Hidden Village: Cloud Village
Class: Demon
Tail Number: Nibi (Two)
Type: Cat
Imbued Within: Rock Lee

Nibi is one of the "bijuu", a tailed beast of the ancient world. Seeking a way to create a ninja with a large amount of chakra that would be an unstoppable machine, the Nibi was placed inside Hidden Cloud shinobi Rock Lee. Nibi has been refered to as an "ikiryou" or living ghost.

Little is known about the Nibi and its abilities. In mythology the two-tailed cats were said to have the ability to manipulate the dead like puppets and have been associated with strange fires and occurrences. Nibi has been shown to use fire in its attacks and its nickname brings to mind the dead manipulation abilities.


Disclaimer: I do not own. If I did, people would understand that Lee is the perfect uke~!

Warning: Yaoi, hotness, cuteness, and more. Also UKE Lee! 3 and Seme ... I don't know yet.


A/N: Yosh! Hello there! It is me, FlippedOutFlippy! I came up with an idea of 'What if Lee was actually a demon holder?' and I wanted to write it~ XD Wish me luck! Oh, and Lee will be acting very feminine, and cat-like in this fiction for obvious reasons. So I imagine, his movements seem very sensual at times. ALSO! He always has his eyes half open, like bedroom eyes~ lol


Italics are flashbacks and thoughts to oneself

Bold is Demon's talking

Bold Italic is the demon holders talking back to the demons




When he was a child, Lee was the happiest boy in the neighborhood. In his home town of Kuma, also known as the village Hidden in the Clouds located in the Lightning Country. He had a loving mother with a big, innocent heart and a caring farther with a protective soul. At a very young age, Lee had learned to use his chakra to jump up the mountain peaks and into the clouds. He loved the feeling of flying in the sky.

There were bad things in his life too though. He hated the special 'training' that he had to go through in order to control something inside him.

'The two-tailed beast' they said. Lee needed to control the 'demon' inside him.

They said that they 'sealed' it inside him when he was only two years old and that he would live with it forever, and become a Kuma ninja.

Only that wasn't the only training he had gotten. Lee had never told anyone but he had actually began speaking with the tailed beast inside him and learned many things from the female demon named Matatabi. Matatabi taught him everything she knew, for she just wanted to get along with her host.

By the time he was six, Lee was well on his way to becoming a great Kuma ninja but something horrible happened.

He was trying a new training regimen that the elders gave to him at home but it went completely wrong. He couldn't control the fire that belonged to Matatabi and set his own home on fire. Lee could only watch in horror as the huge flames engulfed his home, trapping his parents in the death trap that was their house.

"Mommy! Daddy!" He had screamed, trying to go in to save them when he felt his mind grow so fuzzy and dim.

"Mata-san...?" He mumbled confused before falling unconscious.

The rest was only a blur, as if he was dreaming. He could only vaguely recall Kuma ninja storming into his training area. No one tried to enter the burning house, no one tried to save his parents, instead, they attacked him.

Lee's body had moved without him controlling it and Matatabi defended them, but it wasn't enough, in order to get away, she would have to hurt Lee by pushing to far, and she couldn't do that. So Lee was captured and knocked out.

When Lee awoke, he was in a dark cell. Stone walls from three sides and iron bars on one, blocking him from freedom. Seals were on those bars as well. With a little frown, Lee got up and touched, only to get burned. He yelped in pain and started tearing up. On the opposite side of the bars, a door opened, and an older man came in.

"E-Elder?" Lee stuttered, "W-What is going on? Why am I here, sir?"

"You were possessed, and because of that, your family is dead."

"W-what?" Lee whimpered and shook his head, "No, you are lying! Th-they cannot-!"

"Silence!" The Elder roared, making Lee flinch and quiet down.

"We had given you the chance to live in peace, as long as you obeyed our rules. You have not. From now on, this is your new home. You will spend your days and nights in this room, only to be let out to train. That is it. Am I understood."

Lee nodded, frightened.

"Good. Goodbye." The Elder said then left, closing the door and leaving Lee in darkness.


Lee's eyes snapped open before he was fully awake, he shuddered slightly at his memory and sat up. He grimaced slightly as the skin on his back pulled. They might be old wounds, but on days like this, they felt freshly healed. His skin felt tight and uncomfortable, and he didn't want to think of the past anymore.

'Mother?' Lee thought to the demon in his head, 'How long has it been since we had come to Konoha?'

'What makes you ask, little one?'

'Just...memories...' Lee smiled sadly then got up, 'I...I had a nightmare...of the first night.'

'We have been here for two years.' Matatabi's voice was sad in Lee's head.

"That is right...I am fourteen now. I have been in my Genin team for almost a year." Lee spoke to Matatabi and himself. He closed his eyes and frowned.

"I...I still do not know if I like being here..."

'There is not much we can do little one. At least, this place is better than that cage...' It hurt Matatabi to say it but it was the truth.

"That is true..." Lee agreed then stood from his bed.

Lee walked nude in his shabby apartment. He went to his closet and pulled out a tight black turtle neck and tight black spandex pants. He pulled on black ninja shoes that went up to mid calf, then pulled on black fingerless gloves as well. The only skin that was showing was his fingers, toes, and face, all of which were as pale as snow.

Lee braided his waist length hair then looked at himself in his mirror. He nodded to himself, deciding that he looked alright, like usual, and wrapped his headband around his slender waist. Last, he wrapped his weapons pouch around his right thigh and put his leg weights on under his shoes before slinking out of his apartment.

'Are you going to keep hiding your ability to use jutsu?' Matatabi questioned in Lee's head.

'Yes. I do not want anyone to know. It is better that they think me weak, just in case...'

'Just in case they find out about me...?'

'Yes. You know how they treat Kurama...I just want to be invisible. That's it.' He knew it was slightly dumb, after all, some knew who...what he was. But even that was a select few. Only two people knew for sure in this village. The rest...found him disconcerting at times. At least, the one's with doubts did.

'You should befriend him...' Matatabi broke Lee out of his quiet thoughts and he smiled.

'Kurama or Naruto?'

'Both really, but for now, the holder would suffice.'

Lee smiled again, laughing quietly to himself. He kept walking towards the training grounds, keeping to the shadows and being unnoticed.

'Of course, but do you really think I could make...'friends', mother?'

'I do not think it would be to hard, little one. Be polite, be kind, and he will ally himself with you in due time. I do wonder though, how much control does Kurama have over the child...'

'Yes...I do not think he has much. I doubt that Kurama would be the one to 'prank' the village. But I would not know completely, I have not truly met him.'

'Actually, he liked causing mayhem. He is a trickster, that is what foxes are. Maybe hints of his personality have gone into Naruto?'

'Oh? Is that what happened between us?'

'We have been around each other, day in and day out for years, little one. It is safe to assume that you have taken after me intimately.' Matatabi's voice was amused and fond at the same time.

Lee laughed quietly again, he smiled lovingly in thought of his 'mother' and was about to continue the conversation when he noticed a familiar boy running towards him, not realizing that he was there.

'What was that saying, mother? Speak of the devil and he shall appear?' Lee smiled at Matatabi's laughter and stepped into Naruto's path.

Naruto didn't even notice Lee until it was to late. The blond boy crashed into Lee, sending them to the ground. Lee cushioned their fall as much as he could, curling his body around Naruto to protect the younger boy from any damage.

Lee let out a small gasp as his body hit the ground hard. He was more stunned than hurt. He sat up slowly, still slightly keeping his arms around Naruto. Then he looked down at the boy.

"Are you alright-?" Lee had to bite his tongue before he said 'little one', a habit he picked up from 'Mother'.

Naruto's head shot up in surprise then he quickly pulled himself from Lee's arms, "Y-Yea, sorry 'bout that! I didn't see ya there, hehe..." He rubbed the back of his head then fixed his goggles by habit.

"That is alright. I am just glad that you were not hurt." Lee stood up, brushing the dirt off his body, then offered his hand to Naruto with a kind smile.

Naruto blushed slightly and took Lee's hand. He didn't know why, but something about Lee just called out to him. He shook his head then grinned widely at Lee.

"I'm Uzumaki Naruto! What's your name?" Naruto found himself eager to hear it for some reason.

"It is a pleasure to meet the famous Uzumaki Naruto." Lee giggled softly, his movements feminine as he wrapped one arm around his own waist and covered his parted lips with the other. He placed that hand on his opposite hip then continued, "I am Rock Lee."

"Hiya! O-hey, that headband! You're a ninja!" Naruto grinned excitedly.

Lee giggled again and nodded, "Yes, indeed I am. Just a Genin right now though, as I am sure you will be too, soon."

"Course! Imma be a Hokage one day! Believe it!"

"Believe it, I do. I have no doubt that you will, one day." Lee said in a fond tone, smiling gently at Naruto. He watched Naruto blush and rub the back of his head as he grinned. Lee slightly did want to stay and talk but knew he had to hurry and go to his team.

Lee sighed and said, "I am sorry, I must go now Naruto-kun. I need to go train."

"Oh, yea! Course! Talk to you later?" His voice was slightly hopeful even though he tried to hide it.

Lee smiled and giggled softly, "Of course!" he said, "I would be very disappointed if I do not get to talk to the future Hokage again soon." Lee winked and pet Naruto's head gently. He leaned down for a moment and kissed Naruto's cheek before leaving. Lee didn't look back, so he didn't see Naruto standing there with wide eyes and a completely red face.

Lee walked to his training grounds and immediately saw Tenten and Neji but no Gai. With a little hum, he walked over to them and leaned against a tree right next to them. He subtly flexed his hands, feeling the odd urge to drag his sharp nails down the tree to clean and sharpen them further. An amused smile made it's way onto his face, really, he took on too many cat-like qualities...

Neji looked back at Lee for a few moments before slowly turning towards him. His eyes were narrowed as he suddenly spoke, saying, "As always, why do you not use your chakra? I can see that your paths are undamaged."

Lee rolled his head towards Neji at the familiar question -really, Neji asked him at the beginning of every month.- and smiled slowly, saying, "I still do not need to answer that."

Neji glared angrily at Lee and stepped up to the boy. He looked right into Lee's eyes as he bit out, "Why is it so hard to answer...What are you up to?"

Lee grinned widely and pushed away from the tree. He stepped up to Neji, pressing their bodies together, before purring, "You know~, you are pretty cute when you assert yourself~"

Neji's face turned red immediately and he shot backwards. His blush grew even darker as Lee laughed at him. He opened his mouth to shout at Lee but Gai chose that moment to appear in a puff of smoke, distracting them.

Gai looked around slightly confused as to what had been happening but then grinned widely, his white teeth sparkling. He laughed and called his student's youthful then told them what they were to be doing that day. There were no missions for them so they were just training instead.

The day passed on like that, with Lee, Neji, and Tenten training together on all their specialties. Lee trained harshly on Taijutsu and was pulled away to secretly add a few more pounds to his weights. Lee felt thankful to Gai for everything that he was doing, and told him so in not so many words. Gai had just laughed and patted Lee's back, saying that Lee was his precious student, he would always help, no matter what.

The words made his heart pang but he pushed away the feeling and went back to training with speaking with 'Mother'.

'Despite how odd that man is. I like him, he is very...kind, and his kindness is not false.' Matatabi spoke in Lee's head. Lee glanced at Gai and gave a mental nod to Matatabi.

'Yes, I...I admire him...maybe.' The thought made Lee blush slightly. He never admired or looked up to anyone before. It was an odd but warm feeling. 'I feel like...I want to make him proud of me...is that strange?'

There was a warm laugh echoing in Lee's head before Matatabi replied 'No, not at all. I think you have chosen a fine person to look up to, despite his eccentric ways.'

Lee smiled to himself, feeling slightly proud just from that. Matatabi was really like a mother to him, so the fact that she was proud of his choice made him feel warm inside.

Hours later, when the sun was disappearing under the tree line, Gai called the training to a halt and told them all to go home. Lee wiped away his sweat and immediately wanted to take a bath and get clean. He hated being dirty.

With that thought in mind, Lee left the training area first. He took a shortcut through the village streets but did not go onto the roof's. A familiar sound made him stop after five minutes of light running and he looked towards Ichiraku, the Ramen stand. Lee smiled slightly as he saw Naruto with the Academy teacher Iruka. He walked a little closer to say hello but froze at what he heard.

They were talking about him...

"Naruto... I know your happy at making a shinobi friend but, I want you to be careful around that guy. He's dangerous..." Iruka said in a quiet concerned tone.

"Wha? Why? Lee's cool, and really really nice!" Naruto said confused but grinning.

Iruka reached over and put a hand on Naruto's shoulder, "I can't say much, just be careful. Trust me on this."

Lee felt himself smile widely though he felt burning anger on the inside. Someone, who didn't even know who he was...was... 'So this is how it is...' he thought to himself before turning on his heel, 'Alright. It does not matter anyway.'

Lee continued walking back to his apartment, vowing to stay away. After all...he was 'dangerous'.

'...I am sorry little one...'


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