Jake couldn't believe the sight before him when he woke up. Both his parents were sitting side by side next to his bed, working together to wake him gently and reassure him that he had nothing to worry about, despite being inside the building he feared most. Though he had a bit of anxiety about being in a hospital, so far, he felt fine. A little sore, a little tired, but after the battle he had just won, it was nothing to complain about.

"You're both here?" he asked. His parents looked to each other and then nodded their heads. Mrs. Holling, or Mrs. Daniels since she had married Rebecca's father, nodded her head.

"Since... the incident," she said. "I've had a lot of time to think about... what's really important."

Jake sat up. By now, both his parents knew of his Ranger duties but they had learned at different times. He assumed because they were both here now, they knew the other knew.

"Jacob, seeing you fight those aliens. Seeing you risk your life and wondering if I would ever see you again... It's a little clearer to me what I should have been focusing on," his mother's eyes started to water as she held his hand and gently stroked his cheek. "I'm not ready to lose you, especially over something as stupid as a girl..."

"She's not stupid, mom..."

"No! I didn't mean... Jake, I didn't mean anything by it, I was just..."

"Your mother and I have talked a lot since you last saw her," Mr. Holling assured his son. "While we don't exactly see eye to eye on the kind of girls we should let you date, we both have agreed that this is your life. You make the decisions and as your parents, all we can do is point you in the right direction and hope we've taught you enough to get by on your own. Right, Sally?"

His mother nodded her head. She squeezed Jake's hand, "I let my need to protect you cloud my judgement. Your girlfriend, Gia, she's got a bad history. The things I've heard about her, what's been published in papers and all that other garbage led me to think she was going to bring you down too."


"I made a huge mistake, Jake," his mother admitted. "I didn't want you to have problems after problems with this girl..."

"Gia, Sally. She's got a name."

"With Gia. I didn't want you to struggle to love. I didn't want you to think you had to work for her with nothing in return. I didn't want to see your heart broken because she wasn't able to give you what you needed. But I never gave her a chance to show me she was different. I admit, the first time I saw her... I judged her."

His mother leaned in a little closer, took both his hands and tried to smile.

"Your happiness matters to me, Jacob. I see now I've been going about this all wrong. You'll make mistakes, you'll have bad break-ups, but what's most important is that I'm here to support you, no matter what you choose to do. If you think Gia's the right girl for you to be with then...I support it. Once we find a place to settle down, I'd really love to have her and her family over for dinner. I want to get to know her the right way, and I want to get to know the real Gia so that I can see exactly what you see in her."

Jake smiled up at his mother and then glanced over at his father to see him nodding his head. It was his indication to Jake that his mother was sincere, that she had changed and she was back to being the mother he needed. With that, Jake knew it was the perfect time to make his announcement.

"It's great you want to have her for dinner," he said. "But... Gia's not my girlfriend anymore."

"She's... not?" Mr. Holling frowned. "But Jake, she's..."

"She's my fiancée," Jake smiled. "I popped the question right before the big invasion. Just before she was abducted, really."

"F... Fiancée?" his mother stammered. His father seemed shocked.

"You're... you're kidding?"

"We've been through a lot together," Jake nodded his head. "More than most eighteen year olds. Hell, probably more than most eighty year olds. Through it all, Gia's always been the one person I've wanted and needed by my side. I feel better when she's around and miserable when she's not. I know she's the one."

His mother fell back into her seat. His father's expression hadn't changed from shock. Fortunately, there was a knock on the door and Conner walked in. The red Dino Rangers immediately noticed something strange going on and looked to Jake, who was trying to stifle a little laugh.

"Everything okay?"

"I'm engaged," Jake said. "I just told my parents."

"What? Dude, seriously?" Conner asked and walked over to the bed. He gave Jake a high-five. "You mean you got her? Wait, we're talking about Gia, right?"

"One and only," Jake nodded his head. Conner smiled.

"Yes! I knew it! I knew there was something special there. Oh man, the guys are going to freak when they hear this."

"Guys?" Jake asked. Conner nodded.

"Your teammates."

"They know."

"Soccer teammates," Conner smirked. Jake sat up straight.

"What? You mean..."

"You're on the team," Conner said. "We've got training until the start of the season. For the most part, it's the same team, but there's a few new players since you were last with us. Old guys will be happy to have you, the newer guys... Well, they'll understand why you're in once they see you play."

"They're letting me back on? They aren't pissed I..."

"You're all over the news," Conner said and showed Jake a newspaper article. "When those alien guys had Gia hostage, the whole world saw her face. She was recognized and then it was only a few days before more and more people started putting the pieces together. You're public knowledge now. At least, to most people in the state."

"That's... news," Jake wasn't sure how to take it. While he was sure this would mean some fame for him and he knew that meant the end of all the secrets and lies, a huge part of him just wanted his Ranger days to end. He didn't want to deal with press or fans or questions or even people hating on him and his friends for all the destruction they had inadvertently caused while saving the planet.

"You've got a huge family now," Conner assured him. "We're all going to work behind the scenes to make sure this has as little repercussion on your daily lives now as possible. Though we can't guarantee you won't get some hate your way. You destroyed your entire home town. People are a little..."


"To put it lightly," Conner nodded his head. "Though the Harwood Tornadoes are going to help with clean up and we're glad to put your face on the front of it all. Maybe if people see you're willing to help out after the war, they'll go a little easy on you. All the ticket sales from our first game of the season will go to help rebuild everything. It's a full time job, though."

"Job? Like, I play soccer and clean up the city and make money?"

"it won't be a lot to start," Conner said. "You'll start where you were when you were last on the team. But the better you get, the more games we win, and the more your face gets recognized, the more you'll earn. Sound great?"

"That sounds amazing!"

"Just rest up, alright?" Conner said. "We want you back to full form as soon as possible."

"Promise," Jake smiled. Conner gave him a firm handshake and then left him with his parents. Jake leaned back into his pillow, "I'm playing professional soccer for Conner McKnight."

"And you're engaged," his father breathed. "Holy shit... this is all happening so fast."

"Isn't it awesome!" Jake cried out. His parents looked to each other a little nervously at first, but then nodded and turned to him with a smile.

"It's exactly what you wanted."

"We're proud of you," they said.


Emma was alone in her room. Jordan had just been to talk to her but now she needed a little space to breathe and had asked him to give her some time to herself for a while. He said he was going to check up on Gia, kissed her, and walked out. Emma got out of bed and walked to the window. She looked up and sighed loudly.

A knock on her door startled her, but she turned to see her mother coming in. She was about to ask her mother to leave but then realized she was just who she needed.

"Gia's fine, if you're wondering," Claire said. "I saw her in Orion's room when I went to check up on him. She was saying goodbye."

"Where's she going?" Emma asked worriedly. Claire shook her head.

"Nowhere. Orion's leaving. He wanted to be on Andrasia for a little while. He'll be back."

"Oh?" Emma sighed. "He's just taking off?"

"This has to be difficult for him," Claire walked up next to her daughter and looked out the window with her. "We're getting the chance his planet never did. He'll need some time. But he promised to be back in time for your wedding."

"My... oh, right," Emma nodded.

"In the meantime," Claire smiled, "I can finally deliver on that promise. We can go on vacation, just the two of us if you want, or the whole family. I'm flexible. It's whatever you want to do. Jordan can even..."

"Mom, can we talk?"

"You don't want to go on vacation?"

"It's... it's not about that," Emma shook her head. She took her mother's hands softly.


After saying goodbye to Orion, Gia was helped back to her room by Claire. She crawled back into bed and leaned back against the pillow. She looked longingly at Orion's bracelet. She knew it would have been selfish to ask him to stay. Everyone had their own way of coping with loss and he needed to do what was right for him. But she wished he hadn't gone. She wished he hadn't taken off. It only served to remind her how many people she had lost in the war.

Her mother walked in shortly after that and wordlessly sat down next to her on the bed. Gia leaned into her.

"It's really all over?"

"It's all beginning," Vanessa said. "We have our whole lives ahead of us now. Once you're feeling up to it, we can start looking into schools or work or whatever you think is right."

"What about dad and Ms. Chesterfield?"

"This is exactly what they wanted for you," Vanessa smiled. "A new, better life. Opportunities, happiness; the whole package."

"It's not fair they don't get to see it."

"They live on though you," her mother assured her. "As long as you make the most of life, they'll be there with you for every step."

Gia nodded her head but sighed loudly. She didn't know what else to say until her door opened. Jordan walked in. She sighed again.

"There's still one evil I've got to take care of."

"I'm glad to see you too," Jordan smiled. He walked up to the bed and pat Gia's legs, "I've got a proposal."

"You only get two. Three's just hogging the glory."

"So, you know this cop stuff I wanna do?" Jordan asked. "How I'm in the academy and I'm actually doing well... well, until I came to see you guys and stuff."

"Jordan, what part of evil do you not understand?" Gia frowned. Jordan lightly squeezed her leg.

"No, hear me out. Two former Rangers... okay, well more, but two of them work in a Special Forces kind of thing."

"The Silver Guardians," Gia nodded her head. "Wes and Eric. We worked with them to take down the Cartels and save... Tensou..."

"Right! They told me about that. They told me how awesome you were. Eric even said you earned your stripes. He said he'd offer you a position in the Silver Guardians if his wife wasn't still yelling at him. Whatever that means."

"Jordan, now's not the..."

"But he offered me a position. A really, really great position!" Jordan smiled. "You're looking at the new head of the Silver Guardians of Angel Grove."


"As long as I take the police training course offered at the current Silver Guardians HQ in Silver Hills and you're my partner."


"Eric and Wes were impressed. Of course, you've got to take the course too, but we know you'll ace that. They say your Power Ranger training will be invaluable, you've got the guts and the know how to keep justice alive and that you're Eric to my Wes... whatever that means again. I barely know these guys."


"I know you want to make a difference in the world with domestic abuse and stuff, and this could be our opportunity to combine our dreams! Silver Guardians are in charge of the city, and when we're the bosses of our branch, we can expand a little. You can work in some of the shelters to better our community. Wes thinks it'll help us earn respect. So, partners?"

"What?" Gia asked again and stared at Jordan blankly. "You want me to continue fighting crime?"

"It won't be aliens and monsters and stuff," Jordan said. "You know, a few thieves here, some traffic tickets there. Maybe a murder mystery or two..."


"Gia, I'm begging you," Jordan dropped to his knees beside her bed. "The Silver Guardians are amazing! Their training is amazing! The work they do is amazing! They want to expand, they want to put us on top, and they won't do it without you. Well, I don't get the job without you. That Eric guy really seemed to like you. Besides, I really need this job."

"This job?"

"Well, a job. I need something. I need it like... yesterday."

"You're really desperate," Gia chuckled. Jordan nodded his head. He took both of Gia's hands.

"We bicker, we tease, you even like punching my arm. But deep down, I know you do it because you care... and I annoy you. We would make the perfect partners. Amazing! This is my dream job, and you're going to do so much good. We can mold the Silver Guardians into whatever we want in Angel Grove, do fundraisers for your charities and the shelters, and make sure we keep the bad guys where they belong. You can protect innocents from people like Cliff and Vrak and Vekar."

"I... I guess... I guess that sounds right," Gia shrugged her shoulders. Jordan, still on his knees, looked up at her hopefully.

"Yes? You're saying yes?"

"One condition. No, two."

"Name it."

"We do all that charity stuff you mentioned. We actually focus on helping people, on making a difference."

"That's the reason I wanted to be a police officer," Jordan nodded. "Done. What else?"

"Nothing changes between us," Gia said. "We may be partners and all that crap, but you're still butthead, the spawn of all things stupid, and my favourite punching bag."

"Wouldn't have it any other way," Jordan nodded. He jumped up, kissed Gia's cheek and then rushed out of the room to tell Eric and Wes the good news. Gia rubbed her cheek and groaned.


"Well, there's your post secondary education and future career planned out," Vanessa chuckled. "I've got to admit, it's going to be interesting watching you work so closely with Jordan."

"Promise you can keep a secret?"

"Of course."

"I'm actually...," Gia sighed and lowered her head, "looking forward to it."

Vanessa chuckled and hugged her daughter just as the door opened again. Claire and Emma walked in together. Claire seemed a little pale. Emma looked nervous. Vanessa frowned.

"Is everything alright? Dr. Mitchell..."

"Everything's fine," Emma whispered. "But... um... something came up on my tests when Dr. Mitchell was checking me over. Something you both need to know."

Vanessa got off the bed and walked over to Emma, "Sweetheart, whatever it is, we're here for you. All of us."

Emma nodded her head. Her mother had already assured her of that.

"Well... um... Ryan's... Ryan's not going to be the only baby in the family. I'm... pregnant."

Vanessa's eyes widened. She turned to Claire who nodded her head slowly to confirm the news. Then she looked down at a teary eyed Emma and pulled her into her arms.

"Okay... okay, well, this isn't what we were hoping for but... we can make this work," she assured her. "Alright... well, do you know how far along? Well, obviously just a few weeks. Jordan's only been back a few weeks now and... it is Jordan's, right? Of course it's Jordan's."

"It's Jordan's," Emma nodded. "He's the one that told me. Dr. Mitchell told him when I was out, which is fine. I mean, he's got every right to know and he'll be an amazing dad. He says he's already got a career if he plays his cards right so..."

"Everything's going to work out," Claire promised Emma. "It's just... big news. We're all a little... frazzled right now."

"Does this push up the wedding, then?" Vanessa asked. "Emma, do whatever you want, but have you thought about getting married before the baby's born or..."

"I don't know," Emma shrugged. "I'm still... in shock, I guess. I just... I don't... I don't know what I'm doing or what I should be doing or, or, or..."

As Emma started to tear up, Gia got out of bed. She walked over to her best friend and pulled her in for a tight, warm hug. Emma wrapped her arms around her.

"We got this," Gia promised her. "Step by step, alright? You make the baby, we'll make sure everything's ready for him. Got it?"

Emma nodded her head. Gia chuckled and squeezed her lovingly.

"It's going to work out."

The End

Author's Note: No worries, there is more to come. Look out for Megaforce: Afterlife.

Just wanted to say thank you to all my readers out there, and a huge thank you to everyone who takes the time to leave reviews! You guys are amazing!