"How do I know he's still alive?"

The man on the phone turned and held out the phone towards Sam who had a worried look on his face. What would Dean do? Would he come save him? Let him die? Or let this guy torture him?

"Speak." The guy commanded but Sam just stared up at him, defiant. He wasn't going to do what this guy told him. Plus… he didn't even know what he'd say. Run? Because he didn't want his brother dead. Save me? Because he wasn't sure his brother would want to save him. He just came up blank. And because of his distracted mind, he didn't see the fist coming towards his face until his head whipped back. A cry left his lips and he could hear the man continue talking but then the man hung up and seemed pissed off.

"You know, I've heard things about you Sam Winchester." The man said as he paced back and forth in front of Sam who eyed him warily. "Heard what happens when you get a taste of something."

"What?" Sam blinked, confused, and watched as the man walked to his bag and pulled out a water bottle. But what made Sam's heart stop for a beat was what the bottle contained. What was inside was not clear, but a familiar red, thick liquid that had his heart rate increase and his mouth water while his mind rebelled. He knew what that was. Demon blood. "Please, don't." Sam whispered as the man slowly walked up to him.

"I normally would either use you as bait-but since your brother said he didn't care what happened to you and I could tell he meant it—or, I would just kill you as I'm not really a torture kind of guy. But you see, I just can't let Dean slip away. So, who better to make him hurt than you?" The man said before stopping in front of a panicked Sam.

"Man, look, let's figure something out. Maybe—"

"Oh, no. Dean Winchester needs to pay and the part of him that still feels for you is going to hurt as it's going to be you who hurts him and the demon part? Well, we both know how good you are at hurting demons." The look in the man's eye unsettled Sam and he knew that anything he said wouldn't make a difference. He clenched his jaw tight and his eyes narrowed in a glare. "Now, let's get to it. Shall we?"

The man opened the bottle of blood and walked behind Sam. Sam tried to keep him in his peripheral vision but then the man's arm was around his neck, choking him. Sam tried to fight him off, knowing that if he passed out the man would just pour it down his throat. But then an elbow to his shoulder had him crying out and the man didn't waste the opportunity. He shoved the bottle opening into Sam's mouth and the blood just poured down. Sam tried to cough it up, but the man still was mostly choking him and he knew he needed to breathe. Soon…. The bottle was empty.

"There we go!" The man grinned as he walked back to his bag. Sam's eyes fluttered closed as the familiar tingle in his body flowed. He opened his eyes and let out a sigh. His arm felt better already, he could feel his body rushing the healing process. God, he had missed the stuff. But then he saw his phone on the table by the bag and rationality flooded back. This man was using him to hurt Dean. He couldn't let himself get caught up in this.

"Your plan won't work. You can't make me do anything." Sam growled out.

"No… I might not be able to make you do anything, but once I've gotten you addicted to the blood and mess with your mind… well, you won't be quite so stable anymore and anything can happen. I know you want to go after your brother and he will probably start something. I just have a feeling you'll finish it." The man said with a smile and Sam's eyes narrowed into a glare once more.

"I thought you weren't the torturing kind of guy."

"Oh, I meant torturing humans. But you're not quite human. Isn't that right?" The man mused before pulling another bottle out of the bag. He opened it and with a twist of his heel splashed some onto Sam's face but then placed the half full bottle onto the table. Sam blinked a few times, trying to clear his vision but then he tasted the blood on his lips. A small moan escaped him as his tongue slowly licked what was on his lips. A chuckle had him looking up to see the man grabbing some chains.

"You're going to regret doing this." Sam promised as the man wrapped the chains around Sam's torso and then hooked the chains somewhere behind Sam so if Sam managed to escape the chair he wouldn't be able to go anywhere.

"Maybe… but I'll get some results as well so I'll say it was a success." The man said before picking his bag up off the table. "I'll see you in a few days, Sam!"

Then the man left, closing and locking the door behind him.

"Oh, no." Sam breathed out as his eyes focused on the table. He told himself he was looking at his phone, that he needed to call Cas. But really, his eyes were focused on the bottle of blood. In the back of his mind, he heard a small, rational voice say he was screwed. And he knew he was.

- One Month Later -

"Where is he?" His green eyes blinked and the blackness that swallowed his eyes showed how angry he was.

"How would I know where your brother is?" Crowley rolled his eyes as he lounged back on the couch of the motel Dean was currently at.

"I know you, Crowley. You wouldn't let a possible threat like Sam just slip through your fingers. You'd keep a watch on him." Dean crossed his arms.

He had managed to keep himself from thinking about his brother until that day in the bar when Crowley talked to Sam. Had managed to convince himself that things were better this way. That Sam would have a better life. But the part of him that was still human ached at the loss of his brother, wanted to rush to his side. Hadn't even wanted to leave. But at first, the human part had been so small it was like a speck. But each day it grew. That was why he always wanted to drink, it helped keep his mind foggy and from thinking of his brother.

"I don't know where your brother is. I'm telling you the truth." Crowley sighed and Dean saw the slight worry in Crowley's eyes. Something was up. "We lost track of your brother about a month ago. The last I heard was that he was headed toward us when we had our last conversation together."

"No." Dean shook his head, his anger turning to rage. That man couldn't have killed Sammy, right? Couldn't have…

"Yes, I'm afraid your Moose is either dead or he has gotten himself into a bit of trouble." Crowley said and rose to his feet, straightening his suit jacket.

"If I found out you had anything to do with this, Crowley, you're dead." Dean growled, pulling the First Blade from the back of his pants. The small spark of fear in the King of Hell's eyes had Dean's demon purring with satisfaction. The demon part of him wanted to find Sam as well, wanted to make sure he was safe. But the reasoning was fucked up. It saw Sam as his, and Dean, the human part, agreed but not in the way the demon part did. It was fucked up, Dean knew this but he couldn't care about that at the moment. He needed to find his brother.

"I'll send out some of my people to start looking for him." Crowley said and grabbed his jacket but then Dean grabbed his arm, preventing him from being able to leave.

"You're not telling me something."

"Ah, it's always a spectacular thing when you manage to use that brain of yours." Crowley said with a smirk.

"What are you keeping from me?" Dean demanded.

"Lots of things, but what I think you're referring to is this…" Crowley sighed and yanked his arm from Dean's grip. "Demons have started to go missing. Not AWOL, as they know what I'd do to them, and no one is killing them publicly, and none are being sent back to Hell." Crowley turned and walked a few paces away until his back was to Dean who was watching him with an annoyed, yet confused expression. "If I didn't know better, I'd say your brother is back to his old ways." And with that, the King was gone, leaving Dean to process the information alone.

"Killed but not sent back to Hell?" Dean muttered before realization hit him and his hand around the blade tightened. "Oh, Sammy. What the hell are you doing?" He growled. "Or what is that man doing to you?" His eyes clicked black. He needed to find his brother.

Ever since the preview for the new season, I've had this idea floating in my head of how far Sam would go for Dean and while watching the episode, things sort of just clicked in place. If you're not a fan of Wincest, then this is not the story for you. The fic is rated M to be on the safe side as I'm sur I'm going to end up going down the M path. I hope you all enjoy this fic as much as I know I'm going to.

Please leave a review to let me know your thoughts.
