Author's Note:

So hey guys! I'm so glad for all the feedback on this story. I just wanted to say that there is actually a new chapter up, but primarily on AO3 because I barely use anymore, except to keep my old stories.

I'm not sure when my next update will be since I'm not as big on LoK anymore, but I'll try to get one up since I'm still receiving such great reviews!

You can find the story here on the archiveofourown site: /works/2362697

You can still comment and even download it without an account, but if you get an AO3 account you can also subscribe to the story (the AO3 equivalent of 's Follow) so you'll get updates in case I post a new chapter.

I prefer AO3 for many reasons, but mostly for how much easier it is to post and read fics there. Hope you guys will be okay with my moving there.

And thank you so much for your support! Here is a snippet of the new chapter (which is chapter 12 and chapter 13 on the AO3 site)

Taraka was feeling, quite frankly, like shit.

Waking up to vomiting into the toilet certainly didn't help her mood.

The last week, she'd spent in the office with Lee, the two of them trading perspectives as a bender and non-bender, a woman in a position of power and a man who counted himself among the community of Republic City's marginalized.

She knew Tenzin would eat these ideas right up. Ever the pacifist, he was looking for a peaceful way to quell the non-benders' anger.

She also knew that by now, her 'revelation' about Lee's apparent Equalist nature was irrelevant. If she could save Republic City by showing her support for non-benders and discrediting Amon's terrorism, she'd finally achieve what she'd been striving for for over a decade.

Lee wasn't a violent man. He was simply desperate. Pushed, as with the rest of the non-bending civilians, to join the one man who'd spoken out for them. Their loyalty was misplaced, but not entirely unreasonable. Once Taraka cut the head off of the Equalist movement, once she defeated Amon, she might find a future with the man she loved, finally.

Yes, she loved him. She wanted a future with him. If that meant compromises, she'd make them.

Although admittedly, it was difficult to think of her rose-tinted future when she was hacking up her empty stomach so early in the morning.

"And you're sure you didn't eat any bad seafood yesterday?"

"I'm sure," Taraka said irritably. "If I had, wouldn't I have vomited it out the night before, when it was still in my stomach, and not now when it's already gone through me? Some healer you are."

"Oh don't you get hissy with me, young lady," the old healer scolded.

"I'm thirty-six."

"Yes, and in the pink. Perfectly healthy, even more so than most women your age. I don't understand why you would be experiencing such—wait!"

Taraka jumped. "What? What is it?"

"Have you had relations lately?" the healer demanded, and Taraka's heart skipped a beat, her throat drying almost immediately.