Maki rolled on her side, reaching out to grab one of the pillows that laid on her bed. She hugged the plush object to her chest, burying her face in the soft surface. Maki had the day off today, but she couldn't bring herself to get up and do anything. Half the day had flown past while Maki had been stuck in her thoughts.
The only good that had come from Maki's cluttered mind was the completion of their first song. She was used to seeking comfort from the sounds of the piano. In the past she had spent hours in front of those keys for much less. Her grief had driven her to finish it late last night, and Maki was almost positive that it was as good as it was going to get. It was easy for her to channel her emotions into the things she composed, and their newest song had the perfect feel to it, one that matched her melancholic emotions . As soon as she had finished, she had sent it to Eli for critique.
But she hadn't send it to Nico. Maki was avoiding conversing with her at all. Normally, whenever she was unable to see Nico, she would text her throughout the day, but the most recent development in their idol career had drained her of that desire. She knew Nico would ask about her behavior that day, and Maki was in no way ready for that conversation. Though, she had to admit, she was surprised that she hadn't received anything from Nico's end. The thought worried her, but ultimately, her sadness surrounding her current predicament was too strong for her to give it more than a few seconds thought.
Though she had eliminated the possibility of speaking to her girlfriend that day, she still wished she could speak to someone. Maki was used to bottling things in, never to speak them aloud to anyone, but the cold fear that gripped her heart stripped her of that stubbornness. Maki reached over to grab her phone off the nightstand.
Maki scrolled through her contacts, looking for someone who might be willing to hear her out. Her fingers automatically stopped once she spotted Rin's name. The short, energetic girl wasn't someone who was known to give groundbreaking advice, but her easygoing nature could cheer anyone up. Maki tapped on Rin's name, putting the phone up to her ear.
All Maki heard was the repeated sound of the phone ringing, continuing on until Maki felt a faint prickle of annoyance. She tapped on the red button with an aggressive grunt once she heard the sound of Rin's voicemail. This didn't surprise her. That was the third time she had called her best friend that day.
Maki scrolled back through her contacts, stopping once she reached Hanayo. Rinse and repeat, the outcome was the same as the last. Maki squeezed the pillow tightly. The ones she normally looked to for advice were out of the picture that day. She couldn't think of anyone else she could call that would listen to her with the same attentiveness as the other two first years.
Maki moved to place her phone back on the nightstand, but as the screen faded to black, she noticed a particular name, one that she hadn't thought to consider. Maki pulled the phone back towards her, pressing down on the person's name. Her heart thumped as she heard a familiar voice on the other end.
"Hey, can I come over? I need to talk to you."
Maki stepped inside the apartment, taking in the familiarity of the room. She walked over to the small table that sat near the kitchen, placing her bag down on one of the wooden chairs. She turned back towards her fellow μ's member.
"I haven't seen you in a while, so your call surprised me, Maki." Nozomi gently shut the door behind her. "I had just finished up some extra work and was ready to go back to sleep when I received it. This must be urgent." The older girl gave her a warm smile.
Maki let her gaze wander, "I don't know if I would call it urgent..." She had no doubt in her mind that she would find what she was looking for right here, but standing before the thoughtful, mature senior was slightly embarrassing. Maki felt bad for worrying the older girl with her own trivial problems.
"There's no need to be coy, Maki." Nozomi's smile widened. "You know I'm always here for any of you whenever you need help. Go on and sit down. I'll talk with you as long as you need." Nozomi gestured towards the bed in the far back before walking towards the small kitchen. With a small nod, Maki made her way over.
Maki let out a tuft of air as she landed on the surface of the bed. She watched the older girl scurry about the kitchen. Nozomi's movements were sluggish, and Maki could see dark circles under her eyes. A few minutes later, Nozomi approached, a freshly made cup of tea in either hand. The purple haired girl handed Maki the second cup before settling down beside her.
"So, what's going on?" Nozomi took a sip of her tea. "It's work related, I'm guessing."
Maki hesitated, suddenly feeling uncomfortable with the idea of sharing her innermost turmoil. Was she even allowed to talk about what she had been told in Kimura's office? She knew she was supposed to tell Nico, but he had failed to mention anything regarding the possibility of revealing that conversation to the rest of the members.
Maki looked towards Nozomi, immediately looking away again as she met the girl's turquoise eyes. Her heart raced, her breath coming out in short, rapid bursts, preventing her from forming coherent words. Maki jumped as she felt the other girl grab her hand.
"We don't have to talk about it right away. Let's start with something small and build up to it so you'll be more comfortable." Nozomi gave her a reassuring smile, calming Maki's frazzled nerves. "What made you come here? I'm surprised you didn't go to Hanayo or Rin."
"Neither of them were answering their phones." Maki answered automatically, feeling comfortable with the lighter topic. "I called Rin a couple of times, actually. They all went to voicemail."
Nozomi nodded, "Right, now that I think about it, that's not too surprising. Umi, Rin, and I all got sent home early in the morning today. We're prepping for a big event soon, so the company needed us to stay a bit later than usual. As we were leaving, I told Rin to turn off her phone so she could rest all day. That's probably why she never answered. She's been having a rough time lately. And with Printemps' rising popularity, I'm sure Hanayo is resting as much as she can too."
"Is Rin okay?" Maki clenched her jaw. She didn't need another thing to worry about.
"Rin's…" Nozomi hesitated. "She's struggling. I think being apart from Hanayo is hard on her. We're constantly working nowadays, and since she's the one Rin looks to for support, it's a lot harder for Rin to put herself out there while separated from her. It's not something she's used to."
"Will she be okay?"
When surrounded by those she cares about, Rin was brave and powerful. But the short haired girl was easily discouraged when cut off from her source of strength. Maki had heard numerous stories of Rin's and Hanayo's childhood. They had been supporting each other ever since they were young. It didn't surprise her that Rin was suffering now that Hanayo wasn't around. Maki made a mental note to seek her out one of these days.
Nozomi nodded her head, "Don't worry. I'm keeping an eye on her. She knows she can come to me with anything that's troubling her. I feel for her. It's hard to be forced away from someone you care about." Those words resonated with her. They gave Maki a familiar feeling of loneliness, one that had plagued her the moment she had left the manager's office.
"I understand…" Maki said, nodding her head. "I understand." Maki stared into the cup into her hands, watching the steam rise from the hot beverage.
"So this has to do with Nicocchi then."
Maki looked at Nozomi with wide eyes, "How can you tell?" The purple haired girl laughed at Maki's question.
"I understand." Nozomi imitated Maki, lowering her voice, staring into her own cup of tea. "You tend to get broody and deep whenever something's bothering you. I'd call it cute, but I can see something's really eating away at you, so I'll save the teasing for later. Considering the previous topic, I just assumed it was about Nicocchi."
Maki sighed. Nozomi's ability to understand people and situations from observing even the slightest things was terrifying. Though, she supposed that uncanny ability was one of the reasons she sought out the other girl in the first place. If anyone would know how to handle this, it would be her.
Nozomi continued, "I don't want to press you, but are you comfortable enough continuing on with this discussion? We can wait a little more if you're not ready."
Maki released a shaky breath. Removing herself from a situation, pretending it wasn't about her, was the easiest way for Maki to cope with talking about things she didn't want to talk about. It made her feel as though she were observing the issue as a third party. It gave her a sense of security. It was an illusion built for the sole purpose of convincing her mind that she was safe.
Maki locked eyes with Nozomi, "What would you do if you were told that you couldn't be with Eli anymore?"
"What do you mean?" Nozomi's warm smile was replaced by a puzzled frown.
Maki paused, not sure how to explain herself. She didn't want to explain the situation outright, she would just freeze up if she tried, but it was possible that her passive take on the situation at hand would just end up confusing the other girl. Maki let out a gentle hum as her mind worked out what to say next.
"What if you were given the power to sever your connection? It was something you were expected to use. If you go through with it, Eli gets to be happy, but you suffer. If you don't, you get to be happy, but Eli suffers. The one who gives you this command refuses to compromise. "Pick your poison" he says, not caring how it will affect you as long as it benefits him. What would you do?"
"I don't know." Nozomi's answer was quick, blunt.
Maki's jaw dropped, surprised by the answer. Nozomi was capable and intelligent, she always had an answer, but Nozomi simply stared back at her with sympathetic eyes. Maki could tell by the look in the other girl's eyes that she had come to understand the situation, but she offered no solution. This was something that even Nozomi couldn't answer.
"I wouldn't know what to do," Nozomi continued, her tone serious. "To be put in a position like that is an act of cruelty. But it's for that very reason that I would approach Elicchi with what I was facing. She would want to know, and she would want to help me in any way possible because she cares for me, just like I do her. We'd figure it out together, like we do with everything else."
"But what if Eli decides that in order to clear this obstacle, she has to part with you? What if you became the only thing holding her back from achieving everything she's always wanted? If Eli understood that, she would leave you behind without a second thought."
"I'd like to think I'd let her." Nozomi smiled. "If I was standing in the way, I'd want move without hesitation because I love her and I want nothing more than to see her with a smile on her face. Of course, I can't truly be sure since I'm not in that position, but I'd like to believe that with a clear mind, that's what I would choose."
Maki nodded her head, feeling tears form in the corners of her eyes. She had expected an answer like this, but she still didn't like hearing it. Maki believed every word Nozomi spoke. That was the type of person Nozomi was: selfless, loving. She'd put her own feelings aside for the benefit of someone else in a heartbeat. Maki doubted she held such noble sentiments in her heart.
Maki's ears perked up as Nozomi continued speaking, "But even if we were to part, it wouldn't mean we would part forever. If we were truly meant to be together, then we would be, no matter how long it took. Sometimes you have to take a few detours before you can reach your destination. Things may not have gone the way you planned, but in the end, you'll get to where you want to be."
"I'm afraid." Maki's voice barely rose above a whisper. Nozomi liked to put a lot of trust in fate. Being as spiritual as she was, Nozomi could find comfort in things like that. But it was different for Maki. She couldn't put faith into a mere possibility. If she severed her bond with Nico, that was it. She had no way of telling if they would ever recover. Maki's current destination was something that was consistently moving. If she took a detour, she'd never reach Nico, no matter how much she scrambled to catch up.
Nozomi squeezed Maki's hand, "I know you are. You have every reason to be scared. But you're stronger than you think you are, Maki. I know you can be brave."
Maki shook her head vigorously, "How can you say that? I've never felt more cowardly! This is Nico's dream, and they're going to cut her contract if we stay together, but despite knowing that, a part of me still wants to keep it a secret because I know that Nico will leave if I tell her."
Maki stopped, covering her mouth with her hand. She had abandoned her indirect method of discussing her issue before she had time realize it. Maki was hesitant to further the conversation now that she had destroyed her own front. Nozomi removed her hand from Maki's grip, gesturing her to continue. It wasn't until Nozomi grabbed her hand for a second time that Maki spoke up again.
Maki tilted her head down, her words coming out as soft mumbles, "The thought of that is almost unbearable. I'm not brave. I'm not..."
"Aren't you, though?" Nozomi asked, her tone significantly lighter. "You're Maki, the one who, for the longest time, refused to open up to anyone in μ's. You're aloof. You don't let anyone have even the slightest glimpse at what you feel inside, but eventually you did allow someone in. You allowed her to see every flaw and weakness you try so hard to hide. If that's not brave, than I don't know what is."
Maki brought the cup up to her lips, taking small sips of her now lukewarm tea, "That won't matter, though. As soon as Nico finds out, she'll be gone. My "bravery" won't stop that from happening."
Nozomi chuckled, "I don't think you're giving Nicocchi enough credit. You assume that she'll just leave without a second thought. But she loves you, Maki. Don't discredit what she feels about you."
"Talk to her," Nozomi interrupted, giving Maki's hand another tight squeeze. "You won't find the right answer from me. The only person who can help you is her, and I think she'll end up surprising you."
Maki turned her head to gaze out of the window above Nozomi's bed. The older girl was a lot more confident than she felt. Telling Nico was the last thing she wanted to do, but she saw no other option. Nozomi wasn't wrong; Nico probably was the only one who would have a solution. It was the only way, but for some reason, no matter how many words of encouragement she received, she couldn't shake the foreboding feeling that things were coming to an end.
Maki tugged at the slender arm of her girlfriend, dragging her into one of the many empty rooms in the company building. They had twenty minutes before they were expected at the dance studio to begin the day's work. If they were even a few seconds late, it was likely that someone would be sent to look for them, especially since they had been seen entering the building together. To avoid any unnecessary confusion, Maki would have to make this quick.
"Ow, geez, Maki." Nico struggled against Maki's iron grip. "What's your problem today? Why'd you bring me here?"
"Just listen. Please." Maki let go of Nico's arm. She took a few steps back, allowing the older girl more room to breathe.
Nico put her hands on her hips, "If we get caught here together, it won't be good. Are you sure you thought this through, Maki? We had a plan, remember?"
"Just listen, "Maki repeated, ignoring Nico's warning. She took a deep breath, steeling herself for the conversation she desperately wished she could avoid. As she recounted that day in Kimura's office, Maki's heart beat faster and faster, seeing Nico's eyes widen with each word she spoke. The shine in Nico's eyes dulled and her shoulders slumped. The older girl fixed her gaze on the ground as Maki finished explaining.
"So that's what's been happening," Maki finished, her voice trailing off. "I didn't know what to do, so I ran away. I'm sorry. I should have told you sooner. You needed to know this." Maki leaned against the wall near the door, observing Nico's reaction, anxiety about the other girl's inevitable response making her legs feel weak.
"I can't believe this," Nico mumbled, not looking up from the spot on the floor. "I can't believe he would approach you like that. He just sprung this all on you. It's awful..." Maki could see Nico ball her fists, her fingers turning white as she squeezed.
"What should we do?" Maki asked, her voice soft and shaky. The other girl closed her eyes and took a deep breath. After a few moments, she stood up straight, her red eyes making direct contact with Maki's violet ones.
"Honestly, I'm not sure any of our options are good right now." Nico spoke clearly, confidently. "This industry has always been finicky about relationships, especially when they involve female idols. Kimura isn't wrong. The media would know the first time they saw us interact with each other. I'll admit that I hadn't thought of that when we were discussing our plan. I can understand where he's coming from. This is just how these things work."
Maki's jaw dropped, "You're agreeing with him?"
Nico shook her head, "No. I don't agree with him. I've never agreed with that viewpoint on relationships. Idols are people, not objects. We all have our own feelings, desires, and aspirations. But the industry doesn't see that. They see something marketable, something that will make them money. I'm just not surprised that Kimura has taken this same viewpoint."
"That makes sense." Maki nodded her head in agreement. The businessmen that her father entertained often gave off a similar vibe that Kimura did. Sneaky, ambitious, distrustful, Maki never felt completely comfortable around the men her father had over for dinner, so it surprised her how long it took for her to understand Kimura's true intentions. She supposed it was the company's honeyed words of support that had lulled her into a state of false security.
"This really sucks," Nico sighed loudly. "I don't think there's much we can do at this point. We've been found out."
"What now?" Maki asked quietly, a part of her hoping that Nico wouldn't hear her question.
Nico groaned in frustration, running a hand through her hair, "I don't know. This just really sucks. I hate the idea that we're being forced apart. It pisses me off. But this is my one shot at becoming the best idol Japan has ever seen. I don't want to give that up either. I can't." Maki closed her eyes, bracing herself for the inevitable.
" I think..." Nico paused momentarily. Maki's heart thumped wildly in anticipation. "I think we should scrap our old plan. It won't work now that we've been pushed into this corner. I might be best if we...make a more solid break..." Maki could hear hesitance in the voice of her girlfriend, but it did nothing to relieve her already pained heart.
Maki nodded, feeling her lower lip tremble. This was exactly what she had expected; it was what had filled her heart with so much indecision in the first place. Maki opened her mouth to reply, but all that came out was a short, shaky burst of air. She stared at her feet, embarrassed by her inability to vocalize her thoughts. It wasn't until she felt a warm, small hand grasp hers that she finally lifted her head.
Nico grasped her hand tightly, looking her straight in the eye, "But don't you believe for one second that I won't be back at your side the moment it's safe. I won't let them force this decision on me. No one tells Nico Yazawa what she can and can't do! We'll become so famous that no one will care that we love each other. When that happens, there will be nothing they can do about it! Just you wait, Maki Nishikino. We'll be back together soon enough, so lets work hard until that day!"
Maki stared back at Nico, the older girl's eyes lighting up like fire. The way Nico looked at her sent shivers down her spine. Unrivaled, fierce determination. Headstrong, bullheaded resistance. Passionate, uninhibited love. Maki stared into eyes that held everything that had made her fall for the tiny girl.
Nico's confident words brought a small smile back to Maki's face. "Nozomi was wrong."
"I'm not the brave one. Not at all. But she was right about one thing: you did surprise me. You've always been unpredictable. It scares me half to death sometimes. It's so hard to tell what you're going to do that I can't help but fear the worst. Geez, Nico..." Maki gave Nico's hand an affectionate squeeze.
Nico tilted her head to the side, "I don't really get what you're talking about right now, but it seems like you understood what I was trying to say. You did, right?" Nico's puzzled expression and slight pout was enough to lift Maki's spirits, even if only a little bit.
"I did."
"Good. That's good." Nico nodded her head in approval. "I just wanted to make sure we're on the same page here. I just don't want you to think I'm leaving you behind, because I'm not. I promise."
Leaving you behind. Those words struck a chord in her. Something about those words bothered Maki. Hearing them made her uncomfortable in way she couldn't begin to understand. Nico promised that she wouldn't leave her behind, but tension still knotted Maki's stomach upon hearing those words. It felt like even the slightest utterance would make them a reality.
She believed that Nico was telling the truth when she told her that. The older girl wasn't one to sugarcoat things to make someone feel better. She was blunt and honest, she always said what she meant. Maki was sure that Nico believed in her own words, but something felt off. An inkling in the back of her mind told her to approach this cautiously. Maki was torn from her thoughts as she felt hands cup both of her cheeks.
Nico looked up at her, "You're spacing out, Maki. Don't worry, okay? We have to split for now, but we won't be far away from each other. We'll grow as a unit, and when the time comes, we'll come out on top as a couple. Okay?"
Maki nodded, lowering her head until her forehead rested against Nico's. The older girl leaned up, moving her arms to wrap them around Maki's neck, and brushed her nose against hers. Maki closed her eyes, nuzzling Nico's small nose with her own, cherishing Nico's comforting presence one last time. The moment Nico pulled away came too soon.
"We should go," Nico said, her tone soft. "Practice is gonna start soon."
"Yeah." Maki allowed Nico to lead her out of the small, empty room. An unwelcome sense of closure hit her hard. Kimura had gotten what he wanted. Maki only hoped that he would leave them alone now. Being around Nico, knowing they weren't together now, would be a challenge, but of she focused on her work, like Nico planned to do, she could handle this.
Maki couldn't let the outcome of this situation hinder her. If she wanted to be successful, if she wanted to support Nico and Eli, she needed to perform at her best. Things were going to get difficult, Maki had already seen the first signs of a struggling friend. She needed to focus and steel herself for what was yet to come.