**Warnings:Yaoi, MPreg, and soooo much OOC

It seems that this will be the first IzaKida MPreg fic on ffnet! I've only recently warmed up to Mpreg. I thought that it was weird and unnatural, but I decided to give it a try, and ended up loving it!

I don't own Durarara! or any of the characters.

Positive. No, Masaomi thought. This can't be right. He opened another box and followed the directions exactly. He placed the stick on the counter and sat nervously on the edge of the bathtub, tapping his feet. He waited awhile, growing more anxious by the second. When enough time had passed, he took a deep breath and shakily looked at the result.

Positive. Masaomi dropped the test and stumbled backwards. It wasn't possible. He was a boy. This kind of thing didn't happen to boys.

A few years back, he'd learned that he was born with ovaries and a uterus, but everything else was of the normal male anatomy. He had these female organs, but didn't have female genitalia or any sort of menstrual cycle. He was told this when he came out, because his parents hadn't seen it as necessary when he wasn't considering being the bottom in a relationship. He was relieved to learn that there was a slim to none chance that he would ever get pregnant. He could have sex every day for the rest of his life and it would most likely never happen.

Unfortunately, it had happened, and when he was only 18. The worst part was that he knew who the father was, and he was definitely not the parental type. He didn't even believe in relationships—or something along those lines. He refused to admit that he and Masaomi were a couple, despite their sex life, living together, and what he called outings—which were actually dates.

Masaomi leaned over the toilet and threw up. Whether it was from morning sickness, the shock of finding out he was pregnant, or realizing that he had to tell the father, he emptied everything in his stomach. He threw away the third test, cleaned up, and silently left the bathroom.

"That's the third time this week. Do you have the flu?"

"Izaya… I need to tell you something." He slowly made his way over to the couch. He sat perpendicular to the man on the large, L-shaped sofa.

"What is it?"

Masaomi glanced at the informant. When he was with the teen, he showed emotion that he didn't to anyone else. It would be nearly impossible for others to notice, but Kida recognized the trace of concern in his expression. "Can you acknowledge that we're in a relationship?"

Izaya set his drink on the table and rested his arms along the top of the couch. "We aren't, and you said you want to tell me something. That was a question," he responded pointedly.

"For fuck's sake, how do you possibly rationalize that we aren't a couple? We have sex almost every day; we live together—sleep in the same bed every night; we go out on dates to see movies and have dinner; you've met my parents. We've been dating for about eight months, and it's time for you to admit it."

The corner of his mouth twitched, but his cool demeanor remained. "I introduced myself as your friend."

"Fuck that. They knew what you are to me. What's wrong with it? What's so bad about admitting that we're together?"

Izaya sat back and took a breath. He seemed unnerved. It was subtle, but still present. "Why do you care so suddenly?"

Masaomi clenched his fists. "I don't want to bring a child into this situation!" he blurted out.

"… Why would you bring a child here?"

He looked into the piercing crimson eyes of his lover and swallowed nervously. "Izaya, I'm pregnant."

The raven remained still for a moment, registering the information. He leaned forward slightly. "What did you just say?"

"I'm having a baby, and it's yours."

The informant laughed nervously. "You've always had a strange sense of humor."

"I'm serious, Izaya. I'm pregnant."

"Are you feeling alright? Maybe you're hallucinating. Males don't have children; it's biologically impossible. And I've seen you naked enough to assure you that you are, in fact, male. So, either let me take you to see Shinra for an explanation of this ridiculous thought, or stop joking around."

"I'm not joking."

"Get out of my apartment," Izaya said calmly, "until you realize that this has gone too far. You're looking for attention, and I won't give it to you through—"

"Izaya, shut up! I wouldn't lie about something like this. Will you just shut up and listen to me?" he shouted. When the informant nodded, he continued. "I was born with ovaries and a uterus. But with being practically barren, lacking estrogen and, well, not having a vagina, the doctor said that pregnancy was beyond doubtful."

Izaya looked at him with wide eyes, his normally controlled composure absent. "And you just decided not to tell me this? We regularly have sex. If you didn't want to explain that, you should've at least told me to wear a condom or not cum inside."

"Despite how sure I was that it would never happen, I've been taking birth control. I would've suggested those things but…" A light blush rose to his face. "I like how it feels when you…you know. I didn't feel the need to tell you about it because I was sure that I was protected—or so I thought."

"This is…" He trailed off, and then became silent altogether, staring motionlessly at the ground.


"Are you going to keep it?"

"That's why I came to you. I thought that we should decide this together."

The informant straightened out. "Why? It may be mine biologically, but we—"

"Enough with this friends with benefits shit! We are in a fucking relationship and you need to own up to that! It's been eight months, and I've never pushed labels, regardless of how badly I want you to see us in that way. You carry yourself as this ambiguous figure, apathetic of everyone's pain, but I know that's not true. You're human; you have emotions, and even though you don't say it, I know that you care about me." His voice caught. "I'm scared… I'm really scared, and I need your support. I don't know what to do."

Izaya stood up and snatched his coat off the couch. "I need some air." He walked out of the apartment in a hurry, leaving his pregnant lover distraught and alone.

Masaomi fell to his side and pulled his knees to his chest. This is so bad. He rubbed his abdomen. "I can't take care of you all alone. I'll have to give up my child and the man I love because I was too embarrassed to tell him the truth. How could I have been so reckless?" What am I supposed to do now?

A few minutes passed of thinking about what he'd done, and his teary eyes unfocused. His eyelids grew heavy, and he gave in, letting them fall shut.

When Izaya returned, he found Masaomi curled into a ball on his couch, sleeping. Quietly, he lay down, resting his head on the couch's arm, and carefully pulled the boy onto him. He shut his eyes and nuzzled into blonde hair as he lightly rubbed circles into his back. He didn't want to wake the boy, especially since he'd been having issues sleeping lately, but he knew that he needed to talk to Masaomi before he could back out of what he planned to say. He rubbed harder into Kida's back. "Wake up, Masaomi. I need to tell you something."

Kida's eyes fluttered open. He recognized that he was lying on top of someone. "Izaya?" Familiar crimson irises met him when he glanced up. The informant held him gently, yet securely. Once Izaya's identity was confirmed, he wrapped his arms around the man and turned his head to once again rest on the informant's chest.

Izaya spoke slowly, as if he were still considering the words as they left his mouth. "You're right. I haven't wanted to say it aloud, but I've recognized for awhile that we are in a romantic relationship. I'm going to stand behind whichever choice you make, whether you decide to put it up for adoption or keep it. I'll…help you raise it if that's what you want. I mean, this kid is mine, too. I may be many unpleasant things, but I won't be one of those cowardly bastards that deserts his family."

Masaomi looked up at him with big, shining eyes. "Do you really mean all of that?"

"Yes. Now what do you want to do?"

"I don't know if I could give it up after carrying them for nine months." His tone changed, and he spoke with conviction. "I want to keep it. I want to raise this child... Are you sure you're okay with this?"

Izaya shifted to sit up, gathering Masaomi into his lap and leaning down to kiss him briefly. "I won't abandon you."

Kida's relief turned to despair when something occurred to him. "Are you doing this because you feel obligated to?"

"I feel an obligation, yes. I also have a moral of never rejecting family, and this child holds my DNA." He noticed the boy's face sink. "I will admit that, although I feel a strong responsibility, I…want this. As I said, I hold family dear. I think that it may be nice to have my own family. I want to be the head of a household, to be a man of integrity that my offspring and partner can depend on. The lifestyle will likely be a drastic change, but I will change my job or buy a new place if I decide that my home and work life are too difficult to balance."

"That makes me feel so much better."

"So…" Izaya cleared his throat. "Does this mean that we can't…?"

The boy chuckled. "I'm pretty sure we can still have sex. You just can't be too…brutal after the first few months. We could always check WebMD or with a doctor to make sure, but I'm almost certain that it's fine. I don't want to give it up, either; our sex life is too amazing to put on hold."

"Oh… Great."

He laughed again, poking the man's nose as an experimentally affectionate gesture. "You're cute."

Izaya wasn't bothered by the action, and Masaomi rejoiced in his tiny victory. "Don't call me that. You're eighteen and I'm twenty-six; you're the cute one."

He pecked the raven's jaw with soft lips. "You think I'm cute?"

"That's never been a secret."

Masaomi looked down. "There has been much revealed today. Maybe we can go a bit further? You know, it's been eight months—eight long months. Couples have usually said 'I love you' by this time."

Izaya considered this. "Would that make you happy?"

He perked up. "What?"

"Would telling you that I love you make you happy?"

"Only if you mean it... Do you?"

"I think so. I have a strong attachment to you. I love all of humanity, but a different emotion is prevalent with you. I've felt this way for awhile now, so I've had time to assess it properly. So, according to my observations and research of it, I can say… Yes, I love you, Masaomi."

The blond's eyes glistened. He held back tears. "I love you, too."

Izaya sank into the couch, pulling the boy with him, cradling Kida in a manner similar to a parent holding his infant. "We have to make preparations."

"Hm?" He was only half-listening, still basking in Izaya's confession. He was also taken aback by the raven's quick acceptance of the situation. Though he was responsible and levelheaded, it would be a shock for anyone. Then again, Izaya was hardly anyone. He was, simply put, Orihara Izaya.

"If we remain here, we'll have to child-proof the apartment. There's also the matter of where it will sleep. I'd rather not have all that noisy screaming and crying in our room, so the spare bedroom would be preferable. I'll have to do some research on the materials needed to raise an infant. A problem could potentially arise fro—"

"Please stop talking."

The man stopped ceased his speech and looked down at the boy.

"Your parental concern is comforting, but I'm really tired. Can we discuss this on another day?"

"Sure. I'll carry you to the bed." He effortlessly shifted the boy into his arms and left the couch.

"And, Izaya?"


"Thank you…for everything."

Izaya smiled as he tucked Kida into the bed. He placed a kiss on his forehead. "I'll take care of you."

The Next Day

"How the hell am I supposed to tell my parents that I'm pregnant?"

"They understand your anatomy, right? They know that this is possible, especially since you're dating a man. And I think it's a given that you bottom."

Masaomi frowned. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Izaya wrapped an arm around his boyfriend's shoulders. "Don't be offended; I didn't intend for it to be an insult. It's partly because of our age difference, but mostly my personality. Do I really seem like someone that would accept being submissive, in any situation?"

The younger male laughed. "I guess you're right. I can't even picture that." He recalled the point of the conversation. "But, Izaya, how am I—?"

"We. I told you that I'll stay by your side. I won't let you endure any of this alone. We'll go to them together, explain what happened, and assure them that he or she will be raised by nurturing parents. I don't think they're too fond of me due to my previous refusal to accept you as a romantic partner, but I'll let them know that I love you and understand that we're in a committed relationship."

Kida closed his eyes, smiling, and rested his head on the man's shoulder. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

The informant fought back a joking comment. "You never have to worry about that. I've told you before, and I'll say it a hundred more times until it really sinks in, that I will never leave you."

"Mom, Dad, I—we—have something important to tell you." He tightened his hold on Izaya's hand.

His dad scowled from the couch across from where the lovers sat. "You aren't getting married, are you? You're eighteen, far too young to decide that you want to be with this man forever. I fully accept that you are gay, but I won't allow you to throw away your life for him. The last time we all sat down together, which was only a few months back, he wouldn't even acknowledge that you're a couple."

"No, we are not engaged, Mr. and Mrs. Kida. But I have come to understand that we are in a relationship. I am in love with your son, and I will be with him for as long as he loves me in return."

Mrs. Kida spoke. "Is this what you came to tell us? That he loves you?"

The youngest male cleared his throat. His grip on Izaya's hand was almost painful. As he'd practiced earlier, he held his head up and confidently said, "I'm pregnant."

The raven smiled at him, proud that Kida was able to tell them with conviction. He wrenched his hand away and rubbed his boyfriend's back soothingly.

There was a long stretch of time before anyone said something. Finally, Mrs. Kida broke the uncomfortable silence. "Masaomi, did you say you're pregnant?"


"And it's…his?" She gestured to the man beside him.

"Yes, Izaya is the father."

Seeing horror on the woman's face and anger on the man's, Izaya quickly spoke before an outburst could arise. "As I mentioned earlier, I am in love with Masaomi. He wants to keep the baby, and I support his decision. I am going to stay with him, and we will raise our child together. He or she will be very loved by both of its parents."

"Don't you think that you should have discussed this with us before making a decision?" the father growled. It was directed at the youngest member of the Kida family, but his glare was fixed on Izaya.

"If I didn't have Izaya's support, I would have consulted you. However, we will be taking care of our child. We made the decision together."

The woman changed the tense mood. Tears formed in her eyes as she beamed. "I'm going to be a grandmother." She looked to her husband. "We're going to be grandparents."

"I don't think—"

"This is wonderful, dear! I'm so happy. You'll be a great parent, Masaomi." She stood and held her arms out. "Come here and hug your mother." When the boy obeyed, she squeezed him tightly. She let go after awhile and looked to Izaya, who still sat on the couch, somewhat surprised that she had approved so readily. "And you, Izaya, get over here. You're part of the family now."

Izaya didn't particularly enjoy physical contact with anyone other than Masaomi, but he resolved not to reject the grandmother of his child. He hugged her awkwardly, feeling an overwhelming urge to quickly escape when she embraced him tightly. When she finally let go, he took multiple steps back, distancing himself.

The eldest man seemed to be slightly more comfortable with the situation. He pointed a stern finger at the informant. "You'd better take care of my son. If you hurt him, I will hunt you down and kill you by any means necessary."

The raven smiled and grabbed Masaomi's waist. "I'd expect nothing less from you, Mr. Kida."

"That went smoothly. I anticipated much more resistance. I thought that I'd have to either run or restrain your father from trying to kill me. I figured that your mother would be sobbing and screaming that I was disgusting for impregnating a barely legal adult eight years younger than me."


Izaya looked down at the boy between his legs. He noticed that a rerun of his favorite show was on the television. He turned it off and seized Kida's waist. "Masaomi, it's rude to ignore someone who is trying to have a conversation with you."

"Hey! Turn that back on!" He searched for the remote, but it had been tossed out of his reach.

"Won't you talk to me? Am I not more important than your show?"

"We talk all the time. They never air reruns of this. C'mon, Izaya, let me watch," he whined.

"I suppose I'll have to persuade you that I'm better than anything on that television." He slid a cool hand up Masaomi's shirt and circled his nipple with a finger, occasionally pinching it. He licked Kida's ear—one of the boy's sensitive spots, and caressed his thigh when he heard a quiet moan.

"Not now," he insisted, though his weak tone wasn't very convincing.

The raven moved his hand higher, lightly rubbing his lover's hardening length. He went to unbuckle his pants when Kida sank into him, a louder sound of pleasure escaping his throat. Before he could undo the button, his hands were brushed aside.

"I said no. The baby—"

Izaya chuckled. "You can't use that excuse, Masaomi. You've already told me that it's okay for us to be intimate, especially so early on. I've let you be for over a week, taking care of you, trying to nurse you back to health when I thought you were sick. Don't deny me any longer."

Kida sighed in defeat. "I suppose I've been feeling a bit deprived as well."

He successfully removed his jeans and boxers. "Of course you have. It's only natural for you to long for your skilled partner. With the way you scream my name, it's no secret that you constantly want me. There's no shame in it. I'm sure you miss my warm body pressed against yours; my gentle hands and rough kisses bringing you incredible pleasure; my dick deep inside of you, hitting your sensitive spots over and over as you beg me to pound into you even harder."

The younger male shuddered, moaning loudly as he pictured all that his lover had described. He tilted his head and pulled Izaya's face down to lock their lips in a passionate kiss. His ferocity increased when he felt his shaft getting the touches he had been craving. Kida's lips stopped moving when Izaya's thumb brushed over his slit. He arched his back and inhaled sharply. "I-Izaya, more."

"Now, now, Masaomi. Ask me properly." He blew hot breath into his ear. "Tell me how much you want it."

"I want you, hnn, so badly. I want—need you inside of me. Mmm… O-only you can satisfy me. Please, hah! Please take me. Dominate me, and fuck me hard. Izaya, fuck me!" His breaths grew short, and he was soon panting like a dog and bucking into Izaya's hand.

"I love it when you beg for me. You have no idea what your moans and cries do to me. I'll let you choose the position today. How do you want to be taken?"

"From behind… On the ground." He'd prefer the couch or bed, but he knew that his chosen position caused a mess, and Izaya often threw a fit when either piece of furniture was dirtied.

Izaya grinned mischievously. "One of my favorites. Get on your knees."

Kida shivered and nearly fell over when he stood, Izaya's deep voice sending chills up his spine. He moved to the wood part of the floor and got to his knees and elbows. When Izaya got behind him, he spoke up. "D-don't bother preparing. Take me now. I don't want to wait."

The older male paused. "Are you sure? You're always so tight, and you complain tha—"

"Izaya, please. Just fuck me. I want it so badly."

"Very well. Do you want me to use a condom?"

"Yes. It would feel weird…knowing that your semen was inside me…with the baby."

"That's why I asked." He tore open a condom and placed it on himself. He lathered it with lubricant and positioned himself behind his lover. "Are you sure—"

"I'll get used to you. I stretch, you know."

Izaya didn't waste another moment. He rammed into the boy, burying himself to the hilt. Kida screamed out in pain, and he waited for approval to move. He started out slow, not wanting to hurt Masaomi too much. When he found the boy's prostate, he immediately picked up a fast rhythm. He knew that neither of them would last long; it had been awhile, and the anticipation had greatly aroused them. Before he could even touch Kida's member, the blond groaned loudly and came onto his stomach and the floor. His walls contracted around the man, and he also finished with a wave of pleasure. He pulled out and brushed the hair out of Kida's face, who was sitting up, face pale and body shaking. "Masaomi?"

The blond abruptly stood and dashed into the kitchen. Izaya's face twisted into an expression of worry and confusion. He'd figured that the boy's previous bouts of sickness were due to shock and nervousness. He slowly made his way to the kitchen and crouched in front of the boy, who weakly leaned against the wall.

He felt his forehead, but his temperature wasn't abnormal. "Was I too rough?"

"No," he replied with a gravelly voice. "This has nothing to do with you."

"Are you sick? You aren't supposed to get morning sickness until a little over a month, right?"

"I don't know how far along I am."

"Wait… Why did you decide to take a test in the first place?"

"I always check every two months. Unless it was wrongly false the last one or two times, I can't be more than a few weeks pregnant. Though it doesn't show as positive until three or four weeks afterwards…" He laughed quietly.

"What is it?"

"It's still a bit weird for me to say. I'm not sure that I'll ever get used to saying it aloud. I didn't think this could happen… Maybe I forgot to take a pill. How could I make that mistake? Now we're stuck with this. I'm such an idiot… I'm sorry." He held his arm over his eyes as he cried.

Izaya removed the arm and combed through his hair with his fingers. "Masaomi, don't call our child a mistake."

"But that's what it is! I messed up, and now I have to face the consequences… And I'm dragging you down with me," he bawled.

"Alright. Here's what's going to happen: you're going to brush your teeth and take a quick shower, I'll get you water and any food you want—if you're hungry, and then we are going to talk about this."

Kida nodded slowly. "Okay."

"Are you alright to stand on your own? Do you feel like you'll be sick again? I can get in with you."

The boy got to his feet, only wobbling slightly. "I'm fine."

"I'll wait for you on the couch. Are you hungry?"

"Do we have crackers?"

"Yes. I'll get them right away. Take your time; don't rush. Leave the door open so you can let me know if you feel dizzy or nauseas."

Kida nodded again and walked away.

Content with his stability, Izaya grabbed water and crackers. He only had to wait a few minutes for Kida to join him. He gathered the boy onto his lap.

"Masaomi, I need you to listen to me closely. I never want to hear you call our child a mistake."


"Now is the time for listening. You may speak when I'm finished." He paused for Kida to nod. "We didn't plan for this, but we will give this baby attention and care because we will love him or her, regardless of the circumstances of how they were conceived. Don't tell me you're sorry because there is nothing to apologize for. I'm not angry or upset with you—this wasn't your fault. You took extra precaution, but sometimes birth control fails. We are not stuck with our child. I want this, Masaomi. I want to have this baby and raise it with you. I've considered adopting a few times, but I couldn't bring myself to do it because I was scared that I'd mess up trying to handle it on my own." He rested the blond's head on his chest and kissed the crown of his head.

"I like the idea of having a family, and this is perfect. I am so happy that I've finally found a family that I can cherish and care for. I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you and our child, so I don't want to hear anything about our situation being anything other than amazing, alright?"

Kida smiled. "Thank you; I needed that. I'm glad that we can be a family. I love you too."

"Good. Now moving on, we need to address this issue of your being sick. I'm no expert, but I find it abnormal that you're experiencing morning sickness so soon. It's probably nothing, but I'll make an appointment with a doctor just to be safe."

"No. I don't want to see a doctor. Nobody else can know about this."

Izaya considered this for a moment. "I understand. I'll keep this from getting out. However, you need to be getting regular checkups, and have a doctor that we can turn to for any questions. My friend Shinra, the only person I consider a friend, actually, is an underground doctor. I'm not certain how familiar he is with pregnancy, but I'll ask him beforehand. Otherwise, I'll find someone else trustworthy. You don't have to worry about anyone learning of this. I will do everything in my power to keep both of you safe."

"Okay. I trust you."