A/N: I'm back! Sorry for not updating in a long time but i just really couldn't.

Disclaimer: You already know that i don't own Code Geass.

Now enjoy! (^u^)

The next day Milly with Rivalz bribed teachers and students into keeping the fact that Lelouch is an omega out of emperors ear-shot one way or another. Though Suzaku and Lelouch had to comply to their whims for the whole day. Milly had made the amethyst eyed male wear a short, lacy franch maid outfit while Suzaku had to wear butler's outfit. The rest of the council madethe two their personal servants for the day. They made Lelouch make snacks for the meeting while the green eyed alpha had to carry stuff for others as well as other things.

In council room there was a photoshoot area set up with lights, background and, most importantly, camera. Shirley was the one in charge of the camera while Rivalz was in charge of lights.

"Why...?" Suzaku trailed off not sure what exactly he wanted to ask as Lelouch had a feeling that he's better off not knowing.

Milly piped up at that "Do you have any idea how many people would love to see our omega boy in a dress especially in a flirty one loke this?!" she exclaimed pausing to point at Lelouch while Suzaku looked very unhappy about other people having such pictures of his lover "Is this really necessary?" he asked.

"Of corse! And don't worry we'll sell picturebooks with his and your pictures to show everyone what a perfect couple you are." Shirley answered happily.

With that Lelouch was shoved in front of the camera "First you give me some cute then some sexy and then Suzaku will join you." Milly said in a bossy tone starting the photoshoot while Nina started sorting the photos on her conputer that was connected to the camera. After a while Suzaku was allowed or rather forced to join Lelouch and Milly made them do sweet, sexy and dramatic poses.

Sadly their fun was cut short when military trucks arrived and commander officer of the squad stepped out to talk with Mr. Ashford who came out to greet them and ask why they have arrived. Nina was the one who noticed them and closed the curtain when one of the officers looked in her direction.

"T-The military guards are hear!" she exclaimed making others stop what they are doing and run to the windows, all except Lelouch since he shouldn't be seen by them, closing the curtains afterwards.

"What do we do now?" Shirely asked nervously looking around the room. Nina was too scared to even move as Rivalz watched Milly pace back and front while she, Lelouch and Suzaku thought of every possible escape.

"Our only escape is the back door." Milly announced as they all made a run for it towards the door but stopped when Suzaku noticed another military truck. "Damn it. They blocked this door as well." Suzaku hissed as they backtracked to the council room.

The moment they were back in the room Rivalz asked "What now?" as everyone was either panicking, trying to think or both. Lelouch was trying to not let panic cloud his judgment and think as Suzaku held him in a tight but loving embrace.

Then a loud announcement "All students must come outside. I repeat, all students must come outside." and students slowly went outside.

That's when Lelouch spoke up "You guys have to go." Others looked at him like he was crazy before complaining which made him explain "If you don't go they are going to come in and we won't even stand a chance. So you go outside while i find a way to mask my scent and a hiding place." Others nodded and started to fill out of the room with concern and fear shining in their eyes. Suzaku stayed behind still hesitant. Lelouch sighted and took the alpha's hands in his while looking into his eyes "I know this is risky...but it's the only plan we have." he said softly. Suzaku sighted and kissed the other softly before muttering "Stay safe." and leaving.

While everyone was outside Lelouch tried to find a good hiding spot as he heard someone enter through the back door. Their steps were soft and slow as the person approached the stairs and slowly went upstairs. Amethyst eyes darted around the room he was in trying to find a place to hide. Then he remembered the cosplay closet that was pretty big and full of different scents. Lelouch quitely walked to the door and entered the dark closet moving to the darkest corner. After a while he heard his hunter enter the room and walk around it before approaching the closet. The dark haired omega held his breath as the closet door was opened. His heart was beating rappidly as overwhelming sense of fear washed over his senses. After what felt like hours the door was finally closed and Lelouch let out a breath he didn't knew he was holding with a soft sigh of releaf.

And that was a big mistake since at that moment someone grabbed him from behind and a hand with a cloth was clamped over his mouth and nose. As much as he tried to struggle and not breath it was all futile and having no other choice he let the darkness consume him.