Ichigo was on the computer, browsing through the internet.

"Now that I've saved the world I have more free time!" she said to herself, "Hey I wonder what happens when I type my name into the search engine?"

She typed in 'Ichigo'.

"Who's Ichigo Kurosaki?" she asked to herself.

"I should have known I wouldn't come up..." she trailed off. Then, she glanced back at the screen.

"Hmmm..." she hummed to herself, "How about I type in the name of our team?"

She typed in 'Tokyo Mew Mew'.

"Tokyo Mew Mew stories on fanfiction? What's fanfiction?" she clicked on it but right when that happened, Ichigo's mum called out.

"Ichigo! How about you go outside for a little? You've been on that computer all day!"

Ichigo sighed.

"Fine." she smiled, "At least I might see Aoyama-kun!" she giggled before grabbing her phone and flying out the door.

As soon as she was out of sight, she turned her phone onto the internet and searched up Tokyo Mew Mew again. She clicked on fanfiction.

"WOW!" she exclaimed, "A whole array of fanfictions about us!" She typed into the search engine, "I'll try and find one about me and Aoyama-kun!"

She typed in 'Ichigo and Masaya'. The first result was:

'Ichigo and Masaya are deeply in love. But what is this? Ichigo is about to get a surprise!'

Ichigo squealed.

"I wonder what the surprise is!"

She clicked on it and read the story. She didn't even bother to look at the username of the uploader.

'One day, Ichigo went to see her boyfriend Masaya. He had something very important to tell her.'

"OOH! I wonder what it could be!" she blushed, "Perhaps a marraige proposal? Ok, maybe that's too much. Maybe just-" But she stopped when she saw the next sentence.

'Masaya looked serious. "I'm sorry Momomiya-san." Ichigo immediatly knew there was something wrong. "I don't love you anymore."'

"WHO WROTE THIS GARBAGE!?" she screamed out throwing her phone through the air without thinking. Luckily, a boy caught it.

"Oh hey Ichigo!" he smiled at her. Ichigo's heart skipped a beat. It was Masaya.

"Oh hey Aoyama-kun!" she said excitedly. Then, she turned uneasy.

"Aoyama-kun, you like me, right?" she asked nervously.

"I don't like you Ichigo, I love you." he said to her, "Why?"

"Because-" But before Ichigo could finish, Masaya was looking at her phone.

"Kisshu came along? 'Don't worry Ichigo, you'll be happy with me'? Huh?" Masaya sounded confused as he read off her phone.

Ichigo grabbed her phone from him.

"Thanks Aoyama-kun I'll just be taking that!" She yelped nervously.

"Ichigo, is everything alright?" he asked, "What was that I just read?"

"It's just some story that some baka wrote!" Ichigo stormed.

Masaya came over to her and looked at the screen.

"It says the user is 'IchigoLovesKisshu'."

"WHAT!?" Ichigo exclaimed angrily, "I do NOT love Kisshu! That person is a liar!"

Masaya sweatdropped.

"Why were you reading this?" he asked.

"B-because it didn't say that it would be a bad story in the summary!" Ichigo exclaimed, "It didn't say anything about Kisshu or you not loving me anymore!"

Masaya suddenly stepped forward. Was he mad at her?

"Sorry." she said, "I should know better than to believe-" But she was stopped by Masaya hugging her.

"Ichigo, don't ever think I will stop loving you." Masaya barely whispered, "Don't believe those fanfictions. They're just written by random people that clearly don't know us that well."

Ichigo smiled. She was glad to have her Aoyama-kun there to cheer her up.