Chapter 1
Elena's POV
I wake up to the smell of death; I am in a plane with a dead stewardess lying by my feet. I scream for help but then I realize it is no use, I am obviously trapped in here with a vampire. Ive started to expect the worst now that I am involved in the supernatural drama in Mystic Falls, so I was calmer about this. I step over the body and grab a wine bottle I see on the table next to mine, I slowly creep along the path searching for an answer. I hear a swoosh of a vampire and swing the bottle around me attempting to hit the blood sucking bastard, Kol. In a fraction of a second he pins me against the wall with his hands against my upper arms. I use my forearms to attempt to push him away, all I reach are his biceps which are tight with muscle, he notices my attention to his arms and cheekily says "I know you like them, touch them all you want theyre not going anywhere". I cant help but laugh even in a situation like this. "Get off me" He lets me go.
"Now I trust you wont run away, and we can talk like civil beings"
Are you kidding me? Kidnapping me is uncivil, being angry when kidnapped is anything but uncivil, I have complete reason to be, whatever.
"Wow, I am uncivil? Im not even going to bother arguing with you." I comment as we sit in the jet's lounge. "Where are we going? Why are you taking me away?" I insistently ask.
"Calm down love. I am keeping you safe," He tells me as he takes a sip of his alcoholic drink. I am a bit relieved but still unsure. "I was instructed by my dear Brother to take you away from Mystic falls for safe keeping, after all you are significant in the Hybrid creation process. Plus the travellers are back in town looking for you. You need an original to take care of you, not those naïve Salvatores. You should feel grateful really."
"Grateful? Yeah being kidnapped is definitely something I should feel grateful for. I can take care of myself, please just bring me back."
"Do you know how easy it is to kill a human, you included? Those travellers can lock you in your house and do whatever they want with you easily, there are so many other vampires and werewolves who would love to kill you because they hate those you are involved with, aka Salvatores and now us, the originals. We are your allies, the Salvatores wont admit it but this is what is best for you."
I contemplated my future verbal rebuttals but then, surprisingly, felt a bit thankful. "But why you? Why do you have to 'take care of me'?"
He chuckles and replies "Well Klaus did promise me a dozen hybrids for me, and I have nothing else to do these days." He continues looking through a sports car catalogue.
I got up and walked to the kitchen, I was starving and dehydrated. I take a sandwich out of the fridge and turn around to find Kol, my nose bumps into Kol's and I drop my sandwich before I can even say anything as the counter hits my back. He catches it without even looking at it while he gazes into my eyes smirking. My heart is still beating so fast that I just stand there and take my sandwich breathing slowly while I am still taking in the shock. He laughs at me "Did I scare you that badly? Christ your heart is beating fast! Are you alright Elena?" He continues to laugh at me and I nudge him out of my way back to my seat ignoring his mocking laugh. I am sitting down eating my sandwich when Kol vamp speeds back to his seat sitting back with his arms on the arm rest with the tips of his fingers pressed together as if he is analyzing me. My heart once again jumps and he laughs again. I sigh with annoyance and put my sandwich down and he grabs my arm "Elena, Elena" he laughs "I'm sorry, its just so hilarious how sensitive humans can be! Please excuse my rudeness, I am not used to being with humans." He is a combination of Klaus and Elijah, a bit cocky and annoying but at the same time, a gentleman, caring observant. "Stop scaring me, youre making my heart jump." He chuckles "Yes I am aware, your heart beats like an African drum" I stare at him after his awkward metaphor and cant help but smile.
"Now why on earth are you laughing at me?" He asks.
"No its nothing." I comment as I get out of my seat to get a drink. Then swoosh; he once again appears centimeters in front of me making me basically molest him. He laughs again at my shocked face and I just push him onto a seat behind him with a little more force and he pulls back making him spring back to me and then he pushes me back with no support, and as I am about to hit the floor, he catches me in his arms. "Careful there"
"Thanks," I walk away and turn back to ask, "Do you want a drink?" and he is only half a meter behind me, following me. I hide my shock to avoid another laughing fit of his.
"What are you offering?" He sneakily asks. I turn my head around to give him 'ha ha' look. "You know I am actually getting a bit thirsty, Ive drained the two stewardesses out, but ive still got the pilot." Oh god, I'm going to have to offer my blood soon before he gets too desperate. I grab an evian and he grabs another bottle of wine.
"I forgot to ask, where are we going?" I ask as he pours himself a glass.
"Greece" Yes! I've always wanted to go to Greece, I am actually quite excited.
"Great! How much longer until we land?" I ask smiling
He tastes the wine noticing my expression and his face scrunches as he throws the glass onto the floor. "What the hell Kol?" He wipes his mouth and tells me it was repulsive. I try a glass from the bottle and quite enjoy it, I pour myself another glass after the enjoyable first. Kol vamp speeds away somewhere.
Kol's POV
I'm actually quite enjoying this plane journey with Elena, she is entertaining. It is comical how contrasting Katherine and Elena are, Katherine is bitchy and a cheater while Elena is a fragile and sensitive human. Her compassion is inspiring, I feel as though my humanity is not fully gone, oh damn. This irritates me so I vamp speed up to Elena and grab her shoulders and aggressively drink from her delicate neck. She doesn't scream or resist, she calmly holds onto my shoulders for stability. I suddenly feel a wave of guilt and compassion flow through me so I pull back and just stare at her pale face for a few seconds before I say "I'm sorry" which shocks us both. She places her hand on her neck to stop the bleeding "Don't worry about it" she replies.
"Here, take some of my blood to heal." I awkwardly hug her allowing her to drink from my wrist. Her human sip is like a gentle kiss it is pleasurable. Elena's compatibleness is making me feel so guilty I don't know why. She has some of my blood around her lips so I tell her, "Oh, Elena, you have some of my blood right-" I gently wipe it off with my thumb while I cup her face then immediately let go. I think about her courteous manner and how animalistic and uncontrollable I must seem to her. Why am I stressing about her thoughts of me? I leave to get some water for her and when I come back she is asleep. I watch her breath in and out for what seems like hours but only minutes before I fall asleep myself. She is so peaceful and calm, I feel remorseful after my violent actions.