It had been months. Months since he was last seen. Months since he was taken. Months since Robin was here.

They had been searching forever to no aval. The only thing left at the crime scene was a small amount of his blood on the ground. He had vanished into thin air.

Now, they're in the bioship. On a mission from Batman. It was important. Deathstroke had been spotted and intel said that Deathstroke was going to kill General Sawyers. Their job was to get the general and move him to a safe place. Do not engage with Deathstroke. He was the deadliest mercenary in the world.

The ride was quiet. Like most of them nowadays. Their little bird wasn't there to lighten them up with jokes, sarcastic remarks, and his happy go lucky attitude.

Today was the marking of ten months since he was gone. They were beginning to lose hope, it's almost been a year. Batman searched constantly, honestly it was frightening. They have never seen Batman show his emotions and it scared them.

The last time they had seen Robin, they had gotten into an argument.


Robin was silent as they walked into the bioship after the mission. His face was hard, like Batmans. It un-nerved them to see their teammate like this.

"Robin, we are sorry we did not trust you to defend yourself." Kaldur said cautiously.

Robin's jaw hardened and his eyes narrowed at Kaldur, "You should be." His voice was cold, icy.

"We did not want you to get hurt."

"I can handle myself just fine." Same tone.

"We understand,-" He was cut off by M'gann.

"You are not able to protect yourself from bullets as easily as us. We were worried."

"In Gotham, you are constantly shot at, do you really think Batman is stupid enough to let me go on the field without kelvar?" He hissed.

Conner was going to yell at Robin for talking to Megan like that, but Megan silently shook her head asking him not to. He leaned back into his seat.

"Artemis doesn't have any powers, yet you didn't try to 'protect' her. I'm the one you thought was weak and couldn't handle the situation. I handle the situation everyday in Gotham. I don't need your protection, so don't try."

"Don't try to protect you?! We're your friends, we are allowed to protect you." Wally yelled.

"I agree with Baywatch." Artemis piped up, her arms crossed.

Wally ignored her nickname for him. "We don't think you're weak-"

"Really?! Then, why didn't you protect Artemis? She's a human like me. No powers. Yet, you sought out to protect me from measly bullets. Like I was a lost little kid, frightened and scared. I'm not. I haven't been a kid since I was eight. I've been through and seen things that I wouldn't wish on my worst eniemies. So, don't EVER underestimate me again." He snapped, his hard face fading with each word. He grew angrier until alll you could see on his face was pure fury.

Everyone shrunk back from his glare, one that could rival the Bat's. They had never seen him like this. It was terrifying.

The ship landed in the hangar and Robin stormed out as fast as he could. They were frozen in shock. Minutes pasted and they slowly shook out of their daze.

They walked to the mission room, ready to give the report, when the sight in front of them made them freeze in their tracks.

Robin was yelling at his mentor. If possible, more angry than before.

"How could you not tell me this?! I had to learn from eavsdropping on a conversation from you and Superman! Why wouldn't you tell me?!"

"I didn't want to upset you." He stated.

"And I'm any less upset learning like this! I deserved to know after what that bastard did to me."

The team's eyes widened, Robin never cursed.

"Robin.." Batman warned.

"I don't care! You should of let me know. I have ever right to know! He deserves to be in that hellhole and I should of helped you put him back in it."

"The day is coming up and I didn't think-"

"That I could handle it?! I helped you take out that guy when I was eight! I have no intention of killing him! And you know that! Don't you trust me?!"

Batman was silent.

Robin scoffed, "I'm out of here."

Batman reached out, "Robin.."

Robin spun around, "I'm supposed to be your partner, someone you could trust. You don't trust me though, if you did you would have told me my parents murderer was on the loose. I'm nothing more than a sidekick to you." He spat out.

Batman froze and let Robin stalk off. He pushed through the team and headed towards his motorcycle. He angrily threw on his helmet and sped off. Without a single glance back.


Not a day went by when they didn't regret everything they did that day. Now, he was missing and it was all their faults.

"We're here." M'gann said softly.

They nodded and jumped out. Megan set up the mind link.

"Everyone remember the plan?" Kaldur asked.

"Yes." They chorused.


They snuck in and navigated through the hallways of the dark building. They reached the general's room and looked inside.

Sawyers was sitting at his desk, but he wasn't alone. He had a sword to his throat. It wasn't held by Deathstroke. He was standing next to the person who was. A boy. He was muscular, lean, and tall. About 5'8. He was wearing a black spandex suit with orange lines going down the sides. His shaggy hair was dark. They couldn't see his face, but he looked familiar.

"What do we do? Batman said not to engage, but if we don't he dies." Artemis asked frantically.

"Where is the hard drive, General. We don't have all day." Deathroke said. His voice was cold, colder than Batman's, yet smooth like honey.

He remained silent, his eyes wide with fear.


The boy, Renegade, stiffly nodded and pressed the sword to his throat tighter. A leak of blood came out.

He panicked, "Please, don't kill me! I have a wife and kids, please!"

"Then, you ought to tell us where the hard drive is."

"It's-It's in a secret compartment in the wall. Next to the file cabinet." He dropped his head.

"Very good, General Sawyers. Renegade," Deathstroke snapped his fingers."kill him."

"What?! But I told you where it was. You promised you would keep me alive, if I told you where it was!"

Deathstroke leaned forward, "I did no such thing."

Geneal Sawyers eyes widened in realization. He closed his eyes and waited for the killing blow.

"Go." Kaldur said.

The team sprung forward, prepared to fight. The sword did not leave the general's throat.

"Renegade, grab the hard drive and leave. I'll deal with the children."

He nodded stiffly and removed the sword from the general's throat. The general dove under his desk.

The boy gilded over to the secret compartment, finding it with ease. He broke it open and grabbed the hard drive. He tucked it away into his belt.

Deathstroke fought against the team. Swatting them away like they were flies. Renegade went to open a window.

"Wally! The boy is escaping!"

"On it!"

Wally sped over to the boy, prepared to tackle him. The boy's arm shot out and punched him in the face. Wally was thrown down to the ground from the power behind the punch.

He jumped up and sent a punch his way. Renegade caught it and twisted his arm, then slammed him into the wall. The wall cracked. Wally slid down it and fell to the ground.

"Wally!" Artemis yelled.

"I'm fine." He grunted.

"You don't sound fine, Baywatch."

"Just contact the league."

"Already done. They'll be here shortly." Kaldur weezed.

Wally staggered to get up, but he managed to do it. The boy was opening the window. He lunged, but the boy somehow knew he did and flipped him over his head like Wally weighed no more than a feather.

His teamates were worse. It had only been a few minutes and they were exaughsted. Conner was already taken down, the others coming very close.

"I'll deal with him, Renegade. Leave before the Justice League gets here."

"Yes, master." He spoke for the first time. It was a surprisingly monotonous voice of a teenager. Mid-puberty. It seemed familiar...

He turned and grabbed his grappling hook. He hesitated at the window and looked at Wally dead on.

Wally's eyes widened at the sight of his face, "Robin?"