come on were going." All them jump inside back of the truck Mikey, being the last one in, shut the doors.

They drove away with erratically driving, "Nice driving Don with a turtle with no license," said Mikey with sarcastic tone.

"Hey you want pretty or you want effective?" remarked Donatello.

"I gotta tell ya, this has been one mando, bizzaro day," said Mikey, "First those weird metal robots dig underground, then: what's with all those ninjas? Ninjas in New York City besides us, it's just not right."

"Talk about not right," said Raphael as he opened the sack full of money, "just take a look at this."

"Show me the money baby, WHA-HOO!" shouted Mikey.

"This isn't finders keepers Mikey," said Naruto, taking the wad of cash that Mikey just picked up. Donnie stopped by a police car. Leonardo then rolled down the window, threw the sack of money out on the police car's front hood and yelled out, "Here, take care of the money will ya?"

"Did you see that?! Some little green men and one with a fox mask in an armored car just threw a bunch of money at us!" said the young officer.

"Tch, rookie." Said the older officer.

Don then drove the armored truck through an abandoned sewer entrance, which would lead to their destination: the old drainage junction at South Point. There they found Master Splinter surrounded by broken and smashed robots, which he took on earlier.

They all cried out in joy.

"Master Splinter!"

"You're alright!"



"Yes, well I am glad to see you too my sons," said Master Splinter.

"Master so much has happened today," said Leo.

"Yes, yes, there will be time to tell me all about it later Leonardo. But first, I wish to take you all home," said Master Splinter.

"Home?" wondered Naruto.

"We got no home, those robots just smashed our pad, remember sensei?" said Raph.

"Do not worry, I think I have found a solution to our current housing problem. Follow me my sons," said Splinter as he leapt down a giant hole. The others did as their sensei requested with Mikey yelling…

"COWA….." And that was as far as he got before Naruto and Raph pushed him down the hole.

"Not funny you guys!" said Mikey as he fell down.

"Yes it is," said Raph while Naruto laugh loudly, then Raph jump in the hole followed by Naruto.

As they came out from the hole, Mikey exclaimed, "Woah, wicked slide." Then he looked around.

"Uhh, no offence Master Splinter but this place doesn't seem so great" said Mikey.

"Look with your heart Michelangelo and not your eyes," said Master Splinter.

"Umm, okay," replied Mikey.

"And walk this way," said Master Splinter, Mikey mimic Splinter walking Donatello got annoy from Mikey's antic he decided to smack him on the head with his staff.

"Ouch," Mikey wince.

Soon they arrived in a humongous chamber with numerous rooms

"Whoa, this is beyond awesome!" exclaimed Naruto. Then the five heroes decided to explore the new lair for a bit.

"I could tune this place up," said Donatello then Mikey decided to be little greedy.

"This room here, Mine." Then jump beside to Donnie, "and where you are standing, also mine."

"You see my sons, change is good," said Splinter.

"We couldn't agree more Master Splinter," said Leo.

"Good, so let's see you boy's clean up for a change, this chamber is filthy" declared Master Splinter. The five collectively groaned, "AHH MAN!"

-Unknown Place-

A man with black hair (In the wiki it said his hair is black but I watch TMNT 2003 I saw his hair is purple color, but whatever.) and his eyes are brown. His wearing a white cloak with a red foot insignia stared down at the leader of the band of Purple Dragons.

"S-sir," said the leader hesitantly,

"I-I-uh, my men! We-uh, we lost the armored truck with the money. But we were attacked. By-uh-some sort of karate frog creatures and a guy in an orange hoodie with white fox mask and they took us by surprise. It wasn't my fault….."

"Enough," said the man.

"I promise sir, I won't fail you again" said the leader.

"I know," said the man quietly "You won't fail me again, Ever!"

"No sir, Please!"

"Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" follow by manically laugh.

This chapter is done, some of the turtles feature are from TMNT 2012 series. I did tell you I put some Tmnt elements and the near future some of the character from different series will make an appearance. Some will be one chapter only, some only couple of chapters, and some will be part of the story.

So that, that's.

Anyway see you next time.

Nothing else to say.

This is Raykage52, signing out.