„Nii-san! You never told us about Narumis love life!" accuses Matatabi her brother. "I sure did! I told you about Kakashi and that she found love again!" Kurama defends himself. "But that's not enough! Tell us about her first encounter with her husband!" Chomei demands. Kurama sighs, "Alright let me think….

Narumi ran down the street to meet with her very own genin team. Not slowing down, she ran around a corner, bumped into something/someone and falls. Groaning she clutched her head and tried to get up. However, she got stopped by two hands. "Stop! That f*** hurts!" She looked down to meet with two brown eyes. "Sorry" once again she tried to get up – this time more carefully. Standing there she held out her hand to help the other one up. But he slapped it away and got up on his own. "I don't need your help, Uchiha-scum", he snapped at her before he walked away. She looked after him and scowled. I guess he had to live while the Uchiha and Senju were still fighting each other till death…. poor soul. She shook her head and continued her way.







Who does this Uchiha-scum think she is?! Damn bitch! I can't understand why Hashirama-sama made that peace treaty with them. Why do I even think about her? It's already been a week since that accident …. She is not worth all the time I think about her! Damn her, damn her, damn her!

"Neji-kun, Sasuke-kun, Itama-kun, don't get distracted! If we were outside the village on a mission, you'd be dead by now. Your clan names won't save you – even if your families are beyond pissed! You should always keep in mind that being part of a clan doesn't make you superior shinobi. You have to learn and get hurt quite often before you can consider yourself "great" shinobi. You have to spend hours sweating and training. I, myself, wouldn't call myself a brilliant or invincible kunoichi." Oh fuck it's her! Why do I have to meet that, that … anyway why do I have to meet her again?

She looked at her students and continued, "We never stop to learn. More importantly – there is always someone stronger than you. So never get too full of yourself" She's quite intelligent. I never met an Uchiha who didn't have a superior complex. Who did she say that she is? Uh … oh right, I didn't ask for her name… The young Senju looked at her and observed the team training. She's not bad. Itama has a good sensei even if she's an Uchiha.

"Alright boys, enough fighting. Let's continue with the tree walking exercise. Did any of you train it at home?" "Hai, Narumi-sensei. But I can't seem to get it! What am I doing wrong? Every time I try, I end up getting blast away or simply fall down" "Try it. I want to observe" she looked at the young Sarutobi and activated her Sharingan, "I thought as much … you've got bigger reserves than others, Sasuke-kun. That's the reason why we'll have to work on your chakra control longer than Neji-kun and Itama-kun" Sasuke looked at his friends and lowered his head. Now she made a mistake. The boy clearly can't handle her honesty. I'm curious as to how she intends to turn the table and motivate him again. Narumi only smiled, "It's ok to have problems with something – I, for that matter, had the same problem. My control was horrendous. I had to train for weeks to get the exercise down. As a matter of fact, Tobi-oji and I worked for hours so that I could even break a simple genjutsu without my Sharingan." "Alright! Let's do this! I'll be better than you sensei!" Both his friends look at him with smiles on their faces, even Neji though Hyuuga don't smile that often. So she got him ecstatic again, huh? She seems to know how to take care of children… Man, I guess, I have to apologize. Maybe I should invite her out for dinner…. That kind of sounds like I want to ask her out on a date…. I'll do it anyway.

"Shikaku, how are you? I haven't seen you a lot lately!" Shikaku, the newly named Senju, smiled and answered Itama who ran up to him while he was distracted, "It's good to see you, Itama-kun. I'm fine, you?" "I'm feeling awesome! Do you know my sensei? She's Madara Uchihas daughter and Tobirama-samas goddaughter! Her name's Narumi!" Itama turned around without another word and ran up to his sensei. Madara Uchihas daughter? Are you kidding me? How come I'm still alive? Even Tobirama-sama would skin me alive for behaving like that in front of his goddaughter!

"Sensei meet my cousin Shikaku Senju. But you should be careful. He's got a bit of a problem with Uchiha because he lost nearly his entire family to your clansmen." She turned around and spotted the same Senju, she ran into a week ago. He shyly greeted her, "Ah hi. Nice to meet you again" "Yeah, it's a pleasure to meet you again. Once again I'm sorry for my inacceptable behavior and beg your forgiveness", Narumi told him while bowing. She looked at him to see his reaction. However, he could only stare at her while his word failed him. After she didn't get a reaction for some time, she turned to Itama and asked, "I overdid it, didn't I? Do you think I broke him?" "I think so … Let's go back to our training exercise" "You're right. Come on boys no slacking!" She was halfway back to her prior placement till Shikaku found his voice again. "Wait, I'm the one who should be apologizing" He ran up to her, looked her in the eyes and asked, "Do you want to go out for dinner? I mean as an apology for my behavior…"

Let's say it was a wonderful first date and soon after they ended up as a couple. To Shikakus horror he got questioned about his intentions by Madara, Tobirama, Hashirama and Mito – he survived the overprotective family without lasting injuries…. However, the Senju clan was especially surprised to hear about this couple – they never even dared to hope that Shikaku could ever accept any Uchiha, let alone befriend one. Now he was the boyfriend and fiancé of the Uchiha heir. After some years they married and had children, three sons. They named their sons Nori, after Narumis uncle (Madaras and Izunas dead little brother), Kakashi, unintentionally after Narumis lover and sensei in her first life, and Kawarama, after Hashiramas and Tobiramas dead brother."