Rating: Mature

Warning: None

Disclaimer: Not mine. This belongs to J.K Rowling and Warner brothers.

Chapter 1

Harry grumbled angrily, slumping in his seat, his forehead hitting the table with a muffled bang. He whimpered, instantly regretting it when pain blossomed, the area above his eyes throbbing. "Hey, Harry! What's wrong, mate? You've been in a foul mood since this morning." Ron said, stuffing his face full of meat, his cheeks bulging as he swallowed.

Harry grinned, raising to his elbows as he watched the red head devour his lunch. "It's just Malfoy. We were partnered up in Potions for the rest of the semester." He said, rubbing his throbbing forehead and wincing.

Ron choked, sputtering as pumpkin juice slid down his chin. "You and Malfoy? What is your teacher thinking?!" He said shrilly, catching the attention of Hermione. "Malfoy? What about Malfoy?" She asked, looking up from her book.

Harry sighed, shaking his head as he answered. "Nothing Hermione. It's nothing." He muttered, glancing toward the Slytherin table, returning the snarl Malfoy sent his way. With a huff of annoyance, he turned, attacking his lunch with a vengeance.

"Stupid Slytherins." He grumbled, standing when lunch was over, hurrying after his friends as they left the hall.

Harry frowned, standing in front of the Potions classroom, a sheet of paper clutched in his hand. The paper wrinkled noisily, causing him to start and loosen his grip. He glanced down at it, his lips curled distastefully as he read it.


A team of two will be assigned various potions to create. From healing salve

to headaches. Both partners will be given one set of potion ingredients to

create what has been assigned. Partners will have to work together to finish

the potion, as that is the main goal. To prevent cheating, wands will be

taken away/not used while creating the potions. Your assignments are

listed below….

Harry cursed, his irritation growing as he re-read the 'no wands' rule. "This is stupid." He muttered, finally pushing open the door and walking in. Malfoy turned at the sound, his eyes narrowing when he caught sight of Harry.

"Where have you been? I could have finished this myself, if it wasn't for you!" He hissed, his voice echoing harshly in the empty classroom. Harry sighed, throwing his bag onto a table, glaring venomously at the blonde and grabbing the ingredients he needed.

"Shut up Malfoy. I don't want to be here either." He snarled, throwing his wand into the box on the teacher's desk, the wood clattering loudly as it made contacts with Malfoys. The Slytherin snorted, rolling his eyes heavenward as he placed a cauldron on the table between them. "That much is mutual, Potter. Why to state the obvious." Harry groaned, rubbing his temple, preparing himself for a long afternoon.

HEY! This will be my first story for the many Drarry im going to make! My other account was deleted, so I decided to try again, but this tim go with the guidelines and things. (not like I did before.) Anyways, until next time!