Yeah...I know, I'm a horrible person...but I have a (sort of) excuse!

So I started high school, which, as anyone who has every been in high school knows, is a pain in the ass. I have tons of homework, and my classes are a lot harder than in middle school. I'm taking two honors classes as well as two languages, and it's starting to add up.

To add onto that, I've also...ah...gotten addicted to this great show, maybe you've heard of it...called Supernatural. I was on like season 6 for months because I had just stopped watching and then I was kind of determined to finish it and nOW I'VE FINISHED IT HOLY SHIT WTF AHHHHHHH OMGGG ANYONE WHO WATCHES SUPERNATURAL AND WANTS TO RANT WITH ME JUST SEND ME A PM ALRIGHT?

Now that that's done...onto the story!

Disclaimer: The Selection belongs to Kiera Cass. All characters (Except for a select few that you haven't met yet) are created by me.


'Tell Me Why'

I heard the click of the cameras as I stepped out of my car.

I hid my sigh and put on my best smile for the crowds. I walked past shouting fans begging me for an autograph, but I didn't have the time to sign anything, so I simply gave them a wave.

"Sorry, I'm late to a meeting! I'll sign it next time!' I shouted after them.

I looked up at the big sign in front of the store. It read Noka Joe's Book Store. I felt a grin growing on my face. I grew up in Noka Joe's, and I could spend hours just sitting in there, reading.

I had finally reached the entrance to Noka's. I went to open the door, but I heard a sound.

"Please…please, miss, my family is starving…I need food…"

I turned to the voice, and I felt my heart sink when I saw who it was.

It was a little girl. She couldn't have been older than nine. I got down onto my knees, not caring that my $2,000 outfit was going to get filthy.

I looked into her dark brown eyes. "What's your name?" I said softly.

"Megan," she answered. She had an awestruck look to her, like she couldn't believe that I'd heard her.

I smiled at her. "Well, Megan, why don't you come with me into Noka Joe's? We can talk, and I'll buy you lunch, alright?"

She gaped at me. "Really?" She squeaked.

"Really," I chuckled.

I grabbed her hand as I stood up, and we walked into the book store together.

I walked up to the freezer. Below the bookstore was a small coffee shop. They sold candy and pre-made sandwiches and ice-cream and, of course, coffee. I grabbed about five sandwiches and three waters and brought them to the register. I didn't blink as I paid the money. I grabbed the bag from the man behind the register, Dan, I think his name was, and handed it to Megan.

She held onto the bag for dear life as we made our way I reached the top, I saw one of my favorite people.

"Kylie!" I grinned as Georgia, the plump woman who owned the store, enveloped me in a hug. "Hi, Georgia!" I exclaimed, hugging her back.

As she pulled away, she looked down at Megan. "And who's this?" She asked.

I put my arm on Megan's shoulder, who had stayed very silent this whole time. "Her name is Megan, and I'm going to show her around the bookstore and maybe find her a nice book to read."

Georgia smiled. "Well, holler if you need anything!"

I waved at Georgia before leading Megan to my favorite spot in the entire store. It was all the way in the back corner, and it was a little difficult to get there. Noka's was such a gigantic store, and the book shelves were practically mazes. I had dragged two bean bag chairs from the reading area to here so I could sit and read. It was right by the Z authors, and practically no one ever made it back here, so it was always quiet, but that's not the reason I chose this spot.

When I was a little girl, I was obsessed with these books by Amanda Zinn. The Chronicles of Melissa Morado, they were called. They followed the story line of Melissa Morado, teenager by day, savior of the universe by night. She would go home from school every day and would meet her uncle, who she lived with, at an old abandoned warehouse, where he stashed, I kid you not, his time-traveling teleporting helicopter.

Crazy, right?

They would get in the helicopter and chant a spell.

Through time and space we shall travel

Helping people with secrets unravel

And when we've finished the last fight

We'll travel back through the night.

And then they'd be off, traveling through space and time. Their helicopter, 'Helen', would bring them wherever they were needed. Important monkey-thing that will eventually became mankind is about to die? No problem, Melissa and Uncle Rob are here to save the day!

Thinking back on it, the concept was crazy, but they were my crazy, and I loved them. I would sit at Noka's for hours, reading book after book, and I would get tired of going back and forth from the reading area to the Z shelf, so I just made my own little hideout, and Georgia always looked the other way.

I sat Megan down on one bean bag chair. I pulled out a sandwich and a water from the bag and handed them to her. She stared down at it, unsure of what to do.

I opened up the container and held it out to her. It was roast beef with lettuce and Russian dressing, one of my favorites. "Go ahead, eat it. I got it for you."

She slowly picked up the sandwich and took a bite, and then it was done. I could see the hunger start to take over her mind as she ate faster and faster.

"Hey, hey, slow down there, Megan, or you'll give yourself a stomach ache."

Megan happily obliged, smiling at me as she chewed.

I took out my own sandwich, my all time favorite. I called it a 'Cluckin-Russian', and it was the best sandwich I'd ever had. It was just a chicken cutlet with munster cheese, bacon, and Russian dressing, all on a roll. It was best served hot, but it was still delicious cold.

Megan finished her sandwich before I even finished half of mine. I saw her look hungrily at the other ones before pushing the bag away. I smiled at her and pushed it back.

"Go ahead, eat another. I can get you more," I said. When she still hesitated, I took one out and opened it. I put it onto her lap.

"Eat," I said. "You're tiny, you need to eat." She nodded and grabbed the sandwich.

"Megan, why don't you tell me about your family," I said.

I didn't know what I was getting into when I first asked her that question. I didn't know that her father, whom she didn't know the name of but knew was a wealthy Two, had raped and impregnated her mother, a Three at the time, who then had to run away and become an Eight so she could give birth to her daughter in peace. After Megan was born, her mother, Eloise, found a boyfriend and had three more children, Tommy, Danny, and Sarah. Sarah was the youngest, only four months, and the family was suffering. Megan's father died from malnourishment, and Eloise was very, very sick, leaving Megan to take care of her three siblings.

I listened carefully to all of this, my heart silently breaking at each and every word. When she was done, my eyes were in tears.

"I'm so sorry, Megan, truly. That's an awful thing, what happened to your mother, but I'm going to help her."

Megan looked at me, with so much hope in her eyes. "Really?" She asked. I nodded, "Really."

She looked at me. "But why?" She asked. "Why would you want to help me?"

I just smiled at her. "Why's always the question, isn't it?"

I cleared my throat and closed my eyes. My mind drifted back to the lullaby my mother used to sing to me. Lucky for me, not only had I been blessed with good looks, but I'd also been blessed with, as my mother puts it, 'a voice of the angels.'

I opened my mouth and began to sing.

Tell me why the stars do shine,

Tell me why the ivy twines,

Tell me why the sky's so blue,

and I will tell you just why I love you.

Because God made the stars to shine,

Because God made the ivy twine,

Because God made the sky so blue,

Because God made you thats why I love you.

So...what did you think? I'm dying to know! I'm absolutely in love with Kylie's character, and Megan's growing on me. Honestly, she was never part of the plan. She just came out of me writing. I was like "oh shit I have to show that Kylie's compassionate and caring how do i do that Oh i know lets put a depressing little girl into the mix, maybe that'll do it" and even once I did that i only planned on Kylie giving her some money, but now, Megan may become more. Lets find out...

Anyway, let me know how it was! Were you surprised when you found out that the main character of the story was Sam's daughter? Anyone have any guesses as to what will happen? If anyone can guess a major plot point, I'll answer any question they have.
