Hey guys, I had to write this, this won't leave me alone and the plot bunnies are nipping at me, demanding I write this one up, anyway I hope you enjoy this fic ^_^

Disclaimer: I do not own anything, only my OC's.

Sitting on the windowsill as the rain poured form the sky was the only thing that she liked, it kept her company, the rain suited her mood, miserable and gloomy, pair of green eyes stared out the window.

Amber sighed softly as her chocolate brown hair was in a messy bun, wearing a t-shirt that was too big for her and a pair of shorts, the rain continued to pour down from the grey sky, she felt unwanted, especially around her parents and older siblings, while the older siblings got the praise, the things they wanted and the love, she got nothing, absolutely nothing, it like as if she didn't exist in the first place.

'I wish I didn't.' She thought as she continued to look out the window.

Her home was suppose to be her sanctuary but it wasn't, not with her siblings around, they picked on her, taunted her, bullied her, the neighbourhood kids were no better, she felt like an outcast, a nobody, her family were out for a week while she was left alone, her parents didn't even ask, they didn't even acknowledge her at all.

Going to school was no better, she was bullied there, taunted, pushed, shoved, knocked down, a punching bag, a doormat to her tormentors, she hated it, she had considered running away and is still thinking about it.

She frowned, it was recently one of her brothers taunted her by showing off a Xbox 360 he claimed he found in a pawn shop. Amber merely stared at it with a blank look, that was a week ago. Amber shifted on her seating and continued to look out the window with a blank expression on her face. A sigh escaped her lips as she then a frown appeared on her face.

She watched as cars zoomed by and then looked to the sky as the faint sound of thunder was heard as there was a low rumble.

"Great." She sighed. "Just what I needed."

A frown appeared on her lips as there was a flash and then another rumble of thunder, she continued to look to the outside world as people ran down the street to get to their homes as the rain got heavier as the drops became fat as they hit the concrete. Amber shifted and continued to watch the thunder and lightning, it was mocking her, it was as if the man in the sky was laughing at her misery and mocking her.

"You love to make fun of me don't you." She mumbled as she looked to the sky.

She was answered with a rumble of thunder as her frown turned into a scowl. "Ha, ha."

Amber sighed but continued to sit in her position, she had the home to herself but that wasn't good enough, she wanted her parent's love and affection, to be praised by them, but sadly that was a big no, no, she worked hard to get good grades, she pushed herself to her limit to at least get one praise, to get their affection, but sadly she couldn't, she just couldn't, it was impossible to do.

For her older brothers and sister however that wasn't difficult, they did it with ease, she envied them for that, she was the fourth child, while her two older brothers and sister got the praise, got the attention, she didn't.

Amber closed her eyes but was startled when the lightning was brighter and the rumble of thunder was louder, a hand was placed on her chest as the rain continued to pound her home. She breathed out slowly and glanced back to the window.

Amber sat up as the thunder and lightning passed long ago and the rain was not so heavy any longer.

"Well." She sighed. "Guess I'll go and make myself some Pop Tarts."

She got off the bed and then left her room as she walked down the hallway of her home, the silence was uncomfortable as she had nobody to talk to since she had no friends, she did have a friend but they ended up giving her tormentors her mobile number and they taunted her through texts. Amber scoffed, with a friend like that, who needed enemies, she got a new phone and number in the end and refused to share the number with anyone.

She walked down the wooden stairs as they creaked with each step she took. Green eyes looked around and then a sigh.

Amber hurried along to the kitchen and reached for the cupboard for a box of Pop Tarts. She took a packet out and then opened the packet and placed them into the toaster as she pushed the leaver down to cook the treats. She looked around and then crossed her arms, rubbing them in an attempt to keep herself warm, she was cold, oh so cold.

She turned her head just in time to see her treats pop out, grabbing a plate she placed them onto the plate and then walked off to go back upstairs, dragging her feet as she went.

"I hate this." She sighed.

Amber frowned but went back to her room to snack on her treat, she had already had her meal so she was all good.

She walked up the stairs and back to her room to eat her snack, grumbling under her breath she closed the door with her foot and went to sit on her bed as the TV blared in the background, on some show that was talking about Mission City which happened two weeks ago. She frowned, the military was involved in the battle as the government claimed it was a group of terrorists, but she didn't believe that at all, they were covering something up but she didn't know what.

But she had no proof of that at all, no evidence to back up her story, nothing, only her own theory. She bit her lip, another school day tomorrow but she was going to skip, she was sick and tired of the taunts she got at school. Amber took a bite of her PopTart and looked at the TV.

"What they won't know won't hurt them." She whispered.

A sigh escaped her lips as she took another bite of her snack.

The moon shone in the night sky as the grey clouds were long gone, stars twinkled in the night sky, the neighbourhood was in pure darkness as nobody had their lights on.

In the darkness a blue little orb floated as it shone brightly, floating gently towards one of the homes, fading dimly and then brightening up again as if it was about to lose it's life, it hurried along and entered a home as it floated through the empty hallway and through the small gap of an open door.

The blue orb floated over and hovered over the brown haired girl as Amber slept peacefully, chest rising and falling as she laid on her back, the duvet covering her lower half as she wore silk pyjamas.

Being as quick as it could it quickly sunk into her chest and into her body.

Unaware that in another room in the home the Xbox stirred.

Aaaand done, sorry it was short but I can't help that at all, not my fault I didn't want to put down too much, but anyway, I hoped you like this fic of mine :3.

If you find the time, please leave a review I would appreciate it. No naming chapters because I can't think of a title and I don't want to name chapters because I'm lazy ^3^

And I will see you all in the next chapter, bye!