Chapter 11
For the next few days, Harry was left in a state of slight shock. Out of all the things he had lost in his life, he had never expected to see Hedwig again. Indeed, he could remember how she had died all to vividly still. Harry, along with Hagrid, had been part of a group that at the beginning of what would have been Harry's seventh year. They had made plans to get Harry to safety before the protection given to him vanished. The plan itself was simple, seven Harrys would leave the house by magical means, then meet up later at the safe house.
It had started off rather well. Harry while had packed up, six other people drank potion thus turning them into Harry's doubles. They had all paired off then taken off into the air on brooms, or in Harry's and Hagrid's case on a massive flying motorbike. However when they had reached the normal height for broom travel, they had been ambushed.
Three dozen or so Death Eaters appeared in the air around them. It was everyone for themselves, the pairings flying for their safe houses as fast as they could. Harry and Hagrid had been knocked about in the confusion, Hedwig's cage had been sent flying out of the cart. Harry with skills born form his time as a Quidditch player, was able to grab the cage.
However as it swung down, a jet of light flew and hit Hedwig. Harry had not been able to pull it up in time. Thus, as he put the cage at the bottom of the side cart he was riding in and returned fire he knew she was likely already dead. He tried to believe she was still alive. At least, till later on when Hagrid's motorbike had separated form the sidecar, which Harry had been riding in.
Harry had leapt out and onto his broom, before aiming back at the side cart. With great anger and hate for what he had to do next he blasted the side-cart apart, using the explosions as distraction to try and escape the Death Eaters. Hedwig's cage, and her body were still in the cart when it exploded. And with that explosion, went Harry's first real friend.
Now though, Hedwig was back, looking only a little bit younger. Harry, had spent several hours with her, just to make himself believe that what he was seeing was not some trick of his mind. Hermione and the others gave him some space till the shock passed, as Hermione was able to tell the others most of what had happened during the escape.
It was about a week later when Harry's sense of shock finally fully wore off. By then, the first snow had fallen, and Pony Ville was now being blanketed in a foot-deep layer of snow. All of the ponies were staying home, unless they had to travel out to get something. Classes were cancelled till the snow melted a little bit more, thus allowing for easier travel.
However, as the storm grew, reaching its peak the door to the Library was flung open, and Applejack came inside. With a little bit of effort she shoved the door shut again. Twilight came down into the library looking rather surprised to see Applejack.
"Hello AJ, what are you doing here today?" Twilight asked, "Can I get you anything warm to drink?"
"No, I actually need some help. Someone has got their wagon stuck out on the main road a couple miles out north of town. And with the storm like this, Big Mac and myself cannot get them back into town without risking frostbite. Especially as it is going to be dark soon," Applejack explained.
"Oh no, what do you need?" Twilight asked, a hint of fear in her voice.
"Harry and Hermione. I know that they have some powerful magic that can work well at melting snow. With their help we could be back into town in an hour rather than several," Applejack explained.
"Right, I will be right back," Twilight said, before turning around and racing back up the stairs.
It was only a few moments later when Harry and Hermione came down, each pulling on thick woolen cloaks and gloves. Twilight came hurrying after them, with Rainbow Dash just moments behind her.
Harry looked over at Applejack as he pulled on a hat on, "Where are they? We can teleport straight to them."
"Four miles, straight north out of town down the main road. Big Mac is with them right now," Applejack explained.
"Very well," Hermione said and disappeared with a small pop.
Harry nodded, and leaned down, placing his hand on Applejack's shoulder, saying, "This might not feel the best. So get ready."
Then with a louder pop the pair vanished. Twilight sighed, as she ran over to the large reading area windows. Snow was piling against it rapidly as the wind began to howl.
Far outside of Pony Ville Harry and Applejack appeared. Applejack looked rather put out by Harry's means to teleporting, and it took her a few moments before she nodded down the road. Harry nodded and again disappeared. They reappeared two more miles down it and just visible through the blowing snow was Big Mac due to his red fur.
Harry pulled out his wand, whispering a few words, it let out a powerful jet of hot air. It melted and blew all the snow clear of the path as they came over to where the pony was. Hermione was nearby already working on freeing up the wheels from the ice. Harry looked around but could not see anyone else besides the cart.
"Where are the others?" Harry asked yelling over the wind.
"She is inside, there are two young in there as well or she would have just left for the town and picked up her cart later," Applejack explained.
Harry nodded and looked at the cart. It was simple, four large wag wheels, and a shed like design. The floor and roof were red, and the walls yellow. The roof also had a place to hang a sign, but nothing was currently hanging from it. Harry also noticed that the cart looked to be rather worn, as if it had not been taken care of. Putting this aside he looked back towards the town, and could barely make out the path.
"This is not going to be easy," Harry said, raising his voice as the wind began to blow harder.
"No choice, we have to get them to safety, they cannot outlast the storm right now," Hermione said, "Besides Apparition is risky when it comes to young. The side effects can be rather nasty, or I would have just brought them all back."
Harry nodded, and looked about then turned to Applejack, "Why were you out this far?"
"We were alerted by one of the weather Pegasus about this, mostly because we can pull almost anything, I came to get you while Big Mac headed straight here," Applejack explained.
"Very well, Hermione, you are with me. We will cut a path through this snow and switch out as needed. Applejack, you head back to town and make sure everything is ready for our return. Big Mac, you will be pulling," Harry said, pointing to each in turn.
"Why do you want me to head back?" Applejack asked confused.
"It will only take one of you to pull that cart. And we also are going to be very cold when we return, even with our thick robes on," Harry pointed out.
Applejack nodded as Big Mac got into the harness. As Applejack took off back down the road, Harry turned to Hermione and gave her a nod. As one they leveled their wands as the snow, and cast a spell blowing it clear off the road allowing them to move forward. They set a very quick and brisk pace, even as Applejack faded from view.
Step after step them moved forward taking turns clearing the snow from their path. This allowed them to keep up the brisk pace otherwise they would have been forced to a slow walk, if not outright forced to just hunker down. But even as they moved forward they were pounded by the wind forcing them to slow down every few minutes.
Foot after foot them moved along, Mac pulling the carriage behind them. Harry out ahead, clearing snow from the path, or helping the others to stay warm. By the time they were halfway, Harry's hands were growing numb, and his feet were chilled. But they knew stopping was not an option if they rested to much the sun would soon set, and then they would have to build a shelter to deal with the storm.
But the Harry and Hermione were two of most driven people most anyone knew. If you told them to level a mountain in a month. They would do it, one way or another. And it was this will that kept the pair moving forward, casting increasingly powerful warming charms to combat the cold. Harry knew they would make it soon, they might have slowed a little. But Hermione and himself could easily walk four miles in an hour normally.
"Just a little farther," Hermione said, pulling out her wand before placing it level on her hand and casting a charm.
It spun about and she nodded approvingly. Harry smiled as he remembered that charm from his fourth year at Hogwarts. The 'Four Point Charm' was a spell used to find north, or a location you were familiar with. With it, one could navigate safely without risk of losing one's way. Harry had used it to navigate a massive maze, and now Hermione was using it to keep them on course for the library.
Finally, after what felt like an age, they saw the outline of houses. This sign, and the lights that were growing in strength around them gave them the needed strength to reach the Library finally. Its warm lights glowing invitingly, while Twilight and Sunset sat in windowed reading area looking for them. As they came into view, Twilight called back into the house, and a second later Rainbow Dash was opening up the door for them.
Harry and Hermione quickly hurried inside, they were freezing and the warm air was much needed. Their clothes were lightly soaked, and frost and ice covered a spot or two on them. Spike came forward carrying huge mugs of hot chocolate, quick made with his flame. Hermine and Harry turn them down and went to their room to change out for some dry clothes before coming back down to get the mugs.
As they arrived back down, carrying some blankets to help them warm up, the three they had just saved, came in through the main door. The first two, a filly and colt. Both had a very light brown coats, with darker brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. The colt had long straight hair, while the filly had hair curly enough to compete with Pinkie Pie.
The pair, when they locked eyes with Hermione, froze. An expression of complete and utter shock on their faces. Hermione was looking at them, with a curious expression, though she did not seem to recognize them. However, it was Harry's turn, and indeed Rainbow Dash's, Twilight's and Sunset's as well for a look of stunned shock as the mare came in after them.
Following the pair, was a pony that they all knew. Trixie. Sure it was not the Trixie Harry remembered. But as she had grown in the six almost seven years apart that was no surprise. Her eyes were still that lovely purple. Her body still blue as the sky, and her hair still had a light and dark blue stripping to it.
She had been talking to Big Mac, thanking him very much for his help. And when she saw everyone else, her look of stunned surprised mirror their own. In fact so stunned was everyone, that those effected did not speak for nearly a minutes. While the others around them, looked at the two groups in confusion. Finally, as if by unspoken sign, each group spoke at the same time, though Hermione remained silent.
"How are you here?" Came the resounding question that had Hermione, Applejack, Big Mac, and even Spike all trying to cover their ears.
Before the room could descend into confusion, Applejack jumped forward and slammed the door shut grabbing everyone's attention and drawing it to herself. She looked at each of them in turn, before pointing to the mugs of Hot Chocolate.
"Everypony take one, then let's sit down and discuss this in a calm manner," Applejack said, sweeping her hoof over to the large center table.
Everyone nodded and moved over to the table, as Spike brought and sat down a large mug in front of each of them. Before moving and sitting down beside Twilight. Harry looked around the table, then Applejack spoke up.
"Seeing as they are the reason we were all out and about, I think they should start their tale first," Applejack said, gesturing to the three new ponies.
"Then that means for me to begin then. I am guessing most of you known about how I came to meet Harry then left Canterlot right?" Trixie said, getting a nod from around the room expect from Applejack and Big Mac who both shook their heads.
"No, Twilight and the others had been pretty quiet about it up to this point," Applejack commented.
"That is because each time we meet someone who asked the resulting story will turn from seemingly short to a full hour for just Twilight, Sunset, and Rainbow Dash. That is not including m own story which could take close to four of five hours alone to explain only about two years of it," Harry said.
Applejack nodded, looking a little put out, as Hermione said, "We are working on an item that can store and show memories. It is slow going, but we should have it down by either Hearth Warming, or at the latest, Winter Wrap-Up."
"So two months before we know everything?" Applejack asked.
"Close, yes," Harry said.
"Well then I shall give as short of an overview as I can. Harry appeared in Equestria a while back when we were all fillies, and of the five of us, only I did not have my mark at the time. We bonded with him on a level not seen before; or so Celestia said. And when he was taken from us, we clung to each other for strength. Slowly one pony after the other left," Trixie said.
Twilight continued, "Rainbow Dash ran off searching who knows where without a plan. Blue Star followed not long later, needing some alone time to figure things out. Then Trixie here left, with a plan and ways to stay in contact, but vanished a year later. Then finally Sunset disappeared."
"And everyone's reappearance I already known about, mostly," Applejack commented.
"Yup," Big Mac said, who had heard some of what had happen since all these strange accuracies began happening in Pony Ville.
"Well, my tale is rather short. I left for the east and began working my way around the outer edges of Equestria. I visited many a city, but everywhere I went there was no sign of either Rainbow Dash or Blue Star. I did not give up, I continued on from city to city, town to town. And I made sure to keep in contact, but then part way up to one of the northern villages I was attacked," Trixie said, the first part being something Twilight had told nearly all of their group by then.
"Attacked, by who?" Rainbow Dash asked.
"I have no clue, in fact, until about a month ago, I could not really remember anything. All my memories of that time between then and now are blurred, and nothing that I see in my minds eyes makes any sense. It was not until these two appeared and knocked on the door to my room did this fog in my mind lift," Trixie said gesturing to the two young ponies.
"Then what?" Twilight asked.
"Well, with their help I was able to escape. We were in some sort of dudgeon like cave. And to my knowledge nopony else was in there. We left the cave, traveling through several different systems of tunnels till we came out into the light. It nearly blinded us, but in our hast to escape, we had set off some sort of alarm, with nothing else but my magic between me and recapture, I cast several illusion spells and we ran for it. We did escape, but we were lost and without a hope of finding our way," Trixie explained.
"That is bad, how did you survive," Applejack asked, "The northern lands are not known for being safe let alone having a lot of food."
"Yes, but we made due the first two nights, then about a week and a half ago something happens that set us on the right track. We saw the telltale signs of a Sonic Rainboom on the edges of the horizon. With that as a marker, we knew which way to held, and set off at once. It was two days later we found my wagon. Repairing it the best we could, we left and made our way to Pony Ville, however still worried we might be followed, we went slowly, making sure to hide our tracks," Trixie explained.
"That would be why it took you so long to reach us," Applejack said, before explaining, "The northern most town in Equestria is only three days from here. Big Mac visits it once a year with apple products to help them get through the winter."
"Indeed, the result was we not only were slowed down, but did not meet anyone else on the road. And as such had no warning of the snow storms till it was too late. By then we had no choice but to continue. The spells on my wagon were way too weak, or I would have just lit a fire in the small stove to keep us warm," Trixie explained.
"And that was when we found out about it then came to your rescue," Harry said.
"Yes," Trixie said.
"So who are your young friends?" Harry asked.
"I only know their names we did not talk to much as we traveled. But they go by the name Dan and Emma Granger," Trixie said.
Everyone expect the two ponies, and Trixie's spun about looking between Hermione, and the two younger ponies and back again. While Hermione looked somewhere between shock and disbelief. Trixie was soon looking at the others rather confused, realizing there was some connection between the three but she could not figure out what it was.
"Mom, dad?" Hermione asked, her voice shaking, fear and hope mixing in it.
The two nodded and got up bolting over the table and ran jumping into Hermione arms as she broken down hugging the pair. Harry watched with a small smile on his face with Applejack looked at Hermione and the two young ponies with now complete confusion.
"How can those two be her parents?" Applejack finally asked.
"Because nothing that I have ever been a part of is simple," Harry said, slightly amused and annoyed.
"That does not answer my question," Applejack said.
"There was a war in my home world. Hermione had done what she could to save her parents but it was not enough, they were killed. Death, and I do literally mean Death, who gave me the last items I needed to travel back to this world, said he would grant us each a gift. He removed the corruption that had been infecting the wizarding world, and he also gave me Hedwig back, though I only found about that last part recently," Harry explained.
"Then how come he did not give her parents back if they had died there?" Applejack asked.
"One can indeed raise the dead back to life, but then they will be at best ghost, at worse specters only you can see. For they now belong to death. However, by changing worlds, he could give them new life, in the form of the two young ponies before you," Harry said, remembering his talk with Hermione before they had left.
"So did they just appear then?" Applejack asked.
"More than likely. It seem Death placed them in a spot to help Trixie out," Harry said, looking Hermione with a small smile on his face.
"Who is this Death anyway?" Sunset asked, not quite following.
"As in the reaper who comes to collect you soul?" Twilight asked.
"Best we can tell, yes, and in all honesty. He felt, sounded and seem like death given form," Harry said, suppressing a small shudder.
"Could he bring others back," Applejack asked.
"Not to this world, and not unless you have something he really wants," Harry said, "Remember he could not bring Hermione's parents back to their home world, but he could this one. And I happened to have three objects he desired greatly as part of my trade. Don't try and do anything involving him, it will not end well for anyone."
Applejack looked like she wanted to say more, but Mac put his hoof on her shoulder and shook his head. Harry could not blame her though for asking again. From what he had found out, Applejack's mother and Father had been lost in an incident with the Timberwolves. Their kids who had been with them, had run for it, with only the kids escaping alive. The bodies of the two later buried near the edge of the north orchard.
"We can talk more later if you want Applejack, but please don't get your hopes up about this," Harry said quietly before turning back to Trixie and asked, "so any idea who attacked you?"
"None, only thing I remember that clearly was pain along my flank. But ever spell Celestia taught me for healing shows no signs of damage or injury along my body. Not one hint nor sign of anything wrong," Trixie said, turning so they might see her flanks better.
Harry smiled when he saw the cutie mark she now had. It was a wand with a five pointed start at the end, trailing a stream of mist from it. Harry then got up and came over to her. And Trixie backed up a step or two seeing just how much he really towered over her, now full groan. But he kneeled down and drew her into a hug, which she returned a few moments later as the others came over.
"Welcome back, we missed you so much," Harry said, tears streaming slowly form his eyes.
Trixie smiled, leaning into the arms that had once held her safe before as she closed her eyes, "I missed you too. Thanks for coming back."
They remained like this for several minutes as talk broke out in the room slowly. The light outside continued to dim as the storm's strength began to wane finally. Hedwig had come down, and Harry introduced her to everyone. Before they decided it might be time to figure out sleeping arrangement for that night.
Emma and Dan were given Twilight's normal bed. While Applejack, Twilight and Spike would be in the guest bedroom. Sunset as would be taking up the large room turned into a bed, along with Hermione. Harry and Rainbow Dash would be taking the other guess bedroom, and Big Mac, would be sleeping on the couch.
Harry had originally asked for the couch, but as it was not made for someone his size, that was not really possible. Hermione and indeed the others understood the reason for this style of arrangement at least at the moment. With Hermione's parents back, it would not help her case any when they got over the shock of seeing their daughter again. She had after all removed all their memories of her.
As everyone got settled down after dinner, Hermione took Harry off to the side and into their normal bedroom. Sunset was already floating about, getting it ready for the fact only two of them would be spending the night there.
"Harry," Hermione said, looking at him with a little bit of concern.
"Yes?" Harry said a little but surprised by her sudden worry.
"What are we going to tell my parents," Hermione asked, a hint of panic in her voice.
"What do you mean tell them? We are going to tell them the truth aren't we?" Harry asked, as he began to realize, or at least guess at, what had Hermione so worried.
"The truth," Hermione breathed, sinking to the ground cushioned floor slowly, "I never told them anything that happened at Hogwarts. At least not the dangerous stuff, if they had known, they would have pulled me out. I would never had seen my second year, much less remembered my first friend."
Harry's eyes widen in horror as he realized just what she was saying, and pulled her into a tight hug. Having been from a wizarding family, it was not something he had to deal with. But full muggleborn students had a problem if they dropped out of magical school for good. Ron had once mentioned it before.
If a student dropped out for good, the Ministry of Magic would be forced to step in. And get them to another school, if that was not possible, then they did a full wipe. All items and memories were removed from that house for good. For first year students that was not so bad, for fifth years who did it could be terrible due to lack of schooling in the muggle world.
Hermione had made sure to stay in school, because her only two friends in the world were at Hogwarts. For her parents to keep her safe from happens at Hogwarts was something they would have wanted. But in doing so, they could have forced Hermione to forget one of the few things she cherished above all others.
Harry held her close as running one hand along her back as she slowly calmed down. Sunset had come over, her large eyes filled with worry for Hermione. Harry patted the spot beside him, and Sunset curled up around the pair, providing a barrier between them and the supposed world.
"Hermione, I cannot tell you what to do. But telling the truth might be your only way to keep the peace," Harry said, "I will not lie, a fight is likely to come. But remember they love you a great deal, and care for you just as much as anyone of us."
"Can you be there? Please," Hermione asked, her bushy hair hiding her face from view, "I cannot do this alone."
Harry smiled and in spite of tension chuckled a little bit, causing Hermione to look at him in surprise as he said, "Willing to face down a Dark Lord with all knowledge you will likely die doing so. But parents are scarier than some over powered dark lord."
Hermione laughed at this, but did not respond. She did not need to, Harry knew her fears. A quick death was not too bad, heart break was worse. After all she had lost them once already, she sure did not want to do so again.
Harry smiled and kissed her forehead lightly, causing her to look at him as he said, "I will be there, promise."
Hermione nodded, her and pulled him into a tight almost bone breaking hug, "Thank you. For everything."
"You are welcome, now let's get to bed before your parents decide to make sure we are keeping to ourselves okay," Harry said, as they each let go and Hermione moved over to the large pile of blanket's Sunset had set up as a sort of nest.
"I will keep her safe," Sunset said, getting up and sensing Harry's hidden concern for his friend.
"Thanks," Harry said, and Sunset kissed his cheek.
Leaving the room, Harry came to his and Rainbow Dash's room for the night. Rainbow Dash had decided to perch herself on one of the window ledge's watching the snow fall. She was very still, almost unnaturally so. Harry slowly walked over to her as she looked out the window.
"Something wrong?" Harry asked, touching her wings ever so lightly.
"No, just thinking," Rainbow Dash answered.
"I just find it a rather weird, you do realize nearly half of our group has lost parents." Rainbow Dash said.
"They have," Harry said having not thought about it before.
"You, myself, Trixie, and Hermione have all lost our parents," Rainbow Dash said, "While Blue Star never talked about hers. And Sunset had to leave her own for safety reasons. Twilight is the only one currently on good terms with hers."
"It is a little odd indeed," Harry said, picking up Rainbow Dash, and carrying her over to their bed, "But I would not worry about it too much."
"I am not worried, just find it odd is all," Rainbow Dash said, jumping out of Harry's arms and onto the bed, testing it with her hooves, "To stiff."
"Needs to be to support me, now come on, let's get some sleep, we will need it for tomorrow," Harry said, moving her aside a little bit and getting into the bed himself.
Rainbow Dash nodded and snuggled up against his chest and soon the pair was fast asleep. Hermione and Sunset were not long later, Hermione clinging a little bit to Sunset. Around the house the others were rapidly falling asleep as well. Except for two, Hermione's parents.
"Emma, I don't like it. Something was going on, we both knew it. And now, we are here," Dan said, gesturing with his hoof towards the world outside, "In a land filled with multi-colored-magic-using-ponies."
"I don't think Hermione's secrets have anything to do with this place. That seems to be more Harry's secrets," Emma said jumping up onto their bed for the night, which with their current size was nearly twice their old beds size.
"That doesn't matter, she removed our memories. Hid everything that was going on, you heard Harry talk about how we got killed because of some sort of war," Dan said, his anger apparent.
Emma smiled, like he was, Dan actually looked rather cute angry. Though she could not deny the fact about what he said being true. However she felt there was more to Hermione's secret then just removing their memories.
"We shall ask her soon, but right now we should not press her. Didn't you see her drag Harry into their room, I seen that look in her eyes before. She is terrified, of us," Emma said.
"How can she be, we are her parents," Dan asked.
"And she lost us once before, dead," Emma said her tone sharp, but it soften a good deal when she added, "And she is scared of losing us again."
"So, what are we going to do now?" Dan finally asked after he thought about this for a few moments.
"For now, learn about this world. Then, when that memory thing is completed join them in viewing these memories. When that is done, we might be able to actually make a smart move that will not risk us breaking apart our remade family," Emma said, "Besides, it is nice being young again so stop worrying about the big things for a change. The only thing we have to worry about is school for the next few years till we earned a cutie mark."
"Cutie mark, why does it have to be so girly," Dan asked.
Emma laughed at this and answered, "As you said we are in a world full of multi-colored-magic-using-ponies. You really think they would call it something manly?"
"One could hope," Dan said, and jumped up onto the bed next to Emma, and using his teeth dragged the blanket over the pair of them.
"This is going to take a lot of getting used to," Dan said, licking his lips to rid himself of the taste.
"Maybe, but we have been given a very rare if not unique second chance. Let's enjoy it while we can," Emma said and kissed Dan lightly on the cheek.
Dan only nodded and lay his head down on his hooves. Curling up a little he was soon fast asleep, Emma following soon after. As everyone slept feeling safe in their beds they never noticed a pair of figure pass by the windows glancing in at each sleeping group. No one but Harry and Hermione would have recognized the first. But as neither Hermione nor Harry woke to see them, they missed the pair leave and vanish a few moments later in a swirling of snow.