Yeah yeah, I know. Unoriginal name that I'm sure you can find elsewhere for other fanfictions. But I actually can't think of anything better or more fitting for this story.

Yep. I'm taking Sonic X and Sonic Unleashed then merging the two. Hopefully the product won't be a horrible monster that will rise up to attack Mars. (My monsters have a tendency to do that.)

What I'm aiming for is some appreciation for a game that almost everyone loves to hate.

Sonic Unleashed (Wii version, although I kind of want the Xbox one too) was the first game I ever bought with my own money. It is, to this day, the only one I have looked at with a giddy feeling while riding home in anticipation. I watched all of the cutscenes beforehand, and knew I didn't mind the story (although my younger self wished all of the cutscenes could be high quality. Then I could constantly sit down and watch a cool movie that isn't the one with classic Sonic. Even I get bored of that movie, as neat as it is.)

Although it could be my interest in werewolves talking. I really like those, and it's the main reason I was interested in Sonic Unleashed- It was the only were-animal based franchise I could find since I watched... The Alvin and The Chipmunks animated thing? I can't really even remember anymore.

Anyway, my only complaint was not having a free world to explore. I was hoping for it and hoping for it and didn't get it. So I had to make do with those actually pretty fun night stages. (What is with people and hating them? I remember laughing maniacally when I managed to pull of the most powerful werehog attack while in unleashed mode. Ah, the sweet memories of being mentally unstable while torturing innocent programs... Sort of.)

Whoops, rambled for a bit. I guess that I'm really upset with people hating the game. Hey, considering how Sonic Lost World turned out, I think Sonic Unleashed could be considered much better, as even I found the story to Lost World silly and BORING.

People hate the Sonic '06 story (another game I'm okay with, story wise) for probably being too serious. And then they hate the Sonic Unleashed story for (from what I can tell) not being serious enough.

I suppose it shows that fans never can be completely pleased, huh?

Quick info for the story and being prepared: This is an AU thing where Shadow didn't magically vanish, and he's traveling around searching for a purpose/home. So I guess this takes place after episode... 39 at least. I haven't re-watched the whole series in a while, so please don't attack me for minor errors. (Although you gotta admit; Shadow is so the Mewtwo/Paul fusion for the Sonic franchise. :P) But please just bear with me, I'm not telling you very much for a good reason.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything of the Sonic franchise. (I wonder what would happen if I did? Maybe I would die from stress of the displeased fans or something.)

Chapter 1

For Sonic the Hedgehog, lots of things you would probably consider weird, he'd consider normal.

Being a talking blue hedgehog that could run at the speed of sound was one of those things. Although, even the people of Earth (well, the one he was currently on) were getting used to that.

Having a talking two-tailed yellow fox friend, who could spin said two tails to fly, was another "abnormal" thing. But still, considered normal.

Now seeing the evil scientist Doctor "Eggman" having been able to build an entire fleet at the edge of the atmosphere, with a fair amount of large and flying ships in this fleet, even Sonic would admit a bit on the odd side.

He usually stopped Eggman before that could happen.

So yeah, that was pretty unusual.

But what Sonic considered to be more abnormal, as he was being flown at high speeds to fight the miniature armada, was the lack of a plan.

Tapping his foot in thought as he stood on the wing of The X Tornado, with his nicknamed friend "Tails" (his real name was Miles Prower), there was something was bothering the hedgehog. He just couldn't put his white gloved finger on it.

He certainly couldn't consider himself any better, but the way that Eggman suddenly appeared, apparently set on taking over the world by force, it just didn't seem right.

Well, sure, the egg-head always liked to back himself up with large mechanical toys that could pack a punch, but he always had a set goal in mind. A "bigger picture" if you will.

Sonic sighed as it was taking far too long to reach the ships, and thus giving him too much time to think and too much time sitting still.

"Hey Tails, how much longer until we get there?" He asked, his foot still tapping. Perhaps it was his body's attempt to rid itself of the excess energy that was building after weeks of having nothing to battle.

Shadow wasn't around, Knuckles was "busy" watching the Master Emerald, Amy was uncomfortable to be around, Cream and Cheese were too young, and the Chaotix would probably charge him for wanting to spar. Even "The Speed King" (Aka, Chris's uncle), was busy dealing with "Sonic wannabes" pulling fast one's on the freeways.

"Sonic, we've only been flying for two minutes! I guess you really are going stir crazy." Tails chuckled, as he was used to Sonic asking after only three minutes.

"Me? Stir crazy? Now where'd you get that idea?" Sonic said, smiling slightly as he watched the younger fox smile himself.

Admittedly, Sonic had been a bit bothersome while waiting for something to do. He'd already explored so much of the world, it was becoming harder and harder to find new places. And visiting older places over and over did get tiresome.

So this had resulted in some... Interesting situations where the hedgehog would run back in forth in the same spot for hours on end. His energy just built up so fast, it could get hard to contain. (Although one could say it was the price he had to pay for being the fastest thing alive.)

"Alright, we're within range!" Tails suddenly called out, startling the hedgehog out of his thought process. "Preparing for hedgehog launch!"

Sonic smirked and readied himself for a good ring grabbing.

Tails wouldn't be following today, as Sonic would be carefully holding on to some certain items...

Not that he wasn't used to being alone, no. He was always running out, finding nice spots to lie down and just relax. Of course, he didn't always run head-on into dangerous situations such as this one alone.

But it seemed trivial at the time, and Sonic quickly ended his musings as he reached into the air and caught the golden ring that had come hurtling towards him.

Sitting there for a few moments, Sonic breathed deeply as he felt the warm energy of a power ring coursing through his veins.

Handy little devices only meant for him, they seemed to be one of the best inventions ever created (to the hedgehog, of course.)

He then jumped off the plane, giving one final confident smirk and quick salute, before using the ring's energy to boost himself up towards the large and looming red ship in the distance.


Eggman was always one to gloat. Gloating was his thing.

Whether it be at the simple minded pedestrians, or that annoying blue hedgehog, the evil scientist would always take any given opportunity to rub his self-proclaimed greatness in anyone's face.

And so, there he was. Sitting in his big round chair, laughing his brown mustache off.

Another little thing he was proud of was how evil his laugh sounded.

When facing someone, in the cliché "Hero vs Villain" style, a good villain needs an evil laugh just as much as a hero needs their quips.

Some settled for little maniacal giggles accompanied with bit of obsessive hand rubbing, whereas others would use overly large cackles that could sound like a duck was being strangled. Very viciously.

Eggman though, was the kind of villain to use the good old "Nyahaha" type of evil laugh that eventually becomes an "O-hohoho". A very loud, but non-insane sounding way to have an evil laugh, and the evil scientist was very happy with himself for pulling it off so flawlessly.

The two robots behind him, however, could only wish that he would stop.

Both trying their best to cover whatever it was they used for hearing, the gold and silver bots were exceedingly annoyed with the scientist's mad cackling.

"I do not think he will stop laughing anytime soon." The golden one, Decoe sated obviously.

"Not unless something makes him silence." The other one, called Bocoe, agreed.

Fortune seemed to be on their side, as a sudden explosion startled Eggman, causing him to gaze carefully out onto the hull, alarms already beginning to blare. (Quite loudly too.)

Sure enough, the silhouette of a spiny persona was standing up slowly, the flames of what was a gun system dancing mockingly behind him.

Even from the great distance, the evil scientist could just see that little smirk that was most likely painted onto his enemy's face.

The flames no longer at their full capacity, it was sure enough now that the figure was a blue humanoid hedgehog, who seemed to be patiently waiting for Eggman to make his move.

Angered, the doctor pulled back his arm dramatically (momentarily pointing at the much more content robots), then flung it forward, shouting out the single command.

"FIRE!" He yelled out.

Instantly, all of the machines on the ship, consisting of large robots, turrets, and other deadly looking weapons, turned towards the single entity.

Now for most, this would be the point where they'd start crying for mommy, running around in circles, or even just curl up into a ball and hope that nothing would shoot if they looked pathetic enough.

Sonic did nothing of the sort. If anything, he seemed excited to see all of the systems readily began charging, and began to run quickly across the middle of the red hull.

Blast after blast fired, but each one missed as the hedgehog dodged each flawlessly, leaving large scorches on the bright paint job. Blue robots began charging, but Sonic simply smashed the ones in his way. Then, when a slightly larger one decided to try blocking him, he ran all over it, causing the bot to spin around in place before violently exploding (perhaps becoming dizzy is a serious danger.)

Finally fed up, Eggman pushed a few buttons, and his two mostly loyal robots only had a few precious moments to climb into the Eggmobile, as it flew into a nearby machine and covered itself.

By this time, Sonic had already destroyed another good amount of robots, grinning happily all the while.

"It sure does feel good to be giving Egghead a hard time again!" He thought to himself, kicking a small missile back to its owner. The surprised look on the robot's face was very implied- But one couldn't help laughing as they saw it blow up while holding the arm up, lodged with a missile, while scratching its head.

Only taking a single moment to smirk at the sight, Sonic continued running towards what he hoped was the engine room. He planned on attacking that, and hoping that since this was the lead ship, it would cause the rest of the fleet to blow up alongside it.

He stopped suddenly outside a tunnel-like structure when Eggman suddenly dropped from above, within a large robotic suit that looked fairly powerful. (The two robots inside were clutching onto anything they could.)

It was large, at least three times the hedgehog's size, having a black and gray coloration, along with a small yellow and black checker print stripe across the middle of the most rounded part.

Seeing the some-what surprised expression on Sonic's face, Eggman smirked, hit a few buttons, and morphed the metal hand

The said hedgehog wasted no time dodging everything and running past the large metal figure, and into the tunnel. The scientist then tried launching some missiles at the blue blur, only for each to miss, and leave more black marks on the ship.

With a audible grunt of displeasure, Eggman shouted:

"You're not getting away!" And changed the Gatling gun-like extension back into a hand, which then shot off on a long cord.

Sonic noticed that it was gaining on him pretty well, and that he was beginning to trip over the rough surface of the interior tunnel.

He successfully dodged the first couple of grabs, but finally, the large cold hand closed around him.

The hedgehog yelled out in surprise, as the hand shot backwards suddenly, and brought him back to where Eggman stood. He was smirking at his enemy, obviously sure to have the blue rodent finally beaten.

As Eggman kept grinning madly, Sonic quickly gave a smirk of his own, and closed his eyes in concentration.

The doctor gave a cry of surprise, as all seven chaos emeralds appeared around the hedgehog, and started to come closer.

"Wha-? NO!" Eggman tried to pry the emeralds away from Sonic, but he was too late.

Both metal hands blew up as if they were made of glass, and the doctor (along with his clearly frightened robots), and they stood there staring momentarily at the blazing golden form of Super Sonic.

Wasting no time or energy, Sonic burst straight through the large robot's body. The doctor suddenly snapped out of his surprised stupor and had his Eggmobile leave the fighter-bot as it blew to bits and pieces, while Sonic was quickly dismantling other things around him.

"Uh oh, it's time to go!" Eggman cried, putting the Eggmobile into full throttle.

Super Sonic, noticing that Eggman was leaving, quickly flew over to the tunnel and began pursuing the doctor.

Not very comfortable with how close the blazing hedgehog seemed to be getting, Eggman pushed a button that forced all of the tunnel doors to close.

Although he smashed through every one, Sonic was still slowed slightly.

Finally, both exited the tunnel, and it was open fire upon the hedgehog, causing him to deter slightly so that he may crash through most of them, as others were already exploding.

It only took him moments in his super form, and then he went back to chasing the evil scientist, who was aiming for a particular ship that seemed separated from the rest.

It was long, with a strangely ice cream sandwich-shaped top where the doctor was obviously supposed to control the thing.

Sonic could feel the alarms of warning just blaring away in his head, but chose to ignore them and flew straight after Eggman. Perhaps this was his plan after all, given the panicked way he had responded... Right?

Deciding once again that it was all just another day of defeating Eggman, Sonic gave himself another chaos emerald powered boost after the retreating villain.


Well there we go! First chapter done within like, two days! (If you're going by the time I wrote it. Uploading is something else.)

I decided that the style of this story would be one of those ones that explores personalities of characters. It seems to be working so far, and I don't have to give as much descriptio- I mean... Cheeseburger.

. . .


Now, I know I was vague at first about Shadow being alive in this fanfiction, but I do promise that all will be revealed eventually. It just can't be right now because SPOILERS! (For the story, of course. :P) And no, he isn't going to be a werehog. Sonic is only like that because he absorbed some of Dark Gaia's energy.

Now, in the next chapter, I do plan on doing more for Tails as well as Chris. Maybe some Cream and Cheese will be stuck in there, but I still don't have a set plan (then again, I never do. So my stories are pretty much always susceptible to sudden change while I'm writing. But I always have a general idea for the middle and end, although it's easier to write what's mostly already there. Because in this fanfiction, I'm only putting two things together, in all reality.)

Another quick thing before I end the note, but expect side stories full of fun!

I know that filler is filler, but I still find it amusing every once in a while. They're good for comedic relief before or after something BIG. Or in between the big things, so that your mind doesn't become overly depressed. (Ugh, I'm going to hate writing Chip's goodbye! D:)

Eh, who knows? Maybe Shadow will get caught in something humorous and make us all laugh very hard (like I did when I found out that you can MAKE HIM DANCE in Mario and Sonic at the 2012 Olympics. I was also good at that mini-game thing. :)

Well, that's all I've got for now!

See y'all later!

P.S. And please leave a review! I'd love to hear your opinions and what you might have noticed that I didn't. :)