
She walked through the hallways. The floors were linoleum and of a bluish white hue. The air was thick, cluttered with the voices of hundreds of students chatting and even more lockers opening and closing.

"Elsa!" Elsa turned around to see Anna, hand in hand, with her boyfriend, Kristoff, walking toward her. "We can show you where to find your schedule and your classes if you want."

Elsa turned around to face her sister, "That will not be necessary. I will see you at the end of the day."

"But I thought we could hang out and –" Anna's voice became more hesitant

"I said no." With that Elsa turned heel and walked away.

She could still hear Kristoff say, "What did we do?"

After about ten minutes she found the reception desk. "Hello, My name is Elsa Winters, the senior transfer, may I have my schedule?" She asked.

"Oh! Of course." The receptionist pulled out a manila folder and handed Elsa the colored paper inside it.

"You are Anna Winter's sister, right?"

"Yes, she is my sister. " She corrected.

"Uh- well, I'm Ms. –"

"Excuse me. I have a rather pressing matter to attend to called classes. But rest assured, I expect we will be meeting again." She walked away and looked at the locker number searching for 104. After putting everything in the locker she looked at her schedule, first period class was Math.


He took his regular seat in the middle of the classroom. All of his fan girls were to the right and his friends to his left. He was waiting for Flynn to come but Jack knew the ladies' man was going to be late. He was always late. Hiccup was already sitting in his seat when a blonde haired girl walked in and sat behind Jack. A minute later, Flynn ran in, "Hey, that's my seat. "

The blonde did not look up. Instead she took out her copy of the math textbook and started skimming it.

"Hey! Don't ignore me! I always sit here!" Flynn was clearly annoyed. Everyone turned to see was going on. Flynn was fairly popular and everyone wanted to get new dirt on him.

"Flynn, please find another seat. You and Mr. Frost are not attached at the hip. You will survive. Besides, you both will just snicker the entire class. And you young lady please introduce yourself to the class." Mr. North said as he walked through the door.

Jack watched the blonde stand up, "Hello, My name is Elsa Winters. Anna Winters is my sister. I previously attended a boarding school in Canada and due to family matters, or lack thereof, I have moved back home and will be attending school here. " Jack listened attentively. Elsa spoke slowly and her voice was soft yet cold. It was the voice of someone who was overly aware of what they were saying and how they were saying it. It was then that Jack decided Elsa Winters was an interesting person to make connections with. It's a good thing he knew her sister, Anna.


"So! How is public school life, Elsa?" I tried to break the silence.

"Repulsive." Elsa replied without looking up. I feigned a laugh and took note of the mock gag Jack gave Flynn.

"Rapunzel. I was wondering why we see you and Merrida more often than Elsa?" Jack laughed. The question was innocent.

"I do not –"

"Here is a better question. Why is Merrida, here? Do you not spend the entirety of summer vacation in Scotland? Neverglades' school year does not begin until September 16." Elsa crossed a leg over the other. Her classic upper class move.

"Why don't you answer the question we are all wondering? Why the hell are you dressed like that? Because Rapunzel knows, I know, and you know. But your sister sure doesn't know. Heck! These boys should know before Frosty over here decides to spend the night in your bedroom. " Merrida laughed as she took a sip of her iced tea.

"Shut up Merrida." Elsa warned. It was always like that. It started with Elsa's voice tensing up. Anna flinched at Elsa's words. Hiccup started to drink his water like he intended to drown himself in it.

"Seriously! You two don't even go to the same school anymore! Why the hell are you still listening to this guy!" I realized I had been holding my breathe the entire time.

"Fuck off, Merrida!" Elsa's outburst was unexpected. Even the uninterested Flynn looked up. Elsa cleared her throat, clearly trying to regain composure. "I do not tell you who to see. So do not tell me who can."

"See? You are his fucking lapdog. What? Did he tell you to wear that dress?" Merrida laughed.

"Okay! I think you need to stop there Merrida." I interrupted.

"Why? Because I'll get a bad rap? What time is he exceptin' you?"

"Oh gosh!" Elsa stood and ran out the room. "Anna I'll be back in a few hours."

"For God's sake. Hiccup, stop drinkin' an' take a breath, will ya?" Merida shouted.


"I am late, I am sorry." Elsa ran to the red Porsche.

"Your hair is not straightened, darling." His teeth were perfectly white as usual as he smiled his golden smile.

"I know. I am sorry. I was in a hurry. " She felt a shiver run down her spine.

"It is fine, love. Perfectly alright." His hands wrapped around her waist as he aggressively pulled her body to his. Elsa took a deep breath as his lips covered hers. She could immediately feel his tongue against her lips asking for entry which she gave . This is the man I fell in love with. Suddenly he pulled away. All she saw was his hand raised and then she was on the ground. "It is alright as long as you do not disobey me next time."

"Pitch. I-" He grabbed Elsa by the hair and lifted her to her feet.

"Continue. What were you going to say to me? " He pulled Elsa's head back so she could hardly swallow.

"I am sorry. I love you, Pitch. I will not disobey you next time." The pain was worse now. She didn't want to. Crying was a sign of weakness. But her body would not listen to her and slowly but surely tears started to hang off the tips of her eyelashes, threatening to fall.

"Good." He let go and pulled Elsa into a tight embrace. "This whole charade has put me in a bitter mood. I guess we will have to postpone our date until Saturday. Goodnight, love. Oh! Remember to clean yourself up before you return home, your cheek is red. And stop crying. It's unbecoming. Remember conceal, do not feel." With that the red Porsche came to life and drove of.

Elsa touched her cheek gently. "Right, conceal do not feel," And she walked home.


"There goes Pitch's Bitch – "

"Don't call her that Mer!"

"Why not? She thinks just because she is dating Pitch Black that she can act all high and mighty. They're probably doing it right now."

"Merrida! I know you don't mean that!" It hurt. There's our friendship in a few crude sentences by Merrida. This is all because of Pitch.

"Wait! Elsa is dating Pitch Black? Like THE Pitch Black? As in the hot son of Peter Black?" Anna's eyes were practically sparkling. Kristoff looked slightly pissed off and the other boys were watching everything unfold silently.

"Yeah. Him. And now Elsa –"

"Stop talking about me while I'm away." Elsa looked frazzled, slightly sick to the stomach. She moved to get a cup of water. But her hand never moved from her cheek.

"Woah. Was that an actually conjunction?" Merrida sneered.

Elsa slammed down the cup. "You know what Merrida? I am sick and tired of your bullshit. You are the one who ruins everything." She used her other hand to pour more water revealing the mark on her cheek.

"Elsa. What happened between you and Pitch?" I walked over to my friend and tried to put a hand on her shoulder but Elsa slapped it away. "You can talk to me if-"

"Pitch got angry because of her." Elsa pointed at Merrida. "That is all you need to know."

"He hit you didn't he?" I know he did.

"Conceal, don't feel. You know how it goes. " Elsa said softly as she strode up the stairs


I watched at the platinum blonde girl blush. It was obvious she had been hit now. Her skin was so pale I could see the impression of every finger on her cheek. Her eyes were tinted red and her braided hair was in tangles around her shoulder. She was hit and she was crying and for some reason she was hiding that from her friends and sister. This entire time she put up this inpenetratable wall but all I could see was how vulnerable she was.

"Conceal, don't feel. You know how it goes." Elsa walked up the stairs after that. I realized I had been staring at her the throughout the entire exchange.

"You realized what you were doing yet?" Flynn smirked.

"I don't know what you mean." I took a sip.

"You were checking her out dude. "

"Why don't you shut up and bother Hiccup about his crush on Merrida."

Hiccup started coughing on my other side as Flynn pounced on his new target.

I took another sip. Conceal, don't feel. That sounded familiar.

This fanfic won't have a strict or hardcore schedule in terms of updates. I tried that once and I was never able to stick to the schedule. But my goal is post a new chapter atleast every 2 weeks and at worse once a month. I hope y'all liked the first chapter. I love Jelsa!
