Notes: These chapters are part of a much larger multi chapter fic. But it felt rushed and chunky without the smaller chapters. I hope they're not off putting. I also wrote this about six months ago, when we didn't have the Tokyo Training Camp. My bad, please enjoy.

"Wouldn't it be nice if we could go away for a training camp?" Slumping forward on his desk Suga craned his neck to the side to glance at his friend sitting beside him. Raising an eyebrow, Daichi sighed.

"I wish. Where would we get the money?" Fiddling with a pen, the smaller third year hummed.

"Club grants are coming up. If we win our next two matches then we can take the application straight to principle. Completely by passing the vice principle." Grinning at the grimace flashing across Daichi's face, he pushed on. "And I'm sure the team could save up some money for it. We wouldn't have to go far, maybe the lakes even. Just away, like a real training camp."

The lake district wasn't a bad idea. It was close enough to be on the train line, but far enough away to be have a different and exciting atmosphere. The open flat land of their farming region opened up into towards the bottom of the neighbouring mountain ranges to form huge lakes and wetlands. It was a small tourist attraction locally and in the summer was the perfect resort against the onslaught of the seasonal heat. A training camp could be the perfect opportunity to build some team moral and up their practice regime.

"If you're willing to do the paperwork, I'll talk to the team about it. Though I doubt there'll be an objections." Sitting up straighter with a smile, Suga nodded eagerly.

"Not a problem, coach should be up for it as well." Falling silent as the classroom chatter swayed into silence, the silver haired senior bit his lip. "But where would we stay? What if the lakes are too cold? Maybe we should just keep with the traditional camp."

Shaking his head, Daichi reached out and patted his worrying friend on the back.

"Now you're second guessing yourself, don't. It's a great idea, even if we have to go up there ourselves and scout it out, it's happening." He paused, catching Suga's eye and smiling. "All other things willing." He added, thinking over the costs of a week long camp and their likelihood of getting any grants from their school, especially after the incident and the various considerations.

"We don't have a game this weekend, maybe we should do some scouting then." The sudden confidence in Suga's voice banished any further thought of wigs and figures of authority of Daichi mind.

"True, do you have the money for a weekend away?" Humming, the setter did a quick calculation.

"I can ask for an advance on my allowance and that should get me through. What about you?" Inhaling sharply through his teeth, the taller man shrugged.

"I'll see when I get home. It should be fine. Paper rounds pay pretty well." Chuckling Suga began compiling a list of requirements of their prototype camp.

"That's surprising considering the amount you bitch about it." Rolling his eyes, Daichi watched the pen scribble across the page as his friend fanatically took notes.

"Money is good, hours are not." Stealing a sideways glance at his captain, Suga grinned.

"No wonder you're grumpy all the time." Ignoring his tease, the dark haired boy sat back and smiled, watching his friend work.

"I'll text you tonight when I work through my finances." Head down over his work, Suga nodded disinterestedly.

"Please do, the sooner we can start planning the better."

Parting from the team after training, Daichi dragged his feet the whole way home. He knew how much money he'd had saved. He'd worked hard and remembered every cent. It was plenty enough for a weekend away, the transport, food and then some. So why didn't he tell Suga that?

Digging his hands into his pockets the Karasuno captain stiffened against the soft chill of the early evening. Koushi Sugawara. Suga was his best friend. He had been since their first year and now three years later they were still thick as thieves. Except it was more then that now, at least that was what it was becoming. He couldn't pin point the moment when things changed, maybe it hadn't changed at all. They were a team, they were friends, classmates and everything about them was balanced. Comfort and security were just part and parcel of their friendship and it was something that pulled their team together. Things had been the same as always, but then the dreams had started.

Dreams. Hot, sticky dreams that had left him breathless and blushing. And Suga was at the centre of each one. Some visions were simple and casual, the same routine they lived through everyday. Training, laughing, working, in comfortable and warmth with Suga's smiling face sending his pounding heart into overdrive. But others were hot and heavy, skin and heat, bodies pounding hard against each other in fits of passion and love. Suga, his Suga, his best friend. He woke some morning, bathed in sweat, shorts sticky and soiled with sinful thoughts of his setter.

Somewhere along the lines something had changed. Somewhere over the past three years their relationship had progressed further then just friends. However he was just questioning it now. Questioning every touch, every word, every text message. He couldn't let Suga find out, not when he was so unsure and scared himself, the poor boy would run a mile before the captain had a minute to explain himself.

So a weekend away was probably a bad idea, a really bad idea. But Suga wanted it and Daichi wanted Suga to have everything he wanted and then more even. He wanted to see the smaller boy smile and laugh, for those soft, copper brown eyes to light up with warmth and happiness. It made his stomach roll and his heart beat faster. He couldn't think straight, especially when the setter asked so nicely and had put so much work into something he cared so much about.

Head swimming with anxiety, he returned home and fled to his room, Daichi waited long until after dinner before sending a quick message through to Suga.

Should have enough cash. You still want to do this?

Sitting back as he waited with baited breath, the captain ran a hand through his hair as the phone buzzed in his hand.

Excellent. Of course. Finalise everything for tomorrow. See you at practice. Sweet dreams.

Smiling as his fingers flew across mini keypad, Daichi backtracked quickly and deleted his message as the text appeared.

Okay. Sleep well, love you.

Stuffing his phone into his bag before slipping into bed, Suga laid back against his pillow with a gentle sigh. A whole weekend alone with Daichi, it was like a dream come true. With the end of the year fast approaching, he was happy to get in as much time with his best friend as he could. Especially since he'd started acting weird. It had to be stress, the stress of leading the team into a new set of plays, the stress of the final year exams and assignments looming over them. The stress of dealing with a constantly struggling Suga.

Rolling over and burying his face into the pillow, the silver haired boy couldn't shake the fuzzy feeling clouding his mind. He was burden on Daichi, he always had been. Not only in the volleyball team, but across the board in general. He could feel the balance changing, shifting as the year drew to a close. Would he lose his friend once they left high school? He certainly hadn't kept too close in contact with those he'd gone to middle school with. Was high school destined to be the same?

Rubbing his feet against the bed in a soothing motion against the mattress, the fuzzy feeling in his head intensified as he thought over his options. Talking to Daichi about it wasn't out of the question, they were close enough that deep and meaning conversation were a common place in their friendship. But would could he say? I'm scared of losing you?

Shaking his head, hair sticking to the pillow, Suga sighed. He couldn't say that. It was what girls said to their boyfriends, not what you said to your best friend. If he said that Daichi would probably laugh at him, or worse run away, never to speak with him again. He couldn't risk that. Maybe this weekend would make it better. Maybe he could slip it into the conversation, Daichi might even bring it up himself.

Breathing deep to settle his racing heart, the silver haired boy rolled around until comfortably settled on his side. He could deal with it all come Friday, tomorrow he'd enjoy Daichi's company, especially if their time together was limited.