Chapter 1

Tsukino Serena, blonde hair, blue eyes, glares at the red head across from her, knives held loosely in her hands, " Tsukino, just give it up, you can't beat me and you know it. "

Serena snorts, " You're all talk and you damn well know it, Kazatara. Everyone knows that I'm the best knife fighter around. "

The twelve year old blonde had her knife in the red head's shoulder a second later, and then she delivers a punishing round house kick to her face before she retrieves her knife. Why did everyone insist upon trying to prove their superiority over her? She sheathes her knives back at her waist holders. Serena had on a black skin tight tank top, purple skinny jeans, black combat boots, skull and crossbones earrings and matching necklace, and purple fingerless gloves with black cuffs. Her hair was back in a braid and had spikes woven in it as well. Girls always went for the hair and Serena wasn't going to give them that option.

The twelve year old blonde rolls her shoulders and heads for the apartment she stayed in, well, it was abandoned but with her powers no one could take it from her, to pick up the present for Shinya Kanbara's birthday. At the same time in Odaiba Motomiya Daisuke finds himself ready to rip off Takaishi Takeru's head. The fricking perfect Child of Hope had finally pushed him too far, " What the fuck do you know about me anyhow, Takaishi? "

The older kids frown, " I know you love soccer and are a lucky idiot! "

Davis' coffee eyes flash gold in his anger, Miracles was close to the surface, the burgundy haired inheritor of Courage and Friendship stands up tall, " Favorite color, favorite song, favorite band, favorite book, favorite manga and anime, can you answer any of that, Takaishi! "

TK stares at Davis stunned, " I bet you can't for me either. "

" Favorite color is green, favorite song is Die Young by Ke$ha, favorite band is Linkin Park, favorite book is the Harry Potter series, favorite manga is Rosario+Vampire, favorite anime is Slam Dunk. " Davis answers.

TK blinks, " How did you know all that? "

" I pay fucking attention. " Davis hands Tai's goggles back to him, " I have new goggles, you be the leader again, as I can't be around a bunch of hypocrites, they claim to be my friends yet they, other than Ken, don't know the first thing about me. I thought Kari was a friend but the instant Takaishi showed up it was like I didn't even exist. "

Kari flinches as he says this even as he puts his new goggles on, the strap was half orange and half blue with golden lenses. The burgundy haired near teen sighs, " Tai, tell Mimi that I'm glad she at least took the time to listen to me, I'm also glad that I have you for a friend. " Davis says and he was gone. Demiveemon was hiding in the hood of his black hoody, said hoody had flames around the bottom and the Crest of Miracles emblazoned on the back. He had on black cargo pants and black tennis shoes. His left ear had a dragon shaped stud in it as well.

Serena is surprised that someone else is approaching the Kanbara home at the same time she is, " Who are you? " Davis asks her.

" Tsukino Serena, a close friend of Takuya's. " Of course, Takuya was about her only friend as well.

" Motomiya Daisuke but call me Davis. I'm Takuya and Shinya's cousin. "

" Bring Shinya a birthday present? "

" Of course, what kind of cousin would I be to forget today is his birthday. " Davis retorts and knocks on the door, " Takky, get off your ass and answer the door already! "

Takuya Kanbara grumbles as he opens the door about ungrateful cousins, wearing a yellow t-shirt with a black D like symbol on the chest, under a red short sleeved jacket with a pocket on each side of the chest, a pair of dark brown Bermuda shorts, light brown gloves, could be seen in a pocket currently, white socks, orange and red sneakers with white soles, and a light brown cap over which he had his ever present goggles. His cap left a tuft of his brown hair visible in front. " Since when do you two know each other? " Takuya asks.

" Met at the door, Taku-chan, now let me in before I get more ignorant punks after me thinking they're hot stuff. " Serena retorts.

The chocolate eyed goggle head does a visual check on her, " Well, either they're all posers or you got lucky. " Takuya states.

Serena grins, " This is why you're my friend, you accept me as I am. "

Davis blinks, it seemed he needed to corner his cousin. Serena heads in and hands the gift bag in her hands to Shinya, Yuriko Kanbara smiles when she sees the blonde. She may not approve of the fact that she was a street fighter but she truly did care for Takuya. She'd been feral the first time Takuya had brought her home, which told Yuriko that the girl spent a good portion of her life on the streets. She never mentioned her family and Takuya was the only one she even listened to. However, Serena had saved Shinya's life three months back when someone had broken in.

The commotion of Serena's fight with the intruders had brought the other Kanbaras running in time to see her holding her own with four grown men, she'd ended up having to kill one of them to save Takuya and Shinya. The entire Kanbara family had backed her when the cops came. Since then Yuriko had gotten both of her boys self-defense lessons. Serena was teaching Takuya how to deal with knife fighters and while the mother was concerned she knew Serena would never allow Takuya to be harmed if she could help it.

Later, on the train they had chosen Serena sighs, " So, what now, Taku-chan? "

" I guess we'll find out at the end of the line. " Takuya answers. Just then the scenery changes and Davis grins.

" Awesome, we're in Digiworld, come on out Demiveemon. " Davis says.

" Miracles, I thank you for coming to help, " Davis hears from his now transformed cell phone, " Davis, Takuya, and Serena these are your D-Tectors, you must find the spirits, human and beast in order to save this world. "

Davis sighs, " To think, I just saved Digiworld not that long ago too. Oh, well, I'm back, though Takuya, you're the leader, I'll advise you but something tells me Serena's only going to listen to you. "

Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon or Digimon.