A/N: Another new story. This is basically Lelouch is found, shipped back home, and is forced into the military, and then, you'll see what comes after.
Because I am a fan of really weird pairings, it will most likely be LelouchxCornelia.
I'm always conservative with the ratings, but, because this is me, there with obviously be a lemon scene...or ten.
Lelouch has better endurance than he ever had in the show, which is just a little bit of my flair. So...yeah. I can change a couple small details if I want to.
Anyways, read, review, and enjoy!
Lelouch was on his way back to his school, Ashford Academy, after winning a particularly easy game of chess against one of the many nobles in the Tokyo Settlement.
A few moments ago, he had left a bank, unto which he deposited the money that he won, when he heard a commotion from across the road where a crowd was gathered.
Going to see what all the fuss was about, only having his gleaming silver case which contained his chess set, he saw something he didn't like when he found an open spot at the front.
Several Britannian soldiers were assaulting a civilian, beating him while he was down, and not allowing a moment of reprieve, while others looked on impassively.
To tell you the truth, it disgusted Lelouch.
"What a sorry sight" he mused rather loudly to the person standing next to him, a woman in her early thirties with a pantsuit on. "Obviously, these fair soldiers have nothing better to do than beat up on an unarmed man. Pitiful."
One on the men turned around and looked at him, registering him as a low class threat. All talk and no bite.
"Listen boy, you feel sorry for this Eleven?" the man spat with contempt in his voice.
"Not really. If your goal in life is to beat up on innocent civilians, you're doing a great job" Lelouch responded, the sarcasm evident in his voice.
"This animal" he pointed to the man huddled in a ball for protection "Is probably a terrorist who was willing to and attempting to assassinate the Viceroy."
"And what evidence do you have of that?" Lelouch asked, skepticism evident in his voice.
The Viceroy? That could only mean Clovis. Shit, was Clovis actually near him at that moment?
While the soldier was undoubtedly thinking up a witty response, Lelouch let his eyes scan around and saw the extravagant royal guards across the street watching the man get beaten. For a second, Lelouch and Clovis locked eyes, but it was long enough.
Clovis mouthed "Lelouch?" but by that point, Lelouch had already turned and started to run. He could hear shouts behind him.
"Stop that man! Prince Clovis la Britannia orders you! Catch him, and bring him to me at once!"
"Aww fuck. Why here, why now?" Lelouch asked himself, as he kept running.
Though his physical shape was decent with the little exercise he did, and the phys-ed classes that he attended when he felt like it, it wouldn't be enough to hold out against the well trained soldiers.
Pushing people out of the way to try and further his lead from the men chasing after him, he darted down into an alley and knocked over a few recycling cans, before coming to a dead end. The whole chase lasted maybe, five minutes, but Lelouch wasn't that out of breath.
Shouts could be heard around the corner of "He's just ahead" and "Show no mercy!"
The four men who rushed around the corner instinctively jumped on him.
"Not so tough now, are you asshole?" one of the soldiers said, who he recognized as one of the men beating the Eleven from earlier.
"Truth hurts, don't it?" Lelouch hissed, as handcuffs were tightened around his wrists.
That remark earned him a punch to the face from that same man, but Lelouch knew he could easily gain the upper hand in the long run.
"Come on Mary, that the best you got?" Lelouch asked, spitting out a gob of blood.
Two other soldiers hoisted him up but the arms, while the man he insulted threw a heavy right hook into his gut, knocking the wind out of him.
He heard a radio crackle to life. "Status report?"
"We've got the target in custody. Where does the Viceroy want him?"
"His palace. And be quick about it. You'll be getting a heavily armed escort on the way there."
"But it's one punk kid. We can handle this."
The debate went back and forth for the next few minutes, but usually what Clovis said, went, so three men hustled him out of the alley and into the back of a waiting black sedan, which pulled away from the curb quickly.
"You got a name kid?" the guy driving the car asked.
Feeling very rebellious, and very annoyed, Lelouch ignored the question, which earned him a hard punch to the side.
"Answer the question punk. If you don't, things are liable to get a little...messy. The prince wanted you alive, but he didn't say what condition he wanted you in" the man who just punched him hissed in his ear.
This brought a smirk to Lelouch's face. Whatever these guys did, they would get it back tenfold. Clovis was always one to uphold the royal image, and having a prince attacked by several men just wouldn't stand.
The smug look didn't go unnoticed by his captors, which earned yet another punch, this time to the face.
"If the prince wanted you to know who I was, he would've informed you" Lelouch mouthed off, before staring out the window again.
"That shut them up" he thought with another smug smirk.
On the way, an escort of four Sutherland's linked up with the car, which alleviated any and all traffic concerns, and they arrived at the Viceroy's palace fifteen minutes after they had left.
"Get your ass out of the car" one of the men ordered, dragging Lelouch forcefully onto the pavement.
One of the men stayed with the car, while the other two, one of which was the original man he mouthed off to, dragged him through the large doors with rather happy looks on their faces.
"They'll know soon enough" Lelouch thought, with a small grin on his face, which he got a cuff upside the head for.
They approached the large doors with a secretary sitting behind a desk dutifully tapping away at her computer. When she saw the three men approaching, they introduced themselves as Sergeants Hamlin and Carter, escorting the 'captured felon.'
When they said that, Lelouch could see the look on her face change to horror as she regarded the bruised and bloody face of the man in cuffs.
"She knows who I am" he thought, an infectious grin growing on his face.
The secretary leaned over and picked up the phone on her desk. "Your Highness, they're here."
With that, the large doors in front of them swung inwards, revealing a rather large and ornate room, with the walls covered in paintings and tapestries.
Lelouch was dragged to the foot of the throne in which Clovis was sitting.
"Lelouch!" he cried with joy, getting up and walking down the stairs.
Both his captors bent down on one knee as a sign of respect, but Lelouch stood straighter, until he got a heavy punch to the back of his knees forcing him down onto the ground.
"Hello, brother Clovis" Lelouch said, grimacing from his wounds.
"Brother?" Carter whispered "Did he say brother?"
Clovis stood for a moment in stunned silence, before his face took on a rather lovely hue of purple as he bellowed "GUARDS! Arrest these men! They've assaulted a member of the royal family!"
The room was suddenly filled with heavily armed men, all rushing to get into position, and dragging the two sergeants a few feet away from Lelouch.
"What did these monsters do to you bother?" Clovis questioned in horror.
"Yep. Same old Clovis. Always over the top" Lelouch thought to himself.
"I'll be fine. It was nothing I couldn't handle" Lelouch said, before wincing in pain and massaging a sore spot on his ribs.
"Execute those two men" Clovis said, waving his hand.
"Just who the hell is he?" Hamlin shouted.
"I" Lelouch said, as he turned around to face them "I am Lelouch vi Britannia! Eleventh prince of the Britannian Empire!"
Both men went stark white, and their cries of "But we didn't know!" fell on deaf ears as the guards dragged them away.
"My my, when did you get so theatrical brother?" Clovis asked, as after he called for a nurse.
"Being on the student council at school really helped" Lelouch said, as the woman in white rushed through the door.
"We heard you and Nunnally died in the invasion" Clovis said, leading him to a chair "Poor Euphemia and Cornelia were heartbroken. Both of them didn't leave their rooms for three days, but myself and Schneizel didn't stop looking once the invasion was complete. Say, where is Nunnally?"
Lelouch quickly considered lying, but that wouldn't be a good option with his precarious predicament, especially if they were being watched.
"Nunnally has been attending school with me. When you call Schneizel, implore him to have the Emperor let her stay to continue her education" Lelouch said, as the nurse began cleaning the cuts on his face.
"I will" Clovis said, before grabbing him in a bone crushing hug "I'm just so glad that you're both safe."
"Me too Clovis. Me too" Lelouch said, while lightly returning the hug.
"Yes well, I'll go and call Schneizel now and tell him that our lost brother has returned from the dead" Clovis said, beaming a smile as he left.
"Great. Fucking fantastic. Looks like I'll be stuck going back to the homeland" Lelouch thought with a sigh.
Clovis came back about ten minutes later.
"Once Schneizel tracks down father, he'll call me back with instructions on what to do" Clovis said, taking a seat across from Lelouch "Can I offer you anything to drink?"
"No thanks brother. I'm fine" Lelouch said, managing not to lace the word brother with annoyance.
"Wonderful" he said, clapping his hands together. "My, how I've missed you. Now, whatever shall we talk about until Schneizel calls us back?"
Of course, Clovis knew what to talk about. Together, the two brothers spent plenty of time talking about what happened during and after the war, Lelouch's friends that he made, the time he spent at Ashford Academy, and how things were.
Clovis was amused to say that least when Lelouch explained how he would usually sneak off during the day to play nobles in chess and place bets.
An hour and a half, Lelouch's half-brother, Prince Schneizel el Britannia called back with news.
Clovis naturally was the first one to answer, and spoke for a moment before he said "He wants to talk to you."
Lelouch took the phone and said "Hello?"
"My god. Brother, it really is you."
"Yes Schneizel. It's me" Lelouch said, attempting not to grit his teeth.
Schneizel was one of the people who he didn't really like. Always so in control of everything. Lelouch had never been able to beat him in chess, and it had always annoyed him. He was always a little bit too caring, in Lelouch's opinion, because everything he did, he did it for a reason, or long term plan.
"It's so good to hear your voice. After we got the news that you had been killed, it didn't go over too well."
"So Clovis has told me. Tell me Schneizel, what does our father want to do with me?" he asked, annoyance creeping into his voice when he mentioned the Emperor.
"Well, he has said that Nunnally may continue to attend school, but you are to come home at once. I've already made arrangements with Clovis' pilot to leave in two hours, and I've set up a meeting with the Emperor for an hour after you land, which should be around 10am. Clovis will announce you as alive, and then you'll be brought home" Schneizel said, before asking ":Do you know what you'll be doing when you get back?"
Lelouch scoffed at this "No, but I have an idea."
"Well I can't wait to hear it. I'll spread the word within the family that you're alive. It'll be good to see you Lelouch."
"You too Schneizel. You too" Lelouch said, before he hung up.
"Alright. Come now Lelouch. We must get you ready for your return to the world!" Clovis said dramatically as he led Lelouch to a separate room.
"Return?" Lelouch questioned, before a large brush covered in makeup assaulted his face.
"Yes, your return" Clovis said theatrically as he picked up the phone on the wall. "Yes, this is Prince Clovis. Get me the PR center. I'll have a rather important announcement to make in half an hour. Very good then, make it happen."
With that he hung up the phone and said "I'll get you something to wear. Much better than that tattered school uniform."
For the first time, Lelouch actually looked at his appearance. One of the sleeves on his uniform was torn off, his pants were covered in dirt and grime, and several buttons were missing.
He only saw that before the makeup artist pulled his head back up to continue applying the powder.
Within twenty minutes, the office was a hive of activity. Lights, cameras, people rushing around, and bumping into others, with Lelouch and Clovis seated on a slightly raised platform with a microphone in front of them.
Lelouch had been shoved inside a black and gold suit with a ruffled collar and a red cape. The makeup person had done very well, you couldn't even tell that he had been beaten half an hour ago.
Clovis was used to all the fanfare and everything, so he was a natural under the harsh lights, whereas Lelouch had been trying to avoid unnecessary flair, even though he could be quite dramatic at times.
"To all Imperial subjects, and all Elevens who willingly support, serve and abide by the Britannian Empire, I, Clovis la Britannia have made a startling discovery" Clovis said, throwing his arms outwards.
In the student council room at Ashford Academy, Milly, Rivalz, Shirley, and Nina were gathered around the computer, looking at the budget.
"Damn, I wish Lelouch was here. He could really help us out" Milly announced.
"Where is Lulu anyways? I haven't seen him for some time" Shirley asked, looking around.
"Dunno. He said he was busy, so it was probably a high stakes chess game or something" Rivalz mused, looking at the numbers.
Suddenly, Prince Clovis appeared on the screen.
"Nina, what is this?" Milly demanded.
"I don't know, but it must be important to be overwriting the signal" Nina said, looking with thought.
"Shhh. It's starting" Shirley said.
"To all Imperial subjects, and all Elevens who willingly support, serve and abide by the Britannian Empire, I, Clovis la Britannia have made a startling discovery" he paused, taking a breath. "I have uncovered my long lost brother!"
The camera panned over to where Lelouch was sitting.
"Hey...isn't that Lelouch?" Rivalz asked, but was silenced.
"My brother, Prince Lelouch vi Britannia who was thought to be dead during the initial invasion of Area 11, but has been found in the world of the living!"
"Oh no" Milly muttered, covering her mouth.
"Oh no? What do you mean oh no? Our little Lulu is a prince" Shirley squealed.
"Quiet" Rivalz hissed, as Lelouch stepped up to the microphone.
"Greetings Britannian's and Eleven's alike. I, am Lelouch vi Britannia. Eleventh prince of the Britannian Empire" Lelouch said, devoid of any emotion "I would like to thank you all for the hospitality and courtesy you have extended to me in my stay here, but I must return to the mainland. I will always be grateful to you, and will always carry a little piece of your country with me at all times. Metaphorically speaking, of course."
Cheers subsided, and the screen returned back to the budget process.
"Milly, did you know about this?" Nina asked, timid as ever.
"Yes I-" Milly started, before she was interrupted.
"Hey, if Lelouch is a prince, doesn't that mean that Nunnally is a princess?" Rivalz said, tapping his chin.
"If you'd all shut up, I would explain" Milly said, losing her cool for a second.
"Lelouch and Nunnally are royalty, but because only Lelouch has been announced, they either don't know about her, or they are letting her stay in the school" Milly said.
"Woah, when did you know they were royal?" Shirley asked.
"The whole time. Their mother was assassinated, but the Emperor, refused to investigate, so Lelouch renounced his claim to the throne and he and Nunnally were shipped to Japan as political bargaining tools. Soon after, Britannia just invaded Japan, leaving then to fend for themselves in a war zone" Milly stated.
"That's...horrible" Nina said, covering her mouth with a hand.
"Yeah. Lelouch never forgave his father for that" Milly said, a sad look gracing her features.
"I don't think I'd forgive my father if he shipped me off to some war torn country" Shirley said, hugging herself.
A sharp ringing broke everyone out of their trance, as Milly grabbed her phone off the table.
"It's Lelouch" she said with delight, as she answered it.
"Hey Lulu. Just saw you out there. Nice speech" Milly commended.
"Cut the crap. This is bad" Lelouch growled. "The Emperor wants me back in Pendragon. I'm leaving in an hour. Maybe less. Nunnally is staying at Ashford, but I'm going back. I'll call her after I land, but Schneizel has probably already talked to her. "
"You always were one to stare death in the face. Very gallant of you" Milly said, putting her hand to her chest.
"Yeah well, what can I say? I was a sucker for helping other people" Lelouch said "Oh, but I need to go, my ride is here. I'll e-mail you once I know what's going on with my life."
"Don't forget about us in Pendragon Lelouch. Goodbye" Milly said, before hanging up.
"So...what's going on?" Shirley asked.
"Nunnally is allowed to stay, but Lulu is being taken to Pendragon to face his father. He said he'd contact us when he knows what's going on" Milly sighed.
"Wow, he's brave. Facing the Emperor like that" Rivalz said.
"Yeah well, not much we can do. Let's go see Nunnally to see if she knows. If she doesn't, we'll tell her" Milly said, opening the door.
In a military base somewhere in Area Eleven, someone sat, staring at the television screen a full ten minutes after Prince Clovis' announcement.
Jeremiah Gottwald, a seasoned Knightmare pilot, and someone who had pled his loyalty to the vi Britannia line of people, had his mouth agape.
"Prince Lelouch is alive! He's alive! I must get to his side at once and remedy my failures, any way he sees fit" Jeremiah thought as he grabbed his uniform coat and rushed out the door.
It seemed as though all of Tokyo was conspiring against him, because even with his reckless driving, the streets were still clogged with traffic and it took him longer than usual to get to the Viceroy's palace.
When he arrived, disappointment awaited him.
"Lelouch. Sorry Gottwald, he should be just lifting off the tarmac now on his way to Pendragon" Clovis said, looking at his nails.
"May I request a leave of absence then your highness?" he asked.
"Very well then" Clovis replied, waving him off "Just tell them when you'll be back."
"Yes your highness, and thank you" Jeremiah replied, getting up off his knee and walking away with a sense of pure giddiness flowing throughout his body.