"Ugh!" grunted Dipper as he looked through his backpack. If there was a mystery in the world that he couldn't resolve, was how come that his money is little if it had been only a few weeks since he arrived there. It was simply impossible, how did he spent most of the 200$, which his parents gave to him for his whole stay at Gravity Falls, in so little time? He barely went out on his own, and most of the times, as hard as it may sound, Grunkle Stan gave him some money.

It was a crucial time for Dipper, because Wendy's Birthday will be next weekend and he hadn't bought a present yet. Not that he forgot to, but he had no money for it. He wanted to give her a nice pair of boots she was staring at a shop's window the other day, but since it cost 130 dollars and he had only 70, he basically couldn't afford it. He thought about asking Mabel for some money, since she also got money from their parents, and the same amount, but he never dared to ask money from her, since he thought he would be taking advantage from her.

Later that morning, Dipper, still depressed, was having breakfast along with his sister and uncle, who seemed quite uplifted.

"Dipper look!" said Mabel enthusiastically

He only looked to her direction, as she lifted a plate with pancake topped with two slices of butter and maple sauce under it, basically looking like a smiling face,

"It's Mr. Sweet-smile! He smiles and he tastes sweet!" she said as she took a bite of it.

Dipper only looked back to his bowl of cereal where he stirred it with the spoon.

"Are you alright?" asked Mabel

"Didn't you like your breakfast?" asked Grunkle Stan as he fried some bacon

"No Grunkle Stan, it's really good!"

"So what's bothering you?" asked Mabel while munching her pancakes

"I need money" sighed Dipper

"For what?"

" To buy something…"

"Let me guess, something for Wendy?"

"How did you know that?" asked Dipper surprised,

"Oh please, her birthday is next weekend, so I already expected you would do something about it" said Mabel as she sipped some orange juice,

"I would do, if only I had the money"

"But, didn't mom give you cash before we got here?"

"Yeah! But somehow I spent it often"

"And why do you want to buy an expensive gift for her? I mean, didn't she tell you-"

"I know!" interrupted Dipper "I simply just … want to be nice"

It had been a week since they left that secret bunker, and that Wendy told him that they'd be better off as friends. Even if Dipper began to move on, once in a while, he still felt upset about it.

Mabel realized that reminding him from what happened before made him feel more depressed, she looked around and saw a newspaper and she quickly had an idea

"Well, why don't you get a job?" She beamed

"Sure, as if anyone would hire a minor…"

"Nonsense!" contested Grunkle Stan as he brought a plate full of bacon to the table, "I got my first paid job when I was around your age, and in this town, they'll hire anyone who shows up!"

"Here, take a look!" said Mabel handing a newspaper to Dipper, who looked through the want ads

Dipper looked through to see if he found anything interesting and something that would pay him enough and before next weekend. He kept staring at the list until something got his attention.

"Hmm... Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria?" he commented "looking for security guard to work at nightshift… $120 dollars a week? That's it!"

"Oh, you're looking up to work there?" asked Grunkle Stan while pouring some sugar in his coffee.

"Yeah, why? Do you know that place?" asked Dipper

"Well I've drove by that place many times, although I've never been there"

"Why is that?" asked Mabel

"It's a family restaurant, and there's nothing more humiliating for a single childless person to go there"

"Oh! But you have me and Dipper now, you can bring us there!" said Mabel basically begging him to go there

"Okay, we'll go there for lunch" said Stan while sipping some coffee

"And I'll get that job" said Dipper

Later that day, at the mystery shack, Dipper was swiping the floor, meanwhile Mabel and Soos were cleaning the windows.

"It's almost time!" said Mabel excited looking to the clock,

"For what?" asked Wendy, who was reading a magazine at the cash register.

"We'll go to Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria! In a few minutes!" said Mabel

"Dudes, Are you going there? It's a magical place!" said Soos while cleaning the windows "they have many arcade games, animatronics that sing, a huge play place with a big soft play ball pool"

"Sounds like a Chuck e. Cheese's rip-off" said Dipper

Mabel looked to Soos with her huge eyes highlighted "I can see paradise!" she whispered with joy

"Yeah, that place can be a child's dreamland" commented Wendy

"You've been there before?" asked Dipper

" Yeah Dude! who hasn't ever been there?" said Wendy "I mean, the whole town has gone to that place at least once, I did, back when I was a child"

"The whole town except for Grunkle Stan" said Dipper

"Did you like it?" wondered Mabel

"Yeah! I guess so, until I felt I outgrew to go there" said Wendy "So, why are you guys going there anyway?"

"Well, they have a job available, and I'm excited to start it" said Dipper

"And I want to know that place!" said Mabel

"Dude, you're going to work there? And I thought no one would" said Soos

"What do you mean?" asked Dipper

"They always keep that want ad since as early I can remember" said Soos "I always dreamed working there when I was a kid"

"Why would they keep an ad for so long?" asked Mabel herself "Do they need so many workers?"

"Why on earth would they need a lot of workers" asked Dipper trying to reason with his sister

"Maybe because that place gets crowded, especially on Saturdays" said Grunkle Stan entering the room, "Let's go kids, otherwise we won't find a seat!"

The Pines trio left the Mystery Shack, entered the car and drove to the restaurant. As Grunkle Stan predicted, that place was completely crowded, they could hear the children's loud voices from every corner, and families enjoying some big chunks of pizza slices. The place was exactly how Soos described, a huge play place with a big soft play ball pool, several arcade games, and in the back was a big stage that had the curtains closed.

"That must be where the animatronics are" mused Dipper

They luckily found a seat, and as they got attended by a waiter, Dipper told him that he came to apply the job, meanwhile Mabel and Stan ordered 3 sodas and a large ground beef pizza. The waiter told Dipper to go with him, to see the manager, and as they left, the lights from one part of the hall turned off as some stage lights lighted the stage, the curtains opened, and Dipper could see an animatronic Bear with a hat, a light purple rabbit with a guitar and a chicken.

"Hey Everybody! I'm Freddy !" said the bear;

"I'm Bonnie" said the rabbit;

"I'm Chica!" said the chicken;

"And we're here to rock!" said the trio as the kids cheered, including Mabel, who was in the front row screaming of joy, causing a huge embarrassment to Dipper, who simply face-palmed.

The animatronic animals began singing some washed up songs which Dipper couldn't wait to get out of there. However, he kept walking with the waiter into the manager's office.

"I guess you just met our stars!" said the waiter, "there's another one, Foxy, who's a pirate fox, however, he stays in a different stage, the pirate cove, but it's out of order"

The waiter stopped at the office's door, where he knocked

" , there's a young man who wants the job" said the Waitor

"Oh! Great news! Let him in" he said;

"Well, I have to go back to work, good luck!" said the waiter as he left dipper in front of the office room,

Dipper entered the room, and saw a middle-aged man doing some paperwork at his desk

"So, you must be the one looking to work here" he said as he greeted dipper

"Yes, I saw your advertisement on the newspaper, and thought it would be interesting working here" replied Dipper

"Good, I'm Jordan Willow, I run this place since ten years ago, you would be?"

"Oh! I'm Dipper"

"Okay Mr. Dipper, I guess it's my pleasure to welcome you to Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria, the most magical pizza restaurant in this town, we've been cheering and feeding customers with fun and laughter for more than 20 years."

"Well, thank you!" said Dipper amused

"So, you came to look for the job as security guard at night, not bad choice, we'll give you some instructions of your work desk, and your uniform"

"Oh, okay" nodded Dipper

"More instructions will be given by the former security guard on your first day" said Willow "well, that's it! You start at Monday!"

"Thank you sir, Bye!" said Dipper and left the room,

Dipper returned to the table, where Grunkle Stan and Mabel were sitting, in the moment the Pizza they ordered arrived. Without hesitation, each of them grabbed a slice and began eating.

"So, how did it go?" asked Mabel curiously

"I went fine, I got the job" said Dipper while biting the slice

"That' really good kid" said grunkle stan "I'm sure this job will be relaxing for you"

"Yeah, I guess so" concluded Dipper.

Dipper couldn't be more wrong about that…..