Ugh, there was an error with the chapter.. again

However, I hope you enjoy it!


-Yuzu P.O.V.-

I woke up this morning to an empty bed, it was a saturday but I still wasn't surprised. Mei always wakes up earlier than me, so she's probably finishing some Student Council work in the living room.

I get up and go to the living room realizing that Mei wasn't there, so where is she? I enter the kitchen and it's empty too, something is up. I look for a note from Mei since she usually leaves one when she has to go out, but there was none. I start panicking and run around the house, checking every room to make sure that Mei really isn't here. This is bad, really bad, Mei never leaves like this! I have to call mom. Grabbing my phone, I dial my mom's number.



"Good Morning, Yuzuko, what's the matter?", I hear my mom's voice.

"Me-Mei isn't here. She didn't leave a note like she usually does and I already checked every room in the house! I can't find her!", I quickly tell her.

"Yuzu, calm down, she probably forgot to leave a note, I'm sure she will be back later.", I don't think so.

"But mom, Mei never forgets something this important! Something is up with her!", Please believe me, please believe me, I prayed.

"Come on, love, there's nothing to worry about. It's Mei, I'm sure she is fine. Look, I have to get back to work, see you later.", No!

"Wait m-", Aghh, thank you so much!

What do I do now?! I have to do something about this... oh, I have an idea!

-Mei P.O.V.-

I wake up feeling the sunlight hitting my face, and even though it bothers most people, I find it really pleasing. I look at Yuzu's side to find out that older step-sister is still sleeping, she'll probably stay like this for some more minutes or even hours, so I decide to get up and go eat breakfast. I walk towards the kitchen, open the fridge and to my surprise it's almost empty, ugh, I bet that Yuzu is the responsible for this, so I realize that if I really want to eat something, I have to do some grocery shopping.

I walk back to my shared bedroom, get dressed and leave the house. It's a nice morning, meaning that it'll be a pacific day... I hope.

The walk to the closest shop that's 30 minutes away wasn't bad, there were only a few people on the streets and cars passed by once in a while, it's obvious that most kids and teenagers are still sleeping and that the adults are working, it's always like this.

I enter the store, get a shopping cart and walk around grabbing everything that I need and when I finally decide to go pay for the groceries, the little devil shows up.

"Mei-san~ What are you doing here so early in the morning?", Is she blind? Can't she see what I'm doing?

"Shopping.", I said giving her a blank stare.

"Ohh, I see.", Kids these days.

I decide to ignore what she's about to say and walk towards the counter. Paying for everything and grabbing the sacks, I start making my way back home.

"Wait up! Mei-san! Come on, I only want to talk.", Here she comes with that smile of hers.

"Can't you see that I'm busy?", Stop annoying me.

"Stop being so stubborn. Where's Yuzu?"

"Sleeping, what do you want from her?", Get out.

"Nothing, it's saturday, so I just wanted to hang out, but don't worry, I'll walk back with you", Oh, come on!

-30 minutes later-

Thankfully, Matsuri didn't say anything else the whole trip back and when I finally arrive at our apartment I notice that there are two police cars next to the main door, but why?

"Hey, what's up with all of this?", Matsuri asks.

"I don't know...", I grab my keys and open the main door, enter the elevator and start going up towards our floor. The elevator stops and it's doors open, then I take a step towards the hall and notice that our apartment's door is open with a police officer smoking right next to it. Ok, now I'm scared. I start approaching the man and when he sees me walking towards him, his eyes widen.

"Chief! The victim is here!", the victim? WHAT?! I hear rushed steps coming from inside our apartment towards the door and then a tall, bulky man followed by a teary eyed Yuzu show up. What's wrong?

"Oh my god, Mei! I thought that something happened to you!", Yuzu says, crushing me with one of her hugs.

"As you can see I'm right here and... alive?", Why would she think that something happened to me?

"But you didn't leave a note like you usually do, so I thought that something was wrong!", Oh my god...

"You called the police department because I didn't leave a note? Yuzu, I'm sorry, but that's exaggerating."

"It's not! You could've been kidnapped!", Exaggerating...

"If I was kidnapped, the apartment would've been a mess and you would've woken up. Come on, now we have more important things to do.", I said annoyed, looking at the police officers.

I'm still hungry...


I hope you enjoyed it and please leave a review :P

Also, tell me what u think about the new citrus chapter e.e