Untitled atm


It had been a long 2 months since the ending of the forth ninja war, all the allied force had pulled together and helped to care for each others fallen comrade and treated their bodies with respect they deserved. The wounded were treated and alliances were formed, there was no longer separation and bitterness between the 5 nations, they were one shinobi force. After all the survivors had been treated the forces were free to return their villages.

In the village of Konohakakure or Konoha for short, was Hinata Hyuga after returning from the the war Hinata was changed and she believed for good. She was still quiet, but no longer because she was shy, she was quiet because she had lost her cousin Neji, whom she considered a brother. Each day she had gotten up, dressed herself, made breakfast for her family, trained as hard as she could and tried her hardest not to think about the loss. But the harder she tried to shut it out the more she thought about him. Neji's body had yet to return from the facility the allied force had set up to verify each shinobi and their village. So Hinata could not even say her goodbye.

Hinata had gotten up the same as the day before, in a daze she had done her usual morning routine, but now she found herself wondering what was next? She was sat on a bench watching the people of Konoha live their lives like nothing had happened, how she envied them. She had to remind herself though she was not the only one suffering the loss of Neji, Tenten Neji's team mate and secret girlfriend was just as heartbroken as Hinata. She had yet to be seen around the village, so Hinata had been making her food each night, she had taken over a meal and knocked on Tenten's door, and each night no one would answer. Hinata would have been worried but she knew Tenten was eating the food as she would wait in the shadows of an alley opposite and watch Tenten open the door and take the food.

Hinata had been looking at the ground most of the day and hadn't noticed that it was now mid afternoon and her family would be waiting for her to make their dinner. Getting up she made her way back the Hyuga compound. She walked through the wooden gates feeling even more alone than ever, there were so many memories of her and Neji growing up here, training together and talking through out the night once everyone had gone to bed. Hinata stopped in her tracks, I cant stay here she thought to herself, 'without Neji this is no longer my home. He was the only one who would talk to me'. Hinata turned around and walked back out, the way she came. Her family probably wont even notice she wasn't there anyway. With no where to go she wondered the streets of Konoha wondering what to do. She needed something to cheer her up, anything she thought...Flowers, yes flowers always cheered her up. She made her way to Ino Yamanaka's flower shop. As she walked in the door the shop bell rang happily, Hinata instantly smiled as the smell of the flowers hit her,

"Hinata!" Ino shouted, she ran at her from behind the counter and wrapped her in to a hug, Hinata was shocked, she got along with Ino but they weren't really close. She didn't care though this was the first time that anyone had acknowledged her in the village since her return one month ago.

"How are you?" Ino asked, pulling away from Hinata.

"Um...I am better now I am home" she replied looking at the floor.

"You look like you could do with some cheering up, how about a girls night this weekend? I think we all need it?" Hinata was so busy looking at the flowers and favouring each smell she hadn't been listening, she turned around to see Ino looking at her like she was waiting for her to answer, Hinata stood straight and scratched the back of her head looking a bit sheepish,

"ummm... yeah" she said trying her hardest to act like she knew what she said yes to. Whatever she had said yes to Ino seemed very excited about it judging by her reaction. She was clapping, jumping up and down and promising it was gonna be great.

"You know, you look just like Naruto when you do that" Ino pointed out with a giggle. At the mention of his name Hinata instantly went red in the face. She quickly turned around and grabbed 2 white lilies. After paying Ino, Hinata walked in the direction of the cemetery. What had she just said yes to? She thought, What ever it was she had no doubt she was going to regret it later.

At the cemetery Hinata walked over to the monument Konoha had built for all fallen shinobi, she got on her knees and sent a silent prayer to all the shinobi who had lost their lives in the wars and sent a prayer to Neji. After some time she lay 1 of the white lilies down on the monument and walked to her next destination, her mother's grave.


Naruto Uzumaki had finally returned to Konoha village with Sasuke Uchiha. It took some convincing but he wanted Sasuke to able to live a 'normal' life within the village. Sasuke had come back to a warm welcome off Sakura Haruno, their former team mate, Sasuke had pushed her off him claiming she was so 'damn annoying' when she ran up to hug him, but not before Naruto had noticed Sasuke had closed his eyes and went to hug her back. The rest of the village however had yet to acknowledge him. Naruto knew this would take time but as long as he stood by his friend he knew the village would not do anything...yet.

Upon their return they had learned that Sasuke now owned the whole of the Uchiha district, as he was the only living relative of all the Uchiha clan. They had also learnt that Hokage Tsunade had commissioned a monument in honour of Sasuke's older brother Itachi. It was now known how much Itachi had done for his village, to keep the peace and prevent a civil war he had killed the whole of the Uchiha clan, but his younger brother, and had even joined the Atatuski to relay information of their whereabouts to the village. Itachi was now seen as a hero rather than a traitor.

So that's where Naruto and Sasuke were heading, to see the monument for Itachi. Sasuke in his usual silence and Naruto talking away about how great it was to be back.

"Naruto, has anyone ever told you how annoying you are" Sasuke said, breaking his silence. Naruto just smiled,

"Haha, funny you say the same thing to Sakura, but I don't think you find her annoying at all" Sasuke just looked at Naruto like he was unimpressed by the response. "Oh come on" Naruto went all, "I saw you go to hug her back". Sasuke and Naruto walked to the monument teasing each other the whole way. As they walked up to the monument for Itachi Naruto pulled back giving Sasuke space. He looked around the cemetery, 'there will be more graves here soon' he thought to himself, 'and Neji's'. It was then he noticed her, her dark blue hair which was down to her waist, her purple and cream zip up jacket and her navy blue cut of pants. He noticed she was talking to the grave she was at, she was upset he could tell from here, and she held a single white lilly.

"You should go talk to her" Sasuke prompted.

"What do you say to the girl who saved your life? Who's prepared to die for you? Who lost their cousin because of me? And who made me believe again?"

"Hello, would be a start" Sasuke replied. Naruto smiled at his friends response, mainly because he had actually told a joke. "Go and talk to her already I'm only gonna go home". Naruto took a deep breath, and walked in Hinata Hyuga's direction