So here's chapter 2. The Hobbit and it's characters do not belong to me.

Present Day:

Tauriel was snorted with laughter as Dis described the sight of her older brother cowering in fear.

"I'm sorry, but I cannot picture Thorin cowering before anyone."

"Oh, it's a gift. Both my brothers learned from young ages I am not one you want to cross." Dis said taking a sip from her mug. Tauriel's phone chose that moment to ring. It was Sigrid.

"Hey Sig, what's up."

"You know how you told me things couldn't get any worse than them just getting paint everywhere."


"Things got worse."

"What happened?"

"You'll find out soon enough." With that Sigrid hung up. Tauriel frowned down at her phone.

"Let me guess. The boys did something they were not supposed to."


"Do you know what?"

"Nope." Dis sighed and leaned back in her hair.

"Then we shall sit back and see how this unfolds." A few short minutes later the front door slammed open and in stumbled three paint-covered men.

"Did we loose them?" Panted Sigrid's younger brother Bain.

"Ya, but not for long." Kili said leaning against the doorframe.

"We could hop the fence in the back yard then cut through the woods. There's a bus stop on the other side, we could be on a bus to London before they catch us." Fili said.

"What did you do?" Tauriel asked incredulously.

"No time to explain. They're coming!" With that the three of them took off through the house to the back door. Tauriel looked over at Dis.

"Should we go after them?"

"No I think in this case, it would be best not to get involved." Dis said picking up a magazine and lazily thumbing through it. Once again the front door slammed open and in ran Thorin and Bard, Sigrid's father. Both of them were covered from head to toe in light green paint.

"Where are they?" Thorin asked through clenched teeth.

"Back yard, they're trying to hop the fence." Dis said without looking up from her magazine. Both men ran towards the backyard. "I swear, they are all going to turn me grey before I hit fifty five." Dis said before Thorin and Bard re-entered dragging Bain and Fili with them.

"Tauriel, when you see my snake brother, please tell him next time I see him, I'm going to kill him!" Fili yelled as Thorin dragged him out the front door.

Several hours later Tauriel returned to her flat in London that she shared with Kili. She was greeted by their one eyed tabby cat Smaug, named after Thorin's self-proclaimed "archenemy" due to the cat's unhealthy hatred towards Kili's uncle.

"Anyone home?" Tauriel called.

"In the bathroom." Came a reply Tauriel dropped her keys and purse on the coffee table in the living room and walked down the hall to the bathroom. The door was open, Kili was standing in front of the bathroom mirror clad only in a pair of sweat pants. He looked like he had just gotten out of the shower. His hair was wet and he was now relatively paint free, except for some places in his hair. Kili frowned at his reflection and ran his hand through his hair.

"This is the third time I've showered and I've still got paint in my hair." Tauriel smirked.

"If it doesn't come out, we may have to cut it." Kili straiten up and turned towards his girlfriend.

"She didn't…" Tauriel smiled and removed the picture of Kili with the Mohawk from the back pocket of her jeans.

"Oh she did." Kili lunged forward and tried to grab the photo but Tauriel was quick and dodged Kili with ease, laughing. Tauriel ran down the hall laughing, Kili right at her heels. When he caught up with her he wrapped his arms around her waist and the pair fell onto the living room sofa, where Kili was finally able to pry the picture away from Tauriel. "You know you look adorable right."

"I was five." Kili replied.

"What I really want to know is how you got it in your hair in the first place." Kili sighed and sat back on the couch.

"You know, I'm not even sure how I was able to get that damned glue everywhere but my toy."

"I also want to know what happened today with the paint." Tauriel said snuggling up next to Kili.

"Ya, uh how about we don't go into that."

"Fine. By the way, Fili says the next time he sees you, you're a dead man." Kili shrugged.

"It was every man for himself. Not my fault Fili and Bain couldn't get over the fence in time."

"Ok, one last question. Why the hell did you choose a Mohawk?" Kili blushed as ran a hand through his hair.

"I may have seen a picture of Dwalin with one when he and Thorin were teenagers."

"You are kidding me. Dwalin with a Mohawk."

"Yep. Apparently, he and Thorin went through a pretty big punk phase." Tauriel laughed.

"Your family is absolutely crazy." Kili wrapped an arm around Tauriel's shoulders.

"I know."

And so that ends the Hair Incident. Hope you all enjoyed this. I'm thinking about writing a short fic about the boys and what happened with Thorin and Bard, let me know if you want me to.