A/N: Some people asked for the wedding and honeymoon details and I did think about it, even wrote some paragraphs, but in the end I decided against it. The reason is there has been a few authors writing quite well about Tezuka-Fuji's wedding and honeymoon before and I don't think I can do better than them. Sorry guy but I'm really appreciate your suggestion.

Thanks for reading and reviewing this story. Your supports mean a lot to me.

It had been raining a lot for a past few days. Yesterday. The day before it. But today the sun was shining.

Fuji walked slowly along the small road, his slipper made funny sounds against the wet ground. One of his hand was holding a bouquet of white lilac and in the other hand, some incense sticks wrapped in white paper.

The graveyard was deserted when he arrived, only the scent of burning incense and colors of flower in front of some tombstones were indications that Fuji wasn't the only one going there in such a beautiful day. Sunlight fell lazily around him, glowed when they met stones, sparked when dancing across some puddles and for a fleeting moment, the brunette had the surreal feeling of entering a different world.

He found the grave quickly, a new small tomb standing at the end of the first row. Someone had already been there as a crown of rose leaned against the headstone and Fuji knew exactly whom it must be from.

Fuji hadn't attend Kujo Jun's funeral. Higa Hikari had entreated Tezuka to let her hold it and Fuji saw no reason for his presence when a woman mourned her fiancé especially when he in some ways was the cause for her lost. He did, though, come to stand outside the graveyard, watching from afar the lonely figure of the young lady in black. It was raining heavily at that moment and there was an umbrella in her hand but Hikari didn't open it.

She really did love him, Fuji thought and his chest ached a little as he wondered how things could have been if Kujo Jun had loved her back.

Putting the bouquet gently on the stone, Fuji burned the incense sticks and placed them into the censer. He didn't turn his head when he heard footsteps approaching, the sound was too familiar to be mistaken. "Why do you know me here?" He asked with a small smile though he knew the other probably couldn't see it.

"Simple guess, Syusuke." The stoic man shrugged "I still remember what day is today."

Fuji's smile turned wistful with a fleeting moment of sadness "Yeah, it has been one year already. Time travels fast."

For a little while they both stayed in silence, lost in their own thought as Tezuka watched Fuji while the blue eyed man stared absentmindedly at the tombstone. The scent of incense mingled with the fragrance of lilac surrounding them, separating them from the world until Fuji exhaled loudly and pressed his palm against the cold surface of the stone as a signal of goodbye before standing up.

"It's time to go home." Fuji smiled sincerely as he extended his hand and Tezuka wasted no time to lace their fingers together.

"Ah, Mitsu." Fuji happily announced as they walked toward the entrance "Keigo called me this morning to say that he's going to spend his summer holiday with us."


"Yes, he'll arrive tomorrow. Seiichi and Genichirou too, they called me when I was on my way here."

"Why did they all call you instead of me? Am I their best friend?" Tezuka's voice was nothing but amused.

"Saa, you don't know? They like me more."

Laughter echoed in the air and as the couple strode forward, two rings on their left hand finger glowed brightly under the sun.