Chapter 32: E_

MacKenzie: This was it, wasn't it? My trachea was already crushed, wasn't it? I wasn't going to be able to breathe soon enough… Like right now. Song appeared behind me, fuck… Don't tell me it was going after her too. It dropped me and held a broken knife, one cracked in half for some reason. Song turned to run but it hit her and corner her.

"No!" it grabbed her arms. "LET ME GO!" she screamed. I didn't expect to die today… but no one ever really does… do they?

Shirong: "Shi—!" I heard the scream of my sister.

"Nikki, is it?" Luckily the girl got up. "I need to go, please wake him up and get everyone out of here. Okay?!" she nodded slowly, so I got up and left the room. Running towards her voice, or at least where I thought it was. 15 seconds… That was all it took to get to her and when I found my way to her, she was already dead. Her intestines, her lungs, her heart had literally fallen out of her body, and she was just dropped like a sack of flour. I-I couldn't believe my eyes.

"S-Song… SONG?!" I kneeled by her and cried miserably. Why did we separate, why did we separate?! WHY DIDN'T I STAY WITH HER?! I felt a knife enter my back and I screamed out, but I couldn't even care about that. I only recognized the pain, nothing else… I was blind, I was deaf, I was numb, I was mute. Every part of me was gone, my best friend and my sister just died within a span of two minutes. I didn't get to say goodbye, I didn't get to tell her I love her. I didn't get to say thank you. I could feel the sticky fluid around me, that was my blood wasn't it? How many times have I been stabbed now? I can't feel anything… Why?

Bella: I looked at Abby and kissed her tenderly and said one thing: "Run." One of us was going to die, right? If not both of us, she needed to run. Both of us shouldn't have to die. Abby pulled my hand and I ran with her, past the twins and MacKenzie. The two of us crying horribly, we hated this place. We wanted all of it gone, I thought things would be different… but it's all the fucking same. It was done and it was coming after us. There was a woman, coming after it with a crowbar in hand, and a man with a sledge hammer.

"Yuki?" that woman was my babysitter when I was little. She continued going full speed just to have that thing grab her and slam her into the wall. Instantly snapping her neck. I stood there and screamed.

"Bella?! Bella… you have to listen to me, we have to go this is our only chance." Did I really want to live? I love Abby but, after all this?

"I-I don't want to live." I cried like a baby, but who wouldn't…? The man next to her was crying too, he was scared he had actually messed himself.

"Don't say that, we have to go!" There was a moaning sound as the thing twitched its head at me and began making its way over. Abby stood in front of it, but it just grabbed her and pushed her to the side.

"Y-You're my dad's brother, Peter right? My uncle… I saw you die, all those years ago. You attempted to kill Abby, and you did kill Uncle Richie… Did you kill my dad?" I had to know. It looked at me curiously but shook its head.

"M… I…K…E…" it spelled out, it wasn't Peter it was, Mike. I looked down sadly, I should've known…

"Just make it quick."

"Bella, no!" Abby screamed at me, I'm sorry, I can't take it anymore.

Abby: There was a screaming sounds from behind me as something pounced at the machine, and it went stumbling back. It looked like Foxy, but… Foxy was destroyed 25 years ago. The man pissed himself grabbed Bella quickly and snatched her away from this hall.

"Come on! We're getting the fuck out of here!" he told me and ran with her, it took me a minute to register what he said and then actually move and keep up with him. We were always running we're we? When we finally exited the building, Luke and Iris, Mike's sister, were outside. They were about to go in when we exited.

"What are you two doing here?" I asked.

"MacKenzie said…" Luke started.

"He shouldn't have called, he's dead." I was straightforward about it. Nikki and Mike were in the back listening and when they heard someone died, Nikki was almost in tears but Mike didn't look fazed.

"What?!" Luke cried out, this almost happened once before… but now that it actually was.

"The twins are dead too, even Yuki Gisei." I continued. "They both fought for their lives, but it wasn't enough."

"Of course… but you get out just fucking fine. You didn't do shit did you?" Luke growled at me.

"I'm sorry but we have to leave him." I placed a hand on his shoulder. "We have to lock them in and burn the place down." I added.

"No!" Iris interrupted. "They… They need a proper funeral." She stated. "All of this has come from the others not having a proper funeral, they're bodies were never found, th-they need to be buried." Michael must've told her everything.

"I'm not going back in there. And I'm not letting Bella go back." I held her closely.

"I-I don't believe this…" Fritz muttered to himself. "A-All of that just happened…"

"You don't have to." Mike said. "I'll go back for them."

"I'm going with you." Iris said. He opened his mouth as if to say something, but she intervened. "Don't even argue you know your limits and you can't carry four people." She said, people not bodies or corpses but people.

"Fine. Come on." They entered the building, Jeremy sitting by the door, Nikki approached her father.

"You know… I was really proud to be your daughter for two seconds…" she started. "Then those two seconds ended." She shook her head and walked inside. "Wait, I'm coming to help!" she ran in, she was a really brave kid.

Mike: It was easy to find the bodies, they were by the other exit the machine was fighting with something I could not see. When we found them, both girls paused for a second and stared. Nikki picked up Song after a moment, Iris stared longer.

"Sis… we have to go." I held her shoulder and picked up MacKenzie. Iris nodded and picked up Shirong. "I have to get Yuki too."

"No, I can take Mack, you can take Yuki." Another man was behind me, it was Luke.

"Luke, I'm sorry for your loss." I tried to console but he just shook his head at me.

"Can you fuck off for the rest of the day? Now isn't the time for your bullshit grief spiel." He said, I nodded. I didn't blame him, nor was I offended. I was the same way after '81. I handed over MacKenzie to him, his eyes were red. I looked away, best to give him his space and privacy. I picked up Yuki with no problem and went to exit. It was strange to think, just moments ago, she was fine… running around, smiling, even acting like a boss. Now, I could hardly believe her head caved in the way it did.

"I wish I knew you better." I muttered under my breath hearing a crash in the other room, was it having some kind of tantrum? We left eh building and Abby locked up the building.

"Is there anyone else in the building?" she asked to make sure that this could be taken care of properly.

"I don't think so." I said.

"Charlotte, but it's best if she stays in there." Nikki explained. "She told me a lot before she started fighting that thing, and she says she was going to…"

Peter: I thought I finally had her down for once, but she just didn't let up. It seemed like she wasn't alone either, there was Peeta and the others too, except one which I think was forcing me to take her abuse.

"It's been so long, and we're still doing this." She said, "And ye tried to end it in de w'rst way." Her voice changed to that of her captain but only for a moment. "This isn't going to end any other way." She had a lighter in her hand.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" my twin asked her, "After you do this, there's no coming back." He warned.

"I'm sure this is the end." She had a news paper in her hand and she set it on fire, it caught instantly she did the same to the walls. I tried to move, her had was burning as well, blisters were already appearing. She tossed the paper at me, lighting me on fire. It didn't hurt. "See you in hell, fucker." She said and sat on the ground, waiting for the end. Jensen was right… I didn't deserve any but I still begged… "H…e…l…p…m…e… Please…"

Karli: Help…me…Please… Why did that sound familiar? I knew it was Peter now, but had I heard that before? It didn't matter anymore, nothing matters. But this death was different, it didn't hurt at all, it was just hard to breathe at first. Then when the place came tumbling down and pinned me, and eventually him, down. Was I going to become a balloon again, be taken back up? I never knew, the pain started it was horrible. I was being stung all over, but I didn't care anymore. I was going down, and I was taking him with me. Both of them, all of them. It… was… over…

Abby: It had been at least three weeks and no one bothered with the attraction, but there wasn't much left, I couldn't even find "Charlotte's" remains. Most of it was things in the office, and the arcade machine by the door. How strange, it didn't matter. I held my stomach, wondering if the operation worked on Bella. If it did she would be having a baby… I felt bad, I wished I could've postponed it until she felt better about all of this, all of this grief but the appointment was made months ago and it would be another year until we had an opportunity again. I went through the wreckage, to see what else was left… A top hat, a desk plush, Foxy's mask and... no… way…

/ Thanks for reading! I've done a lot of thinking. And I think it's best if I ended it here. I'm aware of FNaF 4, and I've seen the trailer, however that would most likely start another story, not continue this one. So, yeah. I was planning on doing another chapter, but it came off as a soap opera/therapy session as I was writing it, and there's enough drama in the last 30 chapters. Thank you, so much for reading this. Goodbye, and thank you. Again.