Title: A Different Life
Summary: After a long life full of disappointments and betrayals, Harry Potter finds himself half drowned in a lake of a different world. The one who saves him has eyes just like his and a personality that makes Harry dream of a better life. HarryxHiccup.
The first thing he saw were green eyes. It startled him because well, he didn't know anyone else that possessed the same shade as his. He didn't move, but the owner of the green eyes didn't have the same reservation as him, moving forward to rest a hand on his forehead.
Harry closed his eyes at the contact, finding comfort in that simple act. It reminded him so much of the good things in life, things that no longer belonged to him.
He fell back unconscious with that thought, dreaming of Hermonie and Ron and Hogwarts.
He woke to lips on his. He startled, groggily blinking his eyes open as his brain struggled to keep up. He didn't know who was above him, but it brought back an instinct in him that he thought was long dead. He lazily circled a hand into the hair of the person above him, drawing the boy closer, and turning the mouth-to-mouth contact into a kiss. The person startled above him, letting out a yelp as he struggled to get free.
Harry reluctantly let him, and watched as the person scrambled back, looking at him with furious eyes. Suddenly, angry words in Norse were being yelled at him, and Harry couldn't help chuckling at the other boy's anger. The boy was wearing armor and looked to be in his early twenties. The most prominent thing about him that Harry noticed was the metal contraption that served as one of his feet.
Harry slowly sat up, looking around the glade and taking in his surroundings. Where was he? They looked to be in a glade, what with the many leafy trees hanging over them and suddenly he realized he was sopping wet still.
He didn't feel his wand on him, but years of experience had taught him how to summon it from many miles away. After being separated with his wand so many times, it became a necessity to find a way to summon it. Concentrating hard, he was able to find out his wand was at the bottom of the lake behind him, and by simply pushing a little bit of magic into his thoughts, his wand came speeding out of the lake and into his hands.
The boy looked startled at the action, and now seemed to be more wary of him as Harry started to raise his wand. He knew he had to hurry before the boy turned hostile. He cast a drying charm on himself and then a temporary language charm. He would need to perform a ritual or learn it the normal way if he wanted to keep his grasp of Norse permanently.
"Hi, I'm Harry Potter."
The boy perked up at his Norse, coming closer to Harry as the words registered, but the wariness stayed in his eyes. There was no recognition of his name, though Harry hadn't expected there to be. He was far away from home after all; people here wouldn't have heard of the Boy who Lived, let alone the Boy who Never Aged.
"Toothless," started the boy, his upper teeth worrying his lower lip. He paused and seemed to struggle to find the words he wanted to say.
"Your parents named you Toothless?"
That startled a laugh from the boy and he paused as if he hadn't expected to find Harry funny. "Er, no, my name's Hiccup."
"That's not much better," Harry ended up offering truthfully, and the boy just laughed at his words before shrugging amicably.
"Well, we're Vikings. We're not known for naming our kids."
Vikings? Were there still Vikings around in this time and age?
"Anyway," the boy started again after an uncomfortable silence, "Toothless says you're not from around here."
"Is Toothless another Viking? You were right when you said your names were a little strange."
Hiccup was shaking his head before Harry even finished talking. "He says you're not from this world."
Harry's blood ran cold at the clarification and he couldn't stop his body from trembling. Flashbacks of being driven out of town over and over again for his rare condition and being told that he was a freak, a monster, dance in front of his eyes and he is once again reminded of the terror he had accidentally unleashed on himself a few decades back.
"I don't know what he told you, but just because I have a condition does not mean I am not human," he informed the boy coldly. He couldn't believe he had been starting to like the boy; he had even thought they could possibly be friends.
"No, no, no," spluttered Hiccup, and Harry knew his cold eyes were panicking the young boy. "Toothless is a dragon, he doesn't - he isn't bullying you. He really means what he says."
Harry was startled first at Hiccups hasty reassurance and then surprised completely when Hiccup alluded to the fact that he could talk to dragons.
"You - he - how do you understand him?"
Hiccup sheepishly shrugged at his question, "They don't call me Dragon Conqueror for nothing."
Suddenly, it dawned on Harry that the dragon might be telling the truth. That he may actually be in a different world. "I - Can I meet this Toothless?"
Hiccup smiled at his question before turning to holler the name over his shoulder. Within moments, loud crashing sounds fill the air and suddenly, a black beautiful dragon appeared from behind one of the trees. Toothless was bounding over seconds later and suddenly he was on top of Harry, one paw holding him down as the dragon roared at him.
Harry wasn't scared; he had enough protections in place to protect him from an angry dragon. He locked eyes with the dragon for a very tense moment. With a huff, Toothless backed off. Harry must have passed the test.
"He says that he hasn't met your kind before, but you smell like nothing he's ever smelled before. Kinda like cinnamon? And mint? And something dangerous." Hiccup's voice startled him; he had forgotten the boy was still there in the chaos that was Toothless.
"He was right," offered Harry as an explanation as he made his way back into a standing position. "I'm not from this world and I have an easy way to show you."
He waved his hand, causing a flower near his feet to bloom. A vine curled around his feet and a perfect blossom from a tree above him slowly drifted into his hand. Toothless reared back in shock, while Hiccup's mouth dropped open. Harry smiled at their actions before opening his mouth to speak.
"I'm magic."
A/N: Is this shameless? Probably :P Mashing two different characters together is probably weird, but I'm really enjoying writing this. I'm just throwing this out there to see if people would be interested in reading this. Please follow/fav/review!