Shatter Down My Walls

A/N: This is my first fanfic ever. Finchel will always be my OTP. This story is totally AU. There will be some drama, so be prepared for it. I will promise that Finn will always have a happy ending and this story will be complete. Special shout outs to AllieLoveFinchel and Firewifesara for giving me the courage to do this. This story is in honor of Cory Monteith because together we will allow him to live through our stories. Reviews will be loved. Rated M for some citrus!

Disclaimer: I don't own Glee, because if I did Season 3 would have ended way different, characters or any songs that I may add in. All of the flashbacks will be in italics. All I own are the errors!


"Wait, what are you saying?" Rachel sobs "You are ending our engagement because you are in love with my costar Roger?" Not believing what Brody is saying to her. "And you decided this two weeks before our wedding date? How long has this been going on?"

Brody just shrugged his shoulders "I realized that I had feelings for him a couple of months ago, but, I didn't act on them until a few weeks ago. I guess that I prefer his plumbing over yours, Rachel."

Rachel had never been more relieved that her run as Maria in West Side Story was over; she didn't think that she would be able to perform with her "Tony" knowing that he had been performing with her now ex-fiancé.

She just wanted to get as far away from Broadway and her heartbreak as she could right now. Her next endeavor planned was to record her first album but, it wasn't scheduled to start for two months since she had planned a month long honeymoon to Hawaii. After she walked around Time Square for hours she hailed a cab and headed to her brownstone which she shared with her cousin/manager Quinn Fabray. Quinn knew that something had happened as soon as Rachel walked through their front door. Her normally bubbly, happy go lucky cousin was sullen and obviously hurting tremendously.

"Rachel, babe what's the matter? Where have you been, I was expecting you home hours ago, I had assumed that you were with Brody. Did someone hurt you?"

At the sound of Brody's name Rachel turned into a blubbery mess "He…Called off the wed..ding." she sobbed as she collapsed to the floor "He left me for Roger. He said that he had loved him for months, Quinn, months" Her anger was now overcoming her sadness. "He knew for months that he wasn't going to marry me and he decides to wait two weeks before the date to break it off with me. Now I am going to look like a fool to my family and friends as I notify them that the wedding isn't happening; how did I not know that this was going on?"

Quinn walked over to Rachel and sat down in the floor beside her and wrapped her arms around her and told her that she would take care of it all for her. "Rachel, why don't you let me run you a nice relaxing bath and order us something for us to eat?" as she is feverishly texting Blaine and Santana telling them to get to their house as soon as possible for a Rachel Berry meltdown.

As Rachel walked back into the living room she felt 3 sets of arms wrapping around her, knowing that Quinn had filled her friends in on what had happened so she wouldn't have to explain it again. Santana was mumbling something about going all Bronx on Brody's ass as Blaine and Quinn was having a silent conversation with their eyes. Blaine led Rachel into the dining room where her favorite Italian meal was waiting for her.

Once the 'family' had been sitting in silence for a few minutes Quinn finally spoke up, "Rachel how do you feel about relocating?"

A very shocked Rachel looked at Quinn and asked what did she mean? "I don't understand how moving from our home would help me get over this."

"I don't mean moving to another home in New York City, sweetie I was thinking more like moving to the other coast. I mean Columbia has studios out there for you to record your album and you always said that you'd one day like to give Hollywood a shot." Quinn whispered.

While avoiding Rachel's eyes Blaine spoke up "We all think that it would be a perfect way to start over."

"And you know that you will have all three of us with you." Santana piped in.

"I can't ask you guys to up and move clear across the country just because I wasn't good enough to keep Brody." Rachel cried.

Quinn chirped in with simply saying "I am your manager, Tana is your fashion guru and you know that Blaine has been itching to sink his teeth into LA."

"You all would do that for me?" After all three heads nodded yes, Rachel just smiled and said that it looks like we need to find us a home in LA. Less than a month later, the family was moving into a 12 bedroom mansion in Coldwater Canyon.


"I am not working for that jack ass any longer!" Finn growled "I'm tired of working 60 hours a week for that douche so he can get all the credit."

"Yeah dude, I feel you!" Puck says as he fights the downtown traffic trying to get out of the city and back to the comforts of his home in Coldwater Canyon. The two childhood friends had lucked out finding two homes in the gated community next to each other after they graduated from Stanford Law School. They have been together since day care, attending Lima Elementary School, George Washington Middle School, William McKinley High School, Ohio State University and Stanford.

"You know what we should do?" Finn asked in a much calmer tone "we should get Sam's ass out here and start our own practice."

"That sounds awesome and all but do you think the old ball and chain would want to move out here?" Puck Questioned.

"Well it's not like Kitty couldn't find a school out here to work for, and she'd make a boatload more money, Sam would too. Hell between the three of us we could practice all aspects of the law, it would kind of be a dream of mine coming true." Finn shyly admits.

"All we need is the building and Sam, because you know that our clients would follow us, since they all already refuse to work with anyone else in the jack asses firm." Puck smirked.

As they were entering the gated community Finn noticed several moving vans and a few women and a man outside of the home next door to Finn's house. "Oh great, three chicks are moving into the glass mansion" Finn grumbles as Puck pulls into Finn's driveway right next to the said three chicks.

"Hot damn, they are sexy, Finn especially that little blonde." Puck said with lust shining in his eyes.

"I don't give a rat's ass if they are hot or not," Finn's voiced laced with anger, "I am not even going there!"

Finn when is the last time that you got laid? Damn Dude it has been six months since the Lucy nightmare!" Puck snorted, "Get over it, not all ladies are like her and you don't have to marry a chick to get some loving."

"Not happening dude, they can stay on their side of the fence and I will stay on mine." Finn said straight to the point. "I'm perfectly fine being by myself for the rest of my life, all women are evil in one way or another and I don't want any part of it".

Shall I continue? Let me know what you think!