Back at the apartment.
Once they were sure that everything was okay they crawled out from their spot beneath the bed.
"We should not have let him go alone "stated Damian with arms crossed .Jason ignored him and stared at the cap. Jason was not sure why his brother had none too gently shoved it into his side. Jason ran a hand across his face his eyes focused suddenly on the prominent bite mark on his hand.
"Really Demon, did you have to bite me "asked Jason who glared at Damian .Tim not wanting to stay in the apartment or even the building for that matter changed the topic. "Firstly. I think we should leave before those girls come back and secondly what do you guys think this cap is for?"
Damian seeing an opportunity to rib Tim said "It's obviously meant to be worn Drake".
"I know that!" said Tim harshly before continuing a bit more calmly "What I meant was what he wanted us to do with it?".
Jason not liking the situation ran a hand through his hair in frustration .Seeing the white locks of hair fall in his eyes made him realize just how calm his brother was despite his insane laughter .Not bothering to explain he snatched the black cap which to his annoyance had a Batman logo on it. Jason put it on making sure his white hair was not visible. Tim nodded in approval and realization to no one in particular .Jason not wanting things to get awkward lead the way till they were outside .
They stood huddled together outside on the side walk. Tim buried his face within his hands and sighed in frustration, earning him a glare from Damian and an eye roll from Jason." What! I am not over reacting .We just woke up in some strangers apartment that looks a hell of a lot know who's apartment and we don't know where Swirl is!" yelled Tim .
Tim sighed sadly as he hung his head and muttered quietly just so his brothers could hear "sorry.I just lost it for a moment there".
Jason chuckled "That's an understatement ".
Damian not actually being the cold-hearted person everyone made him out to be, tried to comfort Tim the only way he knew how. "I know where Swirl is so stop whining Drake".
Jason shook his head and laughed in amusement at the two of them having a death glare match .Jason walked to the road side to begin hailing for a taxi. He had barely stretched his arm out when he felt bodies collide into him. Jason looked down to see that Damian and Tim had teamed up despite their earlier argument .their arms interlocked around his waist pinning one of Jason's arms while also holding him in place.
"Are you insane, we cannot take a taxi" said Tim. "Todd has always been insane" said Damian. Jason managed to ignore Damian's ribbing and agreed to their 'request ' to walk there.
They all stood for a moment outside Bludhaven mall staring at the sign which not only told them what building they were at but that they defiantly weren't in the Bludhaven they knew. Jason decided to refuse acknowledging this information and walked determinedly inside .Tim and Damian suddenly feeling insecure and seeing Jason as their life boat followed just as determined but for a different reason.
The relief the boys felt when they saw Richard sitting at a table looking at a menu was like one they had never felt before. Richard looked up due to the feeling of being watched and smiled an infectious smile when he saw his brothers walking towards him. He waved and couldn't help but laugh at them trying to hide their relief. Smiles and embarrassment were hidden behind Pride, Bravado and false calmness.
Damian ran ahead and claimed the seat beside Richard. Tim and Jason quickly walked and sat in the opposite chairs .Richards younger siblings not wanting to draw any more attention quietly greeted him. Damian starred intensely at Richard and asked "Are you okay Grayson? Do you know who those intruders were?"
Richard smiled and answered "I am A okay" .His smile lessened when answering Damian's second question. "I'm not really sure who they are .The older one who looked about twenty was tan like me almost same height as me .She had long black hair blue eyes. I'm just going to give you guys a detailed description of her clothes so you will be able to spot her easily if you come into contact with her.
"He looked around to see if everyone was okay with it .Then he nodded." She wore denim jeans a black t-shirt and black sneakers."
He paused so the others could ask questions, they didn't so he continued. "The other girl was about Timmy's age. She also had blue eyes and black hair. Hers was shorter Cass's hairstyle. I didn't really get a good look at her. All I saw, was a blue T-shirt with a red check shirt over it."
Everybody was quite after that .Deep in their own thoughts till a cheerful voice broke it.
"Hello! Welcome to Swirl! Here is some menus for you and I hope you all have a blast at this fine establishment " .The waitress smiled broadly at each of them as she went around placing the menus .Then she cheerfully skipped away saying over her shoulder "I'll be back when you're ready to order .Also just place the menu face down if you're ready before I return ".
"I am very creeped out right now" Tim whispered. The others nodded in agreement no one was that happy or friendly being a waitress .thoughts of her possibly being a serial killer in secret crossed their minds before they dismissed it to them just being paranoid at the moment.
"Okay, anybody got ideas to what the fuck is going on? "Whispered Jason .Damian frowned and Tim shrugged, all eyes turned to Richard.
He smiled reassuringly. Making sure he made eye contact with each person before answering. "I am not sure what's going on but what I do know is what is happening is in my city which makes it my problem .I'm going to drive you guys back to Gotham".
"With what car Grayson" Damian was practically growling, he spoke in his usual way of making a question sound like a statement.
Richard wasn't fazed at all when he answered. "I will rent one" He raised his hand to silence the onslaught of questions he was sure would come if he didn't. "I have my wallet with me and I do know where to rent a car".
The others wanted to argue but the thought off this strange epidemic only happening in Bludhaven was in a twisted way a relief .it would only be true if they returned to Gotham where it hopefully would be normal and if it wasn't, Batman was there.
They placed their menus down and got up to leave but paused when Damian's tummy growled .This made them all realize they were hungry so they sat down.
Sure it wasn't a healthy breakfast but Richard knew his brothers needed the comfort that only ice-cream could bring .The previously depressing mood disappeared and was replaced with the usual arguing and throwing of ice-cream.
They were of course eventually kicked out after two warnings of no throwing Ice cream. the first time because Jason dodged letting another customer take the hit and second one was because of an 'accidental' hit to the managers face. No one owned up to performing the deed.
Jason grinned as they began walking to the restroom to clean up and couldn't help himself when he said "At least we don't have to pay".
Richard chuckled while Tim glared and Damian scowled.
Richard paused mid stride as he exited the Restroom causing a domino effect. He chuckled and continued walking till he stood just outside a store .Damian followed him. Tim, who was standing next to Jason followed suit and took up the other side of Richard. Jason hung back. Once Richard was done looking at whatever caught his eye .They wandered around the mall for a while. Suddenly Tim said "Wait ".The rest of his siblings came to a halt and looked at where he was pointing at a sign indicating the stores name "Best Buy". All eyes un concisely turned to Richard.
Richard who smiled and made sure his younger brothers where always in front of him was not very happy when Tim said "We should split up it will be quicker that way." .Richard was not happy but Tim always had a reason .Tim frowned when no one argued, He shook his head to clear it and continued " I was thinking we could get a Laptop, Some gadgets and maybe another set of clothes. I think, the most important thing to get is the laptop, so we can research and see just how wide-spread this epidemic is .The rest are in case my hunch is correct."
"Okay "Said Richard who smiled fondly then sighed .Richard knew his brothers were probably going to argue over the team ups. Jason noticed the way Richards's shoulders slumped .Jason decided to put him at ease at least a little bit. "I can go with the Replacement to get the Laptop and Gadgets and you two get the clothes. "Said Jason in his usual nonchalant tone.
"okay, sounds like a good plan .we will meet you guys back here so don't leave the mall ".Richard turned and was about lead the way when Damian asked. "Are you not going to ask them what size they ware?" Richard shook his head, "I already know, Now hurry up little D ".Damian huffed and followed Richard.