Hey y'all here is an epilogue. Set a few years in the future. I hope you like it.

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight

6 years later

Bella was nervous, it was her wedding day. She was finally going to be Mrs. Bella Lahote. She couldn't wait. Looking in the mirror she saw Kim working on her hair with Emily unzipping her dress for it to air for a few minutes. She also saw Angela helping Claire, who's going to be the flower girl, get ready in her beautiful light yellow dress, and Leah sitting on the bed.

She couldn't believe that it had been six years since Paul had imprinted on her. Man was she glad that Jake had been ignoring her for those two weeks, she never thought she would say that. Taking a deep breath she looked up at Kim.

"Are you all most done?"

"Yes I am, miss impatient."

"Shut up."

Turning Bella turned and looked at her friends.

"I can't believe today is happening. I have been waiting for this day for a while."

"We know, I told you the two of you being friends wasn't going to last long."

"I know Kim, I know."

Rolling her eyes Bella turned back around, as a knock sounded on the door. Laughing at the two girls Emily went to answer the door to find Charlie and Rene awkwardly standing next to each other. Even though the pair had been divorced for years, it was still slightly awkward every time they saw each other, for whatever reason. Rolling her eyes Bella turned to face the pair.

"Hi mom, dad."

"Hey Bells."

"Hey sweetie, you excited?"

"Yes, and nervous."

"Don't be you'll be fine, every bride is nervous on her wedding day. I know I was, on both of my wedding days."

"I bet that Paul is just as nervous as you are. I know that I was nervous when I married your mother and Sue."

Bella smiled at the memory of her dad three years ago, when he was pacing up and down Billy's living room the morning of the wedding. He was convinced that Sue was going to change her mind and leave him. When she found out, she hit him on the back of the head, causing everyone at the reception laugh.

"I know dad. I'm not worried that Paul is going to leave me. I'm just nervous about me tripping down the aisle or someone is going to come and mess it up."

"Don't worry about that Bells, the boys wouldn't let anything happen that could mess up the wedding."

"I know."

"Now Bells, we know that you have something blue and new from the girls. Now it is our turn to give you something. Here is your somethiing old and borrowed."

Standing Bella walked towards her parents.

"Mom, dad what is it?"

Smiling Charlie pulled out a beautiful orinate butterfly hair clip. It had small diamond through out its wings and a simple body made of silver.

"Oh mom, dad I love it."

"We know that you all ready have your hair done, but we figured it may clip in."

Turning Bella looked at Kim.

"I can find a place for it, don't worry."

"Thank you Kim."

"No problem Bella, now give me that clip and sit your butt back down in this chair.

Laughing Bella headed back to the chair.

"Yes ma'am."

Sitting down she turned and faced the mirror again, before leaning back into the chair, knowing that she was going to be there for a while.

"We'll let you girls finish getting ready."

"I'll see you soon dad. Love you both."

"We love you too sweetie."

Hearing the door close behind her parents, she looked in the mirror at Emily.

"Hey Em, can you turn on some music?"

"You know it Bells."

The woman walked over to radio and turned it on before looking for a music station. Quickly finding one, she turned it up before heading over to the bed and sitting down. Looking at the pair she turned her attention to Angela and Claire.

"So Claire are you ready to be the flower girl?"


"What about you Leah, you exited about being in a dress?"

"Shut up Em. The only reason I'm in this thing is because Bella asked me to be a bridesmaid."

"Leah I said you could wear your regular clothes."

"Nah not for a wedding, besides I'm sure Sam and my mother would make me go and change."


Laughter was heard as all five women cracked up laughing. When they finally calmed down Kim turned back to the bride.

"All right now I gotta finish your hair, so hold still."

"Yes ma'am."

Laughing Bella continued to look through the mirror as Kim continued to touch up her hair and add in the hair pin. A few minutes later Kim took her hands away from Bella's hair and took a step back.

"There done. All right, your make up is done, your hair is done. All that is left is for you to get dressed."

Smiling Bella stood up and headed over to where her dress was hanging. Grabbing it from the bag she turned to face the girls.

"Let's do this."

Laying the dress on Sam and Emily's bed, she turned to Claire.

"So Claire are you excited?"

"Yeah! Can I go and see Quil?"

"Of course you can."

Standing Claire walked towards Bella and hugged her before waving to the others. Walking out the door, she headed to find her wolf. Smiling at the young girl, Bella moved and began to change. A few minutes later, being changed into her dress, she faced her friends, now more like sisters.

"You guys ready?"

"We should be asking you that?"

"I've been ready for this for since he asked me."

"We know."

Smiling Bella heard a knock on the door. Getting up to answer Leah walked over and opened the door to see Charlie and Phil standing there. Smiling Leah beckoned the pair in, and walked back over to the bed. Smiling the pair looked at the girl they both thought of as a daughter.

"Ready Bells?"

"Ready dad, Phil."

Smiling the girl walked up to two of the men, she thought of as her fathers. Hugging both men, she looked at them both.

"Thank you both for being the best fathers I've ever had."

"You're welcome sweetheart."

Smiling the group walked out of the room and down the stairs to the living room, where the groomsmen were. Bella walked over and hugged each of the boys. Pulling away she walked back over to Charlie and Phil, who were going to be walking her down the aisle.

Walking out of the house, they headed towards the field where the ceremony would be taking place. Smiling Bella watched as Claire walked down the aisle in her dress followed quickly by one of Phil's nephews as the ring bearer. Next Angela walked down the aisle with Jacob on her arm and smiled at Paul before taking her place, and looking down their makeshift aisle. Next Leah walked down with Embry, before taking her spot next to Angela and looking down the aisle. Kim and Jared were next and everyone laughed as Jared fist bumped Paul. Finally Sam and Emily walked down as the Best Man and Maid of Honor. Seeing that the pair were down the aisle and hearing her cue music start, she slipped her arms through Charlie's and Phil's.

The trio began to walk down the aisle and towards the front. Bella only had eyes for Paul as they walked. The guests could have been zombies and trying to eat her brain, and she wouldn't have noticed. All she saw was Paul up at the end of the aisle next to the minister and Sam, smiling at her like she was the only woman in the world. They finally reached the end and the pair handed Bella to Paul. Each kissing a cheek the pair turned and found their seats.

(Skip the wedding ceremony, since it won't be any good.)

The minister turned to face the pair, smiling at the love he could tell the two shared.

"I now pronouce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

Cheers erupted as the two leaned in to share their first kiss as husband and wife. Pulling away the pair looked to each other, before facing the crowd. Neither knew what the future would hold, but they knew that they could handle it as long as they were together.

All right guys, here is the end of the story. What do you guys think. Don't forget to review and tell me what you think please!