Updated 12/3/15 (A/N Like the other chapters, I have added in a few things. You who already read these chapters probably wont want to read through the whole thing again so do what ever the heck you want. Speaking of which, are there any first time readers here?

Don't forget to review!)

Unknown Reunion

The next morning, Cammie woke up and the first thought that came to mind was that her nightmare was finally over. But instead of waking up in a green room with desks and books, she woke in a forest that had a strange abundance of gold. Not actual gold nuggets, but living plants were either a bright gold or dark amber. Green grass and small splashes of red, orange, yellow, from different flowers and small animals and scattered colors of the rainbow brightened the large opening Cammie was currently lying in.

She sat up and looked around her, slightly dazed from her still sleepy state. The sun was not completely over the horizon making the sky a mixture of red, orange, and pink that faded into a light blue to make up the rest of the sky. Big fluffy clouds were outlined with orange from the sun, as if an orange highlighter was taken by a big giant to shade the top and two sides, only leaving the bottom to be grey.

Two pairs of black hunting boots lay a few feet away from her by a small camp fire that still had glowing ashes along with a black shirt, stiff with red flakes falling off of it and a hole in it's left shoulder. She knew it was Zach's, remembering his injuries form yesterday. The amount od dried blood on it made her think of how bad he actually was.

It was quiet in the forest. Not one animal made a sound. Cammie shivered, thinking they were planning an attack of some sort. An ambush was not something she wanted to experience again.

"Zach? Dillon?" Her voice echoed through the trees and up to the sky. Killer birds with sharp teeth on their beaks and a stinger for their tails flew from the trees rustling the leaves disturbing their peace. Squirrels with two heads and blood read eyes ran down the trees and leaves floated down to the grass. Branches swung back and fourth from the sudden disturbance before calming while strange looking red nuts continued to fall from the branches.

Cammie shivered at the strangeness of this place, still believing it wasn't real.

"Yes, Cutie?" Cammie squeaked in surprise and turned around. Her eyes became thin slits and she put her hands on her hips.

"Would you stop sneaking up on me?" She spat. "And don't call me that. Ever since we met you've called me a different nickname everyday. My name's Cammie, not Honey, or Sweetheart, or Cutie."

"Ya forgot about 'Love', Cutie." Cammie continued to glare at him in which Dillon's smile grew into a sly grin that created the small laugh lines from the corner of his eyes to slightly deepen.

"Stop smiling at me." She growled. Dillon took a step closer.

"But you're cute when you're angry." This caused Cammie to blush and drop her hands. Her face was blank and she found her bare feet very interesting. Really, what's more engrossing than chipped dark blue nail polish? Had Macey been the one he told that to, she would have said something along the lines of 'well then I'm about to get pretty freaking adorable', but Cammie would never think to say that unless she wanted to stutter and make a fool of herself. Dillon chuckled, taking small steps until he was right in front of her. "Ya scrunch your nose and ya get a little crease in your forehead. And your eyebrows knit almost ta the point where they're together. Your face turns red, but not as red as when you blush. . . . Like right now." With every word, Dillon ran his long fingers along her nose, eyebrows, and cheeks.

Cammie put her hands to her cheeks doing nothing to help cover her red face.

"I should call ya 'Cutie' more often. It fits."

"The only thing that fits is my fist in your face." Zach growled jumping from a tree. "Is Dillon bothering you, Goldie?" he asked. Cammie ignored his question and stared at his shoulder which had a large leaf and a pad of moss sloppily tied to the back of it with a vine.

"What happened to your shoulder?" She asked. Zach shrugged and plopped down to where his shirt and boots sat.

"Just got stabbed by a knife is all." He said it as if it were an everyday event. Cammie knew better. She could see he was in pain.

"They missed." Dillon mumbled. Cammie rolled her eyes at Dillon's remark and made her way over to Zach who was shoving his foot into his left boot.

"That is no way to wrap up a stab wound." Cammie had taken a semester of nursing for college credit the previous year. She hated the idea of people being in pain and wanted to know how she could be helpful in a first-aid event.

She gently unwrapped the vine from around his chest. Her hands grazed his skin causing him to shiver. Cammie paid no attention, focusing on his wound.

"Sit down, you're too tall." She mumbled. Zach did as told, giving Cammie better access to his wound. The cut was a little less than an inch long and at least half an inch deep and still slightly bleeding.

"Well, I have no way to seal it shut which isn't very healthy but I might be able to put enough pressure on it to stop the bleeding until we get proper medical help. You only have a few hours before you pass the twelve hour time limit for stitches."

"Or you can let him bleed to death." Dillon suggested from his spot against a near by tree.

"Shut up, Lewis." Zach spat, moving to go after him. Cammie pushed him back down.

"Stop it you two." Cammie folded the leaf in half and pressed it to Zach's shoulder. He grunted but stayed still.

"Hand me the moss." She ordered. Zach did, making sure to touch Cammie's fingers, letting his linger for as long as he could.

Cammie pressed the moss on the leaf, trying to ignore the small tingles she felt in her hands. She then took the vine and let one eighth hang over his shoulder so she could tie it later on. Taking the rest, she wrapped it around his chest and under his right arm, around his left armpit and across his chest one more time before tying it snug to him.

Stepping back, Cammie looked over her work.

"Good as new." She said in a proud voice. Zach stood up and was in front of her faster than she could blink and she squeaked in surprise. His eyes hooded over, his voice low and husky as he spoke.

"Thank you, Doctor. How could I ever repay you?" He asked. Cammie swallowed a lump in her throat trying very hard not to look at his firm chest or his six pack that she knew he had.

"Um." Was her bright response. His breath was warm on her skin as he leaned closet to her. Cammie's breath hitched, his sent intoxicating. She didn't know what it was but she wanted more of it, more of him. Then, she remembered all the times he bullied her when they were younger all the way up to his teasing in high school.

Snapping out of her daze, the girl backed up causing her to stumble over a log. Zach grabbed her hand and pulled her forward, steadying her. Cammie ripped her hand from his and stalked off.

"Don't bother to repay me. You don't need to." With that, she disappeared in the forest, not knowing where she was headed, but wanted to escape whatever had just happened.


Cammie had been walking around for at least an hour. Not once had she run into a man eating animal.

"Stupid Zach and his over exaggerations." She mumbled, kicking a small stone that lay on the dirt path.

The sun was up now, allowing Cammie to see better, though, it was still a bit shady from the absence of direct rays and the large amount of branches and leaves over her head. Cammie had nothing to be afraid of as she walked through the forest. She knew either one or both of the boys were following her from a distance. Most likely one or the other, though, because otherwise, she would have heard bickering and death threats between the two.

Cammie turned a corner and had to practically climb her way through the brush that laid on the ground.

"Gosh darn it!" She grunted when her foot got caught in a bundle of vine. She struggled to get out but it came to be no use. "Ugh, stupid plant. Let go!" Not a second later, Cammie heard a grunt mixed with a low growl not to far from her. It sounded threatening, a noise she would never like to hear again. Slowly, she lifted her head up, coming face to face with a dark gray wolf that stood only twenty feet away. It's eyes were ink black and it's teeth were so white it almost hurt her eyes. The animal's fur was shaggy and wild looking, only adding to its fierce look.

For a moment, the two stared at each other.

"Guys? I think it's time to come out now." Cammie whispered. The wolf's ears twitched making Cammie flinch.

"Guys?" She whispered again, not daring to move a muscle. The animal bared its teeth and growled again.

No one came.

Is this some kind of sick trick?

Just as the wolf was ready to pounce, and arrow found it's way through it's skull. The animal let out a yelp and immediately dropped to the ground with a thud, most likely dead or at least almost. A few seconds later, a boy came out of the bushes, brown and golden hunting clothes covered his body along with a pair of nicely crafted hunting boots, a large wooden bow held firmly in his hand. Cammie watched as the stranger plucked his arrow from the wolf's head and picked it up, slinging the large animal over his shoulder as if it weighed nothing.

The boy turned with a satisfied smirk, only to lock eyes with her's. His smirk dropped into a frown, then a scowl as his eyes went from widened surprise to thin slits. Shock and anger was written on his face

"Who the hell brought you here?" He growled. Cammie just stood in her spot, the winding rope of vine still refusing to release its victim. She hadn't even done anything and this stranger already hated her. She hadn't even spoke a single word to him!

"Uh- I- um-" The boy threw the animal on the ground and walked over to Cammie. His boots thudded against the hard dirt floor.

"Well?" He asked, helping her out of the brush of plants. Once she stood up, Cammie was able to get a good look at the new boy before her.

He looked to be around twenty three. His jaw was well defined and he was tall and fit. His skin was a soft tan making his blue eyes pop. Short, dirty blond hair lay on his head, flicked up in the front as so many kids in her high school did. Something about him was familiar. It could have been his nose; how it was the perfect size for his face. Or the way his mouth was shaped. Soft light pink lips that were, at the moment, stretched into a frown. Something about him just seemed like Cammie has seen it before.

Just like that moment in the woods, a scene flashed before her eyes. A scene of a boy and a girl, playing in some backyard, sword fighting. The little girl could barely walk right and the boy laughed at that, holding her hand so she didn't fall but still managed to use his stick and fight. The little girl giggled, and then she was gone.

"Um, well, Y-you see-"

"Dillon Lewis did, Your Highness." Zach's slow voice rumbled. He dropped down from a tree branch, right next to Cammie. It took all her will power not to punch his wound, that a shirt had not covered up yet, for almost allowing her to get eaten by a killer wolf.

The boy crossed his shoulders and stared at Zach.

"And where is he?" He asked.

"Right here." Dillon spoke, coming out from behind a tree. Cammie's mouth dropped open.

"You two idiots were here all along!" She yelled not holding her anger in any longer. "Both you idiots bring me here, let me walk on my own, and let me almost get eaten by that crazed animal!?"

"Calm down, Cutie, I knew it wasn't gonna hurt ya." Dillon said with the wave of his hand. Cammie glared at him before kicking his shin for two reasons. One, for assuming she was fine, and two, for calling her 'cutie'. Maybe he would get mad enough to call her by her actual name.

"Ow! Dammit, Cutie, that hurt!" No such luck.

Rolling her eyes, she turned towards Zach and went to kick him but he moved out of the way.

"Calm down Princess, jeez!" Cammie glared at him. "Look, the only reason I let that happen was to see what you would do. If it got to close, I would have thrown a dagger at it. But I don't know about Lewis. He doesn't have the aim for that." Zach paused as if in thought. "He doesn't really have the brains for it either, come to think about it. He is just an animal after all."

"That is not my name and you know it." Cammie grumbled, referring to Zach calling her 'Princess' just as Dillon went to punch him.

"Shut up!" The new boy yelled. His eyes then shifted to Dillon. "You brought her here?" He asked in a low tone.

"Yes. I did. But only ta save her. The Circle found her, Your Highness. They were making threats." He paused. "And it's about time she comes here. I mean really, did ya honestly think she was going ta stay from this place her whole life? Reality was bound ta catchup at some point."

Your Highness.

The familiar stranger looked at Dillon in shock.

"You, boy, are dancing on thin thread. You better hope it doesn't break. I could easily throw you out for talking to the Prince of Gallagher in such a way." He looked to Cammie who shrank back. "What is your name." It was a curious question, the Prince's voice was now soft and gentle. Cammie relaxed a bit.

"Cammie Larson. Or Morgan." She said in a small voice.

"Or?" He gave a soft smile, waiting her to elaborate.

"My dad's last name was Morgan. He died when I was little." Cammie frowned a little bit and shuffled her feet awkwardly. The Prince held out his hand despite her change in mood and introduced himself.

"My name is Prince Grant, but, you can just call me Grant." He breathed. Cammie took his hand, the Prince's hand, to shake it. First bird-like creatures, then dragons and now prince's. What place has prince's these days?

What place has dragons?

'Grant's' hold on her was tighter that she expected, as if he didn't want to let go. There was an emotion in his eyes, something she couldn't quite place, but it almost looked like joy mixed with worry and longing.

So much longing in the past few days, she thought.

Grant slowly dropped her hand before going to pick up the dead animal.

"If you don't mind me asking, um, why is it exactly so bad for me to be here? And where is here exactly? I know were in The Golden Woods, but, is it on an island not very well known? Maybe down in Africa or South America? Although, you'd think that with a kingdom and strange animals on it, people would know about it. Unless this is some privately owned island like Jurassic Park. Are you genetically engineering new animal species?" Now it was making sense. This was just some experiment to see a simple minded teenage girl would react to a place like this. Maybe they're thinking about opening it to the public sometime soon. Does her mother know she's here? Then she remembered what Zach said before she fell asleep.

"We'll be there soon Cam, but this forest isn't like the woods back home in the mortal world. There are creatures that don't care who or what they hurt, as long as they cause pain. You'll have to keep your eyes open and stay away from every animal and bug you see."

In the mortal world.

Grant looked beside him to the girl, a smile laced his lips edged with confusion.

"What's 'Jurassic Park'?" She shook her head and mumbled a 'never mind'.

The four walked down a small man made trail, Cammie was next to Grant, while the two boys were in the back. Their feet shuffled dead leaves and broken twigs while they walked up a steep hill.

"Unless you're a six year old kid, then this island is not comely known. Humans, well, they like life based purely on reality. They stay clear from anything that may over power them, so it makes sense on why they would never bother to try and find us." Grant explained.

"What do you mean 'humans'? Were all humans." Cammie was confused and still continuing to reject the events of last night.

Grant stopped to look at her.

"Once we get to the castle and get you a settled in, I," He made a look at Zach and Dillon, "will explain everything to you."


It took another hour before the four made it to the castle. Cammie was beyond happy. Not only did her feet hurt, but the dead animal was becoming smelly and she was sure the stench was burning off her nose hairs.

Once the castle came into view, Cammie all but fainted.

It was a massive building. Larger than anything Cammie has ever seen. Long stone walls guarded the building with two large golden gates. A wide stone path ran along the ground and under the gates making a curve along the side of the castle ending at another end of the protective wall. A large garden lay in centered in the front. A few trees with benches added to the calming chaos of different plants and flowers. A stone walkway broke off into many different trails leading to the different benches. Bees and other bugs flew from flower to flower reminding Cammie of home for a moment before she remembered that these bugs could most likely kill her in an instant with their stingers.

It looked like there were many buildings that were built over time, picked up, and plopped down here to be connected. One stone building on the left had a chimney with smoke coming out of it. She could smell freshly baked bread and smoked fish mixed with berries. A hallway with windows that were flat on the bottom and came to a curved point at the top connected to another building,. This building, also stone but more detailed and defined, was bigger and had a flag hanging of a pole in the front. The flag was gold with a shield placed in the middle crossed by a black sword.

The next building was the biggest and main one. Large white pillars stood proudly in the front, reminding Cammie of Ancient Greece. Marble lay wide and long as steps up to large wooden doors. The marble stone had lines and curves all through it, a bright gold color that the sun, which was higher in the sky, reflected off of making Cammie shield her eyes. Windows were shaped almost rectangular but at the top, they were rounded instead of flat. They were placed all over in an organized fashion, the ones closest to the top, were slightly smaller making Cammie believe the ones toward the middle and bottom floor were rooms for the royal family.

At the top of the building, the bright blue sky reflected off of the white roof giving it a very slight blue tint. Random peaks had a gold ball on them with a flag identical to he one on the smaller building.

"Wow." Was all she could say.

"I'd rather live somewhere where it's not all fancy. Like the woods, or the mountains. Oh wait! I do." Dillon grumbled. He hated anything that had to do with royalty and properness, besides a certain blonde of course.

"Stuff it Dillon." Cammie barked. "This is an amazing pice of work. Better than any Greek or Roman ruins I've seen!"

"It is rather magnificent." Zach said. Cammie almost smiled at him. Almost.

"Just wait until you see the entrance inside. It's always been my favorite part of the castle." Grant said taking the handle of the door on the right, and revealing what was inside.

Cammie gaped.

The floors were also marble, only, more shinier and smooth from less exposure of acid rain. She could easily see her reflection in it, sadly noticing she looked like Billy Marten from her freshman year when he was going though the I-only-need-to-shower-once-a-week phase.

Smaller white pillars with a golden sparkle to it held up the floors above them. There were two staircases on the center hallway. One to the left, and one to the right, curving in while it went up to make the staircases almost spiral, connecting to a hallway on the first floor. The railings were pure gold, looking like thin waterfall as it starting at the main floor and wet up in a twist.

Paintings scattered the wall. Better than any Picasso or Da Vinci she has ever seen. They were perfectly detailed some of outside gardens and other of a family or individual. They were a burst of color through out the home.

One painting caught Cammie's eye. It was one of a family, most likely the royal family. A beautiful woman with dark brown hair stood dressed in a gold silky dress that flowed out just slightly towards the bottom with her hands on a young boys shoulder. She had a beautiful smile, her eyes wrinkled at the corners and a small dimple laid out on her left cheek. The boy looked exactly like Grant, only younger and slightly chubbier.

A man with bright blue eyes and short blond hair was holding a sleeping girl that looked to be two years old. He had a proud aroma around him, holding the girl slightly tight, his fingers curled in her white dress causing wrinkles in where his hands made indents. His smile was smaller than the woman's but still beautiful. He was looking at the little girl in his arms while the young boy held the girl's hand.

"She's a beautiful little girl." Cammie said truthfully. Cammie knew this girl was grown up if Grant was so young in the picture. She only wished she could be that beautiful.

This girl, however, also seemed quite familiar. Like the random child her mind had flashed to twice now. The giggling girl with chubby legs and thin hair.

"Yes, she is." All three boys said at the same time. Grant glared at Zach and Dillon and the two younger boys shot daggers at each other.

"Prince Grant!" A women yelled in horror. Cammie heard the click of her shoes echoing through the hallway, and turning around to see who was scolding the prince. A small maid took short but fast steps towards Grant, a stern look on her face. She seemed to be in her late thirties. Her skin was almost a ghostly white with red hair and blue eyes. For what ever reason, this maid was mad.

Grant's eyes widened for a moment becoming teasing. His mouth turned into a grin as he bowed.

"Ah, hello Mildred. What brings you here?" He asked.

"Don't you 'Mildred' me, Mister. That animal is not allowed in here. You are dripping blood all over the place!" She scolded as she pointed to the large wolf lazily hanging off his shoulder and then to the blood trail that lead to the door. She gave no attention to the three teens standing beside her. "Outside and to the cooking house this instant!" Grant rolled his eyes and sighed a little too dramatically.

"What ever you say." Grant winked at Cammie before leaving.

Mildred shook her head, watching the Prince as he walked away. "I swear that boy is gonna get my boot in his butt one of these days." She mumbled. The small women looked to the three teenagers. Her tiny hands clapped together and she smiled.

"Zach, Dillon! What brings you here? And who is this lovely-" She stopped and stared at Cammie. Her blue eyes were wide and her small foot took a step closer to Cammie. "By all the stars in the heavens. You must be-"

"Ready to get settled in." Zach butted in. He laughed nervously. "Dillon, why don't you keep Miss Mildred company while I take Cammie to her room."

Not wasting any time, Zach pulled Cammie up one of the stair cases and down a hallway to the right.

"Slow down Zach!" Cammie yelled. He ignored her and took quicker steps. Not running, but not walking either.

"I'm assuming you're going to meet the King and probably soon as he must meet all guests of this castle." He opened a door painted red with thin strands of yellow mixed in it and a carved design of a plant on it. "Stay in your pajamas, I'm sure they won't mind." Zach hesitated at the door way, looking at Cammie who looked tired and confused, before leaning down and kissing her softly on the cheek, close to the corner of her mouth. His lips lingered for only a second before he pulled away and walked out the door, closing it softly behind him.

Cammie sat on the large bed looking around the room. It was just like the rest of the castle. Marble floors, a few paintings of nature, and a wooden dresser along with a small desk and a few books. Cammie's head hit the pillow and she was out within seconds.


"I sent you to keep her away from this place!" King Morgan boomed. Zach flinched at the intensity of his voice.

"Sir, I tried. The Circle was coming at us with full force. We were ambushed, Your Highness! I know they weren't going to take her at that moment, but I needed to keep her safe. And it's not like I brought her here! That stupid Lewis kid did!"

"You will not speak to me in such a tone, Zachary." The kings voice was quiet yet held authority and force.

"Yes, Your Highness." He mumbled. "I have something else to tell you Sir." Zach paused making sure he was allowed to go on. The King nodded. "Joshua Abrams. He- he was with them." The room became still. The kings eyes glared with fire and Grant sat straighter, now taking interest in the conversation. "He has an interest in Cammie. I think, if anyone, he will try to take her on his own. I saw him yesterday. He was looking for us. I don't know why he would join them, but he did."

"I'm going to get Cameron." Grant growled wanting to leave the conversation. He got up from his chair and walked towards the door. "Father, could you, maybe not tell Cameron everything? I'm sure she is still in shock and I would like to tell her slowly." the King nodded.

"I'll allow it. Now go. I would like to see my daughter before I part." Grant left, leaving Zach and the king alone.

"This discussion is on hold. We will deal with this later." Zach nodded.

"Yes Sir."


The sound of a door softly opening and closing caused Cammie's sleep to be interrupted. She stirred as she woke, opening her still sleepy to be met with a pair of blue orbs and a familiar face.

"The King would like to see you." Grant said. He was out of his hunting clothes and now wore a white silk top that had gold buttons running down the front along with red pants with a gold seam.

"Um, should I change?" Cammie gestured to her pink fuzzy pajamas. Grant chuckled and held out his hand.

"I think you're fine."

The two walked down to the throne room in a comfortable scilence. Grant's arms tingled, wanting to wrap them selves around his sisters small body. He wanted to cry, tell her he loved her and missed her, but he knew it was not the time for such emotion.

After a while, Cammie would ask questions about various paintings, who made the castle and the history of the kingdom. Grant would answer, glad to be able to talk to his sister again.

The two walked up to a tall thin door. Grant grabbed the handle to open it but Cammie stopped him.

"What if I do something wrong? Why does he even want to see me? I shouldn't even be a guest here." she rambled on with her questions, stalling for time.

"You will be fine Cam. I promise." With that, he opened the door and they walked in.

The king was even more handsome in person. Cammie stared at him, not knowing if she should bow or not.

Giving no time for her to come up with a choice, the King stood from his throne and walked to her, his eyes were bright and full of joy as he looked at the girl standing before him. For some reason, she wanted to hug him. She felt this small pinch of longing in her heart though she didn't know why.

Longing. Why? Why so much? She thought.

"Cameron, I have been told you were brought here from the mortal world by Dillon Lewis." Cammie nodded.

"Well, we were being chased, and, I-I mean, I guess I shouldn't have walked in the woods alone, but I wanted to see something. Some people were throwing knives at us. I mean, he was just trying to save me." She stuttered. The King smiled.

"It's okay, Sweetie. You aren't in trouble. I Just wanted to see you before I left on some business."

"It was nice to meet you Sir." Cammie let out a quiet breath, happy His Highness didn't rip her head off for entering his land.

"You don't need to speak to me so formally Cameron. Call me Mathew. I'm practically family towards you." Giving her no time to reply, the King pulled her into a tight hug, not letting go until he heard Grant speak.

"Okay." Grant rushed in. "Let's go Cammie. I want to show you around." she waved goodbye to the king, allowing Grant to pull her out of the thorn room.

"How long are you planning on me staying here?" Cammie asked. Her heart stopped and her eyes became wide. "My mom's going to kill me." Grant flinched when she mentioned her mother. He picked up speed, dragging Cammie down different hallways while she kept talking. "And I was suppose to help Liz with something after homecoming. I need to attend my friend's boyfriend's funereal. They're probably worried sick. I need to go home. I don't want to be here, where ever here is. You are all nice and everything, but I just want I go home."

Grant listened the whole time, not interrupting once. He knew she needed to get it out.

"Are you done?" He asked as they stood in of an old looking door. "Because if you are, I have a few things to say for myself." Cammie nodded. "Good. Let's take a walk."


Even though a lot of you have already read this, do you mind giving me a review or PM on how you're liking this so far? If you have read this before I took all seven chapters down to re-construct them, are the edits good? Is there anything I should change? Your words are honestly super encouraging and motivating. I just love reading what you have to say about my stories. You're all so kind and sweet!

If there happen to be grammar, spelling and typo mistakes in here please tell me!

I was so tempted to but "a strange abundance of fifty different shades of gold..." In the first sentence, ... but I didn't because I don't agree with the fifty shades of grey movie... plus it was a horrible sentence any way so...

Don't you just love *...*ing things? I do... because I'm strange... and not the good kind... *smiles evilly...*

Anyway, how are you all liking it so far? I'll have to update tomorrow because I am tired as crap!

Dillon or Zach?

What do you think should happen in future chapter? (If you understand what's going on so far. This I all probably confusing... Sorry)

are there any mythical creatures you want tied into this story?