A/N: I've been wanting to start this story for a really long time now & I finally got around to doing it :) Anywho~let's get to it! I don't own South Park, enjoy!

WARNING: This story may be considered OOC, so please don't tell me that I wrote the characters wrong. Either way, OOC characters will be explained, so follow if you want to know why the character may be acting different :) Thanks~

Chapter 1: Oblivion

"...a dull sun rises up to the sky, mixing into a mess of gray clouds. Just another morning, another day. Another day where no one knows anything. Sure there's science and math, politics, ecetera. Though the real mysteries in life are undiscovered. What's next? What happens after these few decades we walk around, skin over fat, muscle and bones, waiting to die? Maybe that's a bleak perspective, but it's the honest truth. What point is there to truely live when we're all destined to be forgotten? Only the true heroes are remembered, and even still constantly forgotten. Do you honestly think about Jesus having nails hammered into his arms while you down a sprite and watch the new Fast and Furious movie? Or about Lincoln freeing the slaves when you're buying that new size zero dress for prom that you'll 'lose weight to fit into'? The theme of life: oblivion. And how we're all destined for it. You can try as damn hard as you please, though whether you sit on your three hundred pound ass eating cheese poofs or finding the solution to global warming, no one's going to remember your name."

There was a silence in the room so quiet a dropped pin could be heard. The eyes of the teens darted awkwardly, before the teacher cleared his throat. "Alright. Um, thank you Kenny. You can sit now."

Kenny sighed and slumped back to his seat, fixing his hood back over his head, trying to hide his messy blonde locks under it.

Kenny snarled as he sat in his desk, reading over the pencil written graffiti he had read hundreds of times while the brainless morons in his class read their seventh grade level essays on Shakespeare. At least he took a risk. No one else ever seemed to try.

"Jesus, Kenny." He heard Clyde sigh behind himself as the teacher called Eric to go next, much to his discontent. "Lighten up."

Kenny grimaced, as the teacher called for Eric to go next, much to his discontent. A few years back Kenny might've fought back to ignorance or criticism. Though now he found it was better to keep his mouth shut and stay out of everyone's way. People preferred him this way and it was easier for people to walk all over him. They would either way.

Clyde snarled back to the grimace he received though. The brunette then turned back to carving asslickers into the ten year old wooden desk.

The class got to listen to Eric argue with the teacher to buy himself more time, before the bell rang and the two hundred-something pound negotiator sprinted from the literature class.

Kenny followed slowly behind, hands in his pockets. Stan hustled to catch up to him.

"Hey, dude."

Kenny's bad mood seemed to be lifted when he noticed the bright smile on his friend's face. "Hey, Stanley."

Stan sighed, as he moved his arm to link with Kenny's. "Don't call me that."

"I'm sorry," Kenny smirked, his dimples barely noticeable in the mess of freckles sprinkled all over his face. "But I like to call people by their full names. It's more genuine."

Stan sighed, leaning his head against Kenny's shoulder. "Maybe. But Stanley isn't really fitting for me, is it?"

"Sort of." Kenny and Stan both turned to walk into the hall full of lockers and teenagers. "Though I suppose Stan is a bit more fittin', huh?"

Stan nodded, as both he and Kenny moved to stuff their books in their lockers.

"Hey guys," Kyle sighed, groaning as he lazily moved from the doorway of his calculas class to his locker next to Stan's.

He groaned and tried to yank open the locker after turning the knob, hitting his head against it as he failed.

"Let me do it." Kenny smirked, as he pushed Kyle aside.

"Thanks, Ken."

As the southern blonde opened the locker, he took Kyle's books from him and stuffed them in the locker before shutting it back. "No problem."

Eric soon strolled up next to them. "Hey, fags."

Stan rolled his eyes, Kenny laughed, and Kyle tried to snarl though was interrupted when he almost fell backwards into the trash can.

Stan and Kenny caught him in time, though, and pulled him to lean against the lockers.

"The hell's wrong with you?" Eric asked, more interested in texting his mother to ask what was for dinner.

"I stayed up late finishing that damn history project." Kyle yawned, trying to keep his green eyes open.

"Well, try and stay awake until we're on the bus. You can sleep there." Stan smirked, rubbing Kyle's back.

Kyle shook his head and yawned again. "I've got basketball practice, dude."

"Oh," Stan frowned. "Well you could tell the coach you're sick."

Kyle chuckled. "Only if I was in a hospital bed."

Stan sighed. "I know. He'd never let you."

"And my parents wouldn't either." Kyle sighed, stretching his arms as the bell rang. "I'll see you guys later."

The three left watched as Kyle walked away and they then started walking to their bus, only to be stopped by their chorus teacher. He'd been struggling to get kids to join. So far, it was Pip and Bebe, neither of which could sing.

"Hello boys!" He smiled at them, sheet music in one hand and baton in the other. "Would you be interested in joining chorus?"

The three exchanged glances, as if they were actually considered it, before Stan answered for all of them, "No thanks."

Before the teacher could attempt to persuade them, they pushed past him and down the hall, out of the door.

"He needs to find someone that actually enjoys singing," Eric started, still tapping his thumbs on the screen on his phone. "And hassle them."

"Tell me about it." Stan sighed.

They expected a clever answer from Kenny, but the Southern blonde was speechless. He would've been motionless had it not been for waving back at a passing Butters.

They waited outside for the bus and watched as it finally rolled in front of them. They hopped up the steps and into their usual seats. Stan in the first seat, which he would normally share with Kyle; Eric in the second by himself, as he could barely fit on the seat without someone else being pressed against the window; and Kenny in the last, waiting for his older brother to sit next to him.

It didn't take him long.

"Hey kiddo." Kevin smirked, as he plopped down next to his little brother. "How was your day?"

Kenny smirked. "Okay."


Kevin then proceeded to talk to Shelly and another senior in the seat behind himself and Kenny.

Kenny turned back to his friends to see Eric scarfing down a bag of cheesy poofs.

Kenny sighed. "So, how's that diet goin', Eric?"

Stan chuckled and Kenny smirked, as Eric flung a cheesy poof at him.

"You know," Kenny started, trying his best to avoid an awkward silence. "Sometimes I think Kyle works himself too hard."

"With basketball?" Stan asked.

"Yes. And everythin' else, as well." Kenny sighed. "I mean, have you two even spent any time together recently?"

Stan shrugged. "Not really."

"You guys used to spend every waking moment together. He needs to take it easy."

"Yeah." Stan sighed. "But you know how he is. He feels the need to be perfect or whatever."

"It's just in the Jew's nature." Eric sighed, using his cheesy fingers to scrape crumbs out of his empty chip bag.

Normally Stan would've defended his friend's religion, but he was tired of Eric and Kenny laughing too loud to even hear his argument. Either that or some joke about how he was sticking up for his 'boyfriend'.

"Not gonna stick up for your boyfriend, Stanny?" Eric asked.

"It sounds too true to attempt to argue."

"Haven't I been telling you?" Eric chuckled, as he pulled a sugar-filled soda from his bag.

"Jesus Christ," Kenny sighed, as Eric downed half the drink in one go. "Take your time on that heart attack."

Stan laughed and Eric did nothing but flip off the Southern blonde before the bus stopped on Avenue de Los Mexicanos, their street.

The three of them hopped off, Shelly and Kevin behind them and walking to the McCormick residence, and the boys walked to Stan's house.

"I'm home." Stan called, seeing his dad plopped on the couch with a beer in hand and the channel was Food Network.

"Dad!" Stan yelled angrily, as he stomped over to the TV and turned it off. "Mom said you're not allowed to watch that channel anymore."

Randy scoffed. "Whatever."

The forty year old mess then stomped away and up the stairs, leaving the TV to the boys.

Eric and Kenny practically fell onto the couch, letting out happy sighs, as Stan moved to turn the TV back on.

He grabbed the remote and settled in between his two friends.

"Jesus Christ," Stan sighed, as he watched a middle-aged women pull a turkey out of an oven. "What the hell is so appealing about this anyway?"

"Who knows..." Kenny sighed, as he snatched the remote from Stan. "I guess it's like a fetish or somethin'. Maybe your parents should try honey or-"

"That's enough." Stan interrupted, holding the bridge of his nose. "I don't need that picture in my mind."

Kenny and Eric both laughed, as Kenny changed the channel to Dr. Phil.

"Really?" Eric asked, brunette eyebrow raised.

"You picked yesterday." Kenny defended his choice. "Plus I know Stanny likes Dr. Phil. Right?"

Stan chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, well, it's better than Honey Boo Boo."

"That show is educational, dibsticks." Eric sighed, putting his feet on the coffee table.

"How is it educational?" Stan asked, as he pushed his overweight friend's feet back to the floor.

"It's showing you what will happen if we don't stop the childhood obsesity crisis."

"Oh really?" Kenny smirked, as he leaned over and poked Eric's belly.

"See? I'm a lost cause." Eric sighed, wiping away a fake tear.

Kenny smirked. "No way, dude. You're okay just the way you are."

"Wow, thanks."

After Eric and Kenny exchanged eye rolls, the three focused on the program.

On the screen with Dr. Phil was a woman suffering from anorexia. Her cheek and collarbones were prominent, and she wore a jacket overtop a sweater to stay warm.

"How do you feel?" Dr. Phil asked.

"Like a bother...an embarrassment...and I'm a big, fat failure!" The woman answered, breaking into tears.

Stan watched intently, instantly feeling horrible as the woman sobbed. Though he began to feel better once he scanned her body. Small thighs, small waist...small everything. A considerably big part of Stan thought she looked amazing. He knew he shouldn't though.

"Stanley?" Stan's mom called, as she walked into the living room. "What do you want for dinner, sweetheart?"

Stan shrugged, not moving his glance from the television. "I'm not hungry."

"Well, I didn't say you had to eat it now." Sharon sighed, re-tying the knot on her apron.

Stan sighed. "It doesn't matter to me. Ask Dad."

Sharon sighed, as she walked up the stairs to find her husband.

The boys heard her yell something about the food channel from upstairs.

"Jesus Christ." Stan sighed, as he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket.

"Kyle's textin' you, dude." Kenny smirked, shifting his glance to Stan's pocket.

"You don't know its Kyle." Stan said.

"Yeah I do."

"But he's at practice."

"Who else would be texting you?" Eric chimed in.

Stan frowned and glared at him. "It's not like Kyle's my only friend."

"No." Eric chuckled. "But I don't have my phone in my hand and neither does Kenny."

"Shut up."

Sure enough, it was Kyle.

Hey dude :)

Hey. What's up?

Not much. We got a break 4 once

Wow. Is your coach sick?

I wish. Maybe I shouldn't say that tho

Do you feel better?

Yeah, I'm fine now. Guess I was in a tired mood or something

U need 2 learn to like coffee

Ew. That's like asking me 2 learn to like bananas

Coffee is a liquid

And bananas r a solid. What's ur point?

You can add milk to it & stuff

Well you can add peanut butter to bananas and that doesn't make them taste any better

What's even wrong with ur taste buds

How can u like bananas they're slimy and gross

I like everything

Except meat

I like meat i just can't eat it

I hope u dont break out in vaginas again xD

Well I've done it for two years now, I think I'm good

Be careful u little dork. I gotta go

Come over l8r?


K later

See u

Stan sighed as he laid down his phone.

"It was Kyle, right?" Kenny asked, already knowing as he had read the conversion over Stan's shoulder.

"Yeah, genius." Stan smirked, lying his head on Kenny's shoulder.

They then returned to watching Dr. Phil. The woman on the screen now sobbed as Dr. Phil handed her a tissue.

"I don't want to be this!" The woman cried. "I don't want to wake up every morning and not eat breakfast! i don't want to exercise until my legs give out! And I don't want to weight sixty five damn pounds!"

"How much do you want to weigh?" Dr. Phil asks, being professional enough not to look at the camera dramatically.

"Well I want to be a healthy weight..."


"The Anorexic side wants to weight fourty, o-or...maybe thirty..."

As Dr. Phil went on to stress about how she will die, Kenny sighed.

"That's crazy." The Southern blonde shook his head. "I'm amazed she hasn't died yet."

Stan nodded, not hearing what Kenny had said. He was too focused on learning how she went from one hundred thirty five pounds to sixty five.

"I don't why she doesn't just eat." Eric said, brushing his fingers through his tangled hair. "It's not like she doesn't know she'll die."

Stan snarled, snapping his head in Eric's direction. "It's not that simple fatass."

Eric was taken aback, but shrugged it off. "Whatever, string bean."

They quickly dropped the subject, both knowing it would quickly get out of hand if they didn't.

Kenny however kept his focus on Stan, as the noirette's focus was glued to the screen again.

A million thoughts shot through Kenny's mind at that moment, though he wasn't really sure what to think. The only thought he could fathom was, When was the last time I saw him eat?

A/N: So, I hoped you guys liked it! I'll try & update soon! Please review & follow if you did like it! Love you guys!