Chapter 5 – Halloween Party


It is finally Halloween day and I'm so glad that after tonight this holiday will be gone along with all the pranks going on around here. I usually take off on Halloween so I can keep my brood under control. So far this morning everything is going okay. The wolf children are off school today and so is Leah so they are busy getting their last touches on their costumes for tonight. It is afternoon and I am trying to go through my emails and write my reports up but as usual I have just been interrupted when I heard a commotion coming from Alice and Jasper's room.

"Babe, I'm going downstairs to make sure the tires on Uncle Billy's hearse are still okay," Rosalie said.

"Okay, I'm going to get all my stuff ready to dress as Jazzy tonight," Emmett said.

"Okay," Rosalie said.

"I have to go to Jazzy and get an instrument to take along and act like I can play it. I probably can play it better than he tries to," Emmett laughed. Rosalie did too.

"Hey Jazzy, are you and Ali home?" Emmett asked knocking on their door.

No answer, so Emmett opened the door and stepped in. Jasper had said if they weren't in the room, that Emmett should come in and take whatever instrument he wanted.

"Hmm, I think I'll take the violin. It will be easier to cart around instead of a guitar. I should just take the violin without the bow. It would still sound better than when Jazzy tries to play it," Emmett laughed to himself.

As Emmett was leaving, he heard a slight scratching noise coming from the closet. He stopped and listened, but didn't hear it. He started for the door and he heard it again.

"Boy, I better check that out. It might be a mouse and if it is, Alice would freak out," Emmett thought aloud and made his way to the closet.

As he neared the closet the sound stopped again. He stopped and listened and didn't hear anything. Just as he was about to turn around, the sound came again and Emmett quickly opened the closet door to surprise the mouse. There standing in front of him, was a giant owl that now reached its wings out and grabbed at him.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH! Its back, its back! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Emmett shrieked and flashed out of the room and down the hall.

I came out of my study as he was flashing by screaming at the top of his lungs.

"Emmett!" I called to him.


"What the…," I said to myself. Then I heard hysterical laughing coming from Alice and Jasper's room. I made my way down there. When I entered Alice and Jasper's room I was met with the sight of a huge owl laying on the bed laughing its tail feathers off.

"JACOB CULLEN! Get out of that owl suit," I shouted at him.

"Dad, you should've seen his face! It was awesome!" Jake said laughing his tail off.

"Get out of that owl suit and show him it was you or we'll never get him calmed down. He just got over all that owl business and then you have to stir it up again," I scolded him.

Jake climbed out of the owl suit and was still laughing. He was doubled over and was trying to make his way down the hallway dragging the owl suit behind him.

"Jacob, I'm going to whack your tail if you don't get down there and calm him down," I said to him in warning.

"Ha ha ha ha, okay Dad, just give me a…ha ha ha…minute," Jake said laughing.

"One…two…," I began.

"I'm going, I'm going," Jake said making his way down the stairs with the owl suit.

Walking down the stairs, the others were in the living room and heard all the commotion. Emmett had run outside looking for Esme. She was out in the garden. When he spied her, he ran toward her knocking her down and then crawled in her lap screaming. Esme held him tight trying to calm him down.

"What did you do?" Bella asked Jake.

"Scared Emmett with this owl suit," Jake said laughing and still dragging the suit.

"I might've know it was you," Rosalie said coming in from the garage and seeing Jake and the owl suit.

"It was hilarious," Jake laughed.

"Yeah, well I'm going to shave your tail and your ear," Rosalie threatened and flashed out to the garage and came back in with a battery operated clipper that is kept in the garage.

"Hey, you get away from me, remember what you did the last time," Jake said reminding her of the mishap she caused.

Rosalie flashed over to Jake and grabbed him and had him in an arm lock. Jake fought and wiggled to get free but couldn't budge. He then phased into a wolf and growled and bit at Rosalie. Rosalie easily picked him up and drug him out to the garage. Jake was nipping at her and growling and snapping. She got him in the garage and turned the clipper on. I walked into the garage just as she held him down and took a strip off of his tail. Jake was yelping and snapping at her, trying to twist away from her.

"ROSALIE LILLIAN CULLEN! You put that clipper down this minute," I yelled to her. She dropped it immediately and let go of Jake who rushed over by me.

"What's the matter with you? You better hope this didn't mess his hair or anything else on him when he phases back to human form, Young Lady," I warned her.

"Daddy, did you see what he did to my Emmy?" Rosalie said.

"Yes, I did. Don't worry, I'll deal with him. Jacob, go to your room and phase back to human form and meet me in the bathroom so I can see if you are okay," I said to him.

Jake shook himself and winced to me. I rubbed his massive head and he looked back at Rosalie and growled and snapped at her again and then turned his back to her, stuck his snout up in the air and also threw his tail up high and pranced out of the garage into the kitchen. Rosalie laughed.

"You better hope he is not hurt or his hair is messed up, my dear," I warned her.

"But Dad, look what he did to Emmy," Rosalie pointed out.

"Emmett has pulled his fair share of tricks over the years. It's about time he got a taste of his own medicine," I said to her. "Clean this mess up."

Walking back into the house I stopped and addressed my children who were laughing it up and carrying on.

"That's enough with the pranks. Anymore and you're going to be grounded from the party tonight. The pranks are getting a little much now," I warned them all.

"Yes Dad," they answered.

As I got to the bathroom, Jake was already there looking at is backside in the mirror. He was going on about something. I walked in and closed the door behind me.

"Dad, look what she did. My butt has razor burn," Jake said showing me a patch of razor burn on his left cheek.

"Let me take a look at it," I said sitting down on the toilet. "Bend over my lap, Jake."

"What? Why am I getting it?" Jake asked.

"No, no, just bend over my lap so I can get a better look at it," I said to him.

"I don't want to. That's not the best position to be in with you, Dad," Jake said a little worried.

"Jake, come on. I just want to check it out," I said again.

Jake finally sauntered over and lowered himself over my lap. He was not very comfortable. He just pulled the part of his underwear down to reveal his left cheek. I then pulled his underpants down to get a closer look and to make sure he was not hurt.

"Dad, my head's in the bathtub," Jake said complaining of his position.

"So, no one's going to see. It's only for a minute," I said to him.

"But it's humiliating," Jake said embarrassed.

"Hush, it won't take me long," I said looking him over. "There a little abrasion here. I need my bag so I can put some ointment on it," I said.

"Good, I'll get up so you can get it," Jake said trying to get up.

"No, stay right there. Edward, bring me my medical bag," I said in normal tone.

"How's he going to hear that?" Jake said.

"Vampire hearing," I said.

"I always forget that. Wait, I'm over your knee with my head in the bathtub! Don't let him in," Jake said frantically.

"Here you go, Dad," Edward said as he had opened the door and handed me my bag. "Ha ha ha ha!"

"Shut up, Edward," Jake said.

"I should take picture of this and send it to the Pack and put it on 'You Tube,'" Edward laughed.

"Ha ha, very funny," Jake said. "Dad, don't let him do that."

"Edward, that's enough," I said reaching for my bag.

"Okay," Edward said closing the door and making his way downstairs. "Hey everybody, Jake's over Dad's knee on the toilet with his head hanging in the bathtub," Edward yelled.

"DA-AD! Make him stop," Jake said.

"Too late now," I said to him. "Serve's you right."

Laughter was filling up the house.

"Man, I have to come and spend more time here," Nathan laughed.

"Hold still while I put this ointment on," I said.

"OOWWW! It burns! It burns! What is that stuff, flame in a tube?" Jake complained.

"Just a little more," I said applying a little more.

"OOUUCCHH! It burns like fire! OOOWWW!" Jake yelped.

"Oh no, I put acid on it," I teased him.

"HUH? What kind of doctor are you," Jake shouted.

"I guess you don't know. The book, Dr. Frankenstein? That was written about me! Mahahaha!" I teased him.

"That explains Emmett!" Jake said.

Smart aleck kid!

Halloween Eve:


It's finally Halloween and we are getting ready for the party at the Lodge. We are all dressed and most of us are heading down the stairs. We have the hearse ready, Emmett will carry Billy, Edward will carry the hearse and Jazz will carry the wheelchair. As I made my way to the kitchen everyone except Alice and Bella were there.

"You're going as a sheep, Nathan," Dad asked him.

"No, come on Uncle Carl, think again," Nathan said to him. He had a sheep outfit on.

"I wouldn't be caught dead as a sheep," Seth said teasing him.

"A lamb?" Dad asked.

"Nope, try again," Nathan said.

"I give," Dad said.

"You're going to kick yourself…ready?" Nathan asked Dad.

"Yes, I'm ready," Dad said.

"Drum roll please," Nathan said as Jake and Seth did drum noises. "I'm a wolf in sheep's clothing," Nathan said proudly.

"That's pretty clever, my boy," Dad said to him.

"I thought so," Nathan said beaming at his brilliance.

"Where's Ali Cat and Bella," I asked.

"Guess! Alice is giving Bella the outfits she wants her to change into at the Lodge," Edward said.

"For crying out loud," I uttered.

"It will take them forever to get ready," Rosalie said.

"Mom and Dad, are you sure you don't want to come with us?" Jasper asked.

"No son, we are planning a quiet evening at home," Dad said.

"It won't be the same without you," Alice said now coming in the kitchen. Bella had her arms full of Alice's outfits.

"Got your whole wardrobe there, Alice?" Edward asked.

"Just the ones that would fit a fall theme and Halloween party," Alice said.

"She has them numbered for me so I put them on in the right order," Bella said rolling her eyes.

"Well, we better get going children," Billy suggested. "Ready Nathan?"

"As I'll ever be," Nathan said.

"Yeah, come on, we've waited forever for this," I said.

"Don't forget to act your parts now," Dad said to us.

"Ahem, uh Dr. Cullen, from one doctor to another, I think we can handle it," Jasper said imitating Dad.

"I'm sure you can, Doctor," Dad said to him.

"Got my trusty hairspray here, so I'm all set," Jasper said patting the hairspray.

"Get going, wise guy," Dad said to him.

"Now Carlisle, darling, don't get upset with the children, except Jake," Leah said walking up to Dad in her "Esme" outfit.

"Hey, listen Lulu," Jake said angrily.

"Come on, let's go," Emmett said hoisting Billy out of the chair and walking to the door. "I've got a war to fight," Emmett said imitating Jasper.

"That War was between the North and the South," Billy said to Emmett/Jasper. "Jasper's side lost."

"That's because Jazzy fought for the West," Emmett said laughing.

"That was good one," Billy laughed.

"I'll say," Edward said.

"I have to admit, I'm impressed," I said laughing.

"Emmett's an idiot," Jasper said disgusted.

"Don't call my Emmy an idiot," Rosalie said to Jasper. "Stay in character, Daddy would never say that."

"Yeah, well I would," Edward said laughing.

"Come on, I'm leaving," Emmett said walking out with Billy.

"Behave yourselves," Dad warned us.

"It's Halloween, Dad," I said to him.

"All the more reason to behave yourselves," Dad said.

We started out walking through the woods. Emmett was jumping since all the sounds of the forest made him think of owls. As we walked a little further, something made a noise above us and Emmett freaked and yelled.

"SHOO OWLS!" Emmett yelled.

"So you think the owls will listen to you and leave," I asked him.

"Yeah, that's why I said 'shoo owls', the other animals can stay," Emmett reasoned.

"Man, you worry me more and more," I said shaking my head at him.

"Emmett's a riot," Nathan joked.

"Stick around Nate, you'll get tired of him too," Jasper said.

We came to spot in the woods, and there was another noise, a twig snapping. Emmett jumped and jostled Billy. He was looking all around.

"What was that?" Emmett asked.

"Sounded like a foot stepping on a twig or something," Edward said.

"Something or someone's up there," Jasper said.

Above, we saw an outline of two people and there was a little light shining around them. As we got closer, they were dressed as a Native American couple. As we got closer, they seemed to have vanished.

"Hey, who was that? Do you think that was that couple you were talking about, Uncle Billy?" Rosalie asked.

"I think it was Sam and Emily," I said.

"Oh yeah, they are coming dressed as them, of all the nerve trying to scare us," Bella said.

"Let's flash to the Lodge and beat them back there," Jasper said.

"Hey, we can't do that, we're not in wolf form," Seth said.

"We'll carry you," Jasper said.

Bella grabbed Seth and Nathan, Alice grabbed Leah, and Rosalie grabbed Jake who was griping that Rosalie would drop him. We flashed to the Lodge and arrived on the porch. The door was opened and we were ushered in. There in front of us was Sam and Emily.

"Hey, how did you get back here so fast?" I asked them.

"Get back here? We've been here all evening," Sam said.

"Then who was that in the woods," Leah asked.

"Wasn't us," Sam said.

"You must be imagining things," Jared said.

"No we weren't, we all saw a Native American couple. We thought it was you and Emily," Edward said.

"You guys are seeing things," Paul said.

"No we're not," Nathan said.

"Yeah right, you guys are up to something," I said to them.

"Forget that, let's have some fun. Hey, who are you supposed to be Rosalie?" Paul asked her.

"Jake, phasing from a wolf to human," Rosalie said.

"That's cool," Embry said.

"What are you supposed to be, Jake?" Quil asked.

"I'm Miss Frosty Rose herself," Jake said acting like Rosalie.

"I'm surprised she didn't tear that get-up to shreds," Jared said.

"She did shred the first one, Dad said she couldn't touch this one. Don't I look just like her?" Jake said posing.

"You ingrate," Rosalie said shoving me.

"Hey, Dad said to behave," I said to her.

"Tsk!" Rosalie uttered and walked away.

"We all came dressed as each other," Bella said. "I'm Alice. See all my clothes," Bella pointed out.

"I'm Bella, see her drab clothes," Alice teased.

"Jasper and Leah are Carlisle and Esme. Hey, you guys look just like them," Paul said.

"Edward is Emmett," I said.

"Emmett is Jasper," Alice said.

"You guys are hilarious," Sam said laughing.

"What are you Nathan? A sheep?" Sam asked.

"A wolf in sheep's clothing. Get with the program, you guys," Nathan said smartly

"Wise acre kid," Sam said shoving Nathan and laughing.

"So, how about we play a game. Bob for apples," Quil suggested.

"What?" Edward asked.

"Yeah, we have this big trough and it's full of water and apples. You have to stick your head in there and try to get as many apples as you can. The one with the most apples wins a prize. How about it?" Paul asked.

"Okay, we'll give it a try, but don't you guys dunk our heads," Alice warned them.

"We won't do that. All of you stand around the trough and when I say go, start trying to get the apples," Paul said.

"Okay," we agreed.

We all stood around the trough. We were waiting for the 'go' command and some of the pack came and stood next to us with plastic bags. They were going to collect our apples so we could keep going for them.

"You get 5 minutes! GO!" Paul yelled. "BOB FOR APPLES!"

We all dunked our heads and tried to grab the apples by the stems. They were hard to get since they went under the water when you tried to grab them. We had a few when the water and apples started bouncing and suddenly a hand reached out of the water and grabbed Alice and pulled her head in the water. Alice yanked her head out and backed up and someone stood up out of the water and yelled…

"I'M BOB!" Embry shouted standing up.

"AAAAAHHHHHHH!" The girls yelled. Okay, we yelled too…yes, they scared us too,"

The Pack members were laughing their wolf butts off.

"You IDIOTS!" Bella yelled.

"You dirty hounds!" Rosalie yelled at them.

"That wasn't funny," Alice said. Her hair was all wet.

"Yes it was!" Paul said as he and the pack were laughing it up.

Later that evening:

After that little prank things went along fine. Every once in a while we would see someone looking in through the windows. When we would go outside, no one would be there. As the evening progressed and we grew tired of the party, we decided it was time to head home. We all left and Billy was insisting that he 'drive' his hearse home. As we came to the woods, Billy assured us he could make it. As we were making our way through the forest, at times Billy would get stuck and we would have to push him out.

When we were about halfway home, we heard snapping twigs again as if someone was stalking us. As we looked around, no one was there.

"This is getting spooky. I bet it's that owl," Emmett said scanning the trees.

"You dope, it's not the owl. It wouldn't be walking around on the forest floor," Jasper said.

"Hey, that thing is huge!" Emmett said again.

"You're crazy," Jazz said again.

"Hey, what was that?" Edward asked seeing something glowing to the right and then disappear.

"What was what?" Bella asked.

"Didn't you see it?" Edward asked.

"No, what was it?" Bella asked again.

"I don't know, I swear I saw someone looking at us but now they're gone," Edward said.

"Yeah, you're as bad as Emmett," Jake said.

"Come on, let's get home," Rosalie said carefully watching Uncle Billy.

"I don't like this, let's go," Nathan agreed.

"I wish Dad was here," Seth said.

Snapping sounds again from the left this time, like someone is following us. What is going on? We all stopped when we heard it again. Then we heard it closer this time and then we saw someone looking at us through the trees.

"Hey, did you see that? Over there, through the trees," Edward said.

"Let's go check it out," Bella said.

"Are you crazy? It may be that couple from the Tribe. That would mean their ghosts! No way am I going over there," Emmett said.

"Chicken!" Jake said to him.

"It's not a ghost, come on, let's sneak up on them," Jasper said.

"Well, I'm going to phase first," Jake said and shed his Rosalie outfit and went behind a tree and came out phased into a wolf. But he still had the 'Rosalie' yellow wig on. He looked hilarious and we all laughed at him.

"SHHHHHH!" Billy cautioned us.

"Will you be okay here Uncle Billy while we go and check this out," Rosalie asked.

"Sure, I'm not afraid," Billy said.

"Okay, here, put your hearse back on," Rosalie said lifting the hearse body over him.

"No, that's okay, Rose Bud," Billy said.

"Okay, we'll be right back.

Leah, Nathan & Seth also phased behind the trees and they took off trying to pick up a scent. All of us surrounded the area where we saw the two of them looking at us and there was nothing there when we got there. That's strange, we all saw something.

"Where'd they go?" Alice asked.

"Who knows, this is getting spooky," Emmett said.

"You big scaredy cat, we're vampires, remember," Jasper said to him.

"Yeah, well I don't want to meet a ghost," Emmett said.

"But its Halloween, it's all about ghosts," Bella said laughing.

"Come on, let's get back to Billy," Edward said.

We all came back to where we left Billy and he was nowhere to be found. There were tracks in the ground where his wheelchair was but he was gone.

"Where's Uncle Billy?" Rosalie asked worried.

"He's gone," Edward said.

"AHHH! The ghosts got him," Emmett said worried.

"Jake, Nathan, Leah and Seth, come over here," we called to them. They came bounding over wondering what we wanted.

"Uncle Billy's gone," Rosalie said worried.

"The hearse body is still here, but not Billy," Edward said lifting the hearse.

"We have to spread out and find him, Dad will kill us if something happened to him," Bella said.

"Jake is worried," Alice said pointing to the wolves.

As we said that, we heard snapping on the forest floor again and we looked in that direction and we saw the Native American couple looking at us again. They stayed in place as we all gasped. Emmett shrieked.

"Shut up Emmett, you'll scare them off," Edward said.

"Good! They're ghosts," Emmett said beginning to duck behind Rosalie.

"Get away you coward," Rosalie said shoving Emmett out from behind her.

The wolves seen them too and began sneaking over towards them. We began running toward them and the closer we got to them, the farther away they seemed. We kept trying to get to them but they seemed to get further and further away.

"What the heck? We can't catch up to them," Edward said.

"This is bizarre," Alice said.

"I'm thinking they have Billy," Rosalie said.

"Hey, where'd they go?" Jasper asked as we all looked and they were now gone.

Back in a clearing in the woods:


I sat in my wheelchair moving back and forth trying to stay out of view. I heard the snapping of twigs and then saw a Native American couple make their way out of the woods and stand right in front of me.

"Are you okay, Billy," Carlisle said taking his wig off.

"Yes, you guys did great," I added.

"We sure have them wondering what happened?" Esme added taking her wig off.

"I told you, never mess with the master," I said pointing my thumbs toward myself.

"I have to admit, this was brilliant," Carlisle said.

"I told you this would work," I said.

"They think something happened to you, we have to hurry and get back home before them so they won't figure out it was us all along," Carlisle said.

"Yes, you better hurry. The wolves are phased and can run like the vampire children. You better hide these clothes and flash home," I said to Carlisle and Esme.

"Will you be okay until we come back to get you?" Esme asked me.

"Sure, I'll be fine, don't worry about me," I said.

"Okay, we'll be back as soon as we meet them at the house," Carlisle said as he and Esme flashed home.

"I'll be here waiting," I called out.

I'll just sit here waiting for Carlisle and Esme to find me or Sam and Emily. They were both out sneaking around to tease the children. Yep, don't mess with the master prankster when it comes to Halloween. I think this is my best one yet. Even Jake was fooled. Oops, I think my wheels are stuck in the mud. Can't seem to move. Oh brother, now I have to wait for Carlisle to come back and get me out of this mess. I didn't see that muddy area and I'm really bogged down.

As I sat there again laughing to myself at our prank to the children, my wheelchair suddenly began moving forward. As I looked I saw a couple from our Tribe standing before me in a hazy light, but they were dressed as in olden times.

"Sam, Emily? Carlisle and Esme, how did you get back so fast," I asked.

"Hello, Chief Black," the man said.

"Chief Black, what's with the…oh my," I said stunned as I could now see them clearly.

"Are you afraid?" The man asked.

"No, I'm not afraid of my people. Those here with me today nor those who have passed," I said.

"We are the couple the legend in your Tribe is about. We lost our way," the man said again.

"Why are you still wandering here on earth?" I asked.

"We were cursed since we ran off and went against the promised marriage of the Chief's daughter. We lost our way and fell to our deaths in the foggy night," the woman said.

"I'm sorry to hear that. Surely you have suffered enough," I said to them.

"That is true, we have, but we have appeared on foggy nights to help others from falling to our fate," the man said.

"What are your names?" I wondered.

"I am Deer Stalker and this is Lone Dove," he said.

"I see you already know my name," I stated.

"Yes, we do. You are greatly admired by our ancestors. You have brought a lasting peace to the Tribe concerning the Cold Ones," Deer Stalker said.

"It was the right thing to do. Carlisle and his family are good and they have helped us a lot," I admitted.

"We see that. They have helped the Tribe and are a valuable friend to all of you," Deer Stalker said.

"Don't you think it is time to be granted absolution? You have wandered long enough," I stated.

"Yes, we would like that. Only a Chief can remove the curse," Lone Dove said.

"I'm a Chief, can I remove it?" I asked.

"Yes, if you wish," Deer Stalker said.

"Then as the Chief of the current Quileute Tribe of which you are a part of, I release you of this burden and curse and grant you entrance into the next life," I said to them.

"Oh thank you Chief Black, part of the curse was that we could not ask for absolution, but could accept it if it is offered by a Chief. You have no idea how happy you have made us," Deer Stalker said.

"Please, I am happy to do it for my people," I said to them. My heart felt light and happy.

"We make this promise to you, Chief Black, that on dark and foggy nights, we will come back and keep watch over the innocents and our Tribe mates to keep them from falling to our fate," Deer Stalker said.

"I thank you for that," I said. "I will look forward to foggy nights now."

"You are known as the Peacemaker to our ancestors. Thank you for your kindness, we bow and honor you, Chief Black," Deer Stalker said.

Both Deer Stalker and Lone Dove bowed to me and then disappeared. I sat there for a minute not believing what just happened, but had a great sense of peace and contentment in my soul.

Back at the Cullen House:


We couldn't find anything or anyone so we decided we better go tell Mom and Dad that Billy, my dad, was now missing. We arrived at the house and we all bounded in together, even though we were still phased as wolves.

"Dad! Mom! Come quick!" Edward shouted

"What is it, Edward?" Dad asked with Mom trailing behind him.

"We can't find Billy anywhere and we kept hearing noises and people staring at us in the woods," Edward shouted.

"You must be imaging things Edward," Dad said.

We wolves began voicing our opinions by yipping and yammering.

"They're trying to tell you too, we can't find Billy anywhere," Jasper said.

"How could you leave Billy lost out there?" Dad asked with ire.

"We couldn't find him, Pops," Emmett said.

"You should be ashamed of yourselves leaving him all alone out there," Dad scolded us.

"Really children, you know better than that," Mom added.

"Your mother and I will go look for him." Dad said and he and Mom flashed out the door.

The wolves and I phased back to human form and dressed and came back to our siblings standing by the door looking perplexed.

"That was weird," Edward said.

"Yeah, I have a feeling we just met the Native American couple," Jasper said.

"Me too, I think it was Mom and Dad all along," I agreed.

"That's why they wouldn't go to the party," Alice surmised.

"Mom and Dad got one over on us," Seth said laughing.

"Not just Mom and Dad, but my dad, who thinks he's the king of pranks," I announced.

"Uncle Billy? You're kidding?" Rosalie said.

"Nope, I remember Charlie talking about Billy and his pranks. No one thinks it's him because he's in a wheelchair," Bella offered.

"But he rooks everyone else in on his pranks and he seems like the innocent one," I said to them.

"That's not nice," Emmett said.

"Two can play at this game," I announced.

In the Woods:


"Billy, what happened to you," I asked as Esme and I caught his scent and honed in on him.

"Just had a little chat with some friends," Billy said.

"Friends?" Esme asked. "What friends?"

"Just forest friends," Billy said smiling.

"Well come on, we need to get you back in and out of the cold," I said grabbing him and lifting him from the chair. Esme grabbed his wheelchair.

"Wait, my hearse," Billy said.

"We'll get it in the morning, no one comes through the woods but us and the Pack," I said to him.

"Okay, Dr. Cullen," Billy said.

Later in the evening as everyone was settling down for the night, Billy and I were talking in the hall. He had just taken his bath and finished his 100 strokes brushing his hair. The wolves were in bed, Billy said good night and I walked to my study. When I flipped the light on something was missing.

"What the…" I said loudly. Billy came wheeling down.

"What is it Carlisle?" Billy asked entering my study.

"My couch is gone," I said.

"Sure is," Billy agreed.

"Hey, they didn't," I said and walked to my door to the forest that I now noticed was cracked open. I looked out the door and almost let out a scream. "Those little brats," I said.

"What is it, Carlisle?" Billy asked joining me at the door. "Oops, sneaky little devils," Billy laughed.

"Yeah, sneaky alright. They hung my couch out from the branch of that tree. It's dangling there by a thread, the little snots," I said.

I shot out the window and grabbed the couch and jumped down to the ground with it so I could get a better hold on it and then leaped back up with it through the door. I set it back down in its place. I stood there and shook my head.

"Looks like they figured out who the couple in the woods were," Billy laughed.

"Those kids, you can't turn your back on them," I said joining in laughing with Billy.

"I'll say. They still haven't figured out who the mastermind behind this is though. I might never be found out," Billy bragged wheeling to the hallway.

"Goodnight, Mastermind," I said as I stood in the hallway watching him wheel to his room.

"You can turn the light out, Carlisle, I can see," Billy said. "When it comes to brilliant ideas, my light shines," Billy said waving goodnight.

I flipped the light switch off and something about Billy caught my eye. Then I did a double take. Billy's hair was glowing in the dark. The little brats must have put 'glow in the dark' on his beloved hairbrush. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Yes Billy, you're a shining light to us all," I said chuckling.

"Who's the mastermind?" Jake said quietly.

That's when I heard giggling coming from all the wolf children's rooms...


End of Story.

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